Numerical Model of Current Speed in Bojong Salawe Beach, Pangandaran West Java Province

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23
Subiyanto Subiyanto ◽  
Nira na Nirwa ◽  
Yuniarti Yuniarti ◽  
Yudi Nurul Ihsan ◽  
Eddy Afrianto

The purpose of this study was to determine the hydrodynamic conditions at Bojong Salawe beach. The method used in this research is a quantitative method, where numerical data is collected to support the formation of numerical models such as wind, bathymetry, and tide data. The hydrodynamic model will be made using Mike 21 with the Flow Model FM module to determine the current movement pattern based on the data used. In the west monsoon with a maximum instantaneous speed of 0.04 - 0.08 m/s, while in the east monsoon it moves with a maximum instantaneous speed of 0,4 – 0,44 m/s. The dominant direction of current movement tends to the northeast. The results indicate the current speed during the east monsoon is higher than the west monsoon. The difference in the current speed is also influenced by the tide conditions; higher during high tide and lower during low tide. Monsoons also have a role in the current movements, though the effect is not very significant.

2013 ◽  
Vol 43 (12) ◽  
pp. 2673-2681 ◽  
Wilton Sturges ◽  
Alexandra Bozec

Abstract Two large, independent sets of direct observations in the central Gulf of Mexico show a mean near-surface flow of ~10 cm s−1 to the west, concentrated in the northern and southern Gulf. Numerical models that the authors have examined do not produce this mean westward flow. The observed speeds appear to be almost an order of magnitude larger than the estimated errors; this paper studies the observations to estimate carefully the possible errors involved and compares the observations with model results. The flow to the west in the southern Gulf is presumably wind driven on the shallow parts of the shelf, and, in slightly deeper water at the outer edges of the shelf, is possibly the result of southward Sverdrup interior flow driven by the negative curl of the wind stress. In another possibly related issue, long-term deep current-meter observations in the northern Gulf at ~1000 m and below find flow to the west, whereas some models find flow to the east. The flow proposed here assumes a mean flow to the west above roughly 300 m, with a required return flow in deep water. The difference between the deep observations and the models will produce a slope of pressure surfaces of the opposite sign below 1000 m, reversing the direction of upper-layer geostrophic flow in the models.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Ika Kusumawati

Research on current dynamics modelling in Indonesian waters with wind employed as independent variable has been observed. The purpose of this study was to model the hydrodynamic equations due to the influence of the wind in Indonesia waters in the form of visualization described consisting of wind circulation pattern and pattern of current movement in the west and east monsoon season. To analyze the data obtained during the study, researchers used a descriptive approach. The results showed that the west wind season (December, January, and February) blow from the northeast to the southwest then turning southeast. Whereas the east wind season (June, July, and August) blows from the southeast to the northwest and then turn to the northeast. On the surface layer shows the current movement in general follows the movement of the wind direction in which the current speed is very dominant occurred in some waters, such as the Karimata Strait, the Java Sea, the South China Sea, and the Arafuru Sea. The dominant current velocity in the layer of 100-200 m in the water of eastern equator and the South China Sea in the west season has recorded a current speed reaches 20 cm / s. while in the east monsoon which occurs in the equatorial waters of the eastern part, in the Maluku Sea, the Seram Sea and nearby the Arafuru Sea current velocity reaches 40cm / s.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-105
Herawati Herawati ◽  
Muhammad Arsyad Thaha ◽  
Chairul Paotonan

Abstrak Wilayah pesisir merupakan pertemuan antara wilayah laut dan wilayah darat, dimana daerah ini merupakan daerah interaksi antara ekosistem darat dan ekosistem laut yang sangat dinamis dan saling mempengaruhi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan material lokal yang potensial dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bangunan pelindung pantai dan memilih tipe bangunan pelindung pantai yang sesuai kondisi hidro-oseanografi di lokasi studi dengan metode Analythic Hierarchy Process. Lokasi penelitian berada di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, tepatnya di Pulau Kabaena, Kecamatan Kabaena Barat Desa Sikeli kabupaten Bombana. Pulau Kabaena memiliki luas 873 km2. Secara geografis terletak antara 4°22’ 59,4” - 5°28’ 26,7” Lintang Selatan serta antara 121°27’46,7”-122°09’,4” Bujur Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perairan disepanjang tanjung perak sangat mempengaruhi hidro-oseonografi disekitar pantai desa Sikeli. Kondisi ini berpengaruh terhadap pola pergerakan arus dan tinggi gelombang datang disekitar pantai desa Sikeli. Tinggi gelombang rata-rata yang paling besar merambat dari arah barat sebesar 0.49 m dengan presentase kajadian sebesar 32.42 %, disusul arah barat laut sebesar 0.39 m (20.56 %), arah tenggara sebesar 0.31 m (8.72 %) arah barat daya sebesar 0.31 m (7.99 %), arah utara sebesar 0.20 m (6.94 %), arah timur sebesar 0.15 m (11.81 %), arah selatan sebesar 0.12 m (3.42 %), dan arah timur laut sebesar 0.11 m (8.15 %). Pengambilan keputusan untuk memilih tipe bangunan pelindung pantai dengan metode AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) untuk penanganan abrasi pesisir pantai desa Sikeli berbasis bahan lokal diperoleh bahwa alternatif bangunan dengan nilai keterpilihan yang tertinggi adalah detached breakwater (0,4432) disusul groin (0,2479), sea-wall (0,1700) dan revetment (0.1389). Detached breakwater berfungsi untuk menahan laju sedimen kearah laut, mengurangi ketinggian dan meredam energi gelombang dan tidak dibangun sepanjang garis pantai yang akan dilindungi sehingga kapal nelayan dapat ditambat dipesisir pantai dengan aman. Abstract The Selection Type of Coastal Protection Structures in Sikeli Village Based on Local Materials. The coastal area is a meeting point between the sea and land areas, where this area is an area of interaction between terrestrial ecosystems and marine ecosystems which are very dynamic and influence each other. The purpose of this research is to determine local materials that can be used as coastal protection materials and to select the type of coastal protection that is suitable for the hydro-oceanographic conditions in the study location using the Analythic Hierarchy Process method. The research location is in Southeast Sulawesi Province, precisely on Kabaena Island, Kabaena Barat District, Sikeli Village, Bombana Regency. Kabaena Island has an area of 873 km2. Geographically it is located between 4° 22' 59.4"- 5° 28' 26.7" South Latitude and between 121° 27' 46.7 "-122° 09' 4" Longitude East. The results showed that the waters along Tanjung Perak greatly affect the hydro-oseonography around the coast of Sikeli village. This condition affects the current movement pattern and the height of the incoming waves around the coast of Sikeli village. The largest average wave height propagating from the west is 0.49 m with a kajadian percentage of 32.42%, followed by the northwest direction of 0.39 m (20.56%), southeast direction of 0.31 m (8.72%) to the southwest of 0.31 m (7.99%), to the north of 0.20 m (6.94%), to the east of 0.15 m (11.81%), to the south of 0.12 m (3.42%), and to the northeast of 0.11 m (8.15%). The decision to choose the type of coastal protection using the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method for the coastal abrasion management model in Sikeli village based on local materials was obtained that the alternative building with the highest electability value was the detached breakwater (0.4432) followed by groins (0.2479), sea-wall (0.1700) and revetment (0.1389). The detached breakwater model which functions to restrain the sediment rate towards the sea, reduce the height and reduce wave energy and is not built along the coastline which will be protected so that fishing boats can be moored to the coast safely.

Jurnal Segara ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Ulung Jantama Wisha ◽  
Koko Ondara ◽  
Gunardi Kusumah

Abrasion which is occurred in the Sayung coast is triggered by a big role of climate change as well as the sea level rise and land subsidence. Resulting degradation ultimately affects changes in existing environmental conditions. This study has aim to determine the existing water based on biological and chemical content which is affected by increasing suspended solid content in the Sayung waters. Purposive sampling technique was applied, and data is analyzed both statistically and spatially. Suspended solid value has ranged 23,1-199,6 mg/L. Distribution of suspended solid was only simulated during low tide towards high tide phase with current speed has ranged 0-0.41 m/s. We found that dissolved oxygen value is quite high in several observation stations which indicates the fertile area with low pollution and blooming tendency. In the station which is dominated by a high suspended solid and turbidity found that the chlorophyll-a decreases. The increased rate of suspended solid is directly enhancing the turbidity and indirectly declines the photosynthesis activity and inhibits the oxygen cycle. Resulting in the primary productivity reduction in the Sayung waters

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Asep Priatna ◽  
Mohammad Natsir

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari perbedaan pola sebaran ikan pada musim barat dan peralihan di perairan utara Semarang sampai dengan Brebes, berdasarkan pada pengambilan contoh akustik dan oseanografi pada bulan Desember 2005 dan Mei 2006. Hasil menunjukkan secara spasial, pada musim barat di perairan utara Semarang sampai dengan Brebes kepadatan ikan pelagis lebih besar di daerah yang lebih dangkal yaitu sebelah selatan pada kedalaman <40 m, semakin ke tengah kepadatan semakin berkurang. Dilihat dari nilai target strength yang terdeteksi yaitu antara -60 sampai dengan -50 dB bahkan didominasi oleh ikan -60 sampai dengan -55 dB, sasaran merupakan ikan pelagis kecil yang rata-rata mempunyai ukuran 4 sampai dengan 12,5 cm. Pada musim peralihan sebaran kepadatan ikan pelagis kecil cenderung lebih merata dengan jumlah yang lebih rendah daripada jumlah ikan pada musim barat. Faktor pergerakan arah arus dan keberadaan sumber makanan yang lebih besar pada musim barat diduga merupakan penyebab perbedaan tersebut. Ikan pelagis kecil pada musim peralihan berukuran lebih besar dibandingkan ketika musim barat, dengan nilai target strength yang terdeteksi antara -60 sampai dengan -45 dB atau sekitar 4 sampai dengan 22 cm dan didominasi oleh ikan yang berukuran -55 sampai dengan -50 dB atau sekitar 7 sampai dengan 12,5 cm. Sebaran kepadatan Ikan demersal hampir merata pada ke-2 musim tersebut, pada musim peralihan kepadatan lebih rendah daripada musim barat. Ikan demersal pada musim barat terdiri atas ikan berukuran kecil (-55 sampai dengan -50 dB) atau sekitar 7 sampai dengan 12,5 cm terutama di daerah pada kedalaman <40 m, semakin ke tengah ukuran semakin besar yaitu antara -50 sampai dengan -45 dB atau sekitar 12,5 sampai dengan 22 cm. Pada musim peralihan, ikan demersal dengan target strength -55 sampai dengan -50 dB terdapat di kedalaman <40 m. Ikan demersal dengan ukuran -50 sampai dengan -45 dB mendominasi periode ini. Pada kedalaman >45 m terdeteksi ikan -45 sampai dengan -35 dB yang berkisar 22 sampai dengan 70 cm. The aim of this study is to understood the difference of fish pattern distributions at North West and intermonsoon in North of Central Java waters, based on acoustic and oceanography sampling in December 2005 and May 2006. At North West monsoon, the density of pelagic fishes was more gathering in narrower areas <40 m, and low fish density was going to middle areas. Seen from target strength the value was detected about -60 to -50 dB and it was dominated by fishes -60 to -55 dB, the targets for small pelagic fishes are about 4 to 12,5 cm. At the intermonsoon, distribution of small pelagic fishes density tends to be flat, but fish density at this time was the lower than North West monsoon. The higly current direction and food source factor at North West monsoon may cause this difference. The size of small pelagic fishes at the intermonsoon was bigger than fishes at North West monsoon, which target strength value was detected about -60 to -45 dB or 4 to 22 cm and dominated by fishes -55 to -50 dB of about 7 to 12,5 cm. The density distribution of demersal fishes almost flat at both monsoon. How ever at intermonsoon, the demersal fishes density was lower than that at North and West season. Demersal fishes at North West monsoon consisted of small fishes (-55 to -50 dB) with size of about 7 to 12,5 cm especially in narrow areas <40 m, and fish sizes the larger (-50 to -45 dB or 12,5 to 22 cm) were going to the middle areas. At intermonsoon, there were demersal fishes with target strength -55 to -50 dB at <40 m. Demersal fishes with target strength -55 to -50 dB were dominant at this time. At areas >45 m it was detected fishes of -45 to -35 dB target strength of about 22 to 70 cm.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Layla Hajiesmaeli ◽  
Laya Heidari Darani

<p>This article was intended to explore the frequency and order of communication strategies used by Iranian male and female EFL earners as well as English native speakers while facing communication breakdowns. Furthermore, it was aimed to investigate the difference between native speakers and non-native speakers of English in their use of communication strategies. In addition, it was probed whether gender had any effects on the use of these strategies among native and non-native speakers. To this end, the data were collected through the communication strategy questionnaire distributed among 30 male and female Iranian intermediate EFL learners and 15 English native speakers. The design of this study was a quantitative one in which the questionnaire and thus numerical data were applied. To analyze the data, Cronbach alpha and independent-samples t-tests were used. The results indicated that non-verbal and social affective strategies were the most frequent strategies used by non-native speakers and native speakers of English, respectively. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between male and female Iranian EFL learners, but a significant difference between male and female English native speakers were seen. It can be concluded that language proficiency can contribute to the type and frequency of communications strategies which are used non-native speakers; likewise, it can play a significant role in gender differences in language use.<em></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. p10
Ayman R. Nazzal ◽  
Mohammad F. Khmous

This study investigates the inaccuracies manifested in the translation of dental terms from English into Arabic by Palestinian dentists. It underscores the fact that the translation of dental terms is part and parcel of technical translation; and accounts for the major causes and provides an adequate solution for such inaccuracies.The findings of the study point out the shortcomings of using different dental translation strategies simultaneously for the same term and point out that the experience and the institutional background of the dentists have a profound impact on the accuracy of translating dental terms. The findings have also underlined the difference between technical and conventional translation rules. While the study points out that dentists have used Arabicisation, transliteration, and descriptive translation strategies for the accomplishment of adequate equivalences in the translation of dental terms, it has shown also that Arabicisation is highly neglected and rarely used by dentists in comparison with the other two translation strategies. Transliteration is the most common especially among specialists and descriptive is mainly used by dentists with non-specialists.The methodology used in this study relied heavily on the data taken from a pilot study, carried out through the distribution of a questionnaire to a hundred dentists at the American University in the city of Jenin and in the city of Nablus on the West Bank, followed with a number of personal interviews with a number of dentists.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Zheming Zhu ◽  
Weiting Gao ◽  
Duanying Wan ◽  
Meng Wang ◽  
Yun Shu

To study the characteristics of rock fracture in deep underground under blast loads, some numerical models were established in AUTODYN code. Weibull distribution was used to characterize the inhomogeneity of rock, and a linear equation of state was applied to describe the relation of pressure and volume of granite elements. A new stress initialization method based on explicit dynamic calculation was developed to get an accurate stress distribution near the borehole. Two types of in situ stress conditions were considered. The effect of heterogeneous characteristics of material on blast-induced granite fracture was investigated. The difference between 2D models and 3D models was discussed. Based on the numerical results, it can be concluded that the increase of the magnitude of initial pressure can change the mechanism of shear failure near the borehole and suppress radial cracks propagation. When initial lateral pressure is invariable, with initial vertical pressure rising, radial cracks along the acting direction of vertical pressure will be promoted, and radial cracks in other directions will be prevented. Heterogeneous characteristics of material have an obvious influence on the shear failure zones around the borehole.

2020 ◽  
pp. 216-250
David Kilcullen

This chapter explores the declining efficacy of the Western military model since 2003, canvasses various strategic responses to it—including doubling down on the current approach, embracing decline, and “going Byzantine”—and recommends a strategy of strategic delay. It argues that the high point of Western military dominance in the post–Cold War era—the “high tide of the West”—coincided with the failed decapitation strike against Saddam Hussein in March 2003, and that since then Western powers have acted as if they were still in a Woolseyan security environment (where the principal threats originated from weak states, failing states and nonstate actors) when actually the environment was post-Woolseyan; that is, characterized by a return of state-based threats and great-power military competition. The chapter considers three possible responses to this problem, evaluates their strengths and weaknesses, and concludes that our best bet (though by no means a certain solution) is to play for time, adopt a light footprint offshore balancing strategy, and attempt to create space for a potentially acceptable successor order to emerge.

Radiocarbon ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 43 (2B) ◽  
pp. 517-525 ◽  
D Gallagher ◽  
E J McGee ◽  
P I Mitchell

Data on radiocarbon (14C), 137Cs, 210Pb, and 241Am levels in an ombrotrophic peat sequence from a montane site on the east coast of Ireland are compared with data from a similar sequence at an Atlantic peatland site on the west coast. The 14C profiles from the west and east coasts show a broadly similar pattern. Levels increase from 100 pMC or less in the deepest horizons examined, to peak values at the west and east coast sites of 117 ± 0.6 pMC and 132 ± 0.7 pMC, respectively (corresponding to maximal fallout from nuclear weapons testing around 1964), thereafter diminishing to levels of 110–113 pMC near the surface. Significantly, peak levels at the east coast site are considerably higher than corresponding levels at the west coast site, though both are lower than reported peak values for continental regions. The possibility of significant 14C enrichment at the east coast site due to past discharges from nuclear installations in the UK seems unlikely. The 210Pbex inventory at the east coast site (6500 Bq m−2) is significantly higher than at the west coast (5300 Bq m−2) and is consistent with the difference in rainfall at the two sites. Finally, 137Cs and 241Am inventories at the east coast site also exceed those at the west coast site by similar proportions (east:west ratio of approximately 1:1.2).

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