scholarly journals Undergraduates’ Political Participation Behaviors in Public Universities of Hebei Province, China

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 132
Yanan Yang ◽  
Nan Xia ◽  
Zaid Bin Ahmad ◽  
Jayum Anak Jawan ◽  
Ahmad Tarmizi Talib

Political participation is a necessity of human life and the level of it reflects the degree of democracy which can be considered not only the right but also the obligation. Hebei province as a populous province has a large population of undergraduates, especially the expansion the university education policy carrying out in 2008. For the undergraduates in Hebei Province, they do not have adequate political knowledge, political skills and rarely practice in political activities. The objective of this article is to propose and evaluate students’ political participation behaviors in Hebei public universities of China. Data of this article is based on two sources; primary data were collected through questionnaire and 1990 informants were selected based on the cluster sampling method, the main statistical method for evaluation of research hypotheses is on the basis of on the basis of SmartPLS and SPSS software, meanwhile, secondary data which were collected from journal articles, reports and so on. Findings of this study indicate that, the level of students’ political participation was low in public universities in Hebei province in China. Moreover, the author elaborated four reasons that led to the low political participation behaviors in public universities of Hebei Province, which were the weak economic foundation, the backwardness of the cultural environment, the unsound political system and the influence of traditional culture. In addition, the author suggested that political participation among Hebei province public universities students need to improve and develop.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-109
Wahyu Wijayanti ◽  
Mukhlison Efendi

Child development, especially the age from birth to entering primary education or the age of 0-8 years is the golden age in the vulnerable human life that cannot be repeated. Therefore this period is the golden age in the vulnerable human life that cannot be repeated. Therefore this period is the right time to lay the foundations for other developments. The objectives of this research are: 1) To find out, to study the planning of the PAKEM learning model in Khairiah Jimbe Islamic Kindergarten Jenangan Ponorogo, 2) Implementation of the PAKEM learning model ini increasing early childhood learning concentration. 3) Knowing and assessing the evaluation of the implementation of the PAKEM learning model in increasing early childhood learning concentration. This research use qualitative research with the type of case study research. The data collected is in the from of primary data and secondary data and data sources come from data sources derived from observations, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique follows the  concepts put forward by miles and huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Specifically, it can be described as follows: 1) PAKEM lerning planning is in accordance with Permendikbud Number 146 of 2014 article 2013. 2) The implementation of the PAKEM learning model in increasing the concentration of early childhood learning has been very good, seen from the teacher actively and creatively in teaching and give assignment. 3) The evaluation of learning in increasing the concentration of early childhood learning has been adjusted to the indicators of developmental achievement and refers to the standard of assessment

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 152-156
I Gede Pasek Darsana Wiratama ◽  
I Ketut Sukadana ◽  
Diah Gayatri Sudibya

Marriage is a very important thing in human life, with the aim of forming a household. In Balinese society, there is a nyentana marriage, in which a family does not have a son. However, along with the development of families in Bali, they married Nyentana even though they had a son for certain reasons. The formulations of the problems in this study are: 1) What is the position of men who are sedentary according to Balinese customary law? 2) How do men inherit rights to women who have brothers? This type of research is empirical law. The approach to the problem used is sociology of law. The data used are primary data obtained from field studies by interviewing informants. Secondary data were obtained from literature study. The result of this research is the position of men who are sedentary according to Balinese customary law as predana, in general, have the same rights and obligations as men in the family. These rights and obligations are like those of a family head in general. The right to inherit male nyentana to women who have brothers is said to be abolished because the male only continues the offspring in the wife's family.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Rio Saputra ◽  
Mokhammad Najih

<p><em>Suspects have the right to obtain legal assistance, especially for suspects who are classified as economically disadvantaged in accordance with Article 56 of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP). The facts show that there are many irregularities in the implementation of legal aid, therefore it is necessary to know about the implementation of free legal aid for suspects who are incapacitated at the level of investigation and the factors that become obstacles in the implementation of legal aid. This legal research is an empirical legal research and this research is descriptive in nature. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The techniques used to collect data were document study techniques and interview techniques. Inhibiting factors affecting the implementation of free legal aid for suspects who are unable at the level of investigation can be classified and differentiated into 3 factors, namely, legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture).</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Legal Aid, Criminal Cases</em></p>

Richard McCleary ◽  
David McDowall ◽  
Bradley J. Bartos

Chapter 8 focuses on threats to construct validity arising from the left-hand side time series and the right-hand side intervention model. Construct validity is limited to questions of whether an observed effect can be generalized to alternative cause and effect measures. The “talking out” self-injurious behavior time series, shown in Chapter 5, are examples of primary data. Researchers often have no choice but to use secondary data that were collected by third parties for purposes unrelated to any hypothesis test. Even in those less-than-ideal instances, however, an optimal time series can be constructed by limiting the time frame and otherwise paying attention to regime changes. Threats to construct validity that arise from the right-hand side intervention model, such as fuzzy or unclear onset and responses, are controlled by paying close attention to the underlying theory. Even a minimal theory should specify the onset and duration of an impact.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-119
Muhammad Yasser Iqbal Daulay ◽  
Fachri Eka Saputra ◽  
Sularsih Anggarawati

Ecotourism offers a different form of travel than mass tourism. Ecotourism also provides a learning process to protect and care for nature, and improve the welfare of local communities around or within the ecotourism destination. This study was conducted to find the right approach to developing ecotourism. The main focus is given to the potential of regional ecotourism, including human, cultural, and supporting resources. Research is also conducted to determine the perspective of tourists because meeting their needs cannot be sustainably separated from business goals. This study uses data sources grouped into two, namely primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained through several instruments such as surveys, interviews, and observations.Keywords: Social innovation, ecological tourism, entrepreneurial innovation, 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 398
Adilla Chairiah ◽  
Lestari Lestari ◽  
Irwin Irwin

Children are the future successors of the nation who must be equipped with supporting knowledge and education. One of the factors that influence the development of children are children’s creativity. Creativity is important for children because creativity is useful as a human need to be creative, creativity allows children to express themselves and thoughts in solving problem and many more. Creativity activities in schools are limited, namely 4-5 hours due to strict curriculum (Kemendikbud, 2012). The facilities that support the development of children's creativity in Pontianak is quite limited. This condition shows that Pontianak needs facilities that support the development of children's creativity, namely the Child Creativity Center in Pontianak. The design method starts from identifying the problem by looking at the issues, data collecting consists of primary data and secondary data, and then the data is analyzed which produced pre design drawing. The emphasis on the design is child-friendly which includes aspects of safety, comfort, freedom and stimulates children's potential. This concept produces a mass building design with a circular shape that has been transformed. The use of the right colors, shapes, materials and dimensions is the core of the design of the Children's Creativity Center in Pontianak.

Siti Umayah ◽  
Junanah Junanah

Pesantren, Islamic boarding school, as Islamic educational institutions by setting the main objectives of Islamic education is simply to generate the Santri (students) to explore religious knowledge (tafaqquh fid-din). However, since the 1970s Pesantren began to open up indicating that Islamic boarding schools with their dynamics required recognition by the community about their existence. Kiai Sahal Mahfudh, a Pesantren intellectual figure with a traditional background helped encourage the Pesantren to be able to respond to modernization and the demands of society in the right way. Kiai Sahal Mahfudh presents himself as a figure with transformative, innovative and visionary vision in transforming Pesantren education. He argued that Pesantren education cannot be separated from its two potentials: religiosity and social potential. This study aimed to determine the perspective of Pesantren education based on the perspective of Kiai Sahal Mahfudh and its relevance to the development of contemporary Pesantren. This study is a library research using the primary data in the form of Nuansa Fiqh Sosial, papers, or any works of Kiai Sahal Mahfudh. Meanwhile, the secondary data were in the form of books related to the Pesantren or AZJAF Vol.1 No. 2 (Special Issue 2021) Page 24 the thoughts of Kiai Sahal Mahfudh. The analysis technique used content analysis in which the phases of analysis started by determining the problems, formulating the frame of thoughts and preparing the methodology devices, data analysis and data interpretation.The results of this research showed that the teaching of the kitab kuning needs the abilty to understand contextually for solving contemporary social problems. The formulation of the objectives of pesantren education in preparing righteous and akram people in line with the functions of humans personally as khalifah of Allah who also carry out social functions to prosper and manage the earth.The da’wah islamiyyah or propagative potential in pesantren is not only articulated in word but also in deeds or da’wah bil hal. For kiai Sahal Mahfudh, da’wah can also in the form of community empowerment. Both have the same end goals. These are relevant and in accordance with the direction of development of contemporary pesantren which wants pesantren to no longer only carry out their traditional functions as religious educational institutions, but also as social community institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 1176-1183
Ika Prawitasari ◽  
Dewi Erowati

This study examines effectiveness 2020 simultaneous regional elections in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, indicators of success Pilkada are integrity organizers and public participation in exercising their voting rights. Therefore, looking at 2020 Pilkada which was held in midst Covid-19 pandemic is still an important discourse. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques use primary data obtained from webinars on local political democracy during pandemic and secondary data by citing books, journals, documents and printed media, as well as other supporting materials. The results showed that the 9 December 2020 Pilkada had several threats and opportunities, including; First, threat of high number of positive cases of Covid-19, limited time, process updating voter data, technical guidance for ad hoc administrators, logistical budgets, education and political outreach. Second, opportunities for technology and information as means of political education and political socialization. Third, organizing regional elections by using e-voting, being the right recommendation, seeing use of e-voting can preserve people's voting rights and inhibit spread of Covid-19.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 211
Magmun Migfar ◽  
Amin Purnawan

ABSTRAKDalam memberikan kredit, Perusahaan Pembiayaan wajib mempunyai keyakinan didasarkan pada unsur perinsip kehati-hatian biasa di kenal dengan 5C, yaitu terdiri dari character (watak), capacity (kemampuan), capital (modal), collateral (jaminan), dan condition of economic (kondisi ekonomi).Di dalam penelitian penulis membuat rumusan masalahanuntuk mengetahui tanggung jawab para pihak dalam pembutan akta jaminan fidusia pada Notaris dan penyelesaian sengketanya apabila debitur mengalihkan objek jaminan fidusia tanpa persetujuan tertulis oleh pihak PT. Bussan auto Finance (BAF) Rembang.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat diskriptif dan apabila dilihat dari tujuannya teremasuk penelitian hukum empiris. Lokasi penelitian di PT. BAF Rembang. Jenis data yang digunakan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan yaitu melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan kualitatif analitis.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui dalam perjanjian pembiayaan antara kreditur dan debitur saling mengikatkan diri, debitur harus membaca dan memahami surat perjanjian pembiayaan, sebelum melakukan kesepakatan sengan Leasing, setelah menandatangi perjanjian pembiayaan, debitur harus memenuhi kewajiban membayar angsuran secara tepat waktu sesuai dengan besaran dan tanggal yang telah disepakati, kemudian timbulah hak dan kewajiban supaya jangan sampai ada konflik atau kesalah pahaman yang bias merugikan debitur dikemudian hari.Dalam hal benda jaminan yang menjadi objek jaminan fidusia dialihkan kepada pihak ketiga berlaku asas drot de suite, kreditur tetap dapat mengeksekusi benda jaminan tersebut di tangan siapaun benda tersebut berada. Pengalihan benda yang menjadi objek jaminan fidusia pada pihak ketiga dan seterusnya tidak menghalangi hak kreditur untuk tetap mengeksekusi benda jaminan fidusia tersebut. Memang dalam peneyelesain sengketa benda jamian fidusia di PT BAF Rembang masih mengedepankan cara musyawarah dahulu akan tetapi jika PT BAF Rembang berpedoman pada POJK No.29/POJK.05/2014 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Usaha Perusahaan Pembiayaan dan perlu adanya pendampingan dai pihak kepolisian maka akan sangat mudah dan mungkin untuk mengatasi debitur yang nakal.Kata kunci : Debitur, Kreditur, Eksekusi Benda Jaminan Fidusia.           ABSTRACTIn granting credit, a Financing Company must have confidence based on the usual principle of prudence known as 5C, which consists of character, capability, capital, collateral and condition of economic ( economic conditions). In the study the authors make the formulation of the problem to know the responsibility of the parties in the fiduciary guarantee certificate pembutan notary and settlement of disputes if the debtor divert the fiduciary guarantee object without written approval by the PT. Bussan auto Finance (BAF) Rembang.Penelitian is a descriptive study and when viewed from its purpose including research empirical law. Research location at PT. BAF Rembang. Types of data used include primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are through literature research and interviews. Analytical data use qualitative analytical.Based on the results of the research can be known in the financing agreement between the creditor and the debtor bind each other, the debtor must read and understand the letter of financing agreement, before making leasing agreement, after signing the financing agreement, the debtor must meet the obligation to pay installments in a timely manner in accordance with the amount and date which has been agreed, then arise rights and obligations so that there will be no conflicts or misunderstandings that bias detrimental to the debtor in the future. In the event that the collateral object becomes the object of fiduciary guarantee transferred to a third party applies the principle of drot de suite, the lender can still execute the guarantee object in the hands of whoever the object is located. The transfer of objects which become the object of fiduciary collateral to a third party and so on shall not preclude the right of the creditor to keep executing the fiduciary assurance object. Indeed, in peneyelesain dispute fiduciary jamian objects in PT BAF Rembang still put forward the first musyawarah way but if PT BAF Rembang based on POJK No.29 / POJK.05 / 2014 About the Implementation of Financing Company Business and the need for assistance from the police then it will be very easy and possibly to deal with naughty debtors.Keywords: Debtor, Creditors, Execution of Fiduciary Guarantee Items.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 485
Muhammad Hilmi Akhsin ◽  
Anis Mashdurohatun

ABSTRACTFiduciary agreements by notarial deed are not sufficient, but should be continued with fiduciary registrants. Fiduciary agreements set forth in notarial deeds without registration do not grant preferential rights to fiduciary recipients. Whereas the objective of Law Number 42 Year 1999 is basically to provide legal protection for creditors from losses caused by default from debtor. From this, the authors in this thesis take the title "Consequences of Fiduciary Guaranty Laws Not Registered According to Law Number 42 Year 1999." With the scope of the issues covered include: (1) How the procedure or implementation of credit with fiduciary guarantee in Indonesia; (2) What are the constraints and solutions in the implementation of credit with fiduciary guarantee in Indonesia, and (3) What are the consequences of fiduciary guarantee law enlisted under Law No. 42 of 1999.To obtain the results of research from these problems, the authors use the scientific method with an approach that is juridical empirical and normatiif. Empirically that is researching secondary data first and then continued by conducting research of primary data in field. The jurisdiction is to study the rules that exist with the problem in the perusal.Furthermore, from the results of the research can obtain the understanding that the first, that the credit agreement made by debtors and creditors is the principal agreement that refers to the general principles of the agreement, while the imposition of fiduciary collateral meruapakan follow-up agreement or accesoir, which registers it has been regulated by Law No. 42 of 1999 , And set further through Government Regulation No. 21 of 2015; Second, the registration of fiduciary security is a creditor's obligation, but sometimes the creditor does not register it, for cost reasons or because the treaty deed is made under the hand. Therefore, the right of the fiduciary guarantee certificate is categorized as a treaty under the hand. Therefore, the solution taken by the creditors can make the settlement by deliberation or applying through the judiciary. Third, Fiduciary Guarantees must be made by the Deed of Natariil (Notarial Deed) and registered to the Office of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, in order to have executorial power, in addition, the creditor will obtain the preferred right. If fiduciary warranties are not made under the hands and are not registered in accordance with legislative provisions, they have no executorial force, and the right of preference and may become void (vernitigbarheid).Whereas to further realize the main principle of Fiduciary Guarantee provides legal protection for the parties, it is necessary to revise the regulation of fiduciary guarantee in legislation in order to give more legal certainty.Keywords: Fiduciary Security, Registration Procedures, and Legal EffectsABSTRACT Fiduciary agreements by notarial deed are not sufficient, but should be continued with fiduciary registrants. Fiduciary agreements set forth in notarial deeds without registration do not grant preferential rights to fiduciary recipients. Whereas the objective of Law Number 42 Year 1999 is basically to provide legal protection for creditors from losses caused by default from debtor. From this, the authors in this thesis take the title "Consequences of Fiduciary Guaranty Laws Not Registered According to Law Number 42 Year 1999." With the scope of the issues covered include: (1) How the procedure or implementation of credit with fiduciary guarantee in Indonesia; (2) What are the constraints and solutions in the implementation of credit with fiduciary guarantee in Indonesia, and (3) What are the consequences of fiduciary guarantee law enlisted under Law No. 42 of 1999.To obtain the results of research from these problems, the authors use the scientific method with an approach that is juridical empirical and normatiif. Empirically that is researching secondary data first and then continued by conducting research of primary data in field. The jurisdiction is to study the rules that exist with the problem in the perusal.Furthermore, from the results of the research can obtain the understanding that the first, that the credit agreement made by debtors and creditors is the principal agreement that refers to the general principles of the agreement, while the imposition of fiduciary collateral meruapakan follow-up agreement or accesoir, which registers it has been regulated by Law No. 42 of 1999 , And set further through Government Regulation No. 21 of 2015; Second, the registration of fiduciary security is a creditor's obligation, but sometimes the creditor does not register it, for cost reasons or because the treaty deed is made under the hand. Therefore, the right of the fiduciary guarantee certificate is categorized as a treaty under the hand. Therefore, the solution taken by the creditors can make the settlement by deliberation or applying through the judiciary. Third, Fiduciary Guarantees must be made by the Deed of Natariil (Notarial Deed) and registered to the Office of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, in order to have executorial power, in addition, the creditor will obtain the preferred right. If fiduciary warranties are not made under the hands and are not registered in accordance with legislative provisions, they have no executorial force, and the right of preference and may become void (vernitigbarheid).Whereas to further realize the main principle of Fiduciary Guarantee provides legal protection for the parties, it is necessary to revise the regulation of fiduciary guarantee in legislation in order to give more legal certainty.Keywords: Fiduciary Security, Registration Procedures, and Legal Effects

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