scholarly journals Problems and Remediation of Some Polluted Soils in Benue State, Nigeria

2020 ◽  
pp. 22-33
S. T. Dayok ◽  
A. T. Gani

Exploitation of natural resources is a vital condition of human existence. Population growth leads to competition on the natural resources thus, creating negative impact on the environment leading to the destruction of ecosystems and pollution. The concern here is that human existence is under threat. Benue soils are shallow, underlying clay accumulation with poor internal drainage. This drainage problem often results in problems such as over flooding causing land, water, and air pollution. Crusting is also part of the problems of the soils and may lead to low infiltration and poor seedling germination and emergence. It is hereby suggested that to remedy these problems, land should be used wisely to the benefits of human existence while protecting its value for the use of future generation. Fertilizer and chemicals such as herbicides importation and manufacturing must meet specifications to safeguard the environment. Soil organic matter should be maintained through adequate fertility of the soil and soil survey to avoid failure and to protect the environment. Technology and innovations that fit easily into the existing farming systems should be adopted for easy acceptance by farmers. Importations of machines and implement must meet specifications. Indigenous engineers should be encouraged and supported by the government to design machines that are suitable for the soils and the environment.

Izzah Amila Faisal

Tourism is the one of the main revenue in Indonesia.  A large of number tourists comes to Indonesia every day with the different country, culture and aim. Base on our international visitor that come from different country, they bring together with their culture when visit Indonesia. Therefore   tourism has the positive and negative impact for our culture. As Indo people we have to keep save our basic identity from the acculturation. But in other hand tourism have some negative effect. Child Sex tourism is the issue of this paper and become one of the phenomena that occur in Indonesian tourism. Even though Indonesia have the national and international regulation that protect child from sex exploitation, but in the real life still find the same issue regarding child sex tourism. The purpose of this research is to find and identify the factor that be the main cause of child sex tourism to be able to conclude the efforts of legal protection rights of children and also against sex child tourism practice and protect the from any kind of sexual crime practice. As we know that the children are our future generation that must be protected all of their rights. Law enforcement officers together with the government need more improvement efforts to against sexual crime practice specialy that happen with the children in Indonesia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Maria Francisca ◽  
Ignatius Roberto

Reclamation is a process of making new land on land that was previously covered by water, such as river banks or coastal coasts. The new area is usually used for residential areas, industry, business, air ports, agriculture, and tourism; in fact this reclamation has a positive and negative impact on the environment and surrounding communities. The Government has provided special arrangements for the spatial plan (RTRW) of each region including the sea, but its implementation is not aligned with more attention to the economic impact than the conservation of its natural resources. The research method used is descriptive analytical and explorative, to obtain an overview of marine policy for the utilization of marine reclamation that still pay attention to the environment and its resources. The reclamation of the sea causes a disruption of the ecosystem that causes many fishermen to lose their livelihood and cause natural disasters in other locations outside the reclamation area

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 2621 ◽  
Qingfeng Han ◽  
Kadambot Siddique ◽  
Fengmin Li

Conservation tillage is an important approach to prevent water loss and soil erosion and promote soil fertility that has been adopted widely throughout the world. However, despite promotion of the benefits of conservation tillage, obstacles are still encountered in some regions. A survey of 385 farmer households in the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China was conducted to assess the adoption of conservation tillage (ACT). This investigation was located in two counties that have run conservation tillage demonstrations with wheat for at least eight years. A binary logistic regression model was used to quantify the factors determining whether or not farmers adopt conservation tillage. Farmer’s education level, the influence of training, and field demonstrations by agricultural departments had significant positive effects on ACT. Although the adoption rate of conservation tillage in this paper was very high (89%), farmers were reluctant to continue practicing conservation tillage based on their experiences, which is contrary to the expectations of the government. The area available for planting winter wheat and the number of arable plots per household also had significant positive effects on ACT. However, the total cultivated area of land per household had a significant negative impact on ACT. Farmer awareness of conservation tillage technology, the distance from a farmer’s house to the nearest agricultural market, and the size of the active labor force in the family had significant negative impacts on ACT. These results will help in the development of more effective and targeted policies to improve the sustainability of farming systems on the semi-arid Loess Plateau.

2021 ◽  
Fidelia Rahayu Kencanasari

Indonesia has a policy on maritime affairs and warnings made in Law no. 12 of 2020 concerning the Management of Lobster and Crab in the Territory of the Unitary State of Indonesia. The policies that have been established are deemed to have no significant impact but in fact have a very large negative impact on the natural resources environment. The information held by the government is less accurate so that the government does not understand the impact that can arise from the policies to be determined.

Fauzia Imani ◽  
Anne Charina ◽  
Tuti Karyani ◽  
Gema Wibawa Mukti

The application of conventional farming systems causes negative impacts for the environment and consumers, an effort made to deal with the negative impact is by changing conventional farming systems into organic. In 2010, the government released the Go Organic program and the area of certified organic farming reached into maximum point in that year. Until now there are many farmers who claim that their agricultural products are the organic one. Mekar Tani Jaya Farmer Group has conducted organic cultivation for 18 years. The aim of this research is to find out  the application of organic farming system in Mekar Tani Jaya in accordance with SNI 6729: 2016, and also to know what are the obstacles faced by Mekar Tani Jaya in the implementation of organic farming system. This research is used qualitative descriptive method with through a case study technique. This research also using Miles and Huberman data analysis model and  fishbone analysis model. The results is the percentage of conformity organic farming system by Mekar Tani Jaya Farmer Group with SNI 6729 : 2016 is about 94 percent (%). Meanwhile, the main problem that faced by Mekar Tani Jaya  Farmer Group is not all of the organic farming system according to SNI 6729: 2016 can be applied thus make an impact to other aspects.Keywords: Organic Farming, SNI 6729 : 2016, farmer group.

Ajeng Embri Legawati ◽  
Nur Azizah ◽  
Achmad Ramadhan

Green beans cultivation technology using mice pets control has been implemented in the Gluranploso village, Benjeng Gresik. The implementation of the technology performed for 2.5 months from August to October 2017. The purpose of the implementation is aimed to reduce the dependence of farmers on the use of chemical pesticides so that the farmers are aware of the negative impact of chemical pesticides. Assessing the impact of the utilization of Bintaro fruit and fruit extracts to explore ways of making Bintaro as a natural biopesticide to overcome rat attack on green bean plants in the Gluranploso village. Pest control mice can reduce the rate of loss of the crops more effectively and efficiently. Finally, with the use of those natural resources as a biopesticide material can also maintain the environmental balance

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Agustinus Denny Unggul Raharjo

<p class="BodyA">South Manokwari Regency is a new autonomous region in West Papua Province with abundant natural resources. As a new autonomous region South Manokwari Regency will be experiencing significant population growth. Population growth along with development and modernization will give burden to electricity demand. Alternatively, electricity can be provided with geothermal resources in Momiwaren District. Based on survey conducted by the government through the Geology Resources Centre in 2009, the reservoir temperature of the geothermal sources is 84<sup>o</sup>C with non volcanic geothermal system. Thus, the geothermal resources in South Manokwari Regency could be developed into binary cycle electric generator.</p>

حسن بن إبراهيم الهنداوي (Hassan Hendawi)

الملخّصإنّ الفقر والإملاق من المشكلات الرئيسة التي يواجهها العالم اليوم، ومن أسبابها ندرة الموارد الاقتصادية الشديدة وندرة الغذاء والماء. فندرة الموارد وقلتها كانت ذات أثر مباشر في قتل الملايين من الأنفس البشريّة. وتعدّ ندرة الموارد عند الاقتصاديين الخطر الأساس الذي يهدد الوجود البشري في هذا العصر. ويعتبرها الاقتصاديّون كذلك معضلة اقتصادية ناتجة عن رغبات الإنسان غير المتناهية مقابل موارد محدودة ومتناهية. ومن الأمور التي يقترحها الاقتصاديون من اجل التغلب على هذه المشكلة أن النّاسن ينبغي عليهم أن يختاروا الموارد الضرورية والحاجية لتلبية رغباتهم. فمفهوم الندرة من منظور الاقتصاد التقليدي يعني موارد محدودة في العالم مقابل حاجات ورغبات غير محدودة. وسبب ذلك عند الاقتصاديين أن الطبيعة لا توفر موارد كافية لتلبية حاجات الناس ورغباتهم غير المتناهية. ونظرة الإسلام التي يمثلها القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية الشريفة لمسألة الندرة نظرة مختلفة تماما عن نظرة الاقتصاد التقليدي. ويعنى هذا البحث ببيان أن الندرة ليست مشكلة الطبيعة التس سخّرها الله تعالى للإنسان،  ولكن المشكلة في أخلاقيات الناس وتصرفاتهم في الموارد الطبيعية وطريقتهم في الانتفاع بها التي أدت إلى إدخال الضرر والفساد على الموارد الموجودة.الكلمات المفتاحية: الإسلام، ندرة الموارد، الاقتصاد المعاصر، الموارد الطبيعية، الطبيعة. **************************************               AbstractAmong the main problems that the world is facing today are poverty and destitution caused by severe scarcity of economic resources and the scarcity of food and water. The lack of resources has already caused the death of millions of human beings. The scarcity of resources is counted by economists as the primary danger that threatens the human existence. Economists also consider it an economic dilemma caused by infinite human desires against limited and finite resources. In order to overcome this problem among the suggestions made by economists is that human beings should choose only necessary resources to satisfy their desires. The conventional concept of scarcity is that the resources in the world are limited vis-à-vis the unlimited human needs and desires. The reason for that according to economists is that the nature does not provide sufficient resources to meet people’s endless needs and desires. Islamic approach as represented by the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah to the issue of scarcity is essentially different from the conventional viewpoint of economists. This paper proposes and explains that the problem is not in the nature which Allah has made subservient to man, but it is in the ethics of the people and their behaviour and way of utilization of natural resources, which ultimately damage and corrupt the available resources.Keywords: Islam, Scarcity of Resources, Modern Economy, Environmental Resources, Nature.

Ira Patriani

Border areas, is one of affected area on COVID_19 this present. Many of people cn not go out as usually, adding almost each country has to implement their territorial limitation (lockdown policy) to minimalize this virus spreading. One of Malaysia State, where very close and get direct border with Indonesia. This research took place at Sanggau District, Entikong, Gun Tembawang Village.The research approach used is qualitative, using data collection methods in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation supported by interviews with the theoretical approach to the negative and positive aspects on policy implementation. Research results, The results stated that the lockdown activities of Malaysia which were affected by the corona virus outbreak needed to be carried out in an effort to minimize the spread of the virus outbreak. Although of course it has a negative impact on the country's economic structure, social issues and other sector. In implementing this lockdown, there is a need for cooperation between the government and the community as well as an agreement with neighboring countries in terms of the mobility of residents closest to each other's territory on exemptions in order to realize social welfare and public health without limiting the origin of the state, religion, community and profession. Especially in border areas where mobility and kinship ties have always been closer than in other regions. Keywords: Border area, lockdown policy, covid_19

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 397-406
T. E. Chekanova

The presented study examines the problems of integration of the national banking systems of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).Aim. The study aims to examine the major differences in various aspects of functioning of banking systems in the EAEU member states in terms of their impact on integration processes.Tasks. The author identifies the most prominent features of the banking systems of the EAEU states; reveals the depth of the existing differences through a comparative analysis of various indicators of national banking systems; outlines ways of overcoming integration problems associated with differences in the banking sectors of the Union states.Methods. This study is based on universal general scientific methods and elements of comparative, functional, and economic analysis within the framework of a systems approach. The author uses regulatory documents and banking reports of the EAEU states, statistical and analytical materials of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), and data of Moody’s international rating agency.Results. The study identifies a number of aspects that contain the major differences in the functioning of banking systems in the EAEU member states; highlights the disproportions in the scale, level of development, financial stability, and risks of the banking spheres of the Union states; comparatively analyzes the proportion of banking and non-banking structures in the system and the share of the government and non-resident companies in the capital of banks; marks the difference in the pricing of banking services; determines differences in the existing approaches to banking regulation and the established standards; analyzes the major differences in the legislative acts of the central banks and governments of the EAEU member states and in the terms and definitions used. According to the results of the study, the major factors hindering the development of integration processes between the banking systems of the EAEU states are identified.Conclusions. The existing differences between the banking systems of the EAEU countries are diverse and multifaceted. The author states that the aspects addressed in this study have a significant negative impact on the further development of integration processes, describing the major directions and actions of the member states aimed at minimizing the exiting differences, which are required to facilitate the convergence of the states and the transition towards a common financial market.

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