scholarly journals Meningkatkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS) anak usia 4-5 tahun melalui metode bercerita

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-114
Pangestuti Pangestuti

Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) in early childhood is a learning program to introduce and instill the principles of clean and healthy living from an early age. This study aims to prepare children to form new habitual behaviors by familiarizing themselves with clean and healthy daily living behaviors from an early age in order to implement health protocols so that children avoid the risk of transmission of various diseases including Covid-19. To teach PHBS to early childhood, teachers use the storytelling method, which is a method used by teachers to provide teaching experiences for children through oral. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with a qualitative research approach. The time of this research was carried out in August 2021. The subjects of this study were 10 group A children of TK ABA Bendan and all of them were 4-5 years old. The object of this research is clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS). Data collection techniques were carried out by observation (observation), interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique in this study uses qualitative data analysis, from the data that has been collected or collected it will be analyzed using qualitative and quantitative descriptive techniques with percentages. Based on the results in the observations, it was found that there was an increase in the clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) of children aged 4-6 years through the storytelling method which can be seen from the number of percentages with the criteria for developing well. In the initial conditions before the action of 0% in the first cycle increased to 50% and in the second cycle to 80%. The impact of developing PHBS with the storytelling method is that children will imitate the activity so that they gain experience about a learning activity from what they see, hear, and experience about an event.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-99
Warananingtyas Palupi ◽  
Hesty Marlyana Permatasari ◽  
Muhammad Munif Syamsuddin

This study aimed to determine the family waste management in the planting of environmental care characters for early childhood. The purpose of this study was to explore information about environmental care programs in Kitiran village, family waste management on the inculcation of early childhood environmental character care, and the impact of family waste management on inculcating character care for the environment of early childhood. The research approach used was qualitative descriptive study with the type of phenomenological research. The research subjects were parents who had early childhood, run a family waste management, and the residence is in Kitiran village. Sources of data used were parents who run family waste management, early childhood, public figures who are the originators of environmental care programs in Kitiran village. Data collection techniques used was purposive sampling which had taken by interviews, observation, and documentation. Data validity test used was source triangulation and technique triangulation. The data analysis technique used was interactive data analysis consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that Kitiran village had an environmental care program that was integrated with all elements of the community including families waste management activities become routine activities for every family member of the Kitiran village including early childhood. Families there introduced and instilled the character of caring for the environment in children from an early age. Children in their daily lives were involved in every family waste management activity simply. The age of the child and the active role of different parents in the process of inculcating the character of the child's environmental care in waste management made understanding and actions of child waste management different. This study aimed to determine the family waste management in the planting of environmental care characters for early childhood. The purpose of this study was to explore information about environmental care programs in Kitiran village, family waste management on the inculcation of early childhood environmental character care, and the impact of family waste management on inculcating character care for the environment of early childhood. The research approach used was qualitative descriptive study with the type of phenomenological research. The research subjects were parents who had early childhood, run a family waste management, and the residence is in Kitiran village. Sources of data used were parents who run family waste management, early childhood, public figures who are the originators of environmental care programs in Kitiran village. Data collection techniques used was purposive sampling which had taken by interviews, observation, and documentation. Data validity test used was source triangulation and technique triangulation. The data analysis technique used was interactive data analysis consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that Kitiran village had an environmental care program that was integrated with all elements of the community including families waste management activities become routine activities for every family member of the Kitiran village including early childhood. Families there introduced and instilled the character of caring for the environment in children from an early age. Children in their daily lives were involved in every family waste management activity simply. The age of the child and the active role of different parents in the process of inculcating the character of the child's environmental care in waste management made understanding and actions of child waste management different.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 2017-2024
Suharni Suharni ◽  
Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Yuli Astri

Attitude of caring for the environment can be improved since early age and influenced by the impact from environment. This research is purposely to Increase the attitude of caring for the environment Through recycle. This research was classroom action research, with subjects aged 5 to 6 years old in class B who totaling 10 children, 5 boys and 5 girls. The dependent variable from this research is attitude of caring for the environment intelligence whereas the independent variable is the use of used goods. The data collection was gathered by observation to some child on early childhood education institutions. The technique of data analysis was done through descriptive. The result showed that the attitude of caring for the child’s environment intelligence could improve after getting an action. The action given was through recycling. The result showed that in pre cycle, the average percentage reached 39,53% with low criteria. And the result of the study, it can be ignored that the proportion of increasing environmental awareness among children aged 5-6 years, the average number after data analysis of pre-cycle activities is in the Low category. Then in cycle one the average number is in the Medium category, and in cycle II the figure has reached the High category

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Intan Nur Laily ◽  
Ratnasari Dwi Ade Chandra

This research is motivated by the use of gadgets in early childhood which has positive and negative impacts, one of which is in children's social emotional abilities. Most parents do not understand the impact of using gadgets on children, providing gadgets to children so as not to interfere with parents' activities, introducing technology from an early age and making friends in cyberspace which will affect the child's social emotional ability in fact, social emotional abilities in children really need to be developed from an early age so that children grow and develop as expected. Therefore, research is needed on the impact of gadget use on socio-emotional abilities in early childhood. This research includes literature research with a qualitative research approach. Sources of data taken are from library data in the form of books and research journals in accordance with the study to be studied. The results of the study explain that the use of gadgets in early childhood has an impact on children's social emotional abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 144
Asrizal Saiin

The study in this manuscript discusses the impact on the educational equalization system of Pesantren Salafiyah and designs how Pesantren Salafiyah has always existed in the world of modern education. This research belongs to the type of qualitative study using the document analysis method. The form of data analysis used is descriptive analysis. The research approach method in this paper is library research. This study is divided into four methods, namely, the method of determining the subject, the form of the study, the method of data collection, and the method of data analysis. The result is the ability of Pesantren Salafiyah to make certain accommodations and concessions to find a pattern that they consider appropriate enough to face modernization and changes that are increasingly fast and have a broad impact without sacrificing the essence and other basic things in the existence of the pesantren, so that Pesantren Salafiyah still exists in the midst of the hustle and bustle of modernizing Islamic education

Ahmad Zaini

<p>Man is a creature of God; This is one of the nature of human beings.<br />Another is that the nature of human beings is creatures whose development<br />is influenced by the nature and the environment. A human being is very<br />interesting. Therefore, he has been the target of studies since past, present,<br />and future. Almost all higher education institutions assess the human, and<br />the impact of his work on his own, community and environment. One of the<br />aims of man created by God is to be His vicegerent on earth. Therefore, people<br />should be educated from an early age even while still in his mother’s womb.<br />Early childhood is a group of children who are in the process of growth and<br />development that is unique, in the sense of having a pattern of growth and<br />development, intelligence, social, emotional, language and communication<br />in accordance with the rate of growth and development of children. The<br />importance of childhood and early childhood characteristics, demanding<br />approach to be used in learning activities that will be used in the learning<br />activities that focus on children. At the time of this early age, children need to be<br />educated as well as possible, with methods appropriate to their circumstances.<br />The educational methods that can be applied are such as, advice, stories, and<br />customs. No “bad” or ‘good’method. Because it highly depends on many factors.<br />The important thing taken into account teachers to set a method is knowing<br />the limits of goodness and weakness methods that will be used, thus allowing<br />it to formulate conclusions about the results/achievement of the objectives of<br />the decision.</p>

Satya Widya ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-61
Ika Wulansari

This study aims to find out how caregivers in helping children to develop or build discipline from an early age conducted by 3 caregivers of the Orphanage of the White Cross on the Orphanage Children of the White Cross especially against one early childhood. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative with case study method, data collection by interview and data analysis with qualitative. In this study there are 3 subjects that help one child in building discipline. The results of the study show that the discipline of children is increasing from previously unattended discipline until now already have good discipline, in building discipline. The way in which the subject tends to be different from the other caregivers. Subjects do not use corporal punishment and it is done in a better way. The way the subject tends to be a subtle way with good advice, real stories, habits, good examples, daily schedules made, gift giving to children.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Yeni Suhartini ◽  
Ala Laela

The purpose of research is to find out how the activity of early childhood in improving natural intelligence through the introduction of animals in Pelita Kindergarten Bandung and to find out how much improvement of natural intelligence through the introduction of animals. The research problem is how the introduction of animals made to the natural intelligence of early childhood in Pelita Kindergarten Bandung. The research method used is Classroom Action Research method. Subjects in this study were all children early childhood amounting to 26 children. The instruments used are observation guidelines, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used quantitative descriptive using percentage and qualitative. Data analysis uses data reduction, data model, and conclusion. The results showed that in cycle I, the average value obtained by children Developing Very Good of 17%. While in cycle II, the average result of children Developing Very Good increased to 65%. This shows that by using the introduction of animals, the early child's natural intelligence in Pelita Kindergarten Bandung increased by 48%.

Itot Bian Raharjo ◽  
Warih Handayaningrum ◽  
Autar Abdillah

Abstact: This research is motivated by the need for songs as PAUD learning media in Kediri Regency. In general, teachers only use old songs, composing song lyrics. This study uses the Class Action Research approach which was conducted from March to October 2019. The results of the data analysis included 12 respondents (80%) in the first cycle, 5 respondents (33.3%) in the second cycle, and 2 respondents (13.3%) in cycle III that has not yet reached. It can also be seen that in the third cycle, the number of respondents reached 13 people with a percentage of 86.6%. It can be concluded that the use of chords in learning to create early childhood songs was successful, the action hypothesis in this study was declared acceptable.Key Words : Chord, compose a song, Childhood Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi kebutuhan lagu sebagai media pembelajaran PAUD di Kabupaten Kediri. Pada umumnya guru hanya menggunakan lagu lama, penggubahan lirik lagu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Class Action Research yang dilaksanakan mulai Maret - Oktober 2019. Hasil analisis data terdapat 12 responden (80%) di siklus I, 5 responden (33,3%) di siklus II, dan 2 responden (13,3%) di siklus III yang belum mencapai. Dapat diketahui pula pada siklus ke III, responden yang sudah tercapai berjumlah 13 orang dengan prosentase 86,6%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan chord dalam belajar mencipta lagu anak usia dini berhasil, hipotesis tindakan dalam penelitian ini dinyatakan diterima. Kata Kunci: Chord, Mencipta Lagu, Anak

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 43
Nurul Iman ◽  
Khairul Huda

Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pelatihan penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi di Lembaga PAUD Al- Khair Udayana Mataram ini adalah: 1) Untuk mendeskripsikan rancangan  model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi (PBK) pada anak usia dini; 2) Untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman kepada para pendidik tentang pentingnya menerapkan model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi (PBK) pada anak usia dini. Hal ini didasarkan atas masih kurangnya efektifitas dan bermaknaan dalam mengembangkan karakter peduli lingkungan bagi anak, hal ini dibuktikan dengan rendahnya rasa cinta dan peduli lingkungan pada diri anak misalnya membuang sampah di sembarang tempat. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan yang bersifat partisipatif. Hasil dari pelatihan ini adalah peserta pelatihan memahami dan menguasai rancangan  model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi (PBK) Adapun dampak dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan kebermanfaatan bagi para pendidik dalam hali ini adalah  guru PAUD supaya bisa memilih model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi sebagai alternatif dalam proses pembelajaran pada anak usia dini dalam usaha menanamkan karakter peduli lingkungan pada anak sehingga terlahir anak-anak yang mau menjaga kelstarian lingkungan sekitar serta sehat jasmani maupun rohani.Training on the Application of Conservation-Based Learning Model (Pbk) in Early Childhood at the Institute of Paud Al-Khair Udayana MataramAbstractThe objectives of community service activities carried out in the form of training in the application of conservation-based learning models at the Al-Khair Udayana Mataram PAUD Institution are: 1) To describe the design of conservation-based learning models (PBK) in early childhood; 2) To provide knowledge and experience to educators about the importance of applying conservation-based learning models (PBK) in early childhood. This is based on the lack of effectiveness and meaning in developing the character of caring for the environment for children, this is evidenced by the lack of love and care for the environment in children, for example, throwing trash in any place. The method used in community service activities is participatory training and assistance. The results of this training are training participants to understand and master the design of conservation-based learning models (PBK). The impact of this community service activity is to provide benefits for educators in this matter, PAUD teachers so they can choose conservation-based learning models as alternatives in the learning process for children. early age in an effort to instill the character of caring for the environment in children so that children are born who want to maintain the environment surrounding environment and healthy physically and spiritually.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (19) ◽  
pp. 10692
Indra Abeysekera ◽  
Kim Tien Tran

Access to quality early childhood education is a sustainable development goal towards empowering people in an emerging economy. The purpose of this study is to examine how the coronavirus disease impacted a small early childhood business in Vietnam, which experienced two waves of attacks. Previous studies have examined mainly the impact of various factors under stable environments. This study differs in that COVID-19 brought sudden, lasting, and impactful changes to the business environment. The study uses a case-study research approach that invited a small business owner to write and share the biography of the business from the start to the date of the research study and analysed the content using the theory of planned behaviour. The shared belief systems of a business to succeed led the owner to invest loan funds and join the company that became successful with planned actions. Dependence on a rental property later stalled the business growth. The owners settled into a stable way of business thinking. The two waves of coronavirus pandemic in Vietnam that affected their business location dried up cash, forcing the business into voluntary liquidation. The impact of coronavirus disease on small business in an emerging nation, Vietnam, can bring out lessons of business survival and ways policymakers can assist companies in surviving considering their capital structures under destabilising business environments. The qualitative causes found for the theory of planned behaviour can become useful for a later quantitative investigation.

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