scholarly journals Perspektif Alkitab Tentang Kesetaraan Gender dan Implikasinya Bagi Pendidikan Agama Kristen

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Yunardi Kristian Zega

Gender equality is still an interesting issue to be discussed today. Most people, especially those living in various regions in Indonesia, still misinterpret this. Gender equality is seen as an act that puts women first. In Christian circles, this thought is caused by Christian leaders in the past who gave teachings about gender who had unfair treatment between men and women. To provide a solution to these problems, the author uses qualitative research with the literature study method. The author finds that, gender is a characteristic that can be exchanged between each other and can be shared by both. Allah distinguishes the sexes but does not differentiate between the roles of the two. Thus, PAK plays a vital role in building gender understanding in the family and community, especially in the field of education, and in the field of education. AbstrakKesetaraan gender masih menjadi isu menarik untuk diperbincangkan hingga saat ini.  Sebagian besar masyarakat khususnya yang tinggal di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, masih salah mengartikan hal tersebut. Kesetaraan gender seolah-olah dianggap sebagai tindakan menomorsatukan perempuan. Dalam lingkungan Kristen, pemikiran ini disebabkan karena adanya para tokoh Kristen di masa lalu yang memberikan ajaran tentang gender yang membuahkan perlakuan tidak adil antara laki-laki dengan perempuan. Untuk memberi solusi permasalahan tersebut, penulis menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi pustaka. Penulis menemukan bahwa, gender adalah sebuah karakteristik yang dapat saling dipertukarkan antara satu sama lain dan dapat dimiliki oleh keduanya. Allah membedakan jenis kelamin manusia tetapi tidak membedakan peran antara keduanya. Dengan demikian, PAK berperan penting untuk membangun pemahaman kesetaraan gender di dalam lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat khususnya di bidang pendidikan, dan di gereja.

2018 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 367-396 ◽  
Belinda Fehlberg ◽  
Lisa Sarmas ◽  
Jenny Morgan

In this paper, we identify the influence of formal equality—and more specifically, formal gender equality (that is, treating men and women the same)—in central areas of major Australian family law reform over the past 20 years. Given the influence of formal equality and our concerns regarding this trend, we consider whether equality-based arguments should be abandoned entirely, at least in the family law context, and explore alternative approaches that could reframe the debate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 424
Ahmad Hidayatullah ◽  
Syamsul Bakhri

One of the many evidences about the concepts of justice and gender equality in Islam can be seen in the creation of the plot and of a central female character in the Javanese puppet, namely Drupadi. This article employs a qualitative research with this literature study approach to determine the deconstruction character of Drupadi.  The validity of the data is obtained by triangulating data sources and integrating data from journals and books about Drupadi characters in puppets, supported by analysis of gender studies and living Qur'an studies of the concept of polyandry. The results showed that there is a deconstruction of the character of Drupadi figures from the Hindu to the Islamic version. Drupadi, who is described in the Mahabharata story of having five husbands, in a Javanese puppet show, especially after the arrival of Islam, is described only married to Yudhistira. The deconstruction of Drupadi's character as a symbol of women is no longer objectified. Drupadi's new character reflects equality between men and women in Islam.Satu dari sekian bukti tentang adanya konsep keadilan dan kesetaraan gender dalam Islam bisa dilihat dalam pembangunan alur dan karakter tokoh perempuan sentral pada pewayangan Jawa, yakni Drupadi. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka ini, bertujuan untuk menentukan dekonstruksi karakter Drupadi di Wayang. Validitas data diperoleh dengan melakukan triangulasi sumber data, mengintegrasikan data dari jurnal dan buku tentang karakter Drupadi dalam wayang dengan berfokus pada analisis studi gender dan Living Qur’an mengenai poliandri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi dekonstruksi karakter tokoh Drupadi dari versi Hindu ke versi Islam; Drupadi dalam cerita Mahabharata melakukan Poliandri dengan 5 suami, dalam pewayangan Jawa setelah datangnya Islam hanya bersuamikan Yudhistira. Dekonstruksi karakter Drupadi menjadi simbol bahwa perempuan tidak lagi menjadi objektifikasi seksual. Karakter Drupadi yang baru mencerminkan kesetaraan antara pria dan perempuan dalam ajaran Islam.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-55
Grecetinovitria Merliana Butar-butar

AbstractPurpose of this study was to describe the meaning of ezer kenegdo and to know position and role of women in the family. The research method used is qualitative research methods (library research). The term of “ ezer kenegdo” refer to a helper but her position withoutsuperiority and inferiority. “The patner model” between men and women is uderstood in relation to one another as the same function, where differences are complementary and mutually beneficial in all walks of life and human endeavors.Keywords: Ezer Kenegdo; Women; Family.AbstrakTujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengertian ezer kenegdo dan mengetahui kedudukan dan peran perempuan dalam keluarga. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif library research. Ungkapan “ezer kenegdo” menunjuk pada seorang penolong namun kedudukannya adalah setara tanpa ada superioritas dan inferioritas. “Model kepatneran” antara laki-laki dan perempuan dipahami dengan hubungan satu dengan yang lain sebagai fungsi yang sama, yang mana perbedaan adalah saling melengkapi dan saling menguntungkan dalam semua lapisan kehidupan dan usaha manusia.Kata Kunci: Ezer Kenegdo, Prerempuan, Keluarga.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Sri Harti Widyastuti

This study aims to describe Javanese women’s personality in the perspective of feminism and gender equality and inequality in Serat Suluk Residriya and Serat Wulang Putri. It employed the qualitative research design and modern philology. The findings are as follows. Javanese women’s personality in Serat Suluk Residriya includes their images. Gender inequality in Serat Suluk Residriya includes subordination, woman stereotype, rights to use but not to possess, women as sexual objects, and polygamy. Gender inequality in Serat Wulang Putri shows that women must have a lot of children. Gender equality in Sera Wulang Putrishows that men and women have equal rights to be ascetic, knowledgeable, skillful, brave and great, and wealthy.

Tri Wahyudi Ramdhan

Traditional Islamic thought in general provides limited role of women as wives and mothers. Based on the view of classical Islamic texts and literature are still seen that women are still marginalized, or in other words, women are still under the domination of men. Therefore, women need to construct a discourse or text at will. It is undeniable that the interpretation of the classical scholars on the concept of equality of men and women from the perspective of today may well be judged as biased. For interpretations of the past can not be released to the socio-historical context of the time. Departing from the problems mentioned above then this article would like to see and analyze how the concepts offered and presented Islam in view of gender equality between men and women starting from the concept of gender so that the concept of gender bias by sex.Selanjutnyan followed by a discussion of the word gender mufrodat in the Qur'an and concludes with the interpretation of the discourse of gender equality. Dalama This commentary will set forth the extent where the equality between men and women

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 1069-1077
Natalya Bazarovna Rajapova, Manzura Nasrullaevna Nazarova

The article examines the historically established concepts of the differences and similarities in men and women. Gender stereotypes that hinder the economic, cultural, social development of girls and women. Examples of reforms carried out in the society to establish gender equality are given. The goals of involving women in social activities and the economic life of the country, the formation and change of official concepts of state regulation of the family are investigated.Fundamentals of the gender order formed by state policy to achieve gender equality at the present time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Gusti Rahma Sari ◽  
Ecep Ismail

This research aims to discuss the implementation of gender equality in Indonesia. The research method is a qualitative type through literature study by applying content analysis. This research discusses the meaning, gender equality of Alquran perspective, and implementation in Indonesia. This research concludes that in the fields of education, law, family and government policies, gender equality gas been implemented. However, the issue of gender equality has not yet become mainstream so that it affecs the case of divorce in Indonesia. This research is only limited to the implementation of gender equality in Indonesia in several fields or sectors so that further research is needed in other fields. This research recommends the socialization of the concept of gender equality in the framework of Alquran to both men and women so that people get a complate understanding and create harmony.

2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
João Carlos Petrini

Resumo: O autor faz uma séria análise crítica dos grandes desafios que a família enfrentanos tempos atuais. Alguns dependem da organização das sociedades modernas. Outrassão de caráter antropológico e dependem das mudanças culturais, éticas e religiosas queestão acontecendo. Essas mudanças colocam em questão valores e horizontes de realizaçãohumana que orientaram durante milênios a conduta de homens e de mulheres em busca dafelicidade, mas também produzem sofrimentos e feridas abertas em muitas pessoas. Discute-sehoje: o que significa ser homem, ser mulher e por que não decidir o próprio gênero de modoautônomo e livre de condicionamentos biológicos e sociais? Não será melhor desfazer todosos vínculos que nos amarram, impedindo que sejamos livres para novas formas de realizaçãoque poderão aparecer no horizonte? É mesmo verdade que que a maternidade e a paternidadesão essenciais à realização humana de uma pessoa adulta? Ou, antes, não será isto umaimposição da cultura originada no passado e da qual hoje nós podemos nos libertar? Diantedessas perguntas, aumenta o número dos que manifestam certezas que nascem não daexperiência e, sim, de construções ideológicas. Nesse contexto, reconhece-se a importânciaa ser dada aos ensinamentos cristãos a respeito do matrimônio e da família.Palavras-chave: Família e mudanças; Desafios culturais; Consolidação da família.Abstract: The author analyses very critically the big challenges the family has to cope within the present times. Some result from the organization of modern societies. Other are ofan anthropological character and depend on the cultural, ethical and religious changesthat are going on. These changes defy values and horizons that for millennia guided thebehavior of men and women in their looking for happiness, but also do cause sufferings andopen wounds in many people. Today people question what does it mean to be a man, tobe a woman, and why not to decide one’s gender autonomously and without biological andsocial conditionings? Wouldn’t be it better to undo all the bonds that tie us, preventing usto be free to test new forms of realization that could appear? Is it really true that maternityand paternity are essential to the human realization of and adult person?Or, on the contrary, wouldn’t it be an imposition by a culture from the past and from whichwe could free us? Before these questions, grows the number of people who show certaintiesthat are born not from experience but, on the contrary, from ideological constructions.In this context, one acknowledges the importance to be given to the Christian teachingsabout marriage and family.Key-words: Family and changes; cultural challenges; consolidation of the family.

Audia Rahma ◽  
Siti Amanah

Sustainable Reserve Food Garden (SRFG) is a program initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture to increase households food security. The program involves the households that consist of men and women in the activities of SRFGP. To see whether the program has addressed gender equality,  the research aims to analyze how the beneficiary households characteristics of SRFG, how men, women in the beneficiary households divides the division of labours and how the external supports towards the implementation of SRFGP. A census was conducted to 46 beneficiary households of SRFGP who are members of the Melati, Dahlia, and Mawar Women's Farmers Group (WFG) also supported by in-depth interviews to six informants including three chiefs of each WFG, chief of combined farmer group (CFG), agricultural extension officer, and the Village Head of Cikarawang. Most of the beneficiary households have a low level of gender equality in the implementation of SRFGP. The results show the issues of subordination and multi burden that experienced by women in the division of labours arises due to strong social value in the community, women are conceived to be responsible to activities such as managing the households and family, whilst men embedded as head of the family and responsibility to protect the family socio-economically.Keywords: gender equality, rural households, SRFGABSTRAKKawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) merupakan program yang dikembangkan oleh Kementerian Pertanian guna memenuhi ketahanan pangan rumah tangga. Program ini melibatkan rumah tangga yang terdiri dari laki-laki dan perempuan dalam kegiatan Program KRPL. Untuk melihat apakah program ini telah menerapkan prinsip kesetaraan gender, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana karakteristik rumah tangga peserta Program KRPL, bagaimana pembagian kerja dalam rumah tangga peserta dan bagaimana dukungan lingkungan dalam pelaksanaan Program KRPL. Sensus dilakukan terhadap 46 rumah tangga peserta Program KRPL anggota Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Melati, Dahlia, dan Mawar juga didukung wawancara mendalam kepada enam informan yaitu tiga ketua masing-masing KWT, ketua gapoktan, penyuluh pertanian, dan Kepala Desa Cikarawang. Sebagian besar rumah tangga peserta memiliki tingkat kesetaraan gender yang rendah dalam pelaksanaan Program KRPL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat Isu subordinasi dan  beban kerja ganda yang dialami perempuan dalam pembagian kerja rumah tangga muncul akibat kuatnya nilai sosial dalam masyarakat yang dominan menempatkan perempuan pada kegiatan mengatur urusan rumah dan keluarga, sementara laki-laki sebagai kepala keluarga lebih dikhususkan untuk melindungi keluarga secara sosial ekonomi.Kata kunci: kesetaraan gender, Program KRPL, rumah tangga di pedesaan

Zh. E. Abilgaziyeva ◽  
G. R. Duisembekova ◽  
A. N. Ramashova ◽  
A. B. Orazbayeva

This article discusses the issues of creating the necessary social conditions for the fullest realization of the abilities of women and men in all spheres of labor and public life of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The state family policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is aimed at ensuring favorable socio-economic conditions that contribute to the full implementation of the family's reproductive, economic and educational functions, as well as strengthening the moral foundations of the family and increasing its importance in society.Currently, the world is paying more and more attention to gender issues, that is, the principle of equal rights and opportunities for men and women. Addressing the gender issue is particularly relevant for independent States that have entered the path of market transformation. Today, changes in all spheres of our life require a new look at the role of women in the development of the state and society. The achievement of gender equality ensures the effectiveness of the current family policy, since it helps to strengthen the role and contribution of women and men to the development of the family institution. Addressing women's issues and democratizing society are two interrelated processes. Their essence is that in addition to ensuring equal opportunities for men and women, the prerequisites can be created for the emergence of new forms of expression and realization of women's interests in all spheres of life. It is stated by the authors that in Kazakhstan, it is important to form an individual approach to the formation of family policy, as the family plays an important role among all social institutions that affect the quality of human capital.

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