scholarly journals Adiwiyata (Green School) Program Optimization Strategy in Malang Regency to Realize Environmentally Friendly School Citizens

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-137
Hana Naqiyya Nada ◽  
Rhina Uchyani Fajarningsih ◽  
Okid Parama Astirin

Globalization encourages rampant development by exploiting natural resources on a large scale. Adiwiyata program is a manifestation of environmental education to raise awareness and concern about the environment. However, the number of Adiwiyata schools is still small, and its implementation has met challenges and obstacles. The research aims to formulate a development strategy for the Adiwiyata program to run optimally and achieve the goals. The research was conducted in Adiwiyata elementary school,  junior high, and high school level in Malang regency consisting of Adiwiyata Award school (National or Independent) and Adiwiyata non-Award (District or Province).The study used a qualitative descriptive method with IFAS and EFAS matrices, and then a SWOT and QSPM analysis was performed. The results revealed that Adiwiyata program implementation in Malang Regency was carried out quite well. Several supporting factors and obstacles came from inside and outside the school. The planning and growth strategies were formulated for the Adiwiyata non-awarded schools in quadrant II (2.24; -0.08), while the rewarded Adiwiyata schools were in quadrant I (2.35; 2.88) with alternative development and sustainability strategies. The strategy formulation results are expected to be used as a reference in the development of the Adiwiyata program in Malang Regency.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 406

This study aimed fatherly improve the quality of guidance and counseling program at the high school level with a focus issue focused on improving Tutoring Service Orientation Learning can be overcome anxiety students choose majors in high school and what efforts can be done counselor in helping students for placement and majors.The study design is described in a spiral of action research based on the adaptation of Hopkins with two cycles and each cycle of four phases of activity. Based on research data processing is found that the implementation of the guidance service learning orientation can overcome the anxiety level of students in the selection of majors in high school. This is evidenced by the level of student anxiety before any action guidance to the class X.3 in SMA Negeri 1 Bojongmangu amounted to 76.32%. After the action guidance of experienced reductions of students who experience anxiety. It was assest with the percentage decrease from the first cycle, up to the second cycle of 34.21%. Activity in the study orientation guidance services provides guidance information in groups major classical and small discussion groups. The results of this study are useful to enhance the role of coaching and guidance counselor in helping students with guidance and program implementation counselingg in SMAN 1 Bekasi regency, in particular, Bojongmangu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-74
Yudha Eka Nugraha ◽  
Emy Chlarita Lema

ABSTRACTThis study aims to describe the tourism potential and formulate the development of the Matalafang Traditional Village as a cultural tourism destination in Alor Regency. Matalafang Traditional Village is one of the tourist destinations, where the Abui tribes live. The Abui tribe, as one of the largest tribes who inhabit Nusa Kenari Island, has various cultural potentials tourism to be developed. This is in line with the increasing number of tourists visiting. Through qualitative descriptive methods, extracting information is obtained by field observations, structured interviews with 6 key informants, documentation of traditional villages, and literature studies on Matalafang Traditional Village and Alor Regency Tourism. The results showed that the attractiveness of cultural tourism in the Matalafang Traditional Village in the form of the Balai Hatel Traditional Ceremony as a ritual to enter the garden, the Caka Lele dance, the unifying dance of the Alor community Lego-Lego, weaving Ikat for dancing, the fourth level traditional house, and various woven bamboo crafts for putting sirih pinang traditional snacks on it. The strategy formulation is an effort to develop the Matalafang Traditional Village as a cultural tourism destination, such as increasing the awareness of culture-based tourism for the local community, maintaining the authenticity of dance as a tourist attraction, increasing tourist activities after the ritual of opening the garden as alternative tourism, and maintaining the condition of the traditional village that is still original.Keywords: Destinations, Traditional Villages, Matalafang, Cultural Tourism, Development Strategies

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-113

Choosing a major that will be taken up in college can raise doubts and even anxiety for the final year high school students. Various factors trigger this doubt and anxiety, especially for choosing across majors. Crossing-major is the decision to choose a field of science to be pursued in higher education, which is different from the field of study at the high school level. This study was intended to describe the psychological dynamics of students who decided to cross majors. This study used a case study-based qualitative descriptive model. The case study was chosen so that this study obtained more detailed and in-depth data from the participants. The data collection techniques used observation and interviews. The results of the analysis indicate the existence of emotional aspects related to anxiety and doubt experienced by students when choosing a further education major, which is caused by parents, family environmental conditions, and the surrounding environment. Memilih jurusan yang akan ditempuh di perguruan tinggi dapat memunculkan keraguan bahkan kecemasan pada siswa tahun terakhir SMA. Ada berbagai faktor yang memicu keraguan dan kecemasan ini, khususnya bila memilih lintas jurusan. Lintas jurusan adalah keputusan memilih bidang ilmu yang akan ditekuni di perguruan tinggi, yang berbeda dengan bidang jurusan di tingkat SMA. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mendiskripsikan dinamika psikologis siswa yang memutuskan untuk lintas jurusan.  Penelitian ini menggunakan model deskriptif kualitatif berbasis studi kasus. Studi kasus dipilih agar penelitian ini mendapatkan data yang lebih rinci dan mendalam dari subyek partisipan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara. Hasil analisa menunjukkan adanya aspek emosional berkaitan dengan kecemasan dan keraguan yang dialami siswa ketika memilih jurusan pendidikan lanjut, yang disebabkan sejumlah faktor yaitu orang tua, kondisi lingkungan keluarga dan pengaruh lingkungan sekitar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (8) ◽  
pp. 030006052094875
Xinxin Li ◽  
Haiyan Lu ◽  
Han Wu ◽  
Qiuhua Chen ◽  
Ping Wu ◽  

Objectives Utilization of self-pay vaccines worldwide is very low, especially in China; the reasons for this are unclear. We aimed to identify factors that impact the decision among Chinese mothers to utilize self-pay vaccines for their children. Methods Mothers who were hospitalized at two hospitals in Zhanjiang City and who agreed to participate by completing the required questionnaire were eligible for this study. Results In total, 7518 respondents (n = 7592) completed the questionnaire and were included in this survey. The self-pay option was largely elected by mothers with one child, compared with those who had two or more children. Similarly, utilization by workers at government agencies and organizations was higher than that among factory workers or unemployed respondents. Mothers with a college degree or above had higher utilization than those with a high school level education or lower. The main issues affecting maternal decisions to utilize self-pay pediatric vaccines were safety, the protective effect, and the high cost. Conclusion Mothers with higher socioeconomic status were more inclined to self-pay for pediatric vaccines. Steps taken to enhance public awareness about the safety and protective benefits of self-pay vaccines, as well as lowering their cost will likely encourage broader utilization of these vaccines.

Teguh Prasetya ◽  
Muslih Faozanudin ◽  
Dyah Retna Puspita

Abstract: Implementation of minimum  service standards of basic education (SPM Dikdas) policy of junior high school level in Purbalingga has ups and downs in its development, sometimes up sometimes down, so it is interesting to examine how the implementation process is run. For that, the case study technique was taken in two junior high schools, they are SMP N 6 Satu Atap Rembang Purbalingga and SMP N 3 Purbalingga.The purpose of this research is to analyze the extent of the process of implementation SPM Dikdas policy in SMP N 6 Satu Atap Rembang Purbalingga and SMP N 3 Purbalingga. This research use is Qualitative Descriptive method with purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that the implementation process of SPM Dikdas in SMP N 6 Satu Atap Rembang has not run well because it is still lack of manpower in the Administration Section in SMP N 6 one Roof Rembang while while in SMP N 3 Purbalingga has been run quite well run by the actors. The purpose of the SPM Dikdas Implementation Program is Sufficiently clear, but sometimes the objectives are not achieved maximally because the planned activities that are made still seem less bold because hampered by the tight rules and availability of funding sources. The development of MSS program in SMP level is quite good, but still less quickly because it is hindered by human resources that still do not meet the criteria of SPM Dikdas indicator. The other parties have participated well enough but there needs to be better coordination between the parties so that there is a better communication relationship to accelerate the process of program implementation and the uncontrollable factors experienced by the implementors are funding factors and natural factors which also includes the factors that greatly affect the process of implementation of SPM Dikdas.Keywords:  Policy of SPM Dikdas, Implementation Process  Abstrak: Implementasi Kebijakan Standar Pelayanan Minimal Pendidikan Dasar (SPM Dikdas) Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Kabupaten Purbalingga mengalami pasang surut dalam perkembangannya, kadang naik kadang turun, sehingga menarik untuk diteliti seperti apa proses implementasi dijalankan. Untuk itu diambil teknik studi kasus pada dua sekolah menengah pertama, yaitu SMP N 6 Satu Atap Rembang Purbalingga dan SMP N 3 Purbalingga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sejauh mana proses iplementasi SPM Dikdas Tingkat SMP N 6 Satu Atap Rembang Purbalingga dan SMP N 3 Purbalingga.Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah metode Deskriptif Kualitatif dengan teknik pemilihan informan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa proses implementasi SPM Dikdas di SMP N 6 Satu Atap Rembang  belum berjalan baik karena masih kekurangan tenaga pada Bagian Tata Usaha di SMP N 6 satu Atap Rembang sedangkan sedangkan pada SMP N 3 Purbalingga sudah berjalan cukup baik dijalankan oleh para aktor. Tujuan Program Implementasi SPM Dikdas Sudah Cukup Jelas, namun adakalanya tujuan tidak tercapai secara maksimal karena rencana kegiatan yang dibuat masih terkesan kurang berani karena terhambat oleh ketatnya aturan dan ketersediaan sumber dana.  Perkembangan program SPM Dikdas Tingkat SMP sudah cukup baik, namun masih kurang cepat karena terhalang oleh sumber daya manusia yang masih belum memenuhi kriteria indikator SPM Dikdas. Pihak-pihak lain sudah berpartisipasi cukup baik namun demikian perlu koordinasi yang lebih baik antar pihak-pihak tersebut sehingga terjadi hubungan komunikasi yang lebih baik untuk memprcepat proses implementasi program dan Faktor-faktor yang tak terkendali yang dialami oleh para implementor adalah faktor dana dan faktor alam yang juga termasuk faktor-faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi proses implentasi SPM Dikdas. Kata Kunci:  Kebijakan SPM Dikdas, Proses Implementasi

Titin Komalasari ◽  
Anggraeni Anggraeni ◽  
Astrid Antheosiaaretes Apodekta

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman dari kesesuaian bahan ajar bahasa Mandarin tingkat SMA Kota semarang dengan kurikulum 2013. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dengan menganalisis kesesuaian dari 5 bahan ajar dari 5 SMA di kota Semarang. Pada 2 bahan ajar terdapat beberapa kesesuaian dengan KD Kurikulum 2013 tahun 2016 kelas XII (kekuatan). Pada 3 bahan ajar yang lain ditemukan tidak sesuai sama sekali dengan KD Kurikulum 2013 tahun 2016 kelas XII (kelemahan). Menyusun bahan ajar sendiri dengan panduan kurikulum 2013 bisa mencapai tujuan pembelajaran pada kurikulum 2013 (peluang). Pemilihan bahan ajar yang tidak didasarkan dari kurikulum 2013 bisa menyebabkan tidak tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran dari kurikulum 2013 (ancaman).This study aims to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the suitability of Mandarin teaching materials at the Semarang City Senior High School level with the 2013 curriculum. The research method used is a research method with a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of this study were to analyze the suitability of 5 teaching materials from 5 high schools in the city of Semarang. In 2 teaching materials, there are several conformities with the XII class of class XII KD Curriculum 2013 (strength). The 3 other teaching materials were found to be not in accordance with the 2013 KD Curriculum 2016 for class XII (weakness). Developing your own teaching materials with the 2013 curriculum guide can achieve the learning objectives in the 2013 curriculum (opportunities). Selection of teaching materials that are not based on the 2013 curriculum can lead to not achieving the learning objectives of the 2013 curriculum (threat).

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 234
Kumara Jati ◽  
Aziza Rahmaniar Salam

This study analyzes the Economic Benefits and Human Resources Development (HRD) in Trade Between Indonesia and Taiwan. Based on the calculation of Inter-Regional Input-Output (IRIO), Indonesia’s exports to Taiwan are mostly dominated by products that enter into intermediate inputs rather than final product goods, so that added value is needed, then Indonesian exports can be further improved. The qualitative descriptive analysis suggest that: (1) Indonesian Workers (TKI) working overseas including in Taiwan are dominated by workers with low or middle school (elementary, junior high and high school) level of 99%, (2) difficult to classify job detail data from migrant workers who work abroad especially in Taiwan to be associated with trade in services especially mode 4 that is movement of natural person, (3) need to increase the quality of human resources for TKI who will leave or TKI have been in destination country especially in Taiwan on an ongoing basis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 360-374
Lilik Huriyah ◽  
Salma Nabillah ◽  
Shavira Nur Rahmawati

The ideal ratio between the number of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers and the number of students does not appear to be fulfilled in Sidoarjo district. There are still many schools that lack PAI teachers, although on the other hand there are also some schools that have excess PAI teachers. The purpose of this study was to identify the needs and placement of Islamic Education teachers in schools, as well as to find out various obstacles in the process of meeting the needs and placement of Islamic Education teachers in schools. This study uses a qualitative method. Data collection through observation, interview and documentation techniques. Processing techniques through the stages of editing, coding, tabulating and interpreting data using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the high school level requires 9 PAI teachers, while the Vocational High School requires 11 PAI teachers. Various obstacles experienced in the process of placing and fulfilling Islamic Education teachers is the lack of study groups at several schools and the lack of coordination between the education office and the Ministry of Religion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Sima Fatmawati ◽  
Bambang Suteng Sulasmono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap jalannya penyelenggaraan program keahlian keperawatan di tingkat sekolah menengah  kejuruan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian evaluasi mengguna-kan pendekatan dekriptif kualitatif dengan model evaluasi CIPP. Subyek pada penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kepala kurikulum, wakil kepala sarana dan prasarana, ketua program keahlian keperawatan, bursa kerja khusus, guru keperawatan, dan pegawai tata usaha. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitianini menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan  studi dokumentasi. Pada penelitian ini mengunakan teknik analisis data Miles dan Huberman. Validasi data dilakukan dengan triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komponen context dalam kategori baik, komponen input dalam kategori baik, komponen process dalam kategori baik tetapi terdapat beberapa kendala, komponen product dalam kategori cukup karena tidak memenuhi kriteria yang ditentukan yaitu jumlah kesesuaian kerja lulusan kurang dari 50%. AbstractThis research aims to analyze the implementation of the nursing skills program at the vocational high school level. The type of research is evaluation research using a qualitative descriptive approach with the CIPP evaluation model. The subjects in this research were the headmaster, deputy head of curriculum, deputy head of facilities and infrastructure, head of nursing expertise program, special job fair, nursing teachers, and administrative staff. The research data collection technique uses observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Data validation uses technical triangulation and source triangulation. The results showed the context component was in the good category, the input component was in a good category, Process components are in good category but there are some constraints, while the product component in the sufficient category because it does noit meet the specified criteria, the amount of work suitability of graduates is less 50%.

Abd. Ghofur Kuswanto Ety Youhanita

This paper examines the utilization of media in economic learning at<br />senior high school level in Lamongan Regency which is reviewed from three<br />indicators, namely a) diffusion of innovation, b) implementation and<br />institutionalization, and c) policies and regulations. This study was conducted<br />for three months from January to March 2018 using a qualitative descriptive<br />design using survey method. Technique of collecting data using google form<br />questionnaire, interview, and study documentation. The subjects of the study<br />were 22 upper secondary schools selected with purposive sampling method<br />from 218 high schools in Lamongan. The result of the research shows that there<br />is no diffusion of innovation by high school economics teacher significantly in<br />utilization of media for economic learning. The use of various learning media<br />utilizes more infrastructure that has been available in schools, eg LCD<br />projectors and props. Administratively the teacher writes the instructional<br />media used in the Lesson Plans which refer to the Curriculum format 2013, but<br />in practice media usage is adapted to the classroom situation and condition<br />when teaching. In addition, school policies do not provide written regulations<br />relating to media utilization standards used by teachers in the learning process.

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