scholarly journals The Ontario Christian Gleaners: A Case Study of a Stakeholder-Engaged Organizational Strategy

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Erna van Duren ◽  
Rita Hansen Sterne

The Ontario Christian Gleaners (OCG) gathers, dries, and distributes produce destined to be waste and creates value by processing dried soup mixes and fruit snacks using volunteer labour. This case study examines the roles of relationships in the OCGs strategy, operations, and management using a strategic management framework that incorporates value creation and trading. Data was collected from secondary sources, site visits, and interviews. The case examines how relationships with primary and secondary stakeholders are managed to create value.  Primary stakeholders are individuals, groups, and organizations with formal, regular, contractual or transactional relationships with an organization. At OCG they include donors of vegetables and fruit, supplies like pails, and services like free waste tipping; communities that receive the dried soups, fruits, shipping barrels, and pails; mission and relief organizations that raise funding and distribute the food and the volunteers who donate their time.  Secondary stakeholders do not have regular relationships with an organization but may be affected by its actions or affect its actions indirectly through their activities in the market or society. At OCG secondary stakeholders include those who receive soup; interest groups such as food businesses, consumer or environmental organizations; the earth that supplies the agricultural and food resources; the media; the government that oversees the charitable status requirements and food safety legislation; food banks and others who have similar missions to feed the hungry; and finally educational, social, and health institutions who have goals that intersect with those of the OCG.

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 60-70
Melanie Radue

Everywhere in the media, people talk about the so-called “Twitter and Facebook revolution” in regard to the Green Revolution in Iran or other new social movements which demand democratization in their countries and use the Internet for communication and mobilization. Libertarian advocates of the Internet state that the Internet has democratizing effects because of its reputed egalitarian, open and free technological structure for communication processes. Especially in countries in which the media is under strict control by the government, these characteristics are emphasized as stimulation for political liberalization and democratization processes. This essay critically examines the alleged democratizing effect of the use of the Internet on the Malaysian society exemplified on the social movement Bersih. The Bersih movement demands free and fair elections in Malaysia, often described as an ethnocratic and “electoral authoritarian regime”. 141 The objective of this study is to demonstrate the dependency of such possible effects on context.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
Kimberley Sarah Muchetwa ◽  
Ephraim Maruta ◽  
Hilda Jaka ◽  
Joyman Ruvado ◽  
Evans Chazireni

The paper reports findings from a study that explored health communication strategies employed by the media on the state of preparedness by the Zimbabwean government during the COVID 19 crisis by the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation Television (ZBC-TV). The study adopted secondary data analysis. Data were collected using secondary sources. The study was influenced by the framing theory. The study found out that ZBC-TV used songs, road shows, commercial ads, dramas, musical shows on reporting the pandemic. The archival documents also revealed that ZBC-TV have used periodical updates as health communication strategies to educate the public about COVID 19. ZBC-TV also used Facebook showing staff from the Office of the President and Cabinet receiving the Covid 19 vaccine at the same time applauding positive response from Harare Metropolitan Province as front line workers surpassed the target under the first phase of Covid-19 vaccine roll out plan. The study concluded that the health communication strategies employed by ZBC-TV have been effective in increasing the societal awareness about health issues. ZBC-TV managed to reach out to the masses using both the television and by making use of the new media communication technologies. However, press censorship has been a challenge in publishing information concerning COVID 19 as the media house is not allowed to publish anything that tarnishes the image of the government. It is based on such evidence that the study concludes that ZBC-TV at some point distorted information to paint the picture that the government is doing all it can to contain the spread of COVID 19 and ensuring the safety of the public. The study recommends that the ministry should ensure freedom of information publicity, in which media houses, including ZBC-TV is not controlled by any political party of government. The government should also privatise ZBC-TV so that it will be answerable to the public and not few government officials. <p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0895/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 146 ◽  
Hana Silvana ◽  
Cecep Darmawan

AbstrakFenomena pengunaan media sosial sebagai media online semakin massive pada dekade ini. Kalangan muda sebagai generasi milenial atau digital native merupakan pengguna terbesar dalam penggunaan media sosial saat ini. Penelitian mengenai literasi digital masih jarang dilakukan terutama di Indonesia. Subyek penelitian ini adalah kalangan usia muda dengan rentang usia 17–21 tahun yang merupakan pengguna aktif media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Informan yang dijadikan sampel penelitian sebanyak 5 orang dan 1 orang informan kunci dari pakar literasi media. Temuan yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini menunjukan pentingnya program literasi digital yang memberikan dampak positif bagi pengetahuan, pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam menggunakan media terutama media sosial yang saat ini sering dijadikan sumber informasi oleh khalayak terutama oleh kalangan yang berusia muda. Program ini memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan pada penyebaran informasi dalam menggunakan media massa terutama media sosial yang digunakan oleh kalangan usia muda sehingga ada kesadaran dalam menggunakan media. Pada pendidikan pelatihan (diklat) ini peserta belum semua mempunyai keahlian ini dikarenakan keahlian ini memerlukan latihan yang terus menerus dan konsisten sehingga mereka dapat melakukannya dengan baik. Oleh karena itu pendidikan literasi digital merupakan solusi yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan elemen masyarakat dan civitas akademika yang peduli terhadap kemajuan bangsa. AbstractThe phenomenon of the use of social media as an online media is increasingly massive in the use of this decade. Young people as the native millennial or digital generation are the biggest users in the use of social media today. Research on digital literacy is still rare, especially in Indonesia. The subjects of this study were young people aged 17-21 years that were active users of social media. This study uses a qualitative approach to the case study method. The informants who were used as research samples were 5 people and 1 key informant from media literacy experts. The findings obtained in this study indicate the importance of digital literacy programs that have a positive impact on knowledge, understanding and skills in using the media, especially social media which is now often used as a source of information by audiences, especially among young people. information on using mass media, especially social media used by young people so that there is awareness in using the media. In this education participants do not all have this expertise because this skill requires continuous and consistent training so that they can do it well. Therefore digital literacy education is a solution that can be done by the government and elements of society and academics who care about the progress of the nation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 216-236
Md. Aliur Rahman ◽  
Harun-Or Rashid

The Digital Security Act 2018 has created some barriers for citizens' accessing information and freedom of expression, particularly for the media professionals including journalists in Bangladesh. Thus, investigative journalism is now in a state of fear for distinction. In this context, the purpose of the study is to explore various effects of this Act, as well as to focus on different directions of protection while facing fears associated with the law. Showing the necessities for investigative journalism, this article also presented different fields of such an effective journalism. Methodologically, this article has followed the qualitative approach and collected information from both the primary and secondary sources. The findings from this study have shown that the fear of negative impacts form the Digital Security Act is dominant although the aim of the law, as described, is to provide security for information and communication. From the analysis of opinions of experts, it is easily predictable that some articles of the law have created dangerous threats on the way of investigative journalism, considering its applicable effects. Most of the experts expressed concerns about the negative impacts the law does have, as shown in the findings.  It is also reflected that these harmful effects would fall ultimately on the shoulder of the state creating such a bad situation where the government is feared to have lagged in terms of taking the right decisions at the right time.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 336
Chia-ju, Lin

<p><em>In recent years, with the rapid development of the media, an increasing number of corporations and even government agencies are using the new format known as the micro film as a means of advertising</em><em> and</em><em> marketing. In this study, we </em><em>took</em><em> the micro films produced by the Taipei City Government </em><em>as objects of analysis to</em><em> investigate the image of the city as constructed in and produced by these films. Furthermore, </em><em>in this study, </em><em>the symbol of image in </em><em>three such micro films </em><em>was </em><em>studied: Love@Taipei, My Micro Tour of Taipei, and Happily Ever After. It was found that in these films, the characteristics of the city of Taipei have </em><em>been </em><em>presented accurately and successfully </em><em>by means of</em><em> the [appropriate selection of] celebrity performers, the romance narratives used, and the lively presentation of these films. Therefore, these films have foregrounded </em><em>an</em><em> image of Taipei that is free, friendly, diverse, and progressive; furthermore, they have successfully conveyed the idea that “Taipei is a city that is positive and capable of outstanding achievements”</em><em>.</em><em> These films, designed to attract audiences, have been made with great skill and portray little elements of the government-run campaigns they are actually part of, thus making them even more entertaining for viewers.</em><em></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 100
Lauw, Nancy Lociana Oktaviani

This thesis provides an understanding of the importance of strategic management as a part of business management. Through case study of an existing medium-sized enterprise, a standard strategic management framework is presented. The purpose is to redesign the company’s current strategy to ensure further successful developments.The analysis begins with strategic management which forms the basis for the introduction of the main concepts and stages of a strategic management process. Then a comprehensive analysis of an external and internal environment of the company is explained to formulate revised long-term strategies. The results of the internal and external audit identify key areas of the company’s future success, which are customer orientation, implementation of the most modern technologies, ensuring effective and efficient processes, strengthening established partnerships and increasing employee engagement.The methods used in this study are SWOT, IE analysis and QSPM Matrix. The results showed the company’s business was in a position of grow and built and SO strategy were chosen because the strength could be a barrier to competitors and the industry opportunities that the company could use to expand the company. QSPM Matrix results market development strategy as the company’s main strategy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Sanghee Kim ◽  
Hongjoo Woo

AbstractDuring the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the media reported different kinds of issues that global fashion retailers face. They had to unexpectedly dismiss garment workers and employees internally, while they had to perform CSR practices for their suffering communities externally. The purpose of this study is to investigate how global fashion retailers responded to these external and internal crises during the pandemic through a case study. Based on corporate social responsibility (CSR) contribution types and the Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT), various secondary sources which are related to three selected global fashion retailers’ (Zara, H&M, and Uniqlo) responses to external and internal crises during the pandemic are analyzed. The findings indicate that global fashion retailers showed some different approaches in their responses to external and internal crises during the pandemic. Externally, all of them practiced CSR by providing monetary and in-kind contributions to the society. However, toward the internal issues related to their factory workers and employees, some of them denied or diminished the problems that had been raised, while all of them attempted to make a deal with the parties who had been affected. The results of this study propose an agenda to discuss global fashion retailers’ responsibilities during the pandemic, as well as to inform fashion retailers of how leading retailers have responded to the crises.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Titin Marliyana

<p><em>Forest can be considered as rich natural resources, but many people who lives near the forest is living in poverty because of agrarian conflicts and wrong management of the forest by Perhutani. StaM organized farmers group to resolve the agrarian conflicts in Cilacap regency. Mantesan village experiences some problems with Perhutani, and STaM conducts assistancing program by proposing Social Forestry. From the explanation above, researcher wants to investigate the motivation of StaM doing the organizing program, how the organizing program is carried, and the difficulty in carrying the organizing program. Social Movement theory from Tarrow is used to investigate the organizing program which can be a social movement. Qualitative study with case study approach is conducted to answer the research questions. Research partcipants are selected by using purposive sampling method. The data in this research will be collected through interview and supporting documment. Technique of data collection will be conducted through observation, interview, and docummentation. The data validity will be tested by carrying out triangualtion of data source and data analysis of Miles and Huberman interactive model.The results of the research reveal that the need of the farmer is causing certain behaviour which lead them to form farmers group to fullfill the farmers’ need. Organizing program is carried out to fight the powerless farmer to create some changes for the farmer can adapt to resolve their problems. Organizing program is carried out because there are problem and potential solution, intervention to the direction of change, and people who involved in intervention. To carry out Organizing Program, StaM considers the principle, the model, the media and the procedure of organising. The difficulties found in this research are agrarian reformation issue which become the sensitive issue, farmers group who’s experiencing burnout, the lack of cooperativeness from the government, and the lack of respond from the society to change.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><strong> </strong><strong><em>Agrarian Conflict, Community Organizing, Social Forestry.</em></strong><strong></strong></p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong><strong></strong></p><p>Hutan merupakan sumber daya alam tergolong kaya, namun banyak masyarakat sekitar hutan dalam kategori miskin akibat adanya konflik agraria dan pengelolaan hutan yang salah oleh Perhutani. STaM melakukan pengorganisasian pada kelompok tani untuk menyelesaikan konflik agraria di Kabupaten Cilacap. Desa Mentasan mengalami konflik dengan perhutani dan STaM melakukan pendampingan dengan mengusulkan perhutanan sosial. Peneliti ingin mengetahui motivasi STaM melakukan pengorganisasian, bagaimana pengorganisasian dilakukan, dan kendala yang dihadapi dalam melakukan pegorganisasian. Teori gerakan sosial dari Tarrow digunakan untuk melihat pengorganisasian yang dilakukan menjadi sebuah gerakan sosial. Metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus digunakan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah. Infoman penelitian ditentukan melalui purposive sampling. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara langsung dan dokumen pendukung. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Validitas data melalui teknik triangulasi sumber dan analisis data menggunakan model interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa kebutuhan petani, menyebabkan tingkah laku untuk membentuk kelompok tani dengan tujuan memenuhi kebutuhan petani. Pengorganisasian dilakukan untuk melawan ketidakberdayaan petani guna menciptakan perubahan agar petani mampu beradaptasi menghadapi permasalahannya. Pengorganisasian dilakukan karena adanya persoalan dan potensi penyelesaian, intervesi ke arah perubahan, dan pihak yang terlibat dalam intervensi. Dalam melakukan pengorganisasian, STaM mempertimbangkan prinsip pengorganisasian, bentuk model dan media pengorganisasian, dan langkah-langkah maupun tahapan pengorganisasian. Kendala yang dihadapi yaitu isu reforma agraria merupakan isu yang sangat sensitif, kelompok tani mengalami kejenuhan, kurangnya kerjasama dari aktor-aktor pemerintahan, dan kurangnya respon dari masyarakat untuk menuju perubahan.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Konflik Agraria, Pengorganisasian Masyarakat, Perhutanan Sosial.</strong><strong></strong></p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 210-221 ◽  
Ramesh Gautam ◽  
Ram Bahadur Karki

Socio-culturally and economically every rural community of Nepal are associated with forest for their livelihood and identity but simultaneously governmental policy for the protection of forest is not in the favor of people, which has been creating conflict between people and other stakeholder including governmental organization. This research tries to know the causes and consequences of conflict between Bankariya and other stakeholders. This research was carried out between the period May to December 2013. According to nature of the problem descriptive research design has been applied. Handikhola VDC of Makwanpur district has been selected as an universe purposively. Both primary and secondary sources of data were applied in this study. Case study, key informant interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) methods were applied for primary data collection. The findings shows that the living condition of Bankariya has changed after the government has provided them 6 hectors land for 40 years at Mushedhap. Still date forest based products are extremely beneficial for the enhancement of their livelihoods. The major problems faced by Bankariya community regarding to use of forest based resources are; not having their own permanent land for settlement and agriculture purpose, provision of present rules and regulation, and attitude of other elite persons/groups for dominating them. Forest resource based conflicts of Bankariya is mainly related with local people and other forest user group committee members as compared to Parsa Wild Life Reserve and District Forest Office of Makawanpur. DOI: International Journal of Environment Vol.3(3) 2014: 210-221

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Eze-Michael Ezedikachi. N

Sectarian crisis has been said to have erupted from groups with different ideological values and perspectives and had resulted into conflicts and brought about sectarian crisis especially in the northern Nigeria. The study examined the various causes of sectarian crisis in northern Nigeria, which included religious fundamentalism, religious extremism, and political manipulations. The study examined the effect of sectarian crisis in northern Nigeria with Kaduna state used for the case study. It was structurally analyzed with the use of quantitative method due to the nature of the research. The study developed fifteen (15) research questions, which were administered to 2 local government areas in Kaduna state namely Jema’a and Zagon kataf. Both primary and secondary data were used as sources of data. For primary sources data was gotten from the field work where research questionnaires were distributed and, for the secondary sources, data was gotten from journals, articles, published and unpublished books, libraries, works from the existing literature related to this study as well as from the internet. While the simple percentage technique was used in organizing and presenting the data collected. The data analysis revealed that sectarian crisis created ethnic differences and socio-economic problems. The study recommended that for sectarian crisis to be prevented, an elaborate process of depoliticizing ethnic groups must be put in place. The government also should take measures to shutdown religious group crisis by promoting peace and unity in the society. By this northern Nigeria will experience peace, oneness, good security and national Unity.

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