scholarly journals Effect of Gargling of Young Coconut Water on Saliva pH of Elementary School Children in Batua Village, Makassar City

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-33
Syamsul Burhan

Various ways have been done to reduce the risk of caries including by utilizing a variety of plants and plants one of which is young coconut water. This study aims to determine the effect of gargling young coconut water on saliva pH, knowing the pH of saliva before and after gargling young coconut water and to determine the effect of gargling old coconut water on salivary pH. This research method is Pretest and Post-test research design. This study aims to examine the pH of saliva before and after treatment. Retrieval of data is done by purposive sampling technique. The results showed that gargling young coconut water could affect the pH of saliva, gargling young coconut water could reduce the pH of saliva, gargling young coconut water lowered the pH of saliva compared to gargling old coconut water. We recommend that you rinse water after consuming young coconut water or old coconut water.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-132
Leni Marlina

helminthiasis is a disease caused by a worm or helminth. Worm disease is a neglected infectious diseases / Neglected Infectious Disease (NIDS), which can lead to declining health, nutrition, intelligence and productivity. Factors that could cause the high incidence of worm disease is sanitation, hygiene, education level, socio-economic, knowledge, attitudes, behavior and geographical conditions. This study aimed to determine the relationship Soil transmitted helminth infections with Hb levels in elementary school children in the fishing village town of Bengkulu. This study was a cross sectional analytic. Subjects were four primary school pupils in Desa Nelayan of Bengkulu. Large sample of 185 samples. Sampling with simple random sampling technique. Examination of faeces by direct methods. Analysis of the samples by using the t test. The result showed no significant association with Hb STH infection (p = 0.09), no significant relationship with personal hygiene STH infection (p = 0.89), no significant association with the school environment sanitation STH infections (p = 0.34) and no significant relationship with the environmental sanitation STH infection (p = 0.70) in the elementary school children in Desa Nelayan of Bengkulu. The school have to provide counseling so that maintain the health of the prevention efforts that can reduce STH infections in elementary school children.

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Ayu Retno Duwi Prima Yanti ◽  
Feri Tirtoni

This study aims to determine the parenting pattern of working parents at home and working parents outside the home in the formation of children's character during the Covid-19 pandemic and to determine the effect of parenting patterns of working parents at home and working parents outside the home in character building. children during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative research. The subjects of this study were the parents of 5th grade elementary school children. The object of this research is parenting style. The method used in collecting data is observation and interviews. The results of the study indicate that there are differences in parenting patterns that cause differences in the character of children. From the results of the study, it is known that many parents educate their children with their different parenting patterns which causes the formation of character in children is also different. In educating, guiding children, appropriate parenting patterns are needed so that the formation of children's character can be in accordance with what parents want.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Wahyu Adhi Saputro ◽  
Fachruddin Edi Nugroho Saputro

AbstrakJumlah penduduk yang semakin meningkat diikuti dengan selarasnya kebutuhan pangan namun tidak diikuti dengan peningkatan sektor pertanian di Indonesia ditunjukkan dengan semakin berkurangnya minat anak muda di bidang pertanian. Permasalahan mengenai penurunan minat anak muda di pertanian hakikatnya menjadi perhatian khusus dari berbagai pihak karena menjadi faktor penghambat pertumbuhan pembangunan pertanian. SD Negri 01 Manang merupakan mitra yang tepat untuk diberikannya kurikulum pendidikan anak yang diselipkan arti penting pertanian sehingga dari masa kanak-kanak potensi pertanian untuk masa depan tertanam dalam pola pikir mereka. Solusi mengenai model edukasi pertanian sejak dini dirasa sangat tepat menarik minat anak-anak dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan, kemampuan dan kesenangan setiap anak sehingga dampaknya dapat meminimumkan dampak ketidaktertarikan generasi muda terhadap bidang pertanian. Program Agroschooling memiliki tujuan untuk mengenalkan kepada anak-anak sekolah dasar mengenai pentingnya dunia pertanian dan pengelolaan lingkungan alam sekitar. Metode yang diberikan dalam program agroschooling anak-anak SD menonton secara virtual video tentang pertanian, kemudian ditanyai dengan beberapa pertanyaan di kuesioner dengan bantuan mahasiswa mengenai cita-cita dan kesukaan di bidang pertanian. Acara dilanjutkan dengan penanaman tanaman di ikuti dengan pertanyaan kuesioner untuk menanyai apakah ada yang ingin berganti cita-cita setelah mengikuti program Agrochooling. Data-data tersebut di analisis menggunakan linkert dan diinputkan dalam rating scale. Selain itu digunakan analisis before dan after untuk melihat peningkatan anak-anak yang ingin bekerja di sektor pertanian sebelum dan sesudah diadakan program Agroshcooling. Survei awal membuktikan bahwa sebanyak 0% dari siswa dan siswi SD yang bercita-cita ingin bekerja di sektor pertanian. Peningkatan persentase keinginan bekerja para siswa dan siswi di SD 01 Manang di bidang pertanian terjadi sebanyak 15,38% setelah diadakannya program Agroschooling. Persepsi para siswa dan siswi terhadap kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat mengenai agroschooling masuk ke dalam kategori� baik. Harapannya akan adanya kelanjutan pengabdian dengan survey ketertarikan siswa terhadap pertanian. �Kata kunci: Pertanian; Agroschooling�AbstractIncreasing population followed by harmonious food needs but not followed by an increase in the agricultural sector in Indonesia is shown by the decreasing interest of young people in agriculture. The problem regarding the decline of young people's interest in agriculture is of particular concern to various parties because it is a factor inhibiting the growth of agricultural development. SD Negri 01 Manang is the right partner for child education curriculum which is tucked in the importance of agriculture so that from childhood childhood the potential of agriculture for the future is embedded in their mindset. The solution regarding the agricultural education model from the beginning is felt to be very appropriate to attract the interests of children and adapted to the needs, abilities and enjoyment of children so that the impact can minimize the impact of the young generation's disinterest in agriculture. The method given in the agroschooling program for elementary school children watched a virtual video about agriculture, then was asked a number of questions in the questionnaire with the help of students about their ideals and preferences in agriculture. The program was followed by planting plants followed by questionnaire questions to ask if anyone wanted to change their goals after joining the Agrochooling program. The data is analyzed using linkert and entered in the rating scale. Also used before and after analysis to see the increase in children who want to work in the agricultural sector before and after the Agroshcooling program was held. The Agroschooling Program aims to introduce elementary school children about the importance of agriculture and the management of the surrounding natural environment. Initial survey prove that as many as 0% of elementary school students want to work in the agricultural sector. The increase in the percentage of students wanting to work at SD 01 Manang in agriculture occurred as much as 15.38%. The perception of students and students of community service activities regarding agroschooling into the good category. The hope is that there will be continued service by surveying student�s interest in agriculture �Keywords: Agriculture; Agroschooling

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 239
Ricvan Dana Nindrea

<em>Basic Health Research Data years 2010-2013 showed an increased prevalence of nutritional status (BMI for Age) with a category of thin 7,6%, while in 2013 increased to 11,2%. Total of 16 provinces have prevalence thin School Age Children above the national prevalence, one of the province are the West Sumatra Province. One of the causes of the incident is school age children's food consumption is not good. This study aims to determine the effect of nutrition counseling to behavior change of breakfast in elementary school students. This type of research with pre experimental study. The research approach using a design one group pre and post test design. The study was conducted in 05 Elementary Schools of South Solok District. The research was conducted from November 2015 to May 2016. The population in this study all students in fourth and fifth grade 05 Elementary School South Solok District. These samples included 58 people with the sampling technique stratified random sampling. Data analysis was performed using mutivariat General Linear Model (GLM) Repeated Measures analysis. The survey results revealed an increase in the average behavior before and after counseling 3 times. Average behavior before the counseling 18 ± 4,2, post test I increased to 25 ± 4,4, post test II increased to 30 ± 2,2 and post test III increased 37 ± 3,5. Based on the analysis of the GLM Repeated Measures according breakfast behavior known that increasing breakfast behavior has occurred in the post test I (p = 0,000), as well as post test II and III (p = 0,000).</em>

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Tiurma Sinaga ◽  
Clara M. Kusharto ◽  
Budi Setiawan ◽  
Ahmad Sulaeman

The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of one dish meal breakfast on dietary intake and adequacy level of energy and other nutrients of elementary school children. The study used pre-experimental<br />one-group pretest-posttest design and was conducted from March to May 2011 at Kebon Kopi 2 Public Elementary<br />School in Bogor City. The total number of sixty two elementary students were fully participated in this study, most of them were girls aged 11 years old. The Ethical Approval for this study was obtained from Komisi Etik Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan No. KE.01.05/EC/301/2011. The study showed that there was significant difference before and after giving one dish meal breakfast as school feeding among the elementary school children (pKey words: one dish meal, breakfast school, dietary intakes, nutrient adequacy, elementary school children

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-47
Desi ◽  
Didik Hariyadi

Sufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits is one balanced nutritional indicator. Indonesian people (60.44%) consume fewer vegetables and fruits. The fiber content in vegetables and fruit is very useful for the body. Nutrition education in early childhood aims to shape nutritional behavior to be better. Efforts to improve nutrition knowledge can be done with appropriate, interesting, and easily understood media for children including storytelling methods. Therefore, it is necessary to research nutrition education through a storytelling method to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits for elementary school children. This study aims to determine the effect of nutrition education through storytelling methods to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits for elementary school children. This research is a pre-experiment. one group pre-post test. Data analysis in this study using the Paired Sample T-test. The subjects of this study were the elementary school children of 21 North Pontianak totaling 35 samples. The technique of collecting questionnaire data was chosen by direct interview, to see the difference in the consumption of vegetables and fruits. Based on the results of statistical tests of fruit intake scores before and after the intervention of 35 respondents obtained p-value 0,000 <0,05 this indicates that there is a significant difference between the fruit intake score before and after. The statistical test results of vegetable intake scores before and after the intervention were obtained p-value 0,000 <0,05, indicating that there were significant differences in vegetable intake scores in school children.

Marlinda Budiningsih ◽  
Nofi Marlina Siregar ◽  
Hernawan Hernawan

This study aims to create a product in the form of a game model based on environmental insights for elementary school children. This research is a research development using research and development from Borg and Gall which consists of ten steps. In this study, researchers only used eight steps because after conducting a small group trial and product evaluation it was declared to be feasible for a primary trial or field trial by experts. This study involved 80 subjects aged 6-12 years. Data collected through observation, interviews, and tests.The significant value of the difference in the results of t-count = 28,971, and p-value = 0.00 <0.05, which means there is a significant difference in understanding of environmental insights before and after being treated in the form of a game model based on environmental insights. It was concluded that the game model developed was effective in increasing understanding of environmental knowledge for children aged 6-12 years.

Aleksandar Puklavec ◽  
Ljubomir Antekolović ◽  
Pavle Mikulić

The aim of this study was to examine the acquisition of the long jump skill in elementary school children using augmented feedback of varying type and frequency. Eighty-eight boys and girls aged (mean ± SD) 11 ± 0.5 years, without any prior experience in the long jump skill acquisition,  were assigned to one of the four study groups: (1) the group receiving only verbal feedback on key errors, (2) the group receiving both verbal and video feedback on key errors, (3) the group receiving both verbal and video feedback on all errors, and (4) the group receiving no feedback. Before and after an 8-week training intervention, long jump distance and relevant kinematic variables were recorded. The results indicated that the group receiving both verbal and video feedback on all errors improved the most in terms of the long jump distance. Varying feedback influenced kinematic parameters differently, as there was no consistent change in the monitored kinematic variables across groups. It was concluded that, when learning a complex motor skill in a typical Physical Education setting, elementary school children are likely to benefit the most when receiving frequent feedback (both verbal and using video analysis, focusing on all errors) in comparison with the situation in which they receive feedback reduced in the type (only verbal) and the frequency (focusing only on key errors).Keywords: bandwidth feedback; kinematics; knowledge of performance; motor learning. --- Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati utjecaj različitih količina i vrsta povratnih informacija (PI) u procesu usvajanja tehnike skoka u dalj kod učenika osnovne škole. Osamdeset i osam učenika i učenica, starosti 11 (±0,5) godina, bez prethodnoga iskustva u treningu skoka u dalj, raspodijeljeno je u jednu od četiriju skupina ispitanika koje su dobivale PI: (1) verbalno samo na ključne greške, (2) verbalno i vizualno samo na ključne greške, (3) verbalno i vizualno na sve greške ili (4) nisu primale PI. Duljina skoka i relevantni kinematički parametri skoka u dalj izmjereni su prije i nakon 8-tjednog eksperimentalnoga tretmana. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako je grupa koja je primala PI, na svaku grešku verbalnim i vizualnim putem najviše napredovala u smislu duljine skoka u dalj. Različite količine i vrste PI različito djelovale su na promatrane kinematičke parametre te nisu uočene konzistentne promjene između grupa. Zaključeno je kako djeca osnovnoškolske dobi prilikom usvajanja kompleksne motoričke vještine imaju više koristi od većih frekvencija PI (verbalnih i vizualnih na sve greške) u usporedbi s reduciranim PI prema vrsti (samo verbalne) ili frekvenciji (samo na ključne greške).Ključne riječi: kinematika; motoričko učenje; poznavanje izvedbe; reducirane povratne informacije.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 301
Ratnayani Ratnayani ◽  
Gusti Kumala Dewi ◽  
Vera Kasmira ◽  
Ina Ratnawati

An Elementary school (SD) children are one of the main targets of street food vendors. These snacks provide energy and some nutrients for those who consume it. However, there are things to be alert  from street food, especially in terms of food safety. There are still many street food that made using food additives (colourings, sweeteners, preservatives, etc.) that do not meet the requirements. This can cause poisoning and even Extraordinary Events. Based on this, it is necessary to provide education about street food for elementary school children so that they can choose the healthy street food. Given the unfavorable situation, education is conducted online through Google Meet (Gmeet). The theme raised in this education is "Great Children Have Healthy Snacks" and the targets are 5th graders at ABATA Islamic School Elementary School, Karawang. The education event was carried out twice, on January 14 and 21, 2021. To find out whether the participants had understood the material presented, a pre-test and post-test were conducted. This activity has increased students' nutritional knowledge. This can be seen from the average post-test score which is higher than the pre-test

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-31
Rusmali Rusmali ◽  
Abral Abral ◽  
Muhammad Ibraar Ayatullah

The incidence of dental caries in children is very vulnerable because children have not been able to maintain dental and oral hygiene, one effort that can be done is to provide education in the form of how to brush teeth properly and correctly. The next step is to help the teeth to be more resistant to acid due to the acidogenic metabolism of plaque and food scraps, one of which can be done is smearing the teeth with a fluoride solution. This fluorine solution works or binds the arrangement of interpreting to become denser so that the acid from the results of metabolism by germs so that there is no demineralization of tooth enamel. This study aims to describe the effect of the application of SnF or NaF fluorine to Saliva pH of 9-14-year-old elementary school children in Pontianak City in 2018. The research method uses Explanatory Research, surveys with direct examination to apply SnF or NaF fluorine and salivary pH measurements with a paper indicator to see the pH of saliva. The type of research used is descriptive analytics, to see the average Saliva pH after fluorine application, see the effect of fluorine application, see the magnitude of the influence of R2 and see the level of verification. The test used in Regression. The results of the research conducted on 186 samples obtained the average data, namely female respondents as much as 52.2%, age of 11 years old elementary school children as much as 33.3%, Saliva 7 pH as much as 58.6%, fluorine application (R) effect amounted to .45, the amount of influence (R2) of fluorine application is 45% and Siq value. 0,000 <0,005. The conclusion is that the effect of the application of SnF or NaF fluorine to Saliva pH in elementary school age children aged 9-14 years with an average pH 7 (58.6%) with a magnitude of fluorine influence of 45%, the level of qualification is very strong because of the value siq. 0,000 <0,005.

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