
SIRANUSH PAPOYAN - SEMANTIC FEATURES OF LINGUOCULTURAL CONCEPT “WATER” IN GERMAN AND ARMENIAN This article is devoted to the study of the features of the linguistic and cultural concept “water” in the German and Armenian languages. The examples have been chosen from idiomatic dictionaries and electronic sites. The usage of the concept in the idioms is related to the lingual thinking, psychological and cultural peculiarities of the native speakers, and the study allows to complete the very important linguo-cultural reflection of the concept “water” in the idiomatic level of the two languages.

E.N. Guts ◽  
D.V. Plotnikova ◽  

The article presents the results of a directed associative experiment carried out with high school students of secondary schools. The purpose of the article is to reveal the relationship between the structural and semantic features of the utterance and the strategies of the respondents’ choice of a linguistic sign (word/abbreviation) in the context of a directed associative experiment. The analysis of the experimental material made it possible to draw conclusions about the peculiarities of using the initial abbreviation as an associate; about the possibility of the abbreviation of stable and individual, situational associative links; about the strategies for choosing a linguistic sign (words, abbreviations, phrases) depending on the semantics of the reference word and the type of grammatical structure of the experimental sentence; on the consolidation of initial abbreviations in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers of the Russian language, which is associated with the strengthening of the law of economy of linguistic means in modern speech communication.


The purpose of this article is a scientific understanding of the methodological and theoretical problems of the linguistic aspect in intercultural communication. The importance of this article is due to the fact that the focus is on the study of linguistic aspects that can affect communication between native speakers of different languages. The linguistic aspect is not limited to identifying semantic features of words in different languages. It also covers the comparison of various communicative situations, ways of dividing the world by language means, and the comparison of speech behavior of representatives of different cultures. The result of the research is the conclusion that the language aspect of intercultural communication should focus not on finding "equivalents", but on studying extralinguistic differences, taking into account that concepts in two different languages may differ. The "meaning" of a word is the thread that connects the language world with the world of reality for the speaker.

Soshko O.H.

Purpose. The main purpose of this paper is to interpret and differentiate the types of metaphorization mechanisms in Ukrainian, German and English phraseological units, which characterize positive intellectual abilities of a person, as well as to identify their common and distinctive features since one of the main characteristics of phraseological systems of different languages is the unity of general and special. Based on this goal and the general task of anthropocentric phraseology – the study of the ratio of linguistic and extralinguistic meanings, the existing definitions of phraseological units in languages are investigated, and the phraseological meaning is considered as an object of linguistic research. Phrasemes, or phraseological units, are studied in different directions. The study of them as units reflecting the human factor in any language remains relevant in recent decades. Metaphor is also in the focus of modern linguistics because of its relationship between linguistic phenomena and perception, memory and thinking, acquisition and application of human knowledge and experience.Methods. Since phraseological units are also studied in linguistic and linguocultural aspects, a complex research methodology is used here. According to the set goal and specific tasks, such basic methods as descriptive, comparative, component analysis were used.Results. The research findings are as follows: the author suggests a general classification of the mechanisms of metaphorization in phraseological units taking into account the components of their inner form. The models of phraseological units are highlighted, which are based on different types of metaphorical rethinking. The proposed classification can be used to study the semantic features of phraseological units using the material of different languages, as well as for their further correct ideographic separation.Conclusions. In the studied languages phrasemes with metaphorical rethinking form a rather large group. Many of them have a fairly transparent structure of meaning, the motivation of which is based on broad connotations known to almost any native speaker. The research objective includes identifying semantic similarities and differences between phraseological units of languages studied. The connection of phraseological units with the cultural code is preserved in the collective subconscious memory of native speakers. Phraseologisms, reflecting in their semantics the long process of people’s cultural development, fix and transmit cultural attitudes and archetypes, standards and stereotypes from generation to generation.Key words: phraseological unit/phraseme, idiom, metaphor, metaphorization, structural-semantic analysis, inner form. Мета. Основна мета дослідження – це інтерпретувати та диференціювати типи механізмів метафоризації в українських, німецьких та англійських фразеологізмах, які характеризують позитивні інтелектуальні здібності людини, а також виявити їх спільні та відмінні риси, адже однією з основних характеристик фразем різних мов виступає єдність загального і специфічного. Виходячи із цієї мети і спільного завдання антропоцентричної фразеології, що полягає у вивченні співвідношення мовних та екстралінгвістичних значень, досліджуються мовні визначення фразеологізмів у мові, а фразеологічне значення розглядається як об’єкт лінгвістичного дослідження. Вивчення фразем відбувається за різними напрямками. Вивчення їх як одиниць, що відбивають людський фактор в будь-якій мові, залишається актуальним в останні десятиліття. Метафора також знаходиться в центрі уваги сучасної лінгвістики через її взаємозв’язок між мовними явищами і сприйняттям, пам’яттю і мисленням, надбанням і застосуванням людських знань і досвіду.Методи. Оскільки фразеологічні одиниці розглядаються в лінгвістичному і лінгвокультурному аспектах, використовується комплексна дослідницька методологія. Згідно з поставленою метою та конкретними завданнями використовувалися такі основні методи, як описовий, зіставний, а також метод компонентного аналізу.Результати. Автор пропонує загальну класифікацію механізмів метафоризації у фразеологічних одиницях, що вивчаються з урахуванням компонентів їхньої внутрішньої форми. Виділено моделі фразеологізмів, засновані на різних типах метафоричного переосмислення. Запропонована класифікація може бути застосована для вивчення семантичних особливостей фразеологізмів на матеріалі різних мов, а також для їх подальшого правильного ідеографічного розподілу.Висновки. У досліджуваних мовах фраземи з метафоричним переосмисленням утворюють досить велику групу. Багато з них мають досить прозору смислову структуру, мотивація якої заснована на широких конотаціях, відомих практично кожному носію мови. У завдання дослідження входило виявлення семантичних подібностей і відмінностей між фразеологізмами мов. Зв’язок фразеологізмів із культурним кодом зберігається в колективній підсвідомій пам’яті носіїв мови. Фразеологізми, що відображають в своїй семантиці тривалий процес культурного розвитку людей, фіксують та передають культурні установки й архетипи, стандарти і стереотипи з покоління в покоління.Ключові слова: фразеологічна одиниця/фразема, ідіома, метафора, метафоричне переосмислення, структурно-семантичний аналіз, внутрішня форма.

Michèle Goyens ◽  
Willy Van Hoecke

Translations, which are frequently used in contrastive linguistics to analyse syntactic or semantic features in different languages, are also precious instruments for the diachronic study of linguistic phenomena, especially if the corpus texts imply several historical stages of one language. These successive translations are all authentic testimonies by native speakers to the most appropriate expression of one and the same message in their language system.In this paper, we present the methodology underlying our approach and describe the basic corpus. Next, we sketch the current state of (the) research which is being carried out in this respect at the Catholic University of Leuven (K. U. Leuven). Recently, two new projects have enabled us to enlarge the corpus texts and to give a new orientation to our approach. We will therefore outline the prospects of our research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 223-238
T. G. Putilina

Life / death contrasting is fundamental to the reconstruction of national paintings of the world. In each culture, the experiences associated with opposition life / death are expressed in specific traditions and rites and, accordingly, are enshrined in the language in a certain way. The author’s language picture of the world is based on the common language picture of the world, which is formed as a result of the generalization of knowledge received by native speakers. In literary works, it is often the opposition to life / death that contains semantic features that reflect the author’s linguistic picture of the world. Of particular interest to the study are the memories of famous writers, in which they presenttheir impressions of iconic historical events and creative personalities. It is in such texts that the author’s features of the language are clearly manifested, characteristic language means for expressing a certain attitude towards people and their position in the current situation. The material of our study is the collection “Damned Days” by writer Ivan Bunin. The scientific novelty of the work is that the work of I. Bunin is considered in a new aspect, from the point of view of analyzing the meanings of words and expressions used in the text to contrast two worlds, the world of old Russia and the world of Bolshevik Russia, and the language means used by the writer. The work concludes that I. Bunin uses techniques to negatively characterize people, with the help of which the semantics of characters from the “world of death” are actualized. By using zoomorphisms, describing a person with the inclusion of inanimate objects, listing diseases, comparing with the corpse and words with a negative connotative color, the author shows that the described characters do not belong to real living people. Thus, the author verbally “displaces” people hated by him from the world of the living and paints a special, inverted “antiworld” – “world of the dead.” This world is also defined by the author of the work as “horror,” “terrible” with the use of corresponding lexes. In the author’s picture of the world, Bolshevik Russia is a “dead” world, opposed to the “living” world of old Russia. The author uses language tools such as metaphors, comparisons, occasionalisms. Vocabulary has a negative connotation, sometimes bright to such an extent that it is invective. The world of old Russia is opposed to this world. Its representatives are called the opposite in meaning: these are beautiful, healthy, believing people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (34) ◽  

Objective of this article is to define the exact number of split infinitives and the most common splitters in the construction, identify groups of studied constructions united by an integral feature and to determine the semantic features of constructions with a split infinitive. Applied methods. For the purpose of this research language material is collected on the basis of the corpora of texts such as the British National Corpus and the Corpus of Contemporary American English. The examples of the phenomenon are selected to conduct a semantic experiment using the method of expert assessments, which will reveal the semantic features of constructions with a split infinitive. The informants (native speakers) are asked to grade the sentences with the reference to the norm of standard English and leave their personal comments on the use of split infinitive constructions. Results The acquired data is analyzed from the viewpoint of semantics. As a result of the research the semantic features of split infinitives are described and the difference in semantics of split and usual infinitives is established. Conclusion. The construction with a split infinitive in comparison with the usual infinitive introduces different information to the sentence. Putting an adverb directly before a verb allows to clarify the statement, gives a narrow focus and establishes a semantic connection with a specific verb.

Dudok Kh.R.

The article analyzes the role of phraseological constituents in the process of replenishment in the mobile communication terminology. It is noted that phraseological units carry much more information than a single word and should be studied and taken into account in various aspects: cognitive, linguistic and cultural, functional, etc. It is argued that cognitive phraseological units as constituents of the language system are used by native speakers to describe semantic processes and states. It is proved that the deep semantic nature of phraseology has been emerged under the influence of socio-domestic, political and other social phenomena. Some constituents in the professional language through time acquire additional, situational meaning, i.e. new semantic content of constant expressions giving it a special text format. It is suggested that the semantic structure of the phraseological component in professional speech is formed by a set of its semantic elements, which are closely correlated with each other. It is stressed that the components of phraseological semantics, in turn, are divided into semantic components, semantic features that act not only as constituents of the main semantic components of phraseology, but also as a close link between them. Thus, such characteristic features of phraseological constituents as internal form, motivation, imagery, idiomaticity and stability, enable the phraseological units to create semantic transformation. It is argued that the professional language of mobile communication is filled with phraseological constituents, in which the value of the whole combination is not accurate, and sometimes not deduced from the sum of its components, or dominates the value of its components. It is concluded that phraseology is one of the inexhaustible sources of richness and expressiveness of speech, which nourishes the professional subtext of mobile communication, gives it an artistic sounding, filled with components of lexical and syntactic sophistication and completeness. We may sum up that the phraseological constituent is a productive semantic and stylistic means, so metaphor and metonymy are used in various spheres of language, the terminology of mobile communication in particular.Key words: phraseological constituents, internal form, meanings, sences, concept, idiomaticity, metaphor, metonymy. У статті проаналізовано роль фразеологічних конституентів у процесі поповнення терміносистеми мобільний зв’язок. Зазначено, що фразеологізми мають набагато більше інформації в порівнянні з окремим словом та їх слід вивчати й враховувати в різних аспектах: когнітивному, лінгвокультурологічному, функціональному тощо. Стверджується, що когнітивно фразеологічні одиниці як конституенти мовної системи використовуються носіями мови для опису смислових процесів і станів. Доведено, що глибинна семантична природа фразеологізмів полягає в тому, що під впливом соціально-побутових, політичних та інших суспільних явищ деякі конституанти у фаховій мові із часом набувають додаткового, ситуативного смислу, тобто нового смислового наповнення сталим висловам надає спеціальний текстовий форматив. Висунуто припущення, що семан-тичну структуру фразеологічного компонента у фаховому мовленні формує сукупність його семантичних елементів, що знаходяться між собою в тісних кореляціях. Розвинуто думку, що складові частини фразеологічної семантики своєю чергою розчленовуються на семантичні компоненти, семантичні ознаки, що виступають не тільки як конституенти основних семантичних складових частин фразеологізму, але і як тісна сполучна ланка між ними. Таким чином, такі характерні риси фразеологічних конституентів, як внутрішня форма, мотивованість, образність, ідіоматичність і стійкість уможливлюють здатність фразеологізмів до семантичної трансформації. Аргументовано, що фахова мова мобільного зв’язку наповнена фразеологічними конституентами, в яких значення цілого сполучення не точне, а іноді й зовсім не виводиться із суми складових компонентів або домінує над значенням складових частин. Зроблено висновок, що фразеологізми є одним із невичерпних джерел багатства й виразності мовлення, які живлять фахову підмову мобільного зв’язку, надають їй художнього зву-чання, наповнюють компонентами лексичної та синтаксичної витонченості й завершеності. Підсумовано, що фразеологічний конституент є продуктивним семантико-стилістичним засобом, так само як і метафора, метонімія, які використовується в різних сферах мови, зокрема терміносистеми мобільного зв’язку.Ключові слова:фразеологічні значення, внутрішня форма, значення, смисли, концепт, ідіоматичність, метафора, метонімія.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 54-63
Iya Gordienko-Mytrofanova ◽  
Denis Hohol ◽  
Serhii Sauta ◽  
Maryna Konok ◽  
Serhii Bezkorovainyi

The present work continues a series of studies concerning ludic competence/ playfulness by means of psycholinguistic instruments and is devoted to description of the behaviour pattern of the ludic position “Diplomat”, which corresponds to flirting as one of the components of playfulness. The key research method is psycholinguistic experiment whose main stage is the controlled association experiment (CAE) with the stimulus “flirting person”. The sample consisted of 215 young respondents (age 21-35). The instructions for the controlled association experiment was developed in the frame of the parametric concept of I.A. Sternin. 23 questions (semantic features) were formulated. They were recognized as relevant to communication for the stimulus “flirting person” and allowed to obtain the material for describing the behaviour pattern of ludic position Diplomat (“flirting person”) reflecting the reality of linguistic consciousness of native speakers. This study presents the results of cluster analysis of two association fields built for the following semantic features: “What is the person’s gender?” and “What is the person’s appearance?”. The results of cluster analysis of the association field built for the semantic feature “What is the person’s gender?” indicate that in the linguistic consciousness of the inhabitants of Ukraine, the overwhelming majority of respondents (93%) accept the binary concept of gender, for 3% of respondents gender does not matter, and only one respondent considers the transgender identity. The analysis of the association field built for the semantic feature “What is the person’s appearance?” allows us to assert that the absolute majority of respondents (78%) demonstrates an emotionally positive attitude towards “flirting person”.

Elisa Corino

Building on the results of a previous study on reformulative discourse markers (Corino 2012), this paper examines the different functions and semantic features of the Italian discourse marker cioè in the hope of elaborating a clear framework for its many functions and uses. The outcomes will enable us to answer three main research questions: 1) Is there a relevant relationship between the learner’s mother tongue and the use of cioè? 2) What points in Italian as a second language (ISL) need to be taught to learners in order to improve the use of DMs? 3) What functions of cioè are used more or less by learners of ISL with respect to native speakers? To this end, the distribution of this DM will be analyzed in texts written by ISL learners, collected in the learner corpora VALICO and ADIL2, in search of regularities in acquisition vs. evidence of influence of the learners’ mother tongues.

2012 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 701-720 ◽  

This paper examines the acquisition of interpretable features in English second language (L2) learners of Spanish by investigating the personal preposition a in Spanish. The distribution of a in direct object NPs relates to the animacy/specificity of the NP, the animacy/agentivity of the subject, and the semantics of the predicate (Torrego, 1998; Zagona, 2002); i.e., personal a is conditioned by the interpretability of semantic features. Forty-nine English L2 learners of Spanish of three different proficiency levels, and 16 Spanish controls took part in a Completion Task and an Acceptability Judgement Task. These revealed that L2 learners of Spanish of all proficiency levels behaved differently from native speakers of Spanish. The L2 learners appear to have acquired some of the interpretable features (i.e., [±animate]), but show delays with others. Nonetheless, our data show partial convergence by advanced learners with the native speakers: some features are acquirable, while others may be less accessible and subject to developmental processes. In explaining our data we appeal to Lardiere's (2008, 2009) Feature Reassembly Hypothesis, but assess it critically and aim to develop it further by considering the complexity constraints in terms of the number of features involved and their configuration.

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