scholarly journals Litterær kompetanse - portrett av tre lesarar

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Hallvard Kjelen

Artikkelen drøfter eit sentralt problemfelt innom litteraturdidaktikken, nemleg tilhøvet mellom litterær lesing som fagleg kompetanse og litterær lesing som oppleving. Problemfeltet er særleg knytt til Louise Rosenblatts arbeid. Ho viser ved hjelp av omgrepa efferent og estetisk lesing korleis det er ei utfordring for litteraturlæraren å utvikle ei litteraturundervisning som i tilstrekkeleg grad tek omsyn til kjensler og røynsler. I ein litteraturteoretisk kontekst er subjektive responsar på litterære tekstar irrelevante, men i ein litteraturdidaktisk kontekst er subjektive responsar høgst relevante. Denne artikkelen bidrar inn i diskusjon-en mellom anna ved å trekkje inn meir empirisk basert litteraturteori som referanseramme. Artikkelen presenterer tre lesarars litterære responsar, og viser korleis kunnskap om individuelle lesarresponsar kan vere utgangspunkt for ei litteraturundervisning som balanserer ei fagleg tilnærming til litteratur opp mot ei meir opplevingsbasert tilnærming.Emneord: Litteraturundervisning, litterær kompetanse, empirisk litteraturteori, lesarresponsAbstractThe article discusses a key issue in literature didactics, namely the relation between literary reading as an academic competence, and literary reading as an experience. The discussion draws heavily on Louise Rosenblatt’s work. By using the concepts efferent and aesthetic reading, she shows how it is a challenge for the teacher of literature to develop literature teaching that adequately takes emotions and experience into account. In a literature-theoretical context, subjective responses to literary texts are irrelevant; but in a didactics context, the subjective responses are highly relevant.  This article contributes to the discussion by bringing in a more empirically based literature theory as a frame of reference. The article presents three readers’ literary responses, and shows how knowledge of individual reader responses can be the basis for literature teaching which balances an academic approach to literature with a more experience-based approach.Key word: Teaching literature, literary competence, empirical literary theory, reader-response 

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 5
Lars August Fodstad ◽  
Astrid Mortensvik

Artikkelen undersøker avgangselevers legitimering av litteraturundervisningen i videregående skole samt den litterære kompetansen de har utviklet gjennom opplæringsløpet. Spørsmålet om skjønnlitteraturens plass og legitimitet i norskfaget har vært mye diskutert i fagpolitisk sammenheng siden innføringen av Læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet. Debatten har til dels vært preget av steile fronter i så vel deskriptive som normative spørsmål om skjønnlitteraturens stilling blant norskfagets andre fagkomponenter, om læreplanens føringer for utvalg av litterære tekster, og om forholdet mellom skjønnlitterær lesing og literacy-dreiningen i faget. Elevenes stemme har imidlertid vært fraværende i debatten, og i denne artikkelen søkes derfor svar på tre spørsmål: I hvilken grad mener avgangselever på studiespesialisering at arbeid med skjønnlitteratur genrelt, og klassiske kanontekster spesielt, har legitimitet i videregående opplæring? Hvilke begrunnelser har elevene for de legitimitetssvarene de gir? Og hvilken litterær kompetanse tyder svarene på at elevene har tilegnet seg gjennom opplæringen? Tilnærmingen er fenomenologisk, basert på semistrukturerte intervju av nylig avgåtte elever fra studiespesialiserende opplæring, men den inkluderer også leselogger knyttet til arbeidet med kanoniserte noveller fra realismen/naturalismen. Resultatene viser at elevene argumenterer for viktigheten av å møte den kanoniserte litteraturen i norskfaget, og at de særlig knytter legitimeringen til nye perspektiver på egen livsverden gjennom empati og historisk bevissthet, og til tekstkulturell tilgangskompetanse. I refleksjoner over tekstene demonstrerer elevene stor grad av fiksjons- og overføringskompetanse, men langt mer varierende grad av analytisk kompetanse og utholdenhet i møte med krevende tekster.Nøkkelord: litteraturdidaktikk, litterær kanon, norskfaget i videregående opplæring, litteraturfaglig legitimering, litterær kompetanse.Practicing empathy and cultural access. Upper secondary graduates’ reading, understanding and legitimization of canonized fiction.AbstractThis article examines newly graduates’ legitimizing of literature teaching in upper secondary school, and what literacy competence they have developed during their education. Fiction and poetry reading in the Norwegian L1 subject has been a highly debated policy question since the new curriculum standards were implemented in 2006, and the discussions have to a certain extent been characterized by steep fronts in as well descriptive and normative questions of literature’s position among other content parts of the L1 subject, the curriculum’s guidelines for selection of literacy texts, and the relationship between literary reading and the literacy turn in the L1 subject. However, in this debate the students’ voice has not been heard, so this article seeks to answer three questions: To what degree do graduates find that literary reading in general and specifically that of canonized texts is legitimate in upper secondary school? How do the graduates justify their legitimatizations? And, finally, what literary competence do the graduates’ answers imply they have acquired throughout their education? The approach is phenomenological, mainly based on semi-structured interviews with academic specialization graduates, but also includes reading logs from encounters with canonized short-stories from the realism/naturalism period. The results show that the graduates advocate the importance of reading canonized literature in the Norwegian L1 subject, and that their legitimatization strategies are particularly related to the literature’s potential for offering new perspectives on their own lifeworld through empathy and historical awareness, and to cultural literacy. Through their reflections on the literary texts the graduates demonstrate highly developed fiction and transfer competence, while their analytical competence and tolerance for texts that demand complex reading skills are more varying.Keywords: literature didactics, literary canon, upper secondary L1, legitimizing literature, literary competence

1982 ◽  
Vol 164 (3) ◽  
pp. 238-255 ◽  
Michael G. Gauthier

This article examines the critical suppositions and pedagogical implications of subjectivist literary theory. In subjectivists' hands, the literature classroom moves from an objectivist concern with parsing the formal features of literary works towards a preoccupation with the personal, psychological antecedents of readers' responses to literature. Subjectivism begins in categorical error, for it borrows its critical framework from psychoanalytic theory and thereby confuses the nature, methods, and purposes of literary investigation with those of therapy. Since subjectivism regards all reading as autobiographical, such fundamental aspects of literature teaching as the evaluation of students, the preparation of teachers, and the goals of literary study are called into question. Ultimately the article suggests that literature teachers must abandon the scientism of subjectivist and objectivist schools alike in favor of an aesthetic framework for interpreting and teaching literature.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 300
Tania Intan ◽  
Trisna Gumilar

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendekripsikan tanggapan pembaca terhadap novel Le Petit Prince (2) mendeskripsikan horizon harapan pembaca terhadap novel Le Petit Prince, dan (3) mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor penyebab perbedaan tanggapan dan horizon harapan pembaca. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian berupa teks yang memuat tanggapan pembaca novel Le Petit Princeyang terdiri dari 20 orang, sedangkan sumber datanya berupa artikel dan makalah yang dimuat di media massa cetak dan elektronik termasuk internet. Instrumen penelitian berupa seperangkat konsep tentang pembaca, tanggapan pembaca, dan horizon harapan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi dan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yang didapat sebagai berikut. (1) Seluruh pembaca menanggapi atau menilai positif unsur tema, alur, tokoh, latar, sudut pandang, gaya bahasa, teknik penceritaan, bahasa, dan isi novel Le Petit Prince. (2) Harapan sebagian besar pembaca sebelum membaca novel Le Petit Prince sesuai dengan kenyataan ke sembilan unsur di dalam novel Le Petit Prince, sehingga pembaca dapat dengan mudah menerima dan memberikan pujian pada novel Le Petit Prince. (3) Faktor penyebab perbedaan tanggapan dan horizon harapan pembaca selain perbedaan stressing unsur yang ditanggapi juga karena perbedaan pengetahuan tentang sastra, pengetahuan tentang kehidupan, dan pengalaman membaca karya sastra.Kata kunci: tanggapan pembaca, horizon harapan, Le Petit PrinceAbstractThis study aims to (1) describe reader’s responses to the novel Le Petit Prince (2) to describe the reader's expectations horizon of Le Petit Prince's novel, and (3) to describe the factors causing differences in responses and the horizon of readers' expectations. This research is a descriptive qualitative research type. The research data consist of a set of paragraphs that contains readers' responses to Le Petit Prince's novel, while the data sources are articles and papers published in print and electronic mass media including the internet. The research instruments are a set of reader concepts, reader responses, and expectations horizon. The technique of collecting data is observation and data are analyzed by using qualitative descriptive technique. The results obtained are as follow: (1) All readers respond and valuethe theme elements,plots, characters, background, point of view, language, titles, storytelling techniques, language, and extrinsic novel Le Petit Prince positively. (2) The expectations of most readers before reading Le Petit Prince's novels are in accordance with the nine facts in Le Petit Prince's novel, so readers can easily accept and give prise to Le Petit Prince's novel. (3) Factors causing differences in responses and horizon of readers' expectations other than the stressing differences of the elements being addressed also due to the differences in knowledge of literature, knowledge of life and literary reading experience. Keywords: readers responses, expectations horizon, Le Petit Prince

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 292-301
Norbert Groeben

Abstract Even though it is widely agreed in education theory and psychology that the teacher’s charisma plays an essential role in teaching literature in school, the concept of charisma as a factor of effective teaching is usually applied only in the widest and most abstract sense. In scrutinizing the history of teaching methods, psychology, and literary theory in the second half of the 20th century, this paper identifies the cognitive and emotional aspects of reading literature that are prerequisite to charismatic teaching. Finally, it suggests that these aspects can be explained by drawing on phenomenological literary theory, i.e. that the notion of the teacher’s charisma can be founded in phenomenology.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 265-273
Eckhard Lobsien

Abstract What sort of object is a literary text? From a phenomenological point of view - phenomenology considered as both a radical theory of reading and a theory of radical reading - a range of answers arise, many of them tinged with deconstructive momentum. This paper aims at pointing out some basic issues in reading literary texts, offering ten theses on the enduring tasks of phenomenological literary theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-103
Ain Suraya Harun ◽  
Norhanim Abdul Samat

Teacher trainees should be prepared to teach and exposed to the approaches, models, and techniques of literature teaching. Being ready can also boost their confidence to teach literature so that the lessons can be delivered smoothly.  These teachers are so new to teaching that they might face difficulties when teaching English, specifically literature. There are teaching techniques, strategies and approaches that those pre-service teachers can investigate to understand better how to apply in their teaching. Additionally, their lack of exposure towards literature teaching can also affect the performance of teaching. This paper seeks to investigate pre-service teachers’ readiness to teach literature in schools and the challenges faced by them while teaching literature. It also attempts to offer suggestions to improve better literature teaching. This mixed method research study used questionnaires distributed to 22 TESL pre-service teachers from a public university in Johor. Additionally, semi-structured interviews were conducted with two lecturers who have vast experiences in supervising pre-service teachers at schools. Results show that a majority of fourth year TESL students are ready to teach literature with the training and courses provided by the university. Also, among the challenges that they faced are time management and their students’ feelings on the subject. This study hopes to provide insights to training teachers on literature teaching.

Cassandra Falke

Abstract This article identifies in contemporary literary theory a new optimism about the power of literary texts. The medium of this power is not language, ideology, or form but readers open to being changed. Drawing on phenomenology, the article discusses methods for making literary theory students open to and aware of such change, suggesting that hope is the grounding condition for any effective teaching act as well as an effective ground for reading in an era of globalization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 116-134
Sarah Vervloet Soares ◽  
Neide Luzia de Rezende

Resumo: O presente artigo apresenta um relato de experiência de leitura literária, realizada no primeiro ano do ensino médio, do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES – campus Piúma) e, ainda, discute alguns aspectos que se tornaram relevantes durante essa prática. Por meio de aulas transformadas em encontros, o projeto de leitura da obra A hora da estrela (1977), de Clarice Lispector, teve o objetivo de aproximar os alunos da prática da leitura. Assim, a leitura literária, a mediação de leitura, a interação com a biblioteca escolar, a produção do portfólio de leitura e a didática de literatura são os principais pontos de interesse deste artigo. Para tanto, dialogaremos, principalmente, com Colomer (2007), Petit (2008, 2009, 2013), Jauss (1994), Rouxel (2013) e Rezende (2013). A leitura literária, neste caso, resultou na abertura para novas possibilidades de ensino e aprendizagem e provocou nos estudantes maior autonomia para se expressarem, emitirem opiniões a respeito das leituras, ou seja, trata-se de um momento em que eles se reconheciam como leitores de literatura. Palavras-chave: Leitura literária. Portfólio de leitura. LITERARY READING OF THE HOUR OF THE STAR: A JOURNEY OF ENCOUNTERS AND DISCOVERIES Mediação de leitura. A hora da estrela. Clarice Lispector. Abstract: This paper reports on a literary reading experience in the first year of high school, at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (IFES – campus Piúma) and discusses some aspects that became relevant during this practice. Through lectures turned into meetings, the reading project of The hour of the star (1977), by Clarice Lispector, aimed to bring students closer to reading practices. The main points of interest in this paper are the literary reading, the reading mediation, the interaction with the school library, the reading portfolio production and the literature teaching. In order to do this, discussions are mainly based on Colomer (2007), Petit (2008, 2009, 2013), Jauss (1994), Rouxel (2013) e Rezende (2013). The experience resulted in the opening of new teaching and learning possibilities and provoked in the students a greater autonomy to express themselves, to express their opinions regarding the readings; in other words, it was a time when they recognized themselves as literature readers. Keywords: Literary reading. Reading mediation. Reading portfolio. The hour of the star. Clarice Lispector.

2018 ◽  
Arab World English Journal ◽  
Eman Adil Jaafar ◽  
Fatimah Khudair Hassoon

This research paper draws on applying the tools of pedagogical stylistics in teaching literature in particular poetry to English as a foreign language (EFL) undergraduate Iraqi students. The language of literature is rich with social context, exquisite deviant forms, and vocabulary. This paper aims at examining to what extent pedagogical stylistics can be helpful in increasing students' literary awareness. In addition, to examine how it can help them to interpret and analyze selected poems that have been chosen for them to achieve this goal. For the purpose of gathering the required data a pre-test and a post-test are conducted. Verdonk's (2013) approach is adopted in teaching stylistic tools to the students. The participants were (40) second-year students of the academic year 2018-2017 from University of Baghdad, Iraq. Moreover, a questionnaire is distributed to know students' opinions about studying stylistics. The final results proved that (1-) pedagogical stylistics tools are of great significance to pay heed to the language of poetry or literary language in general, (2-)the questionnaire shows that most agreed on studying stylistics in the classroom. Thus, this study highly recommends that teachers of literary subjects should focus on stylistic tools in teaching literary texts.

Grit Alter

In this chapter, the author explores the concept and teaching potential of visual and media literacy and discusses the creation of digital visual narratives as a means to develop critical media literacy. Based on an example from her university class, the author argues that a hands-on approach of creating digital visual reader-responses to literary texts is a highly beneficial tool to not only develop but also experience visual and media literacy. In the process of creating digital visual narrations using the Web 2.0 application Pixton, students additionally reflect the representation of the protagonists' ethnic and cultural identity within the text and in their surrounding environment, thus fostering intercultural awareness.. This creative reader-response approach allows combining literary literacy with the development of visual and media literacy in digital learning settings.

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