scholarly journals Status and Condition of Corporatization Strategies of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Region III in the Philippines

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 286 ◽  
Arneil G. Gabriel ◽  
Jocelyn B Cruz

The right to free access to quality education of citizens extends to tertiary level education. This Constitutional provision creates increasing demands for State Universities and Colleges (SUC’s) which in turn exerts pressure on the budgetary capacity of the government to finance such education. To strike the balance between equity of access and quality of education, SUCs employed corporatization strategies to generate income and finance its operations. The study looks into the strategies employed by SUCs in Region III in the Philippines and analyzes matters related to the practice of corporatization principles. By using descriptive correlation design, the study showed that respondent SUCs in Region III are: a) diverse in many aspects of their operations, b) vary in the modes of generating income, descriptively measured from “sometimes” to “often” except the collection of tuition fees which has been rated as “very often” applied as corporatization strategy, c) have variety in income utilization ranging from 46 percent to 51 percent; d) stakeholders are found “very satisfied” in the manner SUCs in Region III used their income, e) are rated with varying interpretations in terms of corporatization strategies and performance of their fourfold functions, e) have marked differences in terms of income utilization except in corporatization activities which marked as “not significant”. Finally, it was found that employees’ satisfaction and the performance of the four fold functions of instruction, research, extension and production are significantly correlated. It is recommended that stakeholders’ engagement in planning and organizing programs and projects of SUCs in Region III be enhanced.

Luis Jr. Dulnuan

This study aimed to determine the success factors of technology program graduates in selected State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) of the Philippines. The independent variables are respondents’ demographics, accreditation status of the technology programs, the morale of respondent, and the practices in the curricular, teaching-learning and assessment, facilities and learning resources, student affairs services, and the organization and management aspects of the technology program while the dependent variables are the graduation rate, graduates’ employment rate, employment status, length of time in acquiring the first job, and monthly income/salary. Findings revealed that the longer the length of service of the faculty, the higher is the graduation rate of the SUCs; State Universities and Colleges with more female faculty generated more graduates than those with more male faculty; the more the SUCs implement the practices in the organization and management of the technology programs, the better the employment rate and higher employment status of their graduates; and State Universities and Colleges with faculty having a shorter length of service generated more graduates with higher employment status and less waiting time before acquiring the first job. Besides, the respondents’ sex and length of service predict the graduation rate while the length of service predicts the graduation status and the length of time of the graduates in acquiring the first job. Moreover, the organization and management significantly predict the employment rate and employment status of graduates.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 179-201
Teresita C. Elayba Ed. D. ◽  

The study aims to determine the program management and performance of (SUCs) in teacher education among state universities and colleges CALABARZON. The research design used in this study was the descriptive method of research. Purposive sampling was used in this study to identify the educators in the Teacher Education of SUCs in CALABARZON as respondents. The statistical treatment of data was used to compute then analyze then interpret the data given by the respondents. This study hypothesized that there is no significant relationship between the between the program management in instruction, research, and extension on the performance of teacher education among state universities and colleges in CALABARZON are partially accepted.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 414
Luthfi Widagdo Eddyono

Pada 12 Desember 2013, Mahkamah Konstitusi telah memutuskan perkara 103/PUU-X/2012. Perkara tersebut diajukan oleh para mahasiswa hukum dari Universitas Andalas yang pada pokoknya mempersoalkan salah satunya terkait dengan konstitusionalitas hak pengelolaan kekayaan negara kepada perguruan tinggi yang sejatinya memang rentan untuk disalahgunakan. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji putusan tersebut, serta putusan atas isu-isu lainnya untuk melihat keterkaitan satu sama lain seperti mengenai konstitusionalitas penyelenggaraan perguruan tinggi negeri badan hukum. Tulisan ini juga mengaitkan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi tersebut dengan putusan-putusan sebelumnya secara komprehensif. Pada akhirnya, Mahkamah Konstitusi telah menyatakan penyerahan hak pengelolaan kekayaan negara kepada perguruan tinggi adalah konstitusional, selama kepemilikan atas kekayaan negara tersebut tidak dialihkan dan pelaksanaannya dilakukan sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ditentukan oleh pemerintah. Walau demikian, fakta yang terungkap dalam persidangan, pemerintah justru telah memberi “fleksibilitas” dalam tata kelola dan manajemen keuangan perguruan tinggi, baik dalam pengalokasian maupun dalam penggunaan dana baik yang bersumber dari APBN maupun dari sumber-sumber pendanaan lainnya yang tentu saja rentan untuk disalahgunakan, sehingga penulis merekomendasikan urgensinya pengaturan tata kelola perguruan tinggi agar terhindar dari penyalahgunaan pengelolaan dan termasuk pencegahan atas tindakan koruptif.On December 12, 2013, the Constitutional Court has ruled the case 103/PUU-X/2012. The case was filed by law students from the University of Andalas who questioned related to the constitutionality of the right of the management of state assets handled by universities that are actually vulnerable to misuse. This paper will examine the decision, as well as the decision on other issues to see the interrelationship of each other such as the constitutionality of the organization of state universities legal entities. This paper also links the Decision with previous decisions in a comprehensive description. Ultimately, the Constitutional Court has declared that the transfer of state property rights to universities is constitutional, as long as the ownership of the state’s property is not transferred and its execution is carried out in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the government. Nevertheless, the facts revealed in the trial even the government has given “flexibility” in the management and financial management of universities, both in the allocation and in the use of funds either sourced from the state budget or from other sources of funding which of course vulnerable to abuse. That is why the author recommend the urgency of governance regulations of universities to avoid misuse of management and including the prevention of corrupt acts.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 184-199
Nestor C. Sedanza

Research and extension play vital roles in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Philippines being two of the four-fold functions of State Universities and Colleges (SUC). Hence, this study aimed to determine the research and extension participation, performance and motivation of the faculty members of Leyte Normal University as input to policy redirection. It utilized the descriptive research design and used purposive sampling to get the majority of the respondents. A survey questionnaire was used to obtain data from the respondents who were available during the conduct of the study. Findings of the study revealed that majority of the respondents got only satisfactory level of participation and performance in research and extension while most of them strongly agree on the statements on intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Lack of time came out the number one problem encountered by the respondents in conducting research and extension programs, projects and activities. Also, majority of the respondents identified proper time from among the suggested solutions on problems encountered in the conduct of university’s research and extension program, projects and activities.

ICR Journal ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-155
Datu Michael O. Mastura

This article adopts the general theme of governance to provide an institutional framework for law reform and constitutional regime. To look into the political culture and religion of Filipinos is to ask why there is much reliance on law with an internal dynamics of hostility to all things religious in public life. The author employs the democracy argument to raise asymmetrical issues in a constitutional regime within the context of ‘the national state’ rather than problematise it as a majority versus minority relation. This makes it possible, for instance, to consider the Bangsamoro in the Philippines as a ‘people’ in legal terms and in reference to ‘state-nations’ instead of ‘nation-states’. The author also treats the dimension of international law regarding the right to self-determination with respect to the current peace negotiations between the government of the Philippines and armed non-state actors (MILF and MNLF). One might not necessarily agree with all that is stated in this contribution, which is intended to be an essay rather than a scholarly paper, but, nevertheless, it grants some insights into the mindset of contemporary Muslims in the Philippines.

Catherine R. Alimboyong ◽  
Mardie E. Bucjan

<span>The emergence of cloud computing (CC) adoption in higher education institutions (HEIs) is considered widespread today. Its growth comes with tremendous benefits and potential risks as well. This paper endeavors to investigate some issues and challenges that influence the adoption of cloud computing among state universities and colleges (SUCs) in the Philippines. A qualitative design was used in the study as it employed multiple case studies approach. Based on the results, this paper establishes two strong factors such as slow internet connection and lack of understanding or awareness of cloud computing. The findings revealed the impact of cloud computing to SUCs is found beneficial to the educational system amidst the global pandemic. Professors can easily upload lessons and teaching materials while students can easily access the materials online, though the challenge lies in the connectivity of internet in the country. Administrators can easily collaborate with the entire academic community and even to its stakeholder’s potential for collaboration even if not in face to face. It is a perfect avenue to be productive and efficient which allows all processes be made possible to all members of the entire academic community, may it be students, professors, staff and even other stakeholders.</span>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Ronald Allan S Mabunga ◽  
Maria Eljie M Mabunga

ABSTRACT: The study concerns on dominant conflict management approach of officials of selected SUCs (State Universities and Colleges) in the Philippines. Related studies and literature on the importance of systems approach in organizational analysis along with theories and practices on the role of culture in conflict analysis and resolution along with the principles and theories in negotiation and conflict management system design are presented and utilized as the research theoretical framework. Kenneth W. Thomas Ralph H. Kilmann (2017)’s conflict behavior survey instrument was also used. The results show that the dominant conflict management style of officials from the selected SUCs in the Philippines is that of “collaborator”. The respondents open to other conflict management styles in responding to conflicts, including compromiser, accommodator, controller, and avoider. While the sex and administrative positions of the respondents (university officials) do not have any statistical significant difference in their preference of conflict management styles. So, more than majority of the respondents are using several conflict management styles as they address interpersonal conflicts in various contexts.KEY WORD: Conflict Management Style; University Officials; Interpersonal Conflicts.  ABSTRAKSI: “Manajemen Konflik diantara para Pejabat Terpilih pada Universitas dan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Filipina”. Studi ini mengenai pendekatan manajemen konflik yang dominan dari para pejabat SUCs (Universitas dan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) tertentu di Filipina. Terkait dengan studi dan literatur tentang pentingnya pendekatan sistem dalam analisis organisasi bersama dengan teori dan praksis tentang peran budaya dalam analisis dan resolusi konflik bersama dengan prinsip-prinsip dan teori dalam negosiasi dan desain sistem manajemen konflik disajikan dan digunakan sebagai kerangka teori penelitian. Instrumen survei perilaku konflik dari Kenneth W. Thomas Ralph H. Kilmann (2017) juga digunakan. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa gaya manajemen konflik dari pejabat yang dominan dalam SUC terpilih di Filipina adalah "kolaborator". Responden terbuka terhadap gaya manajemen konflik lainnya dalam menanggapi konflik, termasuk kompromi, akomodator, pengontrol, dan penghindar. Manakala jenis kelamin dan posisi administratif responden (pejabat universitas) tidak memiliki perbedaan statistik yang signifikan dalam preferensi mereka terhadap gaya manajemen konflik. Jadi, lebih dari mayoritas responden menggunakan beberapa gaya manajemen konflik ketika mereka menangani konflik interpersonal dalam berbagai konteks.KATA KUNCI: Gaya Manajemen Konflik; Pejabat Universitas; Konflik Antarpribadi.   About the Authors: Ronald Allan S. Mabunga, Ph.D. is a Director, Center for Planning Quality Assurance PNU (Philippine Normal University), Taft Avenue, Manila 1000, the Philippines. Maria Eljie M. Mabunga, M.A. is a Professor in Peace Education at the PNU, Taft Avenue, Manila 1000, the Philippines. For academic interests, the authors are able to be contacted via e-mails address at: [email protected] and [email protected] Suggested Citation: Mabunga, Ronald Allan S. Maria Eljie M. Mabunga. (2019). “Conflict Management among Selected Officials of State Universities and Colleges in the Philippines” in MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan, Volume 4(1), Maret, pp.1-20. Bandung, Indonesia: UPI [Indonesia University of Education] Press, ISSN 2527-3868 (print) and 2503-457X (online). Article Timeline: Accepted (October 28, 2018); Revised (December 27, 2018); and Published (March 30, 2019).

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 01-17
Omari Issa Ndamungu

The beginning of 2000 witnessed rising of the Free Access to Law Movements (FALMs) which aimed at encouraging nations to publish and make available all primary legal information in their countries. The FALMs resulted in the promulgation and adoption of the Montreal Declaration on Free Access to Law (MDFAL) of 2002 and the formation of the Legal Information Institutes (LIIs), which began in Europe and then spread to America. There are various lines in Europe and America like the British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII), the Australian Legal Information Institute (AustLII), and the Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII). Africa joined in the move in early 2003 by forming the Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII). Tanzania although joined late, is not far from realizing the importance of free access to legal information and LIIs. This is signified by the fact that Tanzania has joined in the FALMs, beginning by subscribing to the MDFAL of 2002, joining the SAFLII in 2013, and of late, establishing her own LII which is the Tanzania Legal Information Institute (TANZLII) in March 2019. The basis of Tanzania to join the FALMs is from the fact that the country is a member of the international instruments which guarantee the right to information. Again, the right to access information is enshrined in the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania (CURT) of 1977. More importantly, there is specific legislation providing for enforceability of the right to access information, one of which is legal information. The objective of this article is to analyse legal and policy strategies that are taken by the government of Tanzania in ensuring that access to legal information as one of the human rights is realized in the country.

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