Constructing Tanzanian Enterpreneurial Subjects: Neoliberal Development Through Local Governance

10.4335/253 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-156
Jernej Pikalo ◽  
Marinko Banjac

This paper examines how the simultaneous enhancement of local governance and capacity building as a development strategy advances the idea not only of the self-help and self-responsibility of communities but, above all, how this strategy of neoliberal development is a form of production of subjectivity through which individuals are constituted as homo oeconomicus, or, more precisely, as entrepreneurial subjects. Employing Foucault’s insights from two series of lectures, given at the Collège de France, titled Security, Territory, Population and The Birth of Biopolitics, the article examines neoliberal development incentives and policies as an effect closely related to the government of individuals as a part of a specific community or locality. These insights are reflected through the specific case study of the Tanzanian Social Action Fund. The case of TASAF shows, when analysed on two diverse but complementary levels, of delineation (descriptive) and implementation (through concrete practices), how governmental (neoliberal) strategy, by employing moral dimensions, shapes individuals into entrepreneurial subjects who act with economically rational and are at the same time convinced that improvement of their own lives depends predominantly on themselves.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Youstiana Dwi Rosita

ABSTRAK Rumah sakit adalah institusi penyedia jasa layanan kesehatan, Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro sebagai salah satu Rumah Sakit milik pemerintah kabupaten Bojonegoro. Sebagai pusat rujukandari beberapa rumah sakit di daerah Bojonegoro dan sekitarnya. Dalam penelitian ini menggunkan suatu pen dekatan dengan analisis SWOT yang merupakan langkah awal dari suatu perencanaan strategi pengembangan yang dimulai dengan identifikasi masalah, tujuan organisasi sampai pada menimbang kekuatan dan kelemahan sendiri serta peluang dan ancaman dari luar dan juga melakukan beberapa langkah penting yang menunjang pemasaran atau pengembangan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan Populasi dalam penelitian ini populasinya adalah pasien rawatinap dan pasien rawat jalan sebanyak 200 orang responden Sampel merupakan sebagian atau wakil populasi yang diteliti. Dalam penelitian ini mengunakan sampling pertimbangan (Judgement Sampling) Dari hasil pendekatan dengan analisis SWOT perlunya pelaksanaan atau realisasi dari struktur organisasi yang menempatkan farmasis dalam farmasi klinik, peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas sumber daya manusia, serta perlunya penambahan fasilitas berhubungan dengan IPTEK untuk kegiatan pelayanan farmasi baik secara manajerial maupun ke arah farmasi klinik. Kata Kunci : Farmasi, Analisis SWOT ABSTRACT The hospital is an institution health care providers, Regional General Hospital Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro as one of the government-owned hospital Bojonegoro. As the center rujukandari several hospitals in Bojonegoro and the surrounding area. In this study using the approach with a pen SWOT analysis is the first step of a development strategy planning which starts with the identification of the problem, the purpose of the organization came to weigh their own strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats from the outside and also did some important steps to support the marketing or development. This research is a case study using qualitative descriptive study design and population in this study population was rawatinap patients and outpatients as many as 200 people respondent sample is partially or representative of the population studied. In this study, using sampling considerations (Judgement Sampling) From the SWOT analysis approach with the need for the implementation or realization of the organizational structure that puts pharmacists in clinical pharmacy, improving the quality and quantity of human resources, as well as the need for additional facilities related to science and technology for good pharmaceutical service activities managerially and in the direction of clinical pharmacy. Key Words : Pharmacy, SWOT Analysis

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 37
Ikhwan Syahtaria ◽  
Sukarno Sukarno ◽  
Ali Mashudi ◽  
Edy Widodo

Sea transportation is a major factor connecting the islands of Indonesia which has strategic and important value in supporting the sustainability of the national economy. Along with the government's policy on the sea highway program and the development of the domestic shipping industry, the growth of the commercial fleet, especially vessels, is currently experiencing rapid progress. In supporting the government program and the demand for reparation and procurement of new ships in domestic production, readiness is required from the shipyard. However, the current condition of the shipyard is only able to meet 83% of the demand for new shipbuilding so that the shipyard still needs to be developed in order to improve its capabilities, so that it can meet the needs and be able to carry out its functions in accordance with the progress of shipping technology. In this study discusses the strategy of developing shipbuilding using qualitative descriptive methods and quantitative SWOT analysis. In this case study shipyard development strategy by increasing the ability of shipyards to meet the demands of ship building by increasing supporting facilities and accompanied by increasing the ability of human resources in the mastery of science and technology. Besides also by conducting cooperation with the domestic shipping industry in the procurement of supporting partsKeywords: Shipyard, Maintenence, SWOT Analysis, Developmen Strategy

Gordana Žurga

In Slovene public administration, quality management is recognised as a mean for strengthening the administrative capacity for improving effectiveness and efficiency of the government and its apparatus. In this article we present how quality management in public administration is addressed in Slovenia. The methodology used is a case study, and in this framework we present and describe main strategic documents, projects and initiatives. Special emphasis is given to the Quality Committee that was driving the area at the Ministry in charge of public administration in the period from 1999 to 2012 and its projects and activities, and to the current public administration development strategy 2015 – 2020. As a conclusion, we present how further development in this area is being addressed through the development of the national business excellence strategy for the period 2018 – 2030 where public administration is not only an important part but a driving force as well. 

Dialog ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-128
Jefirstson Richset Riwukore ◽  
Fellyanus Habaora ◽  
Fakhry Zamzam ◽  
Tien Yustini

Humans were influenced by perceptions, attitudes, cooperation, and the government roles to portray indicators of religious tolerance. Therefore, this study was carried out between January and March 2020 to deeply analyze the dimensions of perception, attitude, cooperation, and the roles of the government, using a case study technique with a descriptive approach. The population of this study were 53 people representing religious figures, community leaders, government, and levels of society. A questionnaire was used containing statements based on Likert scale measurements. Data analysis was carried out in a narrative manner. The results showed that the portrait of the dimensions of perception, attitude, cooperation, and the role of the government supports religious tolerance in the City of Kupang. However, it found that a neutral attitude was shown when it was related to the attendance to the worship of other religions. Based on the dimension of cooperation, there were also people who showed a neutral attitude on the donations or social action for the followers of other religions, and a willingness to maintain a normative business that does not conflict with adherents of other religions. Unsur manusia yang dipengaruhi oleh persepsi, sikap, kerjasama dan peran pemerintah merupakan indikator potret terhadap toleransi umat beragama. Untuk hal tersebut maka telah dilakukan penelitian sejak Januari-Maret 2020 tentang potret dimensi persepsi, sikap, kerjasama, dan peran pemerintah, menggunakan teknik studi kasus dengan pendekatan secara deskriptif. Populasi ataupun sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 53 orang sebagai representatif tokoh-tokoh agama, tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, pemerintahan, dan lapisan masyarakat. Metode survei menggunakan kuesioner yang berisi pernyataan berbasis pengukuran skala Likert. Analisis data dilakukan secara naratif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potret dimensi persepsi, sikap, kerjasama, dan peran pemerintah mendukung toleransi umat beragama di Kota Kupang. Meskipun demikian masih ada sikap umat beragama yang netral jika terkait dengan kesediaan berada di rumah ibadah pemeluk agama lain yang ada di sekitar tempat tinggal. Berdasarkan dimensi kerjasama, juga terdapat umat yang menunjukkan sikap netral terhadap kesediaan memberikan sumbangan atau aksi sosial kepada pemeluk agama lain, dan kesediaan untuk menjaga normatif usaha yang tidak bertentangan dengan pemeluk agama lain.

Vecky A.J. Masinambow ◽  
Jacline I. Sumual ◽  
Krest D. Tolosang

KAJIAN POTENSI EKONOMI MASYARAKAT NELAYAN DI KABUPATEN KEP. SITARO (STUDI KASUS SIAU BARAT) Vecky A.J.Masinambow, Jacline I.Sumual, Krest D.Tolosang Ekonomi Pembangunan-Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Sam Ratulangi Email : [email protected] ABSTRAK Tujuan  yang akan di capai dalam penelitian ini adalah  untuk mengetahui potensi Ekonomi  Masyarakat Nelayan yang ada di wilayah Kabupaten Kepulauan Siau Barat ,Mengkaji kaitan antara potensi dan masalah sehingga dapat disusun strategi pengembangan kehidupan perekonomian masyarakat nelayan  di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sitaro (Studi Kasus Siau Barat). Manfaat Penelitian Sebagai input atau bahan masukan dan pertimbangan bagi pemerintah Kabupatan Kepulauan Sitaro dalam perencanaan pembangunan wilayah terutama pembangunan ekonomi bagi masyarakat di kawasan pesisir Yakni Masyarakat Nelayan. Hasil penelitian ini berupa Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah dalam Jurnal Terakreditasi yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber publikasi  bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Kepulauan Sitaro atau bagi  SKPD yang memiliki kaitan dengan pengembangan ekonomi kawasan pesisir di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sitaro. Kata Kunci : Potensi Ekonomi, Nelayan   ABSTRACT Goals to be achieved in this research is to investigate the potential for Community Economic Fishermen in the region of the Islands District Siau West, Examining the link between the potential and the problems that can be prepared the development strategy of the economic life of fishing communities in the Islands District Sitaro (Case Study Siau West). Benefit Research As an input or input and consideration for the government Kabupatan Sitaro Islands in the planning of regional development, especially economic development for the coastal Namely Fishermen Society. The results of this study are in the Journal of Scientific Publication accredited to serve as a source for the publication of the Government of the Islands District Sitaro or for SKPD, which has links with the economic development of the coastal area in Islands District Sitaro. Keywords : Economic Potential, Fisherman

2014 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Fahmi Alusi ◽  
Dana Indra Sensuse

Abstrak People's presures for establishing good governance motivate the government to be able quickly determine a right strategy to accelerate achievement of the government goals. One of strategies implemented in government is developing e-government, as stated in the Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2003 on National Policy and Strategy Development of e-government. A framework used to measure level of development and implementation of e-government in Indonesian government institutions is PeGI (The ranking of e-government of Indonesia). To be able perform the implementation and development of e-government in a timely and effectively, it needs some strategies. This research aims to devise an e-government development strategy based on the PeGI framework by doing a case study on the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN). The methodology used is descriptive qualitative with data collection methods including document analysis, observations, and focus group discussion (FGD). Based on the analysis, it is found that the level of e-government implementation in LAPAN today is 1.88 while the level of e-government implementation expected is 3.18. Finally, this study described the strategies in LAPAN to reach the level of implementation of e-government as expected.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (Number 2) ◽  
pp. 78-87
Sabariyah Hoyaeli ◽  
Zakirah Othman ◽  
Iswandi Anas ◽  
Shafini M. Shafie

Rice is a staple food and daily routine for Malaysians. Currently, the increasing population in Malaysia has led to the need to increase rice production with more quality. Therefore,the government established a scheme with national organic standards, MS 1259: 2015 which is myOrganic certification to recognize organic farms. Koperasi ABSB is the first rice farm that obtained this certification. Thus, the aims of this study are to explore the implementation of myOrganic in Koperasi ABSB and the barriers faced by this cooperative to implementing myOrganic certification. Qualitative method is used in this case study through interviews and observation. The finding showed that the implementation of myOrganic is as follows, by register myGAP, register myOrganic, Department of Agricultural Malaysia (DOA) will send a supervisor, prepare nine files or records, perform internal and external audit, and renew myOrganic. This study is expected to increase awareness of organic farming practices and promote the implementation of myOrganic in agriculture industry especially for the new farmer who wants to register and obtain myOrganic certification.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
Nfn Darmanto ◽  
Nur Zaini

AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh menguatnya wacana mengenai pentingnya perlindungan data pribadi  dan terbitnya Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Nomor 20 Tahun 2016 tentang Perlindungan Data Pribadi dalam Sistem Elektronik. Adapun tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja implementasi Peraturan Menteri tersebut di lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten. Penelitian  dilakukan di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Gianyar, Temanggung, dan Sleman dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus, sedangkan pengum­pu­lan data menggunakan teknik studi pustaka, wawancara, dan observasi. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan menggunakan konsep implemen­tasi model Edwards yang melihat implementasi berdasarkan variabel komunikasi, sumber-sumber, kecenderungan-kecenderu­ngan, dan struk­tur birokrasi. Hasil penelitian menunjuk­kan bahwa penyelenggaraan administrasi kependudukan yang di dalamnya termasuk perlindungan data pribadi oleh Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil merujuk pada Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 61 Tahun 2015, sedangkan Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Nomor 20 tahun 2016 sama sekali belum mereka ketahui. AbstractThis research is motivated by the strengthening of discourse regarding the importance of protecting personal data and the issuance of Minister of Communication and Information Regulation No. 20 of 2016 concerning Protection of Personal Data in Electronic Systems. The research objective is to determine the performance of the implementation of the Ministerial Regulation within the District Government. The study was conducted at the Department of Population and Civil Registration at the Government of the Regency of Gianyar, Temanggung, and Sleman by using a case study method, while data collection using literature study techniques, interviews, and observations. The discussion was carried out using the concept of implementation of Edwards model that looked at implementation based on communication variables, sources, trends, and bureaucratic structure. The results showed that the administration of population administration which included the protection of personal data by the Population and Civil Registry Office referred to the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 61 of 2015, while the Minister of Communication and Information Regulation No. 20 of 2016 was completely unknown to them.   

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-248
Betty Tresnawaty

Public Relations of the Bandung Regency Government realizes that its area has a lot of potential for various local wisdom and has a heterogeneous society. This study aims to explore and analyze the values of local knowledge in developing public relations strategies in the government of Bandung Regency, West Java province. This study uses a constructivist interpretive (subjective) paradigm through a case study approach. The results showed that the Bandung Regency Government runs its government based on local wisdom. Bandung Regency Public Relations utilizes local insight and the region's potential to develop a public relations strategy to build and maintain a positive image of Bandung Regency. The impact of this research is expected to become a source of new scientific references in the development of public relations strategies in every region of Indonesia, which is very rich with various philosophies.Humas Pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung menyadari wilayahnya memiliki banyak potensi kearifan lokal yang beragam, serta memiliki masyarakatnya yang heterogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggali dan menganalisis nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dalam pengembangan strategi kehumasan di pemerintahan Kabupaten Bandung provinsi Jawa Barat.  Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma interpretif (subjektif) konstruktivis melalui pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Bandung menjalankan pemerintahannya berlandaskan pada kearifal lokal. Humas Pemkab Bandung memanfaatkan kearifan lokal dan potensi wilayahnya untuk mengembangkan strategi humas dalam membangun dan mempertahankan citra positif Kabupaten Bandung.Dampak penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi sumber rujukan ilmiah baru dalam pengembangan strategi kehumasan di setiap daerah Indonesia yang sangat kaya dengan beragam filosofi. 

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