scholarly journals Restrukturisasi Obyek Wisata Alam Dan Agro Sebagai Wujud Pelayanan Sosial Kemasyarakatan Di Desa Genito Kabupaten Magelang

Adhi Surya Perdana

Tourism is now seen as a sector popular in the national economy and the world,where one of the motor industry style of contemporary capable of providing social servicescommunity, especially in the village of Genito in providing natural attractions and agro, aswell as the opportunities of economic growth in terms of employment opportunities, income,the standard of living and to enable the local production sector. The purpose of this studywhich is to identify the factors driving and inhibiting natural attractions as well as therestructuring and agro tourism. Problems include the lack of accessibility of land and thedifficulty of the motor vehicle to the location of natural and agro. This is a qualitative study,which describes the study explanation about the state of the field findings and submit thequestionnaire contained structured questions addressed to the public ranging fromcommunity leaders, stakeholders of the village administration, the offender driving tourism,and tourists with the total respondents as many as 30 people, using the method of randomsampling incidental. The study results showed that the natural attractions and tourism in thevillage of Genito there are two attractions that nature tenure is owned by forestry andagricultural land supported rural communities that provide beauty agro tourism.Restructuring of natural attractions such as swimming pools, fish ponds and objects whoseexistence Selfie nestled in the woods with Sukorini name. Restructuring of the naturalattractions in the form of a pool is an innovation village government.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-251
Agustiar Rivaldi

The presence of Village Facilitators is a demand for Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages and Permendes No. 3 of 2015 concerning Village Assistance. Five years of the village fund and village assistance program have been running, but there are still problems in the field. The purpose of this study was to assess the research to determine the role of village facilitators in the development and empowerment of rural communities. This research is a qualitative study with a field approach. This research is located in villages in Klapanunggal District, Bogor Regency. The author uses data collection techniques in the form of interviews, documentation, and observation. The study results concluded that village facilitators were able to improve the accountability and transparency aspects of village government. Supervision and community participation as the subject and object of development and empowerment over the last five years, in general, have shown their existence towards a change in a healthy and independent village government system. However, the problem of not optimal assistance still occurs both at the central and regional government levels and at the village level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Annisa Riva Ardiyani ◽  
Evy Rahman Utami ◽  
Hilma Tsani Amanati ◽  
Abdurrahman Maulana Yusuf

This study aims to analyze the village government's management of village funds to increase the empowerment of rural communities in the Wonosobo Regency. Several villages in Wonosobo Regency were selected based on the classification of the Building Village Index, including Krasak, Blederan, Kebrengan, and Derongisor. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used are interviews, documentation, and observation. Interviews were conducted with informants from village officials and community representatives. Data analysis was carried out with data collection from interview transcriptions, direct observations, and documents. The study results indicate that the management of village funds carried out by the village government in Wonosobo Regency has paid attention to aspects of accountability and transparency. In addition, the use of funds is also right on target, prioritized for community empowerment. Overall, good management of village funds has increased empowerment and provided benefits to communities in various areas.Keywords: Village Funds; Accountability; Transparency; Village Community Empowerment. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengelolaan dana desa untuk peningkatan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa di Kabupaten Wonosobo. Beberapa desa di Kabupaten Wonosobo dipilih berdasarkan berdasarkan klasifikasi Indeks Desa Membangun, meliputi Desa Krasak, Blederan, Kebrengan, dan Derongisor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap informan dari aparatur desa dan perwakilan masyarakat. Analisis data dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data dari transkripsi wawancara, observasi langsung dan peninjauan dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan dana desa yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah desa di Kabupaten Wonosobo telah memperhatikan aspek akuntabilitas dan transparasi. Selain itu, penggunaan dana sudah tepat sasaran untuk pemberdayaan mayarakat. Secara umum pengelolaan dana desa yang baik telah meningkatkan pemberdayaan dan memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat di berbagai bidang.Kata Kunci: Dana Desa; Akuntabilitas; Transparansi; Pemberdayaan Mayarakat Desa. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 523-542
Sri Ayu Saputri ◽  
Nurzi Sebrina ◽  
Vita Fitria Sari

This study aims to determine how Administration, Reporting and Accountability of Dana Nagari in Batang Anai District, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra Province. There are three (3) aspects in village funds, administration, reporting and accountability. To achieve these objectives, descriptive qualitative research methods are used. Data sources are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study show: (1) Administration carried out by the treasurer in the form of receipts and expenditures which are recorded in the general cash book, bank book, income details book, and financing details book which is equipped with receipts. (2) Reporting that the delay in disbursing village funds was due to the late regulation of the Regulations of the Regent of Padang Pariaman which caused the disbursement of stage I and phase II village funds to be delayed too late. (3) Accountability Submission of accountability reports to the public through various media, such as websites and billboards. Submission through this media can make it easier for the public to obtain information about the performance of the village government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Anita Tri Widiyawati

Abstract The Village Library has full responsibility in terms of empowering knowledge for the community. This is because the village library has a strategic position in rural communities. The empowerment of this knowledge is very closely related to the achievement of prosperity both materially and nonmaterial. In the empowerment of knowledge refers to the existing conditions of the village library, potential maps, and problems that exist in the Paseban Village community. This research uses a case study with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, documentation, audio-visual material (Creswell). Analysis of the data used is Creswell data analysis. The researcher chooses to use qualitative validity and reliability to demonstrate the validity of the data as well as the accuracy of the research results. The results of this study are that the Paseban Village Government has carried out empowerment related to tourism development, BumDes, and through the provision of the internet. However, it is not under the auspices of the village library. The empowerment carried out is partial, not centered on the village library. Paseban Village Government has not fulfilled the three aspects of empowerment, namely a) enabling, b) empowering, and c) protecting. So that there is a need to develop a model of knowledge empowerment in the Paseban Village Library, including: a) enabling (village library as a center of knowledge, village library creates an atmosphere that allows the potential of the community to develop by maximizing the function of the library; b) empowering (strengthening the village library as a center of knowledge , strengthening the village library in creating an atmosphere that enables the potential of the community to develop by maximizing the function of the library with concrete steps, the concept that is in enabling is practiced with concrete steps and the availability of infrastructure that can support the creation of community empowerment; c) protecting ( the village library as a knowledge center establishes an information center that can protect and defend the community in terms of knowledge and information related to the distribution of the results of community innovation, the village library covers everything needed community in developing welfare literacy. Keywords: village library, knowledge empowerment, welfare literacy. Abstrak Perpustakaan Desa mempunyai tanggung jawab penuh dalam hal pemberdayaan pengetahuan bagi masyarakat. Hal ini dikarenakan perpustakaan desa mempunyai posisi yang strategis dalam masyarakat pedesaan. Pemberdayaan pengetahuan ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan pencapaian kesejahteraan baik secara materi maupun nonmateri. Dalam pemberdayaan pengetahuan mengacu pada kondisi eksisting perpustakaan desa, peta potensi, dan permasalahan yang ada pada masyarakat Desa Paseban. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, materi audio-visual (Creswell). Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data Creswell. Peneliti memilih menggunakan validitas dan realibilitas kualitatif untuk menunjukkan keabsahan data sekaligus keakuratan hasil penelitian. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Pemerintah Desa Paseban sudah pernah melaksanakan pemberdayaan terkait pembangunan wisata, BumDes, dan melalui penyediaan internet. Akan tetapi, tidak di bawah naungan perpustakaan desa. Pemberdayaan yang dilakukan bersifat parsial, tidak terpusat pada perpustakaan desa. Pemerintah Desa Paseban belum memenuhi tiga aspek pemberdayaan, yakni a) enabling, b) empowering, dan c) protecting. Sehinggan perlu adanya pengembangan model pemberdayaan pengetahuan pada Perpustakaan Desa Paseban, antara lain: a) enabling (perpustakaan desa sebagai pusat pengetahuan, perpustakaan desa menciptakan suasana yang memungkinkan potensi masyarakat dapat berkembang dengan memaksimalkan fungsi perpustakaan; b) empowering (memperkuat perpustakaan desa sebagai pusat pengetahuan, memperkuat perpustakaan desa dalam menciptakan suasana yang memungkinkan potensi masyarakat dapat berkembang dengan memaksimalkan fungsi perpustakaan dengan langkah-langkah nyata, konsep yang ada pada enabling dipraktikkan dengan langkah-langkah nyata dan tersedianya sarana prasarana yang dapat mendukung terciptanya pemberdayaan pada masyarakat; c) protecting (perpustakaan desa sebagai pusat pengetahuan mendirikan juga pusat informasi yang dapat melindungi dan membela masyarakat dalam hal pengetahuan dan informasi terkait pendistribusian hasil inovasi masyarakat, perpustakaan desa meng-cover segala hal yang dibutuhkan masyarakat dalam mengembangkan literasi kesejahteraan. Kata kunci: perpustakaan desa, pemberdayaan pengetahuan, literasi kesejahteraan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Ari Riswanto

The increasing of women capacity to survive is something that must always be fought. Lengansari village of Sukaraja District of Sukabumi is the representative of the struggling people who are always be the farm laborers on their own dwelling place. This phenomenon triggered the idea of the community service activities which is be an annual program of STKIP PGRI Sukabumi. Group III that is located in Lengansari village initiated to establish a cooperative as a form of education to increase the public standard of living of rural communities. In order to gain the villagers’ expectation, the training was done conductively and systematically by a team under the lecturer guidance. This project was successfully gained because of the hard work of the students of group III totaling 25 students who were directed by the lecturer and in collaboration both with the related apparatus in the region and the department of cooperatives. 

Denok Kurniasih ◽  
Shadu S. Wijaya ◽  
Paulus Israwan Setyoko

This paper discusses the imbalance of the role of stakeholders in the accountability of village enterprise management. One of the stakeholders dominates, this has hampered corporate actions based on public governance on the accountability of BUMDes management. Accountability is only carried out  as a form  of procedural accountability to the village government and district government. Even though there is a horizontal accountability mechanism to the public, it does not work effectively. One of the reasons for the accountability failure of BUMDes management is the unclear role and responsibility of stakeholders in managing BUMDes. Rural Communities, Representative Institutions (Badan Permusyawaratan Desa), Private Sector, and the ohter Village Institutions do not have proportional roles and responsibilities in the accountability mechanism for BUMDes management. It means the capacity of stakeholders in the accountability process of BUMDes management is relatively low. Even though the capacity of stakeholders is important to strengthen the accountability of BUMDes management, because all stakeholders can monitor and evaluate the management of BUMDes, so that the dominance of the Headman and BUMDes’s manager can be controlled. Therefore, in overcoming the vacancy in the role of stakeholders, this research proposes the need to create an accountability mechanism based on public governance, where all stakeholders will interact with each other with the aim of influencing the results of public policy. They interact with each other in the management of public organizations to fulfill various interests of the community. To integrate the role of stakeholders in the accountability of BUMDes management it is advisable to use an information system that can bring together all stakeholders in managing a BUMDes. The information system can be used to strengthen the accountability model based on public governance on the management of BUMDes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Tarsim Dan Erga Yuhandra

Abstrak : Reformasi dan otonomi daerah sebenarnya adalah harapan baru bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat desa untuk membangun desanya sesuai kebutuhan dan aspirasi masyarakat. Kewenangan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) dalam melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan kepada pemerintah desa. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kewenangan BPD dalam melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan sesuai Undang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa dan fakor-faktor yang menjadi kendala Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan kepada pemerintah desa di Desa Sukaharja, Kecamatan Cibingbin, Kabupaten Kuningan. Metode penelitian ini dengan pendekatan yuridis empiris, yaitu menggunakan data primer dan sekunder dan dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian ini adalah kewenangan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan sesuai dengan Undang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 yaitu BPD memiliki hak untuk mengawasi dan meminta informasi tentang administrasi desa kepada pemerintah desa; menyampaikan pendapat tentang pelaksanaan pemerintahan desa, pelaksanaan pembangunan desa, pengembangan masyarakat desa, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat pedesaan; serta mendapatkan biaya operasional untuk pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi anggaran pendapatan dan belanja desa serta faktor-faktor yang menjadi kendala yaitu dalam menerapkan fungsi supervisi kepada pemerintah desa terbagi menjadi 2 (dua) : faktor internal termasuk: sarana yang tidak memadai, pola komunikasi tidak berjalan dengan baik, dan anggota BPD tidak mengerti fungsi sedangkan faktor eksternal meliputi: masyarakat tidak mengerti fungsi BPD, ada sosialisasi pemerintah desa terkait fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa , dan faktor sumber daya manusia masyarakat desa. Kesimpulan adalah kewenangan BPD dalam melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan sesuai Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa yaitu BPD yang berhak mendapat pertanggungjawaban kepala desa dan meminta informasi kepada pemerintah desa.Kata kunci: Otoritas, BPD, Pengawasan, dan Pemerintahan Desa.�THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTHORITY OF VILLAGE CONSULTATIVE AGENCY IN RUNNING CONTROL FUNCTIONS ON VILLAGE GOVERNMENT (STUDY IN KUNINGAN REGENCY)�Abstract : The writer conducted this research with background to know the authority of Village Consultative Agency (Badan Permusyawaratan Desa) in implementing supervision function to village government. The purposes of writing this research� are to know the authority of Village Consultative Agency in implementing supervision function according to Law Number 6 of 2014 about Village and what factors that become obstacles are faced by Village Consultative Agency in implementing supervision function to village government in Sukaharja Village, Cibingbin District, Kuningan Regency. This research used descriptive analysis research with juridical-normative approach. Stage of research is through literature research using primary and secondary data collected through documentation and analyzed descriptive qualitative method. The result of this research was the authority of Village Consultative Agency� in implementing supervisory function according to Law Number 6 of 2014 namely VCB has the right to supervise and request information about the administration of village administration to village government; to express opinions on the implementation of village governance, implementation of village development, village community development, and empowerment of rural communities; as well as obtaining operational costs for the execution of duties and functions of the village income and expenditure budget. The factors that into two: internal factor including: inadequate means, communication patterns were not working properly, and members of Village Consultative Agency do not understand the functions while external factors include: the community does not understand the functions of Village Consultative Agency, there was a socialization of the village government related to the function of Village Consultative Agency, and the human resource factor of the village community. The conclusion of paper was the authority of Village Consultative Agency in implementing supervision function according to Law Number 6 of 2014 about Village namely VCB was entitled to hold accountability of village head and ask for information to village government.Keywords: Authority, VCB, Supervision, and Village Government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Tarlani Tarlani

Abstract. After Village Law was published in 2014,  formation of BUMDes enforcement in each village became one of the strategic solutions for welfare of the village community. The issue of poverty and underdevelopment of villages is a priority that needs to be addressed by the government. However, not all problems can be solved in one village, but they need village collaboration to make institutions so that their role is more massive, effective, and efficient in encouraging the growth of the village economy. BUMDES Danar Garut is a form of cooperation between villages so that the resolution of a problem can be done at the village government level. since 2014,  BUMDes has been established many business activities. This paper aims to assess the level of contribution of the Danar BUMDes to the economic activities of rural communities. This research was conducted by means of semi-structured in-depth interviews with key stakeholders from both the village government, the director of the Joint BUMDes and the community as beneficiaries of the BUMDes by selecting purposive sampling. The results of the analysis show that BUMDes Danar has made a positive contribution to the village government, socio-economic village communities and the ability and expertise of the people in Leles District both the direct impact of reducing unemployment, increasing the welfare of the village apparatus and indirectly for the Villages or the scope of Leles District.Keywords: Joint-BUMDes, Social-economy, Village SocietyAbstrak. Setelah terbitnya Undang-Undang Desa tahun 2014,dorongan terbentuknya BUMDes di setiap desa menjadi salah satu solusi strategis dalam menyejahterakan masyarakat desa. Isu kemiskinan dan ketertinggalan desa menjadi prioritas yang perlu ditangani oleh pemerintah. Namun tidak semua masalah  dapat diselesaikan dalam satu desa, melainkan perlu adanya kolaborasi antar lembaga desa sehingga perannya lebih masif , efektif dan efisien dalam mendorong bertumbuhnya ekonomi desa. BUMDES Danar Garut merupakan perwujudan kerjasama antar desa agar penyelesaiaan suatu masalah bisa dilakukan pada tingkat pemerintahan desa. sejak 2014 BUMDes ini berdiri sudah banyak kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan. Paper ini bertujuan menilai tingkat kontribusi BUMDes Danar terhadap kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat desa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam semi terstruktur kepada para stakeholder kunci   baik dari kalangan pemerintah desa, direktur BUMDes Bersama maupun dari masyarakat sebagai penerima manfaat  dari adanya BUMDes dengan pemilihan purposive sampling. Dari hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa  BUMDes Danar telah memberikan kontribusi positif  bagi pemerintah desa,  sosial-ekonomi masyarakat desa dan kemampuan serta keahlian masyarakat yang ada di Kecamatan Leles baik dampak secara langsung yaitu berkurangnya pengangguran, meningkatkan kesejahteraan aparatur desa maupun secara tidak langsung bagi Desa-Desa ataupun lingkup Kecamatan Leles.Kata Kunci: BUMDes Bersama, Sosial-ekonomi, Masyarakat Desa

2021 ◽  
Yusriadi Yusriadi

Village financial management includes all activities, including planning, implementation, administration, and village financial accountability. Village finances are managed based on transparent, accountable, participatory principles and are carried out in an orderly and disciplined budget. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the presentation of the financial statements of the Padang Loang Village government, Chinese District, whether it is following the government accounting standards mandated by the Indonesian government. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research approach, where the Village Financial Accountability Report (LPJ) is the main object of the study. The informants were the Village Head, Village Secretary, Village Treasurer, and all government staffs in Padang Loang Village, Cina District, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Data sources consisted of primary data and secondary data, namely interviews and field observations, and available documents sourced from the village government office under study. Simultaneously, the research stage is carried out through data collection, data processing, data presentation, and concluding. The study results indicate that the evaluation of the production of financial accountability reports in the village of Padang Loang is quite good and following the accounting standards recommended by the government. Besides, the accountability reporting procedure carried out by the Padang Loang Village government, either the village treasurer to the Village Head or from the Village Head to the District Government (Camat) and Regency Government (Bupati), is considered fair enough, transparent, and accountable.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Early Ridho Kismawadi

Abstrak This study aims to discuss trends in the use of village funds. Basically, the village government is obliged to prosper the village community with a village fund budget that has been channeled directly by the central government because the village government is directly in contact with rural communities. However, in line with the village budget allocation to the village government more and more fraud has occurred. In the study, measuring the level of fraud on the use of village funds, in this study used two variables, the dependent variable (the tendency of fraud on the use of village funds) and the variable free (the nature of love of money and spiritual intelligence). The results of the regression calculations show that Love of Money (X1) has a partial effect on the Fraud Tendency on the use of village funds. Whereas Spiritual Intelligence (X2) has no partial effect on the Fraud Tendency on the use of village funds.  

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