2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 46-53
Asep Abdul Aziz ◽  
Nurti Budiyanti ◽  
Andewi Suhartini ◽  
Nurwadjah Ahmad

The character of Islam needs to be nurtured early on in overcoming increasingly degrading moral degradation. One of the educational institutions that has a big role in fostering character is pesantren. Pesantren Kreatif IHAQI Boarding School Bandung is one of the pesantren educational institutions present in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 that applies da'wah pattern method in the learning process. This research uses qualitative approach with case study method at IHAQI Boarding School Bandung Creative Boarding School. The results of the study illustrate that this pesantren has a typical management of learning methods, namely applying da'wah pattern methods in the learning process.  At the planning stage, this method is considered to have been planned carefully, it is seen by the implementation stage that is constructed and systematic. As for the implementation stage, this method is considered to have been carried out effectively. However, in the covid-19 situation, implementation becomes hampered so that cooperation between educators and learners in developing this method of da'wah pattern becomes reduced. Meanwhile, the evaluation of the use of da'wah pattern method in learning in IHAQI Boarding School Creative Boarding School is enough to give a very deep impression to all learners to bequeath Islamic values. So that all learners are able to increase their potential, both related to cognitive, affective, psychomotor and spiritual aspects. These aspects are very important to note the development through process evaluation and evaluation of results carried out by educators in the learning process. Thus good management will have an impact on achieving learning objectives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-68
Nurti Budiyanti ◽  
Asep Abdul Aziz ◽  
Andewi Suhartini ◽  
Nurwadjah Ahmad

The character of Islam needs to be nurtured early on in overcoming increasingly degrading moral degradation. One of the educational institutions that has a big role in fostering character is pesantren. Pesantren Kreatif IHAQI Boarding School Bandung is one of the pesantren educational institutions present in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. This pesantren has different characteristics in the process of building santri character. This research uses qualitative approach with case study method at IHAQI Boarding School Bandung Creative Boarding School. The results of the study illustrate that the coaching program presented at IHAQI Boarding School Creative Boarding School is a KBM program, islamic character habituation, self-development and life skills, weekly coaching, monthly coaching, creative coaching, and pesantrenan coaching. From a number of programs presented there are excellent programs that are always anticipated by all students as well as parents of students in the pesantren environment. There are two excellent programs in pesantren, namely workshop and filed trip. This excellent activity in pesantren is a unique and creative activity in developing life skills, both acting, working and speaking skills. This skill is aimed at the formation of santri character, so that students can behave in accordance with Islamic values based on the experience, knowledge and examples of educators.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-97
Dea Mutiara

Daarut Tauhid as one of the educational institutions that study religion proves that an islamic boarding school does not only deepen the Holy Qur’an and hadith; but also does real activities in the society. Researchers are interested in capturing the process of implementing the "BRTT" program to the ecological intelligence of the Santri[1] of Daarut Tauhid. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The subjects of this study include the santri from Daarut Tauhid, the Quality Control Team and Daarut Tauhid Principal. The data are collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the background of implementing this program is the desire to make islamic boarding schools as pioneers of a clean, neat, orderly, and organized attitude to its santri and to the people who live nearby. The process of implementing the BRTT program is carried out in two categories: internally and externally. The obstacles encountered in the implementation of the BRTT program were self-habit constraints and fatigueness. The factors that influence the students in being disciplined in implementing BRTT are self-consciousness and environmental habit. The ecological intelligence of the students of Daarut Tauhid consists of seven aspects: (1) understanding environmental issues and problems from the perspective of ecological balance and sustainability, (2) conducting BRTT starting with a rule, mandatory policies which gradually become a habit and are inherent in self, (3) ways of solving problems creatively and applying knowledge in a new situation (ecological context), (4) oftenly assess the impact and the effects of human actions and technology on the environment, (5) oftenly take into account of the long-term consequences in taking a decisions (environmental context), (6) knowing indicators of clean and healthy living behavior, also (7) ways to give attention, empathy, and care for others and other living things.[1] Santri is the students of islamic boarding school

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Kasja Eki Waluyo

Currently, the absorption power of students is still good because most students are under 17 years. Moreover, their memory is still very good because the students still imitate the styles and behavior patterns of older people. This happens because they are still unstable depending on the person who brought them. The existence of pesantren in an era that has begun to advance and is starting to put aside traditional practices is a new challenge for a boarding school. With the entry of the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, digitization of various elements is feared by students for imitatating negative influences. Therefore, researchers are interested in further researching to find out the strategy of Islamic boarding schools in shaping the character of students in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0., how is the strategy of the pesantren in shaping the character of students in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. This research is a field research, with a qualitative descriptive type of research which employs case study method. Keywords: Strategy, Character of Santri, Industrial Revolution Era

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-88
Nur Hasanah ◽  
Abd Mujahid Hamdan

In 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic has become a global problem and has an impact on all aspects of life, including education. The learning process in all educational institutions, both formal and non-formal, was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the educational institutions affected by this pandemic is the Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPQ). The Covid-19 pandemic made the government try to suppress the spread of Covid-19, with that the government issued a policy to all educational institutions to close, then switched to Distance Learning (PJJ) and Learning From Home (BDR). Many of the educational institutions carry out an online learning process (online), but not all levels of society are able to adapt to the online learning process, especially those in rural areas. So this research aims to obtain information about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the learning process at TPQ. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. In this study, 5 respondents were selected, namely TPQ teachers in Kutelintang Village, Blangkejeren District, Gayo Lues Regency. The results of this study obtained information that the learning process at TPQ took place face-to-face, and generally the learning process at TPQ was less effective because there were too many holidays. So that it has an impact on students, teachers and parents. In addition, TPQ also played an important role in disseminating the Covid-19 pandemic to students.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-346
Iyam Marhamah ◽  
Yaya Yaya ◽  
Asep Sodiqin

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan sistem dakwah Pondok Pesantren At-Tawazun ditinjau melalui sistem terbuka mulai dari tahap input, conversion, output, feedback, hingga environment dalam upaya mengatasi problematika santri yang dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan zaman. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan spesifikasi penelitian field research (penelitian lapangan). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan pondok pesantren At-Tawazun dirasakan cukup besar manfaatnya oleh orang tua maupun masyarakat. Lembaga dakwah dan pendidikan ini telah ikut berkontribusi dalam menanggulangi masalah sosial dan kenakalan remaja yang semakin rumit, sehingga mampu memberikan lulusan santri yang brakhlak, berbudi luhur dan mampu mengamalkan ilmunya di masyarakat. Lebih dari itu, kehadiran pondok pesantren At-Tawazun diharapkan dapat mengatasi akulturasi budaya yang menyimpang di era sekarang ini. Sehingga semangat generasi muda kita dapat disalurkan terhadak hal-hal positif, untuk kemajuan Agama dan Negara. This paper aims to describe the da’wah system of At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding School through an open system starting from the input, conversion, output, feedback, and environment stages in an effort to overcome the problems of santri that are influenced by the times. This research uses case study method with qualitative approach and field research specification (field research). The results of this study indicate that the existence of the At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding Scool was felt to be of considerable benefit by parent and community. This da’wah and education institution has contributed to tackling social problems and juvenile delinquency that are increasingly complicated, so as to be able to provide graduates who are morally, virtous and able to practice their knowledge in the community, moreover, the presence of the At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding School is expected to overcome the deviant cultural acculturation in the present era. So that the spirit of our young generation can be channeled suddenly to positive things, for the advancement of Religion and the state.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-87
Denden Sudarman Hadiwijaya ◽  
Ahmad Hilal Hadiwijaya

This article aims to determine how important the vocational skill education for students in the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School of Kersamanah Garut. The background of this research is that ideally the person who was educated both formal and non-formal schools at least have the skills of life that it faces, especially in the world of work. In fact there are a lot of unemployment among educated either issued by the formal and non-formal education is still unused and still many educational institutions interventioned with offices and civil service, and there are still doubts in the world of work on the output issued boarding. Therefore it is necessary to study "Education Vocational Skills (Case Study In Darusaalam Islamic Boarding School Kersamanah Garut)", This study aims to describe and analyze the development of vocational skills in applied as future supplies students. It uses the method to achieve the goal of research is to reserch descriptive qualitative method. Data retrieval is done by interview, observation and documentation. Results from this study showed that the Darussalam Islamic Boarding school is a boarding school that equip students with vocational skills through extra-curricular activities in the form of education life skills oriented vocational education skills such as : organizational and clerical schools , or in the form of a course in which there are education vocational skills such as : automotive , sewing and culinary art , or other training by bringing in trainers from outside schools , in order to motivate students to become productive graduates who are able to enter public life line

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 1
Muhammad Afif Amrulloh ◽  
Reni Puspita

The purpose of this study was to find out the application of the qowa'id wa tarjamah method with card sort strategy in improving the shorof ability of the 9th grade student’s at Madinah Modern Boarding School . This research is a Classroom Action Research study. It is the research which oriented to solving the problems that occurred in the classroom by improving the learning process in accordance with the expected goals. Research analysis was conducted inductively. The research used qualitative research, the data in the form of verbal and analysed without using statistical techniques. This classroom action research consists of two cycles through four stages of the process as follows: 1) the planning stage, 2) the implementation stage, 3) the observation stage, and 3) the reflection stage. The application of the qowa’id wa tarjamah method with card sort strategy can improve shorof ability towards 9th grade student’s of the Madinah Modern Boarding School . Student’s are able to understand the material well and make sentences and are enthusiastic in participating in class teaching and learning activities. This can be proven by improving the shorof ability of the student’s in each cycle.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 19 ◽  
Sofie Pedersen ◽  
Mads Hobye

Employing student-driven project work in a higher education setting challenges not only the way in which we understand students’ learning and how we define the expected learning outcomes, it also challenges our ways of assessing students’ learning. This paper will address this question specifically and illustrate with a case that highlights some of the challenges that may arise in practice when assessing student-driven, problem-based projects. The case involved an assessment situation in which a discrepancy arose between the internal and external examiner in relation to what was valued. The discrepancy had consequences not only for the concrete assessment of students’ work, but also for the validity of the problem-based university pedagogy in general, and it raised the question of how to assess students’ work adequately. The research focus of this study was to explore the implications of assessing student-driven projects within a progressive approach to higher education teaching, along with the potential underlying issues. We found a need for clear assessment criteria while insisting on a space for students’ creativity and reflexivity as essential parts of a learning process. The paper thus makes a case for the notion of reflexivity as an assessment criterion to be integrated into learning objectives.

Norhezan Che Teh ◽  
Nor Hashimah Isa ◽  
Ainon Omar

Advancement in the innovation world, robotics and artificial intelligence as well as heavily globally-connected world among others has led to the impetus of Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0). Hence, work opportunities that exist today might not be available in the future as there is a huge possibility that they might be taken over by machines. This could result in job scarcity. Therefore, the challenge now is to prepare our students with the necessary skills to stay relevant and needed in the job market of the future. The ability to think on the higher level is amplified with IR 4.0. So, it is only wise to teach, train and prepare the students with this skill now. This paper shares the findings of a larger study on how the Critical Thinking Module  (CTM) is able to assist higher order thinking (HOTs) among the students in Literature Classes. This research employs case study method and the subjects were selected using purposive sampling. The CTM focuses on the students’ ability to analyse, synthesise and evaluate. The activities included in CTM are everyday activities that will be able to be carried out in an hour and ten minutes period.  All of the activities are student-centered and highlight on the importance of group work whereby discussion, collaboration and cooperation are vital. Data were gathered through test scripts and class observation. The participants were 9 students from a cluster school in Ipoh. They were observed for 18 weeks and the result of the study revealed that the students were better at HOTs verbally compared to written. The case study suggests the CTM is capable of aiding the students to think on the higher level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 98-121
Safinatun Munawaroh ◽  
Rz. Ricky Satria Wiranata

This research aims to determine: (1) how the management of infrastructure facilities in SMP Muhammadiyah Boarding School Pleret, (2) how the school's efforts to improve student non-academic achievement through the management of infrastructure facilities at SMP Muhammadiyah Boarding School Pleret. The research method used is a qualitative case study method. The research subject is the principal. Meanwhile, the research informants were the deputy principal of the school for facilities and infrastructure, the vice principal of the curriculum section, the extracurricular coordinator, administrative staff, homeroom teachers, and students. The conclusions of the results of this study indicate that: Management of infrastructure facilities carried out at SMP Muhammadiyah Boarding School Pleret, namely planning, procurement, use, storage, and maintenance. The school's efforts to improve student non-academic achievement through renewal and provision of extracurricular infrastructure. Schools make various other efforts, such as providing the best coaches to hone student talents, finding competent teachers, and actively facilitating students to participate in various competitions. Ustadz / ah provide good mentoring and guidance so that students can be enthusiastic and earnest in achieving.

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