scholarly journals A lei das Organizações Sociais na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e a efetivação do projeto neoliberal: Uma análise crítica da Lei 5026\2009 e do Decreto 30780\2009 (The law of Social Organizations in the city of Rio de Janeiro and the realization...)

Emancipacao ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-136
M.P. MELO ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 166
Alice Vignoli Reis ◽  
Mônica Botelho Alvim

ResumoNossas cidades sãofortemente marcadas por processos de segregação socioespacial que as dividem em territórios  estrangeiros, cada qual com seu universo cultural próprio. Essesestrangeirismos frequentemente colocam desafios às práticas de extensão universitária, ou outras práticas de pesquisa e trabalho que colocam em contato distintos universos culturais. Apartir da experiência de se sentir estrangeira na Favela da Mangueira, que se deu no âmbito de um projeto de extensão universitária vinculado ao Instituto de Psicologia da UFRJ,pretendemos traçar uma reflexão sobre como delimitam-seessas fronteiras urbanas e sobre as possibilidades de invenção do comum em uma cidade dividida, colocando em diálogo nossas experiências no campo com as elaborações de autores da fenomenologia, filosofia política, história, arte e urbanismo. Buscamos colaborar, desta forma, com aqueles que atuam emprojetos de pesquisa-intervenção, extensão universitária, movimentos sociais, ONGs e outras formas de organização social que trabalhem em zonas fronteiriças dentro da cidade.Palavras-chave: Segregação Urbana; Produção do Comum; Estética; Política; Pesquisa-Intervenção.AbstractOur cities are keenly characterized by processes of socio-spatial segregation which divide them into estranged territories, each with its own cultural universe. Such estrangements areoften challenging to university extension practices, as wellas to other work and research practices which foster contact between different cultural universes. Based on our experience of‘feeling like a foreigner’ in the Favela da Mangueira during a university extension project associated with the Institute of Psychology of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, we offer a reflection on how urban partitions arise and how we can invent the common in a divided city. We look to make our experiences in the field conversant with the works of authors from different areas, such as phenomenology, political philosophy, history, art and urbanism. Thus, we seek to collaborate with other researchers who direct research-intervention projects, university extension, social movements, NGOs and other types of social organizations working in urban fringe zones.Keywords: Urban Segregation; Production of the Common; Aesthetics; Politics; Research-Intervention.

2021 ◽  
Ronaldo de Sousa Araújo Ronaldo de Sousa Araújo ◽  
Eugênio Bartnig de Oliveira Abreu ◽  
Juliana Landim Gomes Siqueira ◽  
Zélia Maria Peixoto Chrispim

The Urban Policy of Brazil, established with the Federal Constitution and the City Statute, brought to light a series of instruments to be used by municipalities in their urban planning. The objective of this research was to verify the use of these instruments in the laws of the cityplans of 2008 and 2020 in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, state of Rio de Janeiro. In the methodological aspect, online meetings through Google Meet were fundamental for bibliographical and documental survey, comparative analysis of the laws of cityplans, elaboration of a table with results and elaboration of an article. With the study it was possible to analyze the use of urban policy instruments in the analyzed cityplans. It was found that in the two cityplans, several instruments are included in the law in a bureaucratic way, without elements that indicate possibilities of application. It was concluded that the use of urban policy instruments in the analyzed cityplans happened in a similar way. The difficulty of applying many instruments was evident in both studied plans

2012 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 119 ◽  
Alexandre Magalhães

O presente trabalho é parte da pesquisa de doutorado sobre o que tenho chamado de reatualização da remoção de favelas no Rio de Janeiro. Nesta pesquisa, acompanho diversas experiências de remoção conduzidas pela prefeitura. Concentro a minha análise, neste artigo, naqueles processos de remoção que estão ocorrendo devido às intervenções urbanísticas que visam preparar a cidade para a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e as Olimpíadas de 2016. Argumento que, em situações de remoção, a relação entre os aparatos estatais e os moradores de favelas se constitui por meio da exceção. As práticas estatais nestes territórios não poderiam ser entendidas em termos de lei e transgressão, mas como práticas que se encontrariam simultaneamente dentro e fora da lei. Palavras-chave: favelas; remoção; lei; exceção. Abstract: This paper presents part of the research for my doctoral thesis about the process that I call recapitulating the slums removal in Rio de Janeiro. In this research, I followed several removal conducted by the city government. I concentrate the analysis in the removals processes that are occurring due to urban interventions that aim to prepare the city for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics. I argue that in situations of displacement, the relationship between the state apparatus and the slum dwellers is constituted by exception. The state practices in these areas could not be understood in terms of law and transgression, but as practices that are simultaneously inside and outside the law. Keywords: slums removal; law; exception.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 317-328 ◽  
Verônica C. Araujo ◽  
Christina M. B. Lima ◽  
Eduarda N. B. Barbosa ◽  
Flávia P. Furtado ◽  
Helenice Charchat-Fichman

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (45) ◽  
pp. 118-122
Victor Paes Dias Gonçalves ◽  
Hugo Leonardo Matias Nahmias ◽  
Marcus Menezes Alves Azevedo

Among contact sports, the practice of martial arts offers a greater risk of causing dental trauma and fractures as contact with the face is more frequent. The primary objective of the research is to evaluate the incidence of mouthguard use, and the secondary objective is to verify which type has a greater predominance and the difficulties in its use correlating to the type of mouthguard used. A documentary study was carried out with 273 athletes of different contact sports, among them: MMA, Boxing, Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, and Taekwondo of the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was concluded that the most commonly used mouthguard is PB Boils and Bites - Type II and its level of approval is poor, interfering with the athletes’ performance, mainly in relation to the breathing factor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 4
Liya Suwarni

Background. Cases of sexual violence increase every year, victims ranging from adolescents, children to toddlers. Based on data from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission, abuse and violence against children in Indonesia in 2013 were 23 cases, in 2014 there were 53 cases, in 2015 there were 133 cases, 2017 reached 1,337 cases, and as of July 2018 there were 424 cases. Purpose. Knowing the factors that influence the law enforcement process of sexy violence cases in Semarang City. Method This study uses descriptive analytical methods for cases of violence against children, based on medical record data in hospitals, documents in Mapolrestabes, the District Attorney's Office and the Semarang City Court for the period of January 2015 to December 2018. Results. Based on research results obtained 213 experimental cases section from medical record data in hospitals in the city of Semarang. Most cases of child abuse occurred in 2018 with 72 cases. Most victims are 12-14 years old age group, female. Most types of cases are cases of intercourse. The majority of violations are persons known as victims, perpetrators not working, and most of the places of occurrence are in the defendant's house. At the time of prosecution and trial, the number of cases was significantly reduced to only 8 cases. Factors related to this include lack of evidence, difficulty in obtaining information from victims, convoluted statements of coverage, lack of election, and obtaining diversion rates. Conclusion Cases of sexual violence have increased from year to year. The process of law enforcement on this problem still has many difficulties in each manufacturing process which is still difficult to overcome.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-33
Apen Diansyah

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui penerapan denda terhadap pelanggar berlalu lintas di kota Bengkulu ditinjau dari Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009, serta untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat dalam penerapan pidana denda terhadap pelanggar barlalu lintas di Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian dilaksanakan disatuan lalu lintas Polres dan Polda Kota Bengkulu. Adapun data yang didapatkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder melalui penelitian lapangan dan penelitian kepustakaan, kemudian data dianalisis dengan cara deskriptif. Peraturan yang tertera pada undang-undang yang tertera sepenuhnya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran untuk setiap pelanggar yang melakukan pelanggaran, tetapi pada kota Bengkulu undang-undang tersebut tidak sepenuhnya berjalan efektif. Menurut pandangan Undang-undang 22 Tahun 2009, penerapan pidana denda masuk dalam kategori pidana pokok (sesuai Pasal 10 KUHP) sebagai urutan terakhir atau keempat, sesudah pidana mati, pidana penjara dan pidana kurungan. Selain dari itu, faktor penghambat keefektifan Undang-undang seperti faktor ekonomi, faktor kedekatan emosional dan faktor kekebalan institusional.Kata kunci: tindak pidana; hukum pidana; dendaABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the application of violators from cities in Bengkulu in terms of Law Number 22 of 2009, and to find out the inhibiting factors in the application of fines to traffic violators in the city of Bengkulu. The research was carried out in the traffic city of the City Police of the City of Bengkulu. The data obtained are primary data and secondary data used for library research and research, then the data are analyzed descriptively. The regulations stated in the law that are fully stated to increase awareness for every offender who commits an offense, but in the city of Bengkulu the law is not fully effective. According to the view of Law 22 of 2009, the application of criminal fines falls into the main criminal category (according to Article 10 of the Criminal Code) as the last or fourth order, after the death penalty, imprisonment and imprisonment. Apart from that, factors inhibiting the effectiveness of the law such as economic factors, emotional proximity factors and institutional immune factors.Keywords: crime; criminal law; fines

Sri Winarti ◽  
Yuni Ningsih

Gunung Anyar Tambak is one of the villages that is located adjacent to the UPN "Veteran" campus in East Java. Most (2/3) of the Gunung Anyar Tambak area is the pond area, which has the main yield is milkfish. Besides being sold in fresh form, milkfish from ponds from Gunung Anyar Tambak are also processed into a variety of processed products including shredded, crackers, soft thorns and milkfish “sapit”. Milkfish “Sapit” is a processed milkfish which is unique in its serving. The milkfish are clamped using bamboo stems and then processed using a choice of spices that make a distinctive taste in this dish. Processing by burning, causing a distinctive aroma that is not forgotten. Barokah is one of the community groups of “sapit” milkfish processing in RW I of Gunung Anyar Tambak Village which consists of 6 people. Chairman of UD. Barokan is Hj's. Khasibah, explained that most of the milkfish produced are only fulfilling orders from the surrounding area and orders from outside the city to be used as souvenirs typical of Surabaya. From observations and interviews it is known that the problem in processing milkfish is a very simple packaging that is a very thin plastic bag that is not closed. The second problem is that the packaging has no labeling at all, even though the label can identify the identity of the product in the package. The importance of labels on food products in addition to being the identity of the packaged product is also a communication between producers and consumers. Therefore a very absolute label must be given to the marketed food products. Training has been conducted on packaging and labeling milkfish “sapit” in UD. BAROKAH, Gunung Anyar Tambak, Surabaya. Before being packed with a vacuum packer, milkfish saplings are first dried in a cabinet dryer for 3 hours at 60°C. Labeling on milkfish packaging is in accordance with the law on food labeling on primary (plastic) and secondary (carton) packaging. In addition to providing training, our team also donates dryers and Vacuum Sealers.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 8 (16) ◽  
Miguel Ângelo Ribeiro

O objetivo que permeia a presente pesquisa é utilizar a Fortaleza de Santa Cruz, localizada no bairro de Jurujuba, em Niterói, construída em 1555, na entrada da barra da Baía de Guanabara, como foco de antílise, ressaltando a importância deste fixo social enquanto atração turística e de lazer, incluindo a cidade de Niterói no circuito destas atividades, complementares à cidade do Rio de Janeiro; além de abordar conceitos e categorias analíticas, oriundos das ciências sociais, principalmente provenientes da Geografia, pertinentes ao estudo das atividades em tela. Neste contexto, na dinâmica espacial da cidade de Niterói, o processo de mudança de função dos fixos sociais têm sido extraordinário. Residencias unifamiliares, prédios e até mesmo fortificações militares, verdadeiras monumentalidades, foram refuncionalizadas, passando por um processo de turistificação. Assim, a refuncionalização da respectiva Fortaleza em espaço cultural toma-se um importante atrativo da história, do patrimônio, da cultura, marcando no espaço urbano sua expressões e monumentalidade, criada pelo homem como símbolo de seus ideais, objetivos e atos, constituindo-se em um legado as gerações futuras, formando um elo entre passado, presente e futuro. Abstract This paper focuses on Santa Cruz Fortress, built in 1555 in Jurujuba (Niterói), to guard the entrance of Guanabara bay, and stresses its role as a towist attraction and leisure' area, as a social fix which links the city of Niterói to the complementary circuit of these activities in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The study uses important concepts and analytic categories fiom social sciences, particularly fiom Geography.In the spatial dynamic of the city of Niterói, change in functions of social fuces has been extraordinary. Single-family dwellings, buildings and even military installations have been re-functionalized, undergoing a process of touristification. In that way, the refunctionalization of the Fortress as a cultural space provides an important attraction in the domains of history, patrimony, and culture, providing the urban space with an expression of monumentality, created by man as a symbol of his ideals, aims and actions, a legacy to future generations forming a link between past, present and future.

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