Uma estratégia não-tradicional para o ensino da matemática no 3º grau

1988 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 13
Angela Rocha dos Santos

In this paper. we report a teaching experience which has been done in Mathematics Institute of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro since 1983 by a group of teachers.This activity has been presented as an extra-course of Scientific Initiation and its main purpose is to develop the Scientific though and the searching vocation of the undergraduated students.In this Project, mathematical models have been used by teachers and students as a way of acquiring or improving their learning while they rediscover by themselves all the steps on the creative process that lead to scientific development.This scheme is important because it valorizes two aspects of education - the informative and the formative one-changing the focal point of the educational process from the teacher to the students.

T. A. Chernetskaya ◽  
N. A. Lebedeva

The article presents the experience of mass organization of distance learning in organizations of secondary general and vocational education in March—May 2020 in connection with the difficult epidemiological situation in Russia. The possibilities of the 1C:Education system for organizing the educational process in a distance format, the peculiarities of organizing distance interaction in schools and colleges are considered, the results of using the system are summarized, examples of the successful use of the system in specific educational organizations are given. Based on the questionnaire survey of users, a number of capabilities of the 1C:Education system have been identified, which are essential for the full-fledged transfer of the educational process from full-time to distance learning. The nature and frequency of the use of electronic educational resources in various general education subjects in schools and colleges are analyzed, the importance of the presence in the distance learning system not only of a digital library of ready-made educational materials, but also of tools for creating author’s content is assessed. On the basis of an impersonal analysis of user actions in the system, a number of problems were identified that teachers and students faced in the process of an emergency transition to distance learning.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-109
Галина Радчук

Статтю  присвячено  проблемі  теоретичного  обґрунтування  діалогу  як  механізму  аксіогенезу  особистості в освітньому процесі та виокремлення сутнісних аспектів діалогізації освітнього середовища  вищої школи. Обґрунтовано, що провідними цілями сучасної вищої освіти в контексті її гуманітаризації є  загальнокультурні орієнтири, які дозволяють замінити власне  когнітивний  підхід на смислотворчий, де і  викладач, і студент є активними суб’єктами освітнього діалогу. Показано, що освітній діалог виступає  зовнішньою   спонукою   внутрішнього   ініціювання   особистісно-професійного   становлення   майбутнього  фахівця,  становлення  його  ціннісно-смислової  сфери,  а  рівень  діалогізації  освітнього  середовища  може  слугувати  мірилом  реалізації  особистісно-розвивального  потенціалу  освіти.  На  підставі  емпіричного  дослідження   визначено,  що  у   реальному   освітньому   процесі  найбільшою   перешкодою  у   діалогізації  освітнього   середовища   є      догматичність,   формалізованість   освітнього   процесу   та   закритість,  стереотипність рольової поведінки викладачів та студентів.  The  article  is  focused  on  theoretical  argumentation  of the  dialogue  as  a  mechanism  for  personality  axiogenesis in  educational process and separation of essential dialogue aspects in higher educational environment.  The author argues that general cultural orientations are main goals of modern higher education in the context of its  humanization. This allows to replace the actual cognitive approach with sense creation one, where both teacher and  student are active subjects of educational dialogue. It is shown that educational dialogue is an external stimulus of  internal initiation of personal and professional formation in future specialists, as well as formation of their value- semantic sphere. The level of dialogue in educational environment can serve as a measure of implementation of  personality and developmental potential in education. On the basis of empirical research it is determined that  dogmatism,  formalization  of  educational  process,  and  closeness,  stereotyped  role  of  teachers’  and  students’  behavior  are  the  greatest  obstacles  for  educational  environment  becoming  more  dialogue  driven  in  real-life  educational process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1(16) (2020) ◽  
pp. 91-98
Oksana Yastrub ◽  

The problem of introducing distance learning in primary school is actualized by the development of social networks and Internet technologies, which open unlimited horizons for their application in educational activities. In addition, the introduction of quarantine in Ukraine requires primary school teachers to find ways to effectively master the program material. Among such ways is distance learning. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the specifics and possibilities of organizing the educational process in primary school with the use of distance learning. In the process of scientific research methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization and systematization were used. Distance learning in primary school is defined as a form of organization and implementation of the educational process, in which the subjects of learning (teachers and students) in the online mode carry out educational interaction in principle and mainly extraterritorially. In the context of reforming modern Ukrainian education, a number of e-platforms have been created for the organization of distance learning for primary school students. An effective commercial platform for distance learning is the service "My Class", which contains online courses from 1st to 11th grade, which contain lessons that integrate theoretical (test presentation of content) and practical (individual tasks that can be solved independently of each other, a block of tasks that need to be solved sequentially, guidelines) blocks. Result. Emphasis is placed on the requirements to be met by a primary school teacher when organizing distance learning in primary school during the quarantine period and it is suggested to advise parents who will work remotely with junior students in the initial stages of distance learning, gradually transferring activity to children.

2020 ◽  
Hikmah Ibnu Husni

The world of education is a world where there are learning activities between teachers and students, these two components cannot be eliminated in an educational process because if one of them is lost there will never be a learning goal. However, on the other hand there are components that also play a role as supporting learning activities both directly and indirectly. No less important components are facilities and infrastructure. Administration of educational facilities and infrastructure is very supportive of achieving a goal of education, as a personal education we are required to master and understand the administration of facilities and infrastructure, to improve work power effectively and efficiently and be able to respect the work ethics of personal education, so harmony, comfort can create pride and a sense of belonging both from the school community and the residents of the surrounding community.

Santiago Tejedor ◽  
Laura Cervi ◽  
Ana Pérez-Escoda ◽  
Fernanda Tusa ◽  
Alberto Parola

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed training processes. The transition from face-to-face to virtuality has affected the entire educational process favoring one of the open innovation key features in the higher education institutions: the ability to manage knowledge flow. Open innovation in this crisis situation will encourage universities to deal with difficulties and embrace opportunities to enhance knowledge production. In this regard, the main objective of this work is to analyze how universities have managed knowledge flow during lockdown situation. The research presents a comparative study between three countries highly impacted by the coronavirus (Spain, Italy and Ecuador) based on perceptions from teachers and students on a convenience sample of 573 individuals. The study, of a descriptive and exploratory nature, applied surveys between March and April 2020 to students and teachers of Journalism, Communication. The survey had 2956 responses, collecting 65,032 pieces of evidence from students and 6468 from teachers. Teachers and students show their preference for being present, but they recognize the justification for the change of scenery and identify positive elements in virtuality. According to the findings obtained, the absence of presence has not generated an increase in the meetings between teachers and students. In addition, the tutorials have been shorter and sporadic. Added to this is a scant commitment to the variety of resources and options offered by the Internet. The predominance of textual material collides with the demand from students for a mixture of training resources, a greater role for the podcast and, especially, a typology of assessment tests that pass the traditional exams.

Е.И. Чучкалова ◽  
О.Г. Маскина

Статья посвящена организации учебного процесса в высшей школе. Авторы, в частности, считают, что лекционные и практические занятия должны начинаться и заканчиваться разминкой, подразумевающей выполнение коротких упражнений. С помощью специально проведенного исследования в работе анализируются структурные особенности учебных разминок, уточняются их отличия от бизнес-разминок, применяемых в ходе тренингов, а также рассматривается с содержательной и организационной точек зрения специфика применения разминок в высшей школе. Выводы сделаны с учетом мнения преподавателей и студентов, уже имеющих опыт участия в разминках. Научная новизна публикации заключается в расширении представлений о возможностях, которые открываются при использовании разминок в учебном процессе. В статье проведена их классификация по различным критериям: виду активности, массовости, желаемому результату, формату проведения. Кроме того, автор обобщил собственный практический опыт использования инструментов бизнес-тренингов, накопленный в ходе подготовки бакалавров и магистрантов, привел примеры наиболее популярных упражнений в каждой группе матрицы разминок. Особое внимание уделено разминкам, сопровождающим вебинары, что продолжает оставаться чрезвычайно актуальным в свете современного перехода на смешанный формат обучения в профессиональном образовании. Статья предназначена для преподавателей и студентов высших и средних профессиональных образовательных организаций. The article focuses on the organization of the educational process in higher education. The author, in particular, believes that lectures and practical classes should begin and end with a warm-up, which implies doing short exercises. With the help of specially conducted research, the paper analyzes the structural features of training warm-ups, clarifies their differences from business warm-ups used during training, and also considers the specifics of using warm-ups in higher education from a substantive and organizational point of view. The conclusions are made considering the opinions of teachers and students who already have experience of doing warm-ups. The scientific novelty of the publication lies in bringing better understanding of the opportunities that open up with using warm-ups in the educational process. The article classifies them according to various criteria: the type of activity, mass character, the desired result, the format of the event. In addition, the author summarized his own practical experience of using business training tools during the preparation of bachelors and undergraduates gave examples of the most popular exercises in each group of the warm-up matrix. Special attention is paid to the warm-ups accompanying webinars, which continues to be extremely relevant in the light of the modern transition to a mixed format of training in vocational education. The article is intended for teachers and students of higher and secondary professional educational organizations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (02) ◽  
pp. 186-198
V. Shulika ◽  

The article is devoted to the scientific, practical and pedagogical experience of the Department of Restoration and Examination of Works of Art of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts throughout its existence in the context of the development of this industry in the historical territory of Sloboda Ukraine. The REWA department of KSADA is the only educational institution in the East of Ukraine that trains artists-restorers of easel and monumental painting, specialists in expertise. Over the years, the department has restored many hundreds of works of art, and graduates of the department successfully work in restoration and museum institutions in Ukraine and the EU. The establishment of the REWA department was preceded by a long historical process of restoration activities in the region, which dates back to the second half of the seventeenth century, the time of the founding of Slobozhanshchyna. The first local restorers were icon painters, who were invited to perform works of art in cities and monasteries. Later, in the nineteenth century, the role of restorers was performed by local, including well-known, painters (I. Bunakov, I. Kulikovsky, M. Uvarov). Restoration education in Slobozhanshchyna dates back to 1902, when the training and icon-painting workshop was opened in Sloboda Borysivka, where the restoration of icon-painting was taught for the first time in the historical Ukrainian lands. During the First World War, the unveiling of the icon of St. Nicholas of Miletus Monastery became a significant event in Kharkiv (1915). In the 1920s and 1930s well-known restorers and representatives of related professions who mastered the profession of a restorer (M. Kasperovych, I. Sviatenko, P. Fomin, etc.), worked in Kharkiv. A restoration workshop operated at the Ukrainian Art Gallery in 1930s, and in 1938 the first Ukrainian-language edition on this subject was published and a separate section devoted to restoration (V. Lokhanko “Artistic Materials and Painting Techniques”). In 1984, Kharkiv branch of the State Research and Restoration Workshops was opened. Higher restoration education in Slobozhanshchyna was started in 1988, as a section of painting restoration, which was transformed into an independent graduating department in 1994. Teachers and students of the department within the educational process carry out practical restoration of works of art, monitoring of private and museum collections, the state of preservation of monumental paintings. They develop and improve methods of restoration, publish and patent developments and discoveries. The Department of REWA is constantly working on improvement of teaching and methods of evaluating the work of students, planning to open new educational programs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 290-293
A. Aldabergenova ◽  
L. Sarsenbaeva ◽  

The urgency of the problem of providing a developing educational environment in modern conditions is justified by the reform of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. At all levels of education, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of the personality of the subjects of the educational process, taking into account age patterns. The article reveals the leading approaches to the study of the essence and provision of developing educational environment. As the theoretical basics of accepted socio-cultural approach of Vygotsky humanistic approach Maslow personality-oriented approach of I. A. Baeva, the ecological approach V. A. Asvina etc. Developing educational environment is considered as an environment conducive to the development and self-development at all levels of education. In the present article the condition of maintenance of the education environment: meeting the needs of the individual in communication and development, the development of adaptive abilities of students, prevention of delactovine, the development of psychological culture of teachers, the development of social and emotional intelligence of teachers and students, formation of skills of effective communication subjects of educational process, development of skills of intercultural communication etc.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-88
Vincentas Lamanauskas ◽  
Violeta Slekiene ◽  
Gabriel Gorghiu ◽  
Costin Pribeanu

Mobile technology is now part of the everyday life of teachers and students and thus tends to become an inseparable part of the educational activities. Teachers and students are increasingly using mobile technologies in teaching and learning. Therefore, it is purposeful to responsibly integrate technologies into the educational process. However, technical and pedagogical support is necessary in order to facilitate both teacher and students’ understanding of this educational potential. Besides, it is still very little known and there is very little evidence about the effectiveness of the application of these technologies in the teaching/learning process. This research aims to explore the perceptions of Romanian and Lithuanian teachers regarding the use of mobile technologies in education. Keywords: motivation to learn, mobile technology, preliminary study, science education, science teachers.

Mary Rangel

Na perspectiva da Psicologia Social (no enfoque, moscoviciano, da representação), foram investigados conceitos e imagens do cotidiano popidar na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, conforme se apresentam em cartilhas adotadas em escolas públicas. Procurou-se, então, notar a possível influência da literatura citico-social da alfabetização (acentuada desde o final dos anos 70) que, entre outras questões, discute a dissociação entre conhecimento (escolar) e realidade, enfatizando o princípio de aprendizagens significativas e contextualizadas. Nas análises, confrontaram-se as representações com "indicadores sociais" do cotidiano, levantados em estudos sociológicos. Os resultados demonstraram a predominância de conceitos e imagens de situações que, não só se distanciam, como invertem as que se apresentam nos "indicadores ". Desse modo, permanece a constatação de que o mundo das crianças não encontra significado no mundo das cartilhas. Abstract In the perspective of Social Psychology (in the Moscovite focal point of the representation), concepts and images of the popular quotidian in Rio de Janeiro city have been investigated, as they present themselves in the spelling books adopted in public schools. One endeavoured, then, to note the possible influence of the critical-social literature of the first year of schooling (accentuated since the end of the 70s), which, among other matters, discusses the dissociation between knowledge (scholar) and reality, enphasizing the principle of significative and contextualized apprendticeships. In the analysis, the representations confront themselves with "social indicators" of the quotidian, raised up in sociologie studies. The results demonstrated the predominance of concepts and images of situations which not only keep away from, as well as invert the ones which present themselves in the "indicators ". Thus, endures the evidence that the world of the children does not find significance in the world of the spelling books. Résumé Sous la perspective de la Psychologie Sociale, d 'après Moscovici (1978), ont été analises concepts et images du quotidien populaire dans la ville de Rio de Janeiro, selon ils se présentent dans les abécédaires adoptés dans les écoles publiques. Nous avons cherché, alors, observer la possible influence de la littérature critique-sociale (accentuée dès le final des années 70) sur l'alphabétisation. Cette littérature, parmi d 'autres questions, discute la dissociation entre savoir (scolaire) et réalité, en emphatisant le principe des apprentissages significatifs et contextualisés. Dans les analyses se confrontent les représentations avec les "indicateurs " sociaux du quotidien, relevés dans les études sociologiques. Les résultats ont démontré la prédominance des concepts et des images de situations que, non seulement s'éloignent comme inversent celles qui se présentent dans les "indicateurs". Ainsi, il nous reste la constatation que le monde des enfants ne recontre pas de signification dans le motide des abécédaires. Resumen En la perspectiva de la Psicoligia Social (en el enfoque moscoviciano de la representación), se investigaron conceptos y imágenes de lo cotidiano popular en la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro, según se presentan en cartillas adoptadas en escuelas públicas. Se procuró observar la posible influencia de la literatura crítico-social de la alfabetización, incrementada desde finales de los años setenta, que, entre otros temas, discute la disociación entre conocimiento (escolar) y realidad, enfatizando el principio de aprendizajes significativos y contextuados. En los análisis se confrontali las representaciones con "indicadores sociales" de lo cotidiano, obtenidos en estudios sociológicos. Los resultados han demostrado la predominancia de conceptos e imágenes de situaciones que no sólo se alejan, sino que invierten las presentadas en los "indicadores ". De esta manera, permanece la constatación de que el mundo de los niños no encuentra sifnificado en el mundo de las cartillas.

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