Influences and Properties of Various Activated Carbon and Carbon Black Filled in Epoxy Composite

2011 ◽  
Vol 264-265 ◽  
pp. 513-517 ◽  
P. Firoozian ◽  
H.P.S. Abdul Khalil ◽  
Md Akil Hazizan ◽  
Ahmad Md. Noor

This paper reports the investigation on the flexural properties of activated carbon filled epoxy composites. The Comparison of the properties between different sources of activated carbon, are illustrated. It has to be disposed safely or used for recovery of valuable materials as agricultural wastes like bamboo stem, coconut shell and Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB). Therefore these wastes have been explored for the preparation of activated carbon and carbon black employing chemical activation by H3PO4 and physical activation, respectively. The effect of pyrolysis and chemical activation on the activated carbon filled epoxy composite properties including mechanical (flexural strength), 5 % percent of carbon filler and Scan Electron Microscope SEM micrograph were analyzed. These determined the interaction between activated carbon filled epoxy composite. This study is to compare the effect of the nature of the different types of fillers on the epoxy composites material properties. The microstructures of the farcture surface was examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) were formed during the different preparation stages.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 221
Muhammad Azam ◽  
Muhammad Anas ◽  
Erniwati Erniwati

This study aims to determine the effect of variation of activation temperature of activated carbon from sugar palm bunches of chemically activatied with the activation agent of potassium silicate (K2SiO3) on the adsorption capacity of iodine and methylene blue. Activated carbon from bunches of sugar palmacquired in four steps: preparationsteps, carbonizationstepsusing the pyrolysis reactor with temperature of 300 oC - 400 oC for 8 hours and chemical activation using of potassium silicate (K2SiO3) activator in weight ratio of 2: 1 and physical activation using the electric furnace for 30 minutes with temperature variation of600 oC, 650 oC, 700 oC, 750 oC and 800 oC. The iodine and methyleneblue adsorption testedby Titrimetric method and Spectrophotometry methodrespectively. The results of the adsorption of iodine and methylene blue activated carbon from sugar palm bunches increased from 240.55 mg/g and 63.14 mg/g at a temperature of 600 oC to achieve the highest adsorption capacity of 325.80 mg/g and 73.59 mg/g at temperature of 700 oC and decreased by 257.54 mg/g and 52.03 mg/g at a temperature of 800 oCrespectively.However, it does not meet to Indonesia standard (Standard Nasional Indonesia/SNI), which is 750 mg/g and 120 mg/g respectively.

2015 ◽  
Vol 813-814 ◽  
pp. 46-50 ◽  
Julias A. Arockia ◽  
Kumar N. Ram ◽  
Murali Vela

In this study the lamina properties of glass/epoxy, carbon/epoxy and kevlar/epoxy composite along their principal coordinate axes were evaluated by performing tensile test. The laminates were prepared by hand lay-up technique and compressed using a compression molding machine at 70 oc and 80 bar pressure. The test was conducted as per ASTM standard D3039 by affixing strain gauges in the specimen to obtain the longitudinal and transverse strain. The mechanism of failure was also studied by performing fractographic analysis using scanning electron microscope which shows peeled off fiber surfaces in the case of kevlar/epoxy laminate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-13
Ni Made Dwidiani ◽  
Putu Wijaya Sunu ◽  
Gusti Ngurah Nitya Santhiarsa

This work studies the use of red chilli tree (capsicum anuumm L) waste as material of activated carbon and examines the morphological structure and elemental composition of the activated chili trees. The morphological structure was measured at TekMIRA (Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara, Bandung) by using the scanning electron microscope (SEM), and the composition of the elements of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and ash is determined by the ultimate testing analysis with the ASTM D5373 standard. In the testing procedure, activated carbon is made from red chili tree waste by dehydration with a temperature of 2000 C for 1 hour and carbonized with a temperature of 3750 C for 1 hour. Then, the chemical activation (NaOH) is made in variation of concentration of 1%, 3%, and 5% with soaked time 24 hours, and dried at 2000 C for one hour. The carbonization at a concentration of 1% (NaOH) gave the best result on activated carbon from red chili trees.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1107 ◽  
pp. 347-352 ◽  
Collin Glen Joseph ◽  
Duduku Krishniah ◽  
Yun Hin Taufiq-Yap ◽  
Masnah Massuanna ◽  
Jessica William

Abstract. Waste tires, which are an abundant waste product of the automobile industry, were used to prepare activated carbon by means of physical and chemical activation. A two-stage process was used, with a semi-carbonization stage as the first stage, followed by an activation stage as the second stage.All experiments were conducted in a laboratory-scale muffle furnace under static conditions in a self-generated atmosphere. During this process, the effects of the parametric variables of semi-carbonization time (for the physical activation process), activation time and temperature and impregnation ratios (for the chemical activation process) on the percentage yield were studied and compared. Varying these parametric variables yielded interesting results, which in turn affected the adsorption process of 2,4-DCP, which was the simulated pollutant in aqueous form. The optimized percentage yields of activated carbon that were obtained were 41.55% and 44.88% ofthe physical and chemical activation treatment processes respectively.Keywords: Physical activation, chemical activation, waste rubber tires, 2,4-dichlorophenol, activated carbon.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-98
Andy Mizwar

Limbah rotan dari industri kerajinan dan mebel berpotensi untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan karbon aktif karena memiliki kandungan holoselulosa dan kadar karbon yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas dari aktivasi kimia menggunakan larutan natrium klorida (NaCl) yang dilanjutkan dengan aktivasi fisik dalam pembuatan karbon aktif berbahan dasar  limbah serutan rotan. Pembuatan karbon aktif diawali dengan proses karbonisasi pada suhu 250°C selama 1 jam. Selanjutnya aktivasi kimia menggunakan larutan NaCl dengan variasi konsentrasi 10%, 15% dan 20% serta waktu perendaman selama 10, 15 dan 20 jam. Aktivasi fisik dilakukan dengan pembakaran pada suhu 700°C selama 30 menit. Analisis karakteristik fisik-kimia karbon aktif mengacu pada SNI 06-3730-95, meliputi kadar air, fixed carbon, dan iodine number, sedangkan perhitungan luas permukaan spesifik karbon aktif dilakukan dengan Metode Sears. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi optimum aktivasi kimia terjadi pada konsentrasi NaCl 10% dan lama perendaman 10 jam dengan hasil analisis kadar air 2.90%, fixed carbon 72.70%, iodine number 994.59 mg/g dan luas permukaan 1587.67 m²/g. Peningkatan fixed carbon, iodine number dan luas permukaan karbon aktif berbanding terbalik dengan peningkatan konsentrasi NaCl dan lama waktu perendaman, sedangkan peningkatan kadar air pada karbon aktif berlaku sebaliknya. Rattan waste from handicraft and furniture industry could potentially be used as raw material of activated carbon due to high content of holoselulosa and carbon. This paper investigates the effectiveness of chemical activation using sodium chloride (NaCl) followed by physical activation in the making of activated carbon-based on rattan shavings waste. Preparation of the activated carbon began with the carbonization process at 250°C for 1 hour. Furthermore chemical activation using a variation of NaCl concentrations 10%, 15% and 20% as well as the time of immersion 10, 15 and 20 hours. Physical activation was done by burning at 700°C for 30 minutes. Analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of the activated carbon was referred to the SNI 06-3730-95, including of moisture content, fixed carbon and iodine number, while the calculation of the specific surface area was done by the Sears’s method. The results of this study showed that the optimum conditions of chemical activation occurred in impregnation by NaCl 10% for 10 hours. The water content, fixed carbon, iodine number and surface area of activated carbon was 2.90%, 72.70%, 994.59 mg/g and 1587.67 m²/g  respectively. The increase values of fixed carbon, iodine number, and surface area was inversely proportional to the increase of NaCl concentration and the length of impregnation time, while the increase of water content applied vice versa.

2014 ◽  
Vol 896 ◽  
pp. 179-182 ◽  
Erman Taer ◽  
Iwantono ◽  
Saidul Tua Manik ◽  
R. Taslim ◽  
D. Dahlan ◽  

Binderless activated carbon monoliths (ACMs) for supercapacitor electrodes were prepared from sugarcane bagasse by two different methods of physical and combination of physical-chemical activation process. The CO2 gas was used as physical activation agent and 0.3 M KOH was chosen as chemical activation agent. The ACMs were tested as electrodes in two-electrode systems of the coin tape cell supercapacitor that consists of stainless steel as current collectors and 1 M H2SO4 as an electrolyte. The improving of resistive, capacitive and energy properties of combination of physical-chemical ACMs electrodes were shown by an impedance spectroscopy, a cyclic voltammetry and a galvanostatic charge-discharge method. The improving of resistive, capacitive and energy properties as high as 1 to 0.6 Ω, 146 to 178 F g-1, 3.83 to 4.72 W h kg-1, respectively. The X-ray diffraction analysis and field emission scanning electron microscope were performed to characterize the crystallite and morphology characteristics. The results showed that the combination of physical-chemical activation process have given a good improving in performance of the bagasse based ACMs electrodes in supercapacitor application.

2014 ◽  
Vol 554 ◽  
pp. 22-26 ◽  
Jibril Mohammed ◽  
Noor Shawal Nasri ◽  
Muhammad Abbas Ahmad Zaini ◽  
Usman Hamza Dadum ◽  
Murtala Musa Ahmed

There is significantly abundant portion of waste agricultural materials in the world serving as environmental challenge, however, they could be converted into useful value added products like activated carbon. Coconut shell based carbons were synthesized using physical activation by CO2 and chemical activation with potassium hydroxide and potassium acetate. The BET surface areas and pore volumes are 361m2/g and 0.19cm3/g for physical activation, 1353m2/g and 0.61cm3/g for activation with KOH and 622m2/g and 0.31cm3/g for potassium acetate activated carbon. From the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy analysis, hydroxyls, alkenes and carbonyl functional groups were identified with more prominence on the chemically activated porous carbons. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) results showed occurrence of moisture pyrolysis at 105°C, the pyrolysis of hemicellulose and cellulose occurred at 160–390°C and lignin at (390-650°C). Carbonization at 700°C and 2hrs had highest yield of 32%. Physical activation yielded lower surface area with approximately 88% micropores. On the other hand, chemically activation yielded higher surface area with elevated mesopores. The porous carbons can be applied to salvage pollution challenges.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 149
Mahmud Sudibandriyo ◽  
L Lydia

Surface area characterization of activated carbon from sugarcane baggase by chemical activationAdsorption is one the process with many applications in the industries such as in a separation or in gas storage. In this adsorption, adsorbent selection is the most important thing. One of the adsorbent most suitable for this process is activated carbon. Previous studies show that high surface area of activated carbon can be produced from sugarcane bagasse using activator ZnCl2. The research’s goal is to produce activated carbon from sugarcane bagasse and determine the effects of activator on the surface area of activated carbon produced. Activators used in this research are KOH and ZnCl2 with the mass ratio of activator/carbon are 1/1, 2/1 and 3/1. The results show that The highest surface area, 938,2 m2/g, is obtained by activation using KOH with mass ratio of activator/carbon 3/1, whereas the highest surface area by activation using ZnCl2 is 632 m2/g with mass ratio of activator/carbon 2/1. For comparison, preparation of activated carbon by physical activation is also done and the surface area is 293 m2/g.Keywords: Activated carbon, chemical activation, sugarcane bagasse, KOH, ZnCl2 Abstrak Adsorpsi merupakan salah satu proses yang banyak digunakan dalam industri baik dalam pemisahan maupun untuk penyimpanan gas. Pada proses adsorpsi ini, pemilihan adsorben merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Salah satu jenis adsorben yang sangat cocok untuk proses ini adalah karbon aktif. Penelusuran studi sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa karbon aktif dengan luas permukaan yang cukup tinggi dapat dibuat dari ampas tebu dengan menggunakan aktivator ZnCl2. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan karbon aktif dari ampas tebu dengan aktivasi kimia serta mengetahui pengaruh aktivator terhadap luas permukaan karbon aktif yang dihasilkan. Aktivator yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah KOH dan ZnCl2 dengan rasio massa aktivator/massa karbon 1/1, 2/1, dan 3/1. Aktivasi dilakukan pada temperatur 700 oC selama 1 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa luas permukaan tertinggi sebesar 938,2 m2/g diperoleh dengan aktivasi menggunakan KOH dengan rasio massa aktivator/massa arang 3/1, sedangkan aktivasi dengan menggunakan ZnCl2 diperoleh luas permukaan tertinggi sebesar 632 m2/g dengan rasio massa aktivator/massa arang 2/1. Sebagai pembanding, pada penelitian ini juga dilakukan pembuatan karbon aktif dengan metode aktivasi fisika dan diperoleh luas permukaan karbon aktif sebesar 293 m2/g.Kata kunci: Aktivasi kimia, ampas tebu, karbon aktif, KOH, ZnCl2

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Agustino Agustino ◽  
Rakhmawati Farma ◽  
Erman Taer

Elektroda karbon aktif berbasis serat daun nanas (SDN) telah berhasil diproduksi dengan proses tiga langkah berikut ini, yaitu: (i) aktivasi kimia, (ii) karbonisasi, dan (iii) aktivasi fisika. Aktivasi kimia dilakukan dengan menggunakan agen pengaktif KOH dengan konsetrasi 0,3 M. Karbonisasi dilakukan dalam lingkungan gas N2 pada temperatur 600oC dan diikuti oleh aktivasi fisika pada temperatur 850oC menggunakan gas CO2 selama 2,5 jam. Luas permukaan spesifik elektroda 512,211 m2×g-1 dengan volume total pori sebesar 0,093 cm3×g–1, dan jari-jari pori rata-rata 1,199 nm. Morfologi permukaan elektroda karbon aktif menunjukkan adanya serat karbon dengan diameter serat dalam kisaran 101 - 185 nm dan memliki kandungan karbon dengan massa atomik sebesar 84,33%. Elektroda karbon aktif memiliki struktur amorf, yang ditunjukkan oleh dua puncak difraksi yang lebar pada sudut hamburan 24,64 dan 43,77o yang bersesuaian dengan bidang (002) dan (100). Kapasitansi spesifik, energi spesifik dan daya spesifik sel superkapasitor yang dihasilkan masing-masing sebesar 110 F×g-1, 15,28 Wh×kg-1 dan 36,69 W×kg-1. Pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) based activated carbon electrode has been successfully produced using three-step process, i.e. (i) chemical activation, (ii) carbonization, and (iii) physical activation. The chemical activation was carried out using KOH activating agent with a concentration of 0.3 M. The carbonization process is conducted out in N2 gas environment at 600oC and followed by physical activation at a temperature of 850oC by using CO2 gas for 2.5 h. The specific surface area of the electrode is 512.211 m2×g-1 with a total pore volume of 0.093 cm3×g-1, and average pore radius of 1.199 nm. The surface morphology of the electrode shown the carbon fibers with diameter in the range of 101 - 185 nm and carbon content with 84.33% of atomic mass. The activated carbon electrode has an amorphous structure, which is shown by two wide diffraction peaks at scattering angles of 24.64 and 43.77o which correspond to the plane (002) and (100), respectively. The specific capacitance, energy and power of the electrode are 110 F×g-1, 15.28 Wh×kg-1 and 36.69 W×kg-1, respectively.Keywords: Serat daun nanas, Kalium hidroksida, Elektroda karbon aktif, Kapasitansi spesifik, Superkapasitor 

Muhammad S. Muzarpar ◽  
A. M. Leman

Activated carbon (AC) was recognized by many researchers as useful substance in adsorption of impurities. Several processes involved in the production of AC which were carbonization, crushing, and activation process. Carbonization of carbon required high temperature up to 900oC. Then the carbon will be crush to a desired size for activation process. Activation of carbon can be either chemical activation, physical activation or combination of chemical and physical activation which called physiochemical activation. The mechanism adsorption of AC commonly due to its micropore present in the carbon or the weak vander waals forces which can attract the impurities. Activated carbon have multiple function in human daily life. This study will be discuss the function of AC in the production face mask, water filtration and air filtration.

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