literary ecology
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Aquari Mustikawati

Abstrak Penelitian ini mengungkapkan pandangan ekologi Korrie Layun Rampan sebagai pengarang tiga cerita pendek, yaitu "Teluk Par", Sungai Nyuatan", dan "Madu Lomuq" yang terdapat dalam Antologi Riam. Pandangan tersebut meliputi gambaran dan cara-cara hidup masyarakat berhubungan dengan alam. Masalah yang difokuskan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pandangan ekologi Korrie yang terdapat dalam ketiga cerita pendek tersebut? Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah, yaitu dengan cara mendeskripsikan gambaran alam dan cara-cara ekologi masyarakat dalam kehidupan mereka. Dengan menggunakan teori ekokritik sastra, tulisan ini menganalisis pandangan-pandangan Korrie yang terbagi dalam kajian pastoral, apokaliptik, dan etika lingkungan. Hasil penelitian membuktikan/menunjukkan bahwa terdapat  kajian ekologi ssatra yang ditemukan dalam ketiga cerita pendek tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Korrie Layun Rampan adalah pengarang yang memiliki konsep ekologi dalan karya-karyanya.                                                                                         Kata kunci: pandangan, ekologi, Korrie, cerpen  Abstract This study reveals the ecological view of Korrie Layun Rampan as the author of three short stories, of "Teluk Par", Sungai Nyuatan", and "Madu Lomuq" from the Riam Anthology. These views include the description and ways of life of the community in relation to nature. The problem of  this research is how Korrie's ecological views are contained in the three short stories? Qualitative methods are used to solve the problem, by describing the picture of nature and the ecological ways of society in their lives. Using literary ecocritic theory, this paper analyzes Korrie's views are divided into pastoral, apocalyptic, and environmental studies. The results of the research prove/show that there is a literary ecology study found in the three short stories. From the results of the study it can be concluded that Korrie Layun Rampan is an author who has an ecological concept in his works. Keywords: views, ecology, Korrie, shorstories    

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 561
Ridwan Andhika Martianto

This article discusses images of coastal areas from the poetry anthology Membaca Lambang by Acep Zamzam Noor. The focus of this research is two things, namely to reveal the structure and to reveal the image of the coastal area in the poetry anthology Membaca Lambang. The analysis technique used in this research is purposive sampling technique. The method used to collect data is the literature study method. Description method is used to analyze data. The analysis of the twelve poems which cover the use of structural theory (five strata of norms) from Roman Ingarden and literary ecology by Suwardi Endraswara. Based on the analysis, it was found that the anthology structure of Membaca Lambang poetry was formed into five norms, namely the first layer (sound), the second layer (meaning), the third layer (background, actors, and the world of the author), the fourth layer (world), and the fifth layer metaphysical. Furthermore, the image of the coastal area is clearly depicted in each poem. One of the reasons for this is through the use of diction such as bays, docks, ports, and beaches. The coastal areas that appear include, ecological images, elegance-humanity, and religiosity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
Ummu Fatimah Ria Lestari

Sebagian cerita rakyat dapat dikaji melalui pendekatan ekologi sastra. Berdasarkan latar belakang itulah, sehingga masalah yang bahas dalam penelitian ini adalah struktur dan realitas ekologi suku Hubula dalam cerita rakyat suku Hubula melalui pendekatan ekologi sastra. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan struktur cerita rakyat Hubula berdasarkan teori struktur sastra dan mendeskripsikan realitas ekologi dalam cerita rakyat suku Hubula melalui pendekatan ekologi sastra. Manfaat penelitian ini meliputi manfaat yang praktis dan manfaat yang bersifat ilmiah (teoretis). Penelitian ini menggunakan dua teori, yaitu teori strukturalisme sastra dan pendekatan ekologi sastra. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pengumpulan data melalui studi lapangan; metode pengolahan data melalui pembacaan cermat, identifikasi, dan seleksi data; dan metode analisis data dengan melalui perspektif ekologi sastra.  Penelitian ini menemukan struktur formal cerita rakyat Hubula secara umum memiliki tokoh-tokoh yang tidak banyak dalam cerita, tema ceritanya sederhana, alurnya maju (forward), latar tempatnya di alam terbuka, dan sudut pandang orang ketiga tunggal. Selain itu, realitas ekologi juga ditemukan dalam cerita rakyat Hubula di Kabupaten Jayawijaya. Realitas ekologi tersebut tampak dari latar tempat (lingkungan hidup) yang masih terjaga dengan baik, ekologi hutan yang masih hijau dan lestari menjadi ekosistem bagi makhluk hidup lain selain manusia, dan terdapat sumber air yang masih melimpah dan jernih untuk kelangsungan hidup suku Hubula. Kata kunci: struktur, realitas, cerita rakyat, ekologi sastra Some folk tales can be studied through a literary ecological approach. Based on this background, the problem discussed in this study is the structure and ecological reality of Hubula in the folklore of the Hubula through a literary ecological approach. The purpose of this research is to explain the structure of the Hubula folklore based on the theory of literary structures and to describe the ecological reality in the folklore of the Hubula tribe through the literary ecological approach. The benefits of this research include practical benefits and scientific (theoretical) benefits. This study uses two theories, namely literary structuralism theory and literary ecological approach. This research is qualitative. The method used in this research is the method of collecting data through field studies; data processing methods through careful reading, identification, and data selection; and data analysis methods through a literary ecological perspective. This research found that the formal structure of the Hubula folklore generally has few characters in the story, the theme of the story is simple, the plot is forward, the setting is in the open, and a single third person perspective. Apart from that, ecological reality is also found in the folklore of Hubula in Jayawijaya Regency. This ecological reality can be seen from the background of the place (the environment) which is still well preserved, the ecology of the forest which is still green and sustainable becomes an ecosystem for other living things besides humans, and there are water sources that are still abundant and clear for the survival of the Hubula. Keywords: structure, reality, folklore, literary ecology

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Adnan Mahmutović

Abstract Following Eric Hayot’s argument that modernity is a theory of the world as the “universal,” this paper traces the “world concept” in Marvel Comics industry (MC) and its synergy with the film industry of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Speaking from the field of World Literature Studies, I show how superhero comics activate the “world concept” through the global dissemination of the infinitely stretchable Marvel Universe. My argument is that by operating in terms of a universe with moldable diegetic rules, the popular culture of MC and MCU does not merely reflect the current state of the world concept, but also affects its evolution and its spread. The universality of the modern worldview has come to be less concerned with the realist effect and more with increasing all-inclusiveness and infinite stretchability. The increased plasticity of the world concept puts a great pressure on world literary ecologies and increasingly expands and shapes what Beecroft called global literary ecology. What Marvel Comics has done in recent decades, especially through the interplay with the film industry, is to show how the expansion of the world concept entails that however large we imagine the world to be, it is always already too small.

Ahmad Iklil Saifulloh

Eco Criticism or known as Literary Ecology which was popularized by Greg Gerrad has become a rare scientific discourse if it synergizes with the Indonesian character of education which is one of the educational pillars of the ministry of education. The resonance of these two scientific clumps between environment and literature to be the main topic promoted to realize the value of character education no 16 which is concerned about environment. To achieve this goal, this research using research and development by Plomp in order to form a form of book materials of Eco criticism as applied literary in education. The results obtained in the application of the ecological characteristics of literature which include the main elements, namely Pollution, Position, Pastoral, Wilderness, Apocalypse, Dwelling, Animal, Future the earth in a form of field test for students are 87.42 and expert validation 92.3%, media 95, 3%, and 92.3% language in the course of literary theory and appreciation of English language education, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Majapahit Islamic University of Mojokerto.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-81
Arisa ◽  
Muhlis ◽  
Andi Srimularahmah ◽  
Nur Rahmi

Literary ecology in the Bungo Fish legend discusses the relationship between humans and nature and vice versa. To create a balance, awareness is needed in managing, preserving and maintaining local wisdom, which is beginning to erode due to human unpreparedness in facing technological developments. The problems in literary works, especially the Bungo Fish legend originating from Sumpabaka in Wajo Regency, are based on several reasons. First, there is a relationship between living things and their environment experienced by the main character, namely Topanggalung and Bungo Fish. Second, the local colour is very thick in the legend of Bungo Fish, which is that the people who come from Sumpabaka do not consume Bungo Fish. Third, the problem of literary ecology in the Bungo Fish legend, if examined carefully, is social criticism of real life that does not pay attention to nature. This study discusses the reciprocal relationship between humans (characters) and nature based on literary ecology based on the problems above. This study describes the literary ecology related to the reciprocal relationship between humans and nature in the Bungo Fish legend. The method used in this research was a literature study that specifically examined the text on the Bungo Fish legend. The collected data analyzed by analytic descriptive and data analysis techniques. The results of research related to the reciprocal relationship between humans and nature include human responsibility towards nature, living in harmony with nature, being fair with nature, upholding democracy with nature, and moral integrity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 317 ◽  
pp. 03015
Hadiyanto Hadiyanto ◽  
Wiwik Sundari ◽  
Atrinawati Atrinawati

This research paper discusses the ecological interaction between humans and nature in African traditional Ibo tribe community as described in a literary work of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart by using literary ecology approach in literature. The result of the research indicates that African traditional tribe community has a good, intense interaction and has a harmonious life with nature, for instances, they learn to mingle familiarly with dry season, rainy season, and harmattan season for a successful farming method and harvest of yam, they also learn to interact very well with various kinds of vegetations such as bamboo, kola nut, banana leaves, grasses, roots, barks of trees to fulfil their life necessities, and they learn to have knowledge for an effective interaction and good usage of animals for ritual and meal, especially goat and locust. African traditional community also has a strong commitment to keep the harmonious relationship with nature by maintaining a life balance with nature including vegetation and animal, to enjoy living in happiness with nature by warmly welcoming various seasons, such as rainy season, dry season, and the cold dusty harmattan season, and to maintain natural resources friendly and wisely in clearing the new land for planting staple-food plants and other supporting plants sufficiently.

Sirok Bastra ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Norvia Norvia

Dindang (nyanyian atau lagu) Unggat-Unggat Apung etnik Banjar adalah dindang yang mengiringi sebuah permainan tradisional anak-anak yang berfungsi sebagai hiburan di waktu berkumpul orang tua dengan anak-anaknya di rumah. Sastra lisan khususnya dindang anak Unggat-Unggat Apung etnik Banjar merupakan dindang yang mulai kehilangan penuturnya. Hal ini disebabkan minimnya pelestarian dindang ini dalam bentuk dokumentasi tertulis, serta sudah tidak dikenalnya dindang ini di kalangan anak-anak etnik Banjar. Dindang sebagai salah satu bagian dari representasi kehidupan manusia seringkali memuat unsur budaya dan lingkungan manusia. Adanya penuangan unsur ekologi dalam sastra lisan khususnya dindang anak Unggat-Unggat Apung etnik Banjar semakin memperkuat adanya hubungan yang erat antara etnik Banjar dengan alam. Metode deskriptif kualitatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini akan memberikan gambaran dalam bentuk kata-kata dan gambar yang mengacu pada tujuan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 33 larik dindang anak Unggat-Unggat Apung etnik Banjar ditemukan unsur ekologi flora 3 kata, unsur ekologi fauna 4 kata, dan unsur ekologi budaya yang tergolong peralatan dan perlengkapan hidup etnik Banjar terdiri atas 4 kata. Kajian ekologi sastra dalam penelitian ini diterapkan sebagai upaya menggali hubungan antara sastra dan ekologi etnik Banjar sebagaimana tertuang dalam dindang anak Unggat-Unggat Apung etnik Banjar.Dindang (song) Unggat-Unggat Apung of the Banjar ethnic group is a song that accompany a traditional children's game that functions as entertainment when parents gather with their children at home. Oral literature, especially the Dindang children of Banjar ethnics, Banjar ethnic is a song that has lost its speakers, this is due to the lack of preservation of this song in the form of written documentation, and this song is unknown among the Banjar ethnic children. Dindang as one part of the representation of human life often includes elements of human culture and environment. The existence of the pouring of ecological elements in oral literature, especially the existence of a close relationship between ethnic Banjar with its nature which is reflected in the song. The qualitative descriptive method used in this study will provide an overview in the form of words and images that refer to the purpose of the study. The results of the study found that from 33 lines of Dindang Unggat-Unggit Apung, found three ecological elements of flora, four ecological elements of fauna, and cultural ecological elements belonging to Banjar ethnic equipment and life equipment consisting of 4 words. The study of literary ecology in this study was applied as an effort to explore the relationship between literature and ecology of the Banjar ethnicity as set in the song of Dindang Unggat-Unggit Apung.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Nur Ali ◽  
Retno Budi Astuti

Nature and Literature have a related meaning relationship. Ecological aspects paradigmatically can have a role in telling the story of literary works. This study aims to determine the narrative functions of ecology in the novel Aroma Karsa. The method of this study is a narrative analysis with a literary ecology approach in the ontological, epistemological and axiological scope focusing on the characters’ narrative functions. The data are obtained through the documentation process, which is in-depth reading; with the aim of identifying, classifying and categorizing the story based on the concept of the narrative function by Vladimir Propp. The results of the study identify four characters who ontologically have a strong relation to the ecological aspects of the story, namely; Sangyang Batari Karsa/Puspa Karsa, Jati Wesi/Randu, Tanaya Suma/Malini, and Raras Prayugung. Epistemologically, it is known that Aroma Karsa (1) builds perception of the cultural environment and ideal environmental criteria, and (2) enriches the ecological knowledge of the readers. Axiologically, Aroma Karsa mutually reveals the symbolic relationship of nature with the readers’ cultural receptions related to myths, medications, fragrances, gender and cleanliness. There are 5 spheres of action (villain, hero, helper, false hero, princess) out of 7 with 24 supporting functions on 4 identified characters. The mechanism of narrative function uses special personage in the form of character condensation to convey the premise of the story. The mechanism of the narrative function is centered on Puspa Karsa who becomes the symbol of ecocentric narrative in the novel Aroma Karsa.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ahsani Taqwiem Dewi Alfianti

Abstract Garbage in the Aroma Karsa Novel by Dewi Lestari: Literature Ecology Review. Literary texts are not autonomous. The world in a literary work is related to the world outside the literary text. Literary ecology tries to look at a literary work from an environmental standpoint. Aroma Karsa is a novel written by Dewi Lestari. It contained the adventures of Jati Wesi as the central figure who tried to solve various kinds of conflicts about her identity, which related to genetic or environmental problems from beginning to the end. This research is qualitative research using an ecocritical approach. This study reveals how environmental problems, especially waste, are depicted in the novel. The results revealed that waste causes many problems such as high waste production that exceeds the capacity of the final landfill, derelict children, the smell of uncontrolled garbage, the circulation of hard drinks and illegal drugs, to unfair competition between lenders that led to murder. These issues are packaged with well written so they can be the foundation of forming a meaningful and robust novel. It is making Aroma Karsa an ecological novel which is an alternative reading to remind people that waste is a severe problem. Key words: novels, ecocriticism, environment, garbage Abstrak Sampah dalam Novel Aroma Karsa karya Dewi Lestari: Tinjauan Ekologi Sastra. Teks sastra bukanlah sesuatu yang otonom. Dunia di dalam sebuah karya sastra berkaitan dengan dunia di luar teks sastra. Ekologi sastra berusaha melihat sebuah karya sastra dari sudut pandang yang memihak pada lingkungan. Aroma Karsa adalah novel yang ditulis Dewi Lestari. Isinya menceritakan petualangan Jati Wesi sebagai tokoh utama yang berusaha memecahkan berbagai macam konflik mengenai jati dirinya yang sering terkait dengan masalah alam atau lingkungan sejak awal hingga akhir. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan ekokritik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengungkap bagaimana masalah lingkungan khususnya sampah digambarkan di dalam novel. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa sampah menyebabkan banyak masalah seperti isu tingginya produksi sampah yang melebihi kapasitas tempat pembuangan sampah akhir, anak-anak terlantar di lingkungan tempat pembuangan sampah, bau sampah yang tidak terkontrol, peredaran minumas keras dan obat-obatan terlarang, hingga persaingan tidak sehat antartengkulak yang berujung pembunuhan. Seluruh isu tersebut dikemas dengan apik hingga mampu menjadi fondasi pembentuk novel yang kuat dan penuh makna. Menjadikan Aroma Karsa sebagai novel ekologis yang menjadi alternatif bacaan untuk mengingatkan masyarakat bahwa sampah adalah masalah serius. Kata-kata kunci: novel, ekokritik, lingkungan, sampah

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