practice session
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 708
Wang Xi ◽  
Wu Cong

The Field Trip for Measured Survey of Built Heritage carried out by Tianjin University every summer aims to educate students in each practice session, i.e., on-site data acquisition, condition investigation, classification of the component library, taking observation notes, and accomplishing HBIM deliverables. Under the risks posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the students could not leave the campus as a provisional arrangement. Only a team of five people was allowed to visit the Kuiwen Pavilion in the Temple of Confucius (Qufu, China). Therefore, the field trip for students had to be replaced with remote solutions, which consists of the following methods: on-site data acquisition; post-processing; online education, observation, modeling, delivery. Kuiwen Pavilion in the Temple of Confucius is a library with the official architectural style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (14th to 20th century), for which building regulations are commonly recognized, and are suitable for survey education. In this context, this article focuses on the remote practice methods applied and tested throughout the case study. During the practice of the course, students who managed to finish the course, through the virtual tours and other online methods, finally achieved delivery of the HBIM models.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-100
Srikandi Octaviani ◽  
Ika Wulandari Utamining Tias

Microteaching is a compulsory subject taken by students of program study PG PAUD semester VI. The purpose of this activity is to improve understanding and basic skills of teaching PAUD students in Microteaching classes using drill and practice methods. The research method used in this research is Classroom Action Research, there are 4 stages in this activity, namely: planning, action, observation and reflection. The data collection technique used an observation technique using an observation sheet related to eight basic teaching skills and the data analysis technique used was descriptive qualitative. The results of this research in the practice session of cycle II there was an increase in almost all female students who succeeded and were able to apply the eight basic teaching skills in their teaching practice, only a few who had not succeeded because they could not control time, were still nervous and this could be overcome with a lot of work practice, and still having difficulty in choosing the right language and easy to understand for early childhood. Recommendations from this research are aimed at educational stakeholders where this increase occurs because of the training process (practice) that occurs repeatedly and the evaluation or reflection of each student who appears, there are real and direct examples of being able to develop every aspect of basic teaching skills in each student.

Е.Б. Зыболова

Львиная доля нашей жизни – это учеба. Учеба в школе, институте, университете… Учеба – это, прежде всего, учителя, каждый из которых наделен своими особенностями. Чьи-то личностные особенности нам помогают адаптироваться, заинтересоваться наукой, понять, кем я хочу быть. Таким учителям мы благодарны всю свою жизнь. Но всегда на долгом пути образования встречаются и те, кто нам не нравится по каким-то причинам. Причинам, которые мы часто и сами осознать не можем. Известный факт, что профессия педагога – одна из наиболее затратных психологически и эмоционально. Хорошему учителю нужно быть зрелым, эмоционально устойчивым, здоровым психически и физически. Если же педагог, помимо своей основной деятельности, занимается также реализацией дополнительных образовательных проектов, уровень энергозатрат возрастает вдвойне. Труд учителя всегда насыщен ситуациями, которые, в итоге, могут привести (и приводят) к выгоранию: эмоциональная загруженность, огромная ответственность, длительное нахождение в состоянии перманентного стресса. В результате перегруженный педагог очень быстро «сгорает» в пламени неврозов, депрессий, психосоматических заболеваний. Таким образом, в школе давно назрела ситуация, где основным клиентом психолога должен быть педагог. Автор настоящей статьи рассматривает попытку реализации психотерапевтической работы с педагогами на базе МАОУ «Гимназии №23 г. Челябинска» в рамках реализации модели проектной школы «Практики будущего» на примере метапредметной области «Урбанистика». В статье представлены теоретические основания и методические указания, касающиеся применения психотерапии на основе метода символдрамы в работе с педагогами. Теоретический материал иллюстрирован примерами из практики автора. В качестве данных для исследования были использованы протоколы сессий. В результате исследования автор приходит к выводу, что целесообразно вводить в штат школ ставку психотерапевта или клинического психолога именно для работы с педагогическим составом. A huge period in person's life is closely associated with studying at school, college, or university. Studying is teachers, each of whom is endowed with their own characteristics. Teacher's personality traits help us to adapt, to become interested in science, to understand who we are to be. We are grateful to teachers all our lives. But there are always those who we do not like for some reasons on the long road of education. The reasons that we often cannot even realize. It is well known that teaching as a profession is one of the most energy-intensive. A good teacher needs to be mature, emotionally resilient, mentally and physically healthy. If a teacher, in addition to their main activity, is also engaged in the implementation of additional educational projects, the energy expenditure becomes even greater. The teacher's work is always full of situations, which, in the end, can (and do) lead to burnout: emotional workload, huge responsibility and permanent stress. As a result, an overworked teacher is likely to burn out in the flame of neuroses, depression, psychosomatic diseases. Thus, the school has a long overdue situation where the main client of a psychologist must be the teacher. After all, professional activity is replete with factors that provoke emotional burnout: high emotional workload, many a number of emotional factors, the daily and hourly need for empathy, sympathy, responsibility for children and their work. As a result, a teacher becomes a hostage to the situation of emotional burnout, a prisoner of the emotional and professional behavior stereotypes. Among the professional illnesses of teachers there are various neuroses, and psychopathic conditions, in addition to a number of psychosomatic disorders. In this regard, an important part of a psychologist's activity at school is psychotherapeutic work with teachers and educators who implement additional educational projects. The author of this article considers an attempt to implement psychotherapeutic work with teachers in the MAEI "Gymnasium № 23 of Chelyabinsk" within the framework implementation of the model project school "Practices of the Future" in the example of the metasubject area "Urban Studies". The article presents theoretical foundations and guidelines for the use of psychotherapy based on the symboldrama method for work with teachers. The theoretical material is illustrated with the examples from the author's practice. Session protocols were used as data for the study. As a result of the study, the author therefore asserts the conclusion that it is advisable to introduce a psychotherapist or a clinical psychologist into the school specifically for working with the teaching staff.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 784
Megahnanda Alidyan Kresnawati ◽  
Resa Rasyidah

ABSTRAKSektor usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam membangkitkan perekonomian di daerah, tidak terkecuali Jawa Timur. Kontribusi UMKM dalam peningkatan perekonomian provinsi Jawa Timur merupakan yang terbesar dibandingkan sektor lainnya. Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa pada acara Briliant Preneur 2021 bahwa kontribusi UMKM terhadap produk domestik regional bruto (PDRB) di Jawa Timur bahkan mencapai 57,25 persen. Agar pasar UMKM dapat lebih luas hingga ke luar negeri, maka pelatihan ekspor kepada para pelaku UMKM di Jawa Timur perlu diadakan. Kegiatan “Workshop Peluang Ekspor UMKM Melalui Pasar Digital” dilakukan untuk memfasilitasi para pelaku UMKM dalam memulai ekspor produk mereka. Kegiatan yang ini diikuti kurang lebih 50 perwakilan UMKM di Jawa Timur ini terdiri dari 3 tahap kegiatan, tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap monitoring evaluasi. Pada tahap persiapan, panitia melakukan koordinasi internal juga memberikan lembar untuk diisi dengan data usaha pelaku UMKM. Pada tahap pelaksanaan, workshop dilakukan melalui dua (2) sesi. Sesi pertama merupakan pemberian materi terkait pemanfaatan pasar digital untuk ekspor produk-produk UMKM Jawa Timur. Pada sesi kedua, para peserta dapat langsung melakukan praktek atas materi yang diberikan, dan dapat melaporkan hasilnya. Monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan mengisi lembar evaluasi kegiatan, baik yang dilakukan oleh narasumber terhadap pelaksanaan acara maupun para pelaku UMKM terhadap pelaksanaan acara. Seluruh peserta workshop dapat mengikuti dengan baik walaupun ada beberapa kendala saat sesi praktek seperti banyaknya penggunaan bahasa asing dalam praktek pembuatan akun website e-commerce maupun pembuatan deskripsi produk. Kata kunci: ekspor; pasar digital; UMKM. ABSTRACTThe micro, small and medium enterprise (MSMEs) sector has a very important role in generating the economy in the region. East Java is no exception. The contribution of MSMEs in improving the economy of East Java province is the largest compared to other sectors. East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa at the Briliant Preneur 2021 event that the contribution of MSMEs to gross regional domestic product (GRDP) in East Java even reached 57.25 percent. So that the MSME market can be wider overseas, then export training for MSME actors in East Java needs to be held. The activity "Workshop on MSME Export Opportunities Through Digital Markets" was carried out to facilitate MSMEs players in exporting their products. This activity, attended by approximately 50 representatives of MSMEs in East Java, consisted of 3 stages of activity, the preparation stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation monitoring stage. The committee carried out internal coordination at the preparation stage and provided a sheet filled with business data for MSME actors. The workshop was conducted in two (2) sessions at the implementation stage. The first session was the provision of material related to the use of the digital market to export East Java MSME products. In the second session, the participants could immediately practice the provided material and report the results. Monitoring and evaluation of implementation are carried out by filling out activity evaluation sheets, both those carried out by resource persons on the implementation of the event and MSME actors on the implementation of the event. All workshop participants were able to follow well. However, there were several obstacles during the practice session, such as using foreign languages to create e-commerce website accounts and making product descriptions. Keywords: exports; digital market; MSMEs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 520
Evi Maria ◽  
Martin Setyawan ◽  
Suharyadi Suharyadi

ABSTRAKTujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kreativitas Karang Taruna Kridha Arum sebagai pengelola destinasi wisata Gedong Pass (G-Pass) melalui pelatihan fotografi dengan keindahan alam G-Pass sebagai obyeknya. Pelatihan ini dapat membantu Karang Taruna Kridha Arum untuk dapat menyediakan foto-foto yang akan digunakan untuk promosi destinasi wisata G-Pass melalui media sosial. Pelatihan fotografi dilakukan dari tanggal 8-10 Mei 2021, setiap hari ada dua sesi, yaitu sesi pemaparan materi tentang konsep dasar fotografi dan sesi praktik fotografi, sedangkan kegiatan pendampingan fotografi dilakukan sampai akhir bulan Juni 2021 melalui grup whatsapp. Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh delapan orang pemuda Dusun Gedong yang merupakan anggota dari Karang Taruna Kridha Arum. Peserta pelatihan diberi materi dasar-dasar fotografi, terkait pengenalan fitur kamera di telepon genggam, pencahayaan, point of interest, ruang tajam dan komposisi serta proses pengunggahannya di media sosial. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan fotografi, para peserta sudah dapat menyediakan foto-foto destinasi wisata G-Pass dengan mutu visual yang baik dan sudah mengunggahnya pada media sosial baik itu media sosial milik pribadi maupun milik G-Pass untuk mempromosikan destinasi wisata G-Pass, Dusun Gedong. Kata kunci: kreativitas; pelatihan fotografi; destinasi wisata; G-Pass ABSTRACTThe purpose of this community service activity is to increase the creativity of Kridha Arum Youth Organization as the manager of the Gedong Pass (G-Pass) tourist destination through photography training with the natural beauty of the G-Pass as the object. This training can help Kridha Arum Youth Organization to be able to provide photos that will be used for the promotion of G-Pass tourist destinations through social media. Photography training will be held from 8-10 May 2021, every day there are two sessions, namely a presentation session on the basic concepts of photography and a photography practice session in the area around the G-Pass, while photography assistance activities are carried out until the end of June 2021 through the whatsapp group. This training was attended by eight youths from Gedong Hamlet who are members of the Kridha Arum Youth Organization. The training participants were given the basics of photography, related to the introduction of camera features on mobile phones, lighting, point of interest, sharp space and composition as well as the process of uploading them on social media. After participating in the photography training, the participants have been able to provide photos of G-Pass tourist destinations with good visual quality and have uploaded them on social media, both personal and G-Pass social media to promote the G-Pass tourist destination, Dusun Gedong. Kata kunci: creativity; photography training; tourist destination; G-Pass

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 232596712110598
A. Elizabeth Jansen ◽  
Morgan McGrath ◽  
Sergey Samorezov ◽  
Joshua Johnston ◽  
Adam Bartsch ◽  

Background: The accumulation of subconcussive impacts has been implicated in permanent neurological impairment. A gap in understanding the relationship between head impacts and neurological function is the lack of precise characterization and quantification of forces that individuals experience during sports training and competition. Purpose: To characterize impact exposure during training and competition among male and female athletes participating in boxing and mixed martial arts (MMA) via an instrumented custom-fit Impact Monitoring Mouthguard (IMM). Study Design: Cross-sectional study; Level of evidence, 3. Methods: Twenty-three athletes (n = 4 women) were provided a custom-fit IMM. The IMM monitored impacts during sparring and competition. All training and competition sessions were videotaped. Video and IMM data were synchronized for post hoc data verification of true positives and substantiation of impact location. IMM data were collected from boxing and MMA athletes at a collaborating site. For each true-positive impact, peak linear acceleration and peak angular acceleration were calculated. Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used to evaluate potential differences in sport, activity type, and sex with respect to each outcome. Differences in impact location were assessed via Kruskal-Wallis tests. Results: IMM data were collected from 53 amateur training sessions and 6 competitions (session range, 5-20 minutes). A total of 896 head impacts (men, n = 786; women, n = 110) were identified using IMM data and video verification: 827 in practice and 69 during competition. MMA and boxers experienced a comparable number of impacts per practice session or competition. In general, MMA impacts produced significantly higher peak angular acceleration than did boxing impacts ( P < .001) and were more varied in impact location on the head during competitions. In terms of sex, men experienced a greater number of impacts than women per practice session. However, there was no significant difference between men and women in terms of impact magnitude. Conclusion: Characteristic profiles of head impact exposure differed between boxing and MMA athletes; however, the impact magnitudes were not significantly different for male and female athletes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-238

This service aims to assist employees in calculating and reporting Income Tax (PPh) 21 on salaries and other receipts received by employees. The calculation of the amount of taxes uses excel while reporting uses the e-filling facility provided by the Director General of Taxes. The service method consists of 1) Lecture method, through this method participants are given knowledge and understanding through presentations by presenters and motivation to have the willingness to apply the application. This method is carried out for 1/2 hour, 2) The tutorial method Participants are given a guide on the steps for calculating PPh 21. This method is carried out for 1/2 hour., 3) A practice session, Participants practice the steps they have learned This method is carried out during 1 hour, 4) Discussion method Participants are given the opportunity to discuss the problems they face related to difficulties in calculation and reporting. This method is carried out for 1 hour. After the training, employees have been able to calculate PPh 21 and report via e-filling. The training challenge is that it is still necessary to improve the operation of excel applications and intermediate and advanced level formulas, while reporting requires repeated and continuous training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (2 supplement) ◽  
pp. 25-31
Alexandru Cosmescu

"Based on the transcript of a fragment from a philosophical practice session carried by Oscar Brenifier, I flesh out several aspects of this dialogical form of philosophical practice. First, it is a form of interaction grounded in the interlocutors’ interaffection. Second, the main mechanism of carrying through the dialogic interaction is the practitioner’s repeating the other’s words, writing them down, and then questioning them, thus extracting them from the other’s discursive flow and making them shared objects for an intersubjective gaze. Third, this form of dialogue is asymmetrical: while the other is providing the “content”, the practitioner is responsible for explicating it. Keywords: Socratic Dialogue; Philosophical Practice; Dis-cursive Flow; Discourse Analysis; Intersubjectiv-ity "

2021 ◽  
pp. 174702182110413
Yaqi Xu ◽  
Aiping Xiong ◽  
Robert Proctor

When orientation of a horizontal spoon image varies to the left or right, instructions can map left and right keypresses to the tip or handle location. We conducted Experiment 1 to determine whether practice with an incompatible mapping of the salient tip transfers to a test session in which the relevant part and/or mapping are changed. Participants performed 80 practice trials with tip-incompatible mapping, followed by 80 test trials with tip-compatible, tip-incompatible, handle-compatible, or handle-incompatible mapping. Performance improved across 20-trial blocks in the practice session. In the test session, responses were 65-ms faster with tip-compatible than tip-incompatible mapping but 31-ms faster with handle-incompatible than handle-compatible mapping. This latter result, and verbal reports, indicate that some participants adopted a strategy of responding compatibly to the salient tip even though instructed to respond to the handle. Experiment 2 focused on whether participants with handle-incompatible mapping instructions would adopt the tip-compatible strategy spontaneously or after receiving a hint. 77% of participants reported adopting the tip-compatible strategy in session 1, showing that prior experience responding to the tip is not necessary. 9% of participants did not report using that strategy in session 1 but reported changing to it in session 2 after receiving the hint. Their responses in session 2 were slower than those who used the strategy throughout, but this difference was minimal in the last two trial blocks. Compatible mapping of the salient spoon tip to keypresses dominated performance over prior practice with incompatible tip mapping and instructions with incompatible handle mapping.

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