scholarly journals Penyebab Balita tidak Imunisasi Dasar Lengkap di Desa Kalumbatan Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan

Lingsi Alpon ◽  
Ramli ◽  
Marselina Sattu ◽  
Derthan E.F. Polunggu ◽  
Muhammad Syahrir ◽  

Imunisasi merupakan pencegahan primer yang sangat efektif untuk menghindari terjangkitnya penyakit infeksi. Oleh sebab itu, angka kejadian penyakit infeksi akan menurun, kecacatan serta kematian yang ditimbulkannya pun akan berkurang. Sampai saat ini kasus yang ditemukan dilapangan ternyata masih ada ibu-ibu balita yang tidak mau membawa anaknya untuk diberikan imunisasi. Desa Kalumbatan merupakan satu-satunya Desa di Kecamatan Totikum Selatan yang belum mencapai target Universal Child Immunization (UCI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi penyebab ibu balita tidak memberikan imunisasi dasar pada balitanya di Desa Kalumbatan Kecamatan Totikum Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, metode pengumpulan data dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam (indepht interview). Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 20 orang yakni ibu yang memiliki balita 0-59 bulan yang tidak lengkap imunisasi dasar balitanya, kader Posyandu dan petugas kesehatan yang didapatkan menggunakan metode pengambilan informan dengan teknik sampling menggunakan Snow Ball Sampling. Analisis data melalui tiga prosedur yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyebab ibu balita tidak memberikan imunisasi dasar lengkap pada balitanya di Desa Kalumbatan ditemukan 5 informasi yakni : Takut dan trauma balitanya demam setelah diimunisasi, jarak rumah ke Posyandu yang jauh, sibuk dengan pekerjaan, tidak ada dukungan keluarga dan tidak mengetahui informasi jadwal imunisasi. Perlu adanya atau ditingkatkan promosi kesehatan kepada orang tua maupun peserta posyandu terkait peningkatan pemahaman atau pengetahuan tentang manfaat pentingnya imunisasi. Sehingga mampu meningkatkan cakupan imunisasi dasar di kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan khususnya Desa Kalumbatan Kecamatan Totikum Selatan. Immunization is a very effective primary prevention to avoid contracting infectious diseases. Therefore, the incidence of infectious diseases will decrease, the resulting disability and death will also decrease. Until now, the cases found in the field are still mothers of toddlers who do not want to bring their children to be given immunizations. Kalumbatan Village is the only village in South Totikum District that has not yet reached the Universal Child Immunization (UCI) target. This study aims to obtain information on the reasons why mothers of toddlers do not provide basic immunizations for their toddlers in Kalumbatan Village, South Totikum District. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, data collection methods with observation and in-depth interviews (indepht interviews). The informants in this study were 20 people, namely mothers who had toddlers 0-59 months whose basic immunizations were incomplete, Posyandu cadres and health workers who were obtained using the informant retrieval method with a sampling technique using Snow Ball Sampling. Data analysis through three procedures, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the causes of mothers under five who do not provide complete basic immunization to their toddlers in Kalumbatan Village found 5 information, namely: Fear and trauma of toddlers having fever after being immunized, far from home to Posyandu, busy with work, no family support and not knowing information immunization schedule. It is necessary to have or improve health promotion to parents and posyandu participants related to increasing understanding or knowledge about the benefits of the importance of immunization. So as to increase the coverage of basic immunization in Banggai Islands district, especially Kalumbatan Village, South Totikum District. 

JKEP ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-60
Lailatul Kodriyah ◽  
Ronal Surya Aditya ◽  
Listyawati Ratna Ningrum

BPJS is one of the government policies in the health sector. This BPJS program established by the government is used as one of the solutions to solve problems related to health problems that arise. This study aims to find out more about the experience of nurses in providing services with the BPJS system. This research was conducted descriptively Qualitative research using a phenomenological approach was carried out on 20 to 27 November 2019. Data were obtained by in-depth interviews with nurses working in Malang Hospital and analyzed the data analysis process with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The population of this study was 5 respondents. The method of selecting participants was carried out using a purposive sampling technique. Age of respondents 30 to 45 years. The results found 3 themes, namely: service incentives, satisfaction and service. Conclusion: One of the services involved in the BPJS program is Nurse. those in conducting services have the right to service incentives, because that has several obstacles that create dissatisfaction. Health workers already have maximum performance. This research is expected in the future can be the basis for making decisions for awarding and better service systems. Further research recommendations are about nurse satisfaction with services.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-19
Luh Gede Pradnyawati ◽  
Ni Made Hegard Sukmawati

HIV / AIDS cases among MSM (male sex men) in Indonesia from year to year have increased significantly. Meanwhile, Bali is a province with many HIV / AIDS cases, where Denpasar is the city with the highest number of MSM. There has never been a report on sexual behavior and HIV / AIDS prevention among MSM in Denpasar. Therefore, the researchers wanted to explore the problems of sexual behavior and its prevention in MSM in Denpasar. Purpose: This study aims to obtain a vision of sexual behavior and HIV / AIDS prevention among MSM groups in Denpasar City. This study used a qualitative design with a phenomenological approach to digging deeper into sexual behavior and HIV / AIDS prevention among MSM in Denpasar City. The selection of informants in this study was taken using convenience sampling technique and conducted in-depth interviews with 10 MSM who were productive and communicative in Denpasar. After collecting data in the field, the data will be analyzed thematically. In sexual intercourse behavior, most of the MSM prioritized variations and sensations during sexual intercourse to get sexual satisfaction, such as having group sex, using arousal-enhancing drugs, and violence engaging during sexual intercourse. Some of the informants only had one permanent sexual partner. However, there are still MSM who have more than one sexual partner and receive payment for sexual intercourse. Informants use condoms in sexual intercourse and with the PrEP method to avoid HIV / AIDS. It is necessary to conduct education and counseling on sexual orientation for the community, especially for adolescents looking for identity, educating MSM to reduce high-risk behavior during sexual intercourse. Keywords: Sexual behavior, MSM, prevention, HIV / AIDS, Denpasar

2015 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Dwi Nur Rachmah

This study aimed at identifying and understanding more deeply the self-regulated learning of students with high GPA, who had multiple roles (as housewife and worker also). The approach employed in this study was qualitative-phenomenological approach. The subjects of the study were selected by purposive sampling technique and the data were collected using techniques of observations and in-depth interviews. The results indicated that the four subjects conducted self-regulation in learning through regulating the cognition, motivation, behavior and emotion. Moreover, the subjects performed context regulation in order to achieve certain learning objectives. Self-regulated learning performed by the subjects was influenced by specific precipitating situations and the characteristics of each related individual. It was also strengthened by social support given to them. Keywords: self-regulated learning, student, many roles Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami lebih mendalam bagaimana regulasi diri dalam belajar (self regulated learning) mahasiswa yang memiliki banyak peran (sebagai ibu rumah tangga dan bekerja) dengan indeks prestasi tinggi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah dengan pendekatan kualitatif-fenomenologi. Subjek penelitian dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling dan teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah meng¬gunakan observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa empat orang subjek menggunakan regulasi diri dalam belajar berupa regulasi kognitif, regulasi motivasi, regulasi perilaku dan regulasi emosi. Selain itu subjek juga melakukan regulasi konteks agar tujuan pembelajaran dapat dicapai. Regulasi diri dalam belajar yang dilakukan oleh para subjek dipengaruhi oleh situasi pencetus dan karakteristik tiap individu bersangkutan. Regulasi diri dalam belajar yang dilakukan juga tidak terlepas dari dukungan sosial yang diberikan kepada mereka. Kata kunci: regulasi diri dalam belajar, mahasiswa, peran banyak

Horizon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-132
Pipi Pipi

This study discusses the existence of the management of harmony between Islam and Buddhism in Tanjung Batu Kota. This study aims to describe the factors that cause religious harmony in Tanjung Batu Kota, Kundur District, Karimun Regency.This study used the conflict theory according to Lewis Coser. This research used a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. purposive sampling technique was used to select the informant that consists of 10 people. The types of data used in this study were primary data and secondary data. Observation, in-depth interviews, and document studies were used in collecting the data. Meanwhile, the data analysis unit used by the group was Milles and Huberman's data analysis, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study reveal that several factors are causing religious harmony: 1) Tolerance in the Economic Sector. 2) Inter-Religious Harmony. 3) Mutual Respect and Respect for Other Religions. 4) The Management of Religious Harmony in Tanjung Batu City, Kundur District.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-90
Shindy W. Ayu ◽  
Dwi B. Izzati ◽  
Atikah Atikah

P4K is one of the government's efforts to reduce Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). The problem found was low community participation in P4K. This study aims to find out how people's perceptions about birth planning and complications prevention (P4K) programs. Method: This research is a qualitative study using purposive sampling technique in selecting samples. The samples used were 21 people who had met the sample criteria. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Data were analyzed through several stages namely data reduction, data transcripts, data presentation, coding, categorization and conclusions. Results: 1) Most of the P4K information obtained by respondents was considered to be lacking. 2) Respondents' perception of the implementation of P4K revealed that the program had not yet reached the target. 3) The majority of respondents perceive the distribution of P4K stickers among mothers as uneven and the majority of pregnant women have a perception that the activity has no benefit for themselves.4) Respondents are more dominant in the perception of village ambulances as four-wheeled motor vehicles as usual ambulances. 5) P4K supporting facilities in the village are not yet available namely dasolin / tabulin and blood donor management. Conclusion: the perception of the village community about P4K so far both about information about the program and its implementation is still considered to be less than optimal, because socialization is not carried out thoroughly to the community. Therefore, there is a need for good collaboration between community sectors, health institutions and village governments

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1463-1473
Mukhlish Hidayat ◽  
Diana Irawati ◽  
Agung Waluyo

Leprosy (Morbus Hansen) is a chronic infectious disease of the skin caused by Mycobacterium leprae, leprosy is also known as "the great imitator disease" because of the similar manifestations to other skin diseases such as fungal infections so that a person rarely realizes that he has had leprosy. This qualitative study was conducted to explore community perceptions about leprosy with 6 male and 4 female participants. The method used is a phenomenological approach with consecutive sampling as a sampling technique. There are 5 themes obtained in this study, namely factors that influence perception, the form of public perception of leprosy patients, community behavior in preventing leprosy transmission, hope for leprosy patients, and hope for health workers. Health education about leprosy is needed by the community to deepen their knowledge about leprosy and the attitude of the community towards people with leprosy.

2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ahmad Sulton

<p>The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with case study design. Data collection was conducted by the researcher himself as a key instrument, whereas for determining the human data source using snowball sampling technique. Data was collected by means of; (1) in-depth interviews; (2) participant observation; and (3) study the documentation. For data analysis using descriptive techniques whose application is done in three flow of activities, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. To determine the credibility of the data, conducted by a variety of techniques, namely (1) triangulation; (2) checking colleagues; and (3) checking members.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 14-23
Lia Permata Sari ◽  
Fatma Sylvana Dewi ◽  
Endang Maryanti

In the era of globalization, the dissemination of information is done quickly and easily. The development of technology is the background of this condition. This study aims to determine the effect of social media on adolescent premarital sex in SMA Negeri 8 Jambi City. This design is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data collection methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. The key informants of the research were 2 students and 1 BK teacher with supporting informants from parents, friends outside of school, school friends and informants' boyfriends and continued in a synergistic comprehensive manner involving stakeholders and grassroots. The results of in-depth interviews found that the condition of teenagers at SMA Negeri 8 Jambi City was well behaved, students' media exposure using social media such as whatsapp, instagram, youtube via cellphone for daily activities in doing school assignments, students acknowledged a change in behavior after using social media and towards premarital sex teenagers consider holding hands with the opposite sex is normal. Social media conclusions have an influence on them by imitating what they see that changes their behavior and way of thinking in carrying out their roles as teenagers. It is recommended that the school improve supervision of students in the use of cellphones during school hours, and Adolescent Reproductive Health and Information communication officers increase the intensity of visits to schools to disseminate wisdom in the use of social media

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Atika Anggarsari ◽  
Sri Utami ◽  
Linda Dewanti ◽  
Bagus Setyo Boedi

 AbstractBackground: Posyandu is a place for early detection of community-centred growth and development of toddlers. The March 2019 preliminary study resulted in a low coverage of the posyandu (D/S) participation rate in W Village, which was 32%. The purpose of this study was to determine the community's perception of the Posyandu activities for toddlers. Methods: This research is a descriptive qualitative research conducted in W Village. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The number of informants consisted of 9 people. Data processing is data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Results: The results showed that the services provided by cadres and health workers were not optimal and there was a lack of infrastructure to support posyandu activities. Conclusion: The community interprets posyandu activities as only weighing and measuring height, which can actually be done by the community without having to play an active role in posyandu activities every month.

Atika Jatimi ◽  
Ah Yusuf ◽  
Sestu Retno Dwi Andayani

Introduction: Leprosy is an infectious disease that still causes complex problems. The problem in question is not only in medical and physical terms, such as disability, but extends to social, economic, and cultural problems. This study aims to explore the experience of leprosy sufferers with disabilities to achieve resilience. Methods: A descriptive qualitative research design with a phenomenological approach was used. The number of participants was eleven people affected by leprosy with grade 1 and 2 disabilities in Sumenep Regency obtained by a purposive sampling technique. Data collection used in-depth interviews with interview guides and field notes; the results of data collection were analyzed with theme analysis. Results: This study produced five main themes about the experience of leprosy patients in the process of achieving resilience, namely: 1) self-stigma as a stressor experienced by lepers, 2) psychosocial problems that arise in response to stressors, 3) active coping as a method of resolving stress, 4) positive adaptation as a form of self-adjustment, 5) characteristics of strong individuals. Conclusion: Lepers with disabilities identify self-stigma as a stressor that triggers the emergence of psychosocial problems. Individuals can form tough characteristics, such as responding positively to unexpected conditions, becoming more productive, and showing helping others behavior after overcoming stressors through the stages of active coping and positive adaptation.

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