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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-102
Eka Trismiyana ◽  
Umi Romayati Keswara ◽  
A'raaf Almaera Febrian

ABSTRACT: ATTITUDE RELATIONSHIP WITH  HEALTH PROTOCOL BEHAVIOR AS A PREVERENTIVE EFFORT FOR COVID 19 IN ACADEMIC CIVITY AT MALAHAYATI UNIVERSITY BANDAR LAMPUNG Introduction: Indonesia is showing a large number of confirmed cases and deaths in the COVID19 outbreak, and prevention strategies are needed for the more severe spread of the disease. Lampung Province the number of cases of covid 19 as of December 2020 has reached 4,871 patients who have been confirmed to have covid 19 (Lampung Provincial Health Office, 2020). As for the details of 78 new cases, namely in Bandarlampung City, 33 cases; South Lampung Regency 15 cases; East Lampung 8 cases; and North Lampung 5 cases. Then, there were 2 cases in Tulang Bawang Regency; Pringsewu 3 cases; 2 cases bid; West Coast 1 case; West Lampung 3 cases; and Central Lampung 6 cases. Objective: To determine the relationship between attitudes and the behavior of the 5M health protocol as a pre-incentive for COVID 19 to the Academic Community at Malahayati University, Bandar Lampung in 2021 Methods: This type of research is quantitative. The design in this study used an analytical survey design with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were all members of the community at Malahayati University, Bandar Lampung, totaling 3726 respondents. Univariate and bivariate data analysis used the chi-square test.Result : From 362 respondents who have poor category knowledge as many as 194 respondents (53.6%), having applied category behavior as many as 228 respondents (63.0%). The results of the chi square test obtained a p-value of 0.000 (≤0.05), which means that there is a relationship between knowledge and the behavior of health protocols as a preventive effort for COVID.Suggestion: Improve campus facilities to support teaching and learning activities during the COVID-19 outbreakKeywords            : Knowledge, 3M Health Protocol Behavior, Preventive Efforts  INTISARI: HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN  DENGAN PERILAKU PROTOKOL KESEHATAN SEBAGAI UPAYA PREVERENTIF COVID 19 PADA CIVITAS AKADEMIKA DI UNIVERSITAS MALAHAYATI BANDAR LAMPUNG TAHUN 2021 Pendahuluan: Indonesia menunjukkan sejumlah besar kasus dan kematian yang dikonfirmasi dalam wabah COVID19, dan diperlukan strategi pencegahan untuk penyebarluasan penyakit yang lebih parah. Provinsi Lampung angka kejadian covid 19 per Desember 2020 telah menginjak angka 4.871 pasien yang terkonfirmasi mengalami covid 19 (Dinkes Provnsi Lampung, 2020) Adapun rincian 78 kasus baru yakni di Kota Bandarlampung 33 kasus; Kabupaten Lampung Selatan 15 kasus; Lampung Timur 8 kasus; dan Lampung Utara 5 kasus. Lalu, Kabupaten Tulang Bawang 2 kasus; Pringsewu 3 kasus; Pesawaran 2 kasus; Pesisir Barat 1 kasus; Lampung Barat 3 kasus; dan Lampung Tengah 6 kasus.Tujuan: Untuk diketahui hubungan sikap  dengan perilaku protokol kesehatan 5M sebagai upaya preverentif COVID 19 pada Civitas Akademika  di Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung Tahun 2021Metode: Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, Rancangan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan desain Survei Analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh civitas di Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung sebanyak 3726 responden. Analisa data univariat dan bivariat  menggunakan uji chi square.Hasil : Dari 362 responden yang memiliki pengetahuan kategori kurang baik sebanyak 194 responden (53,6%), memiliki perilaku kategori menerapkan sebanyak 228 responden (63,0%). Hasil uji chi square didapat nilai p-value 0,000 (≤0,05) yang artinya ada hubungan pengetahuan  dengan perilaku protokol kesehatan sebagai upaya preverentif COVID.Saran : Meningkatkan fasilitas saranaprasarana kampus agar menunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar selama terdapat wabah COVID-19. Kata Kunci      : Pengetahuan, Perilaku Protokol Kesehatan 3M, Upaya Preverentif 

Maida Pardosi

Promotion of Exclusive Breastfeeding has actually been active for a long time, but the reality is that government programs have not run as expected. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of breastfeeding mothers with exclusive breastfeeding at the Darussalam Health Center in 2020. This type of research is an analytic survey with a cross sectional approach. The total population is 195 breastfeeding mothers who have babies aged 0-6 months at the Darussalam Health Center and a sample of 66 people. Sampling using accidental sampling technique. Collecting data through interviews using a questionnaire. Data processing with editing, coding, scoring, and tabulating processes. Analytical data analysis, presented in univariate data analysis and bivariate data analysis. For bivariate data, analyze the relationship between variables using chi square. The results showed that from 66 breastfeeding mothers there were 48 breastfeeding mothers (72.7%) who gave exclusive breastfeeding, 26 breastfeeding mothers (39.4%) who had sufficient knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding, 53 breastfeeding mothers (80.3%). who have a positive attitude about exclusive breastfeeding. There is no relationship between knowledge of breastfeeding mothers and exclusive breastfeeding, with the results of the chi-square test, X2 count < X2 table (1.4 <5.591) and there is a relationship between the attitudes of breastfeeding mothers and exclusive breastfeeding, with the results of the chi-square test, where X2 count > X2 table (34.72 > 3.841). The conclusion of this study is that the majority of breastfeeding mothers who give exclusive breastfeeding are 48 people, the majority of breastfeeding mothers have sufficient knowledge, 26 people, and the majority of breastfeeding mothers have a positive attitude 53 people. There is no relationship between knowledge of breastfeeding mothers and exclusive breastfeeding and there is a relationship between attitudes of breastfeeding mothers and exclusive breastfeeding. It is hoped that breastfeeding mothers and the community can improve attitudes in giving exclusive breastfeeding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 145-154
Ni Nyoman Veridiana ◽  
Octaviani Octaviani ◽  
Made Agus Nurjana

Pneumonia is an infectious disease that can cause death in children. The prevalence of this disease has increased and is mostly found in the 12-23 month age group. This paper aims to examine the internal and external factors associated with the incidence of pneumonia in children under two years of age in Indonesia. The data analyzed comes from secondary data from Riskesdas 2018. The Riskesdas design was cross-sectional. The research sample was all children under two years of age who were collected at the Riskesdas 2018 as many as 36,248 children. Bivariate data analysis using schi-square test and multivariate data analysis using logistic regression test. The results of the analysis showed that the risk factors for pneumonia in children under two years were the child's weight at birth (OR: 1,393; CI 95%: 1,009-1,923), the habit of opening a kitchen window (OR: 1,434; CI 95%: 1,097-1,874) and the smoking habit of other household members in the house (OR: 1,311; CI 95%: 1,088-1,580). These factors together can influence the incidence of pneumonia at under two years of age in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to change people's behavior to pay more attention to the health of LBW children, change smoking habits and get used to opening the kitchen window. These efforts can be carried out through outreach activities using various media, both formal and informal, and increasing community participation through the healthy living movement. Keywords: Internal, External, Children under two years of age, Pneumonia, Indonesia Abstrak Pneumonia merupakan penyakit infeksi yang dapat menyebabkan kematian pada anak. Prevalensi penyakit ini mengalami peningkatan dan paling banyak ditemukan pada kelompok umur 12-23 bulan. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah mengkaji faktor internal dan eksternal yang berhubungan dengan kejadian pneumonia pada anak bawah dua tahun di Indonesia. Data yang dianalisis bersumber dari data sekunder Riskesdas 2018. Desain Riskesdas adalah cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah seluruh anak berusia di bawah dua tahun yang terkumpul pada Riskesdas 2018 sebanyak 36.248 anak. Analisis data bivariat menggunakan uji chi-square dan analisis data multivariat menggunakan uji regresi logistik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa yang menjadi faktor risiko pneumonia pada anak baduta yaitu berat badan anak pada waktu lahir (OR: 1,393; CI 95%: 1,009-1,923), kebiasaan membuka jendela dapur (OR: 1,434; CI 95%: 1,097-1,874) dan kebiasaan merokok anggota rumah tangga lainnya di dalam rumah (OR: 1,311; CI 95%: 1,088-1,580). Faktor tersebut secara bersama-sama dapat mempengaruhi kejadian pneumonia pada baduta di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan upaya merubah perilaku masyarakat untuk lebih memperhatikan kesehatan bayi BBLR, merubah kebiasaan merokok dan membiasakan diri membuka jendela dapur. Upaya tersebut dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan penyuluhan dengan menggunakan berbagai media baik formal maupun informal dan meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat melalui gerakan hidup sehat. Kata kunci: Internal, External, Baduta, Pneumonia, Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 793-800
Ani Mustika ◽  
Rosmiyati Rosmiyati ◽  
Ledy Octaviani Iqmy ◽  
Anggraini Anggraini

Background : Data on visits of pregnant women who perform Antenatal Care (ANC) at BPM Okdiah Betty Kec. Trimurjo Kab. Lampung Tengan from December 2020 to January 2021, as many as 59 people. Based on the results of a pre-survey conducted at BPM Okdiah Betty, Amd. Keb Kec. Trimurjo Kab. Central Lampung in January 2021, there were 59 pregnant women in the I-III trimester who made ANC visits in December 2020 to January 2021. The purpose : of this research is to prove the effect of guava consumption (Psidium Guajava L) on hemoglobin levels in anemic pregnant women.Method :The type of research is quantitative, research design methods Experiment withapproach. two-group pretest posttest. Data on visits from pregnant women at BPM Okdiah Betty, Trimurjo District, Central Lampung Regency, obtained the number of pregnant women TM I-III from December 2020 to January 2021 as many as 59 people, purposive sampling technique was used, univariate and bivariate data analysis using t-test.Result : The average HB levels in pregnant women before being given guava and Fe tablets with a mean of 10,533 g/dlthe min value is 9.00 gr/dl and the max value is 11.40 gr/dl.The average Hb level after being given guava and fe tablets with a mean of 11.580gr/dlmin value 11.50 gr/dl and max value 11.80gr/dl,the results of statistical tests obtained P-value = 0.000 (<0.05). Conclusion : which means that there is an effect of guava consumption on Hb levels in anemic pregnant women.There is an effect of guava consumption on Hb levels in anemic pregnant women at BPM Okdiah Betty, Trimurjo District, Central Lampung Regency.As information material for respondents that consuming guava can increase hemoglobin levels in pregnant women so as to prevent anemia in pregnant womenSuggestion it is hoped that pregnant women will eat guava as a food choice that contains high vitamin C which can increase Fe absorption in pregnant women. so that the absorption of Fe can be maximized so that anemia does not occur. Key words : Guava, Hb Levels, Anemia Pregnant Women ABSTRAK Latar belakang :Data kunjungan ibu hamil yang melakukan Antenatal Care (ANC) di BPM Okdiah Betty Kec. Trimurjo Kab. Lampung Tengan sejak bulan desember 2020 sampai dengan januari 2021 yaitu sebanyak 59 orang. Berdasarkan hasil pre survey yang peneliti lakukan di BPM Okdiah Betty,Amd.Keb Kec.Trimurjo Kab.Lampung Tengah pada bulan Januari 2021 terdapat 59 ibu hamil trimester I-III yang melakukan kunjungan ANC pada bulan Desemder 2020 hingga Januari 2021.Tujuan penlitian ini adalah diketahuipengaruh konsumsi jambu biji (Psidium Guajava L) terhadap kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil anemia.Metode:Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, rancangan penelitian metode Eksperiment dengan pendekatan two group pretest posttest. Data Kunjungan ibu hamil di BPM Okdiah Betty Kecamatan Trimurjo Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, didapat jumlah ibu hamil TM I-III sejak bulan desember 2020 sampai dengan januari 2021 sebanyak 59 orang, teknikpengambilan sampel purposive sampling., analisa data univariat dan bivariat menggunakan t-test.Hasil :Rata-rata kadar HB pada ibu hamilsebelum diberi jambu biji dan tablet Fe dengan Mean10,533gr/dlnilai min 9,00 gr/dl dan nilai max 11,40gr/dl.Rata-rata kadar Hb setelah diberi jambu biji dan tablet fe dengan Mean11,580gr/dlnilai min 11,50 gr/dl dan nilai max 11,80gr/dl,Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai P-value = 0.000 (<0,05) yang artinya terdapat pengaruh konsumsi jambu biji terhadap kadar Hb pada ibu hamil anemia.Kesimpulan :Terdapat pengaruh konsumsi jambu biji terhadap kadar Hb pada ibu hamil anemia di BPM Okdiah Betty Kecamatan Trimurjo Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Sebagai bahan informasi bagi responden bahwa dengan mengonsumsi jambu biji dapat meningkatkan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya anemia pada ibu hamilSaran diharapkan ibu hamil mau mengonsumsi jambu biji sebagai pilihan makanan yang mengandung vitamin C tinggi yang dapat meningkatkan absorpsi Fe pada ibu hamil sehingga absorpsi Fe dapat maksimal sehingga tidak terjadi anemia. Kata Kunci : Jambu Biji, Kadar Hb, Ibu Hamil Anemia 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 772-779
Auda Audrias ◽  
Dainty Maternity ◽  
Dewi Yuliasari ◽  
Ana Mariza

Background Anemia in pregnancy is a maternal condition with hemoglobin values below 11 g/dl in the first and third trimesters, or hemoglobin levels less than 10 g/dl in the second trimester. Data on visits by pregnant women at Independent Practice Midwife Betty, Amd. Keb Based on a pre-survey conducted at BPS Okdiah Betty Amd. Keb Kec. Trimurjo Kab. Central Lampung, by looking at the visit data of pregnant women TM I-TM II for the last 3 months as many as 67 people, with the results of HB 8.0-10.0 examination with mild anemia category as many as 26 pregnant women (38.8%), and HB 10.1-13.0 with normal category as many as 14 people (20.9%), from the overall data it can be seen if there are 27 people (40.2 %) who did not do Hb checks during pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving date palm juice on increasing HB levels in pregnant women in the Independent Practice of Midwife Okdiah Betty, Amd. Keb Kec. Trimurjo Kab. Lampung in the middle of 2021..Methods This type of research is quantitative, the research design is pre-experimental method with a one group pretest - posttest design approach. Data on visits by pregnant women at Independent Practice Midwife Betty, Amd. Kec. Trimurjo Kab. Central Lampung, obtained the number of pregnant women TM I and III during the last 3 months as many as 67 people, purposive sampling technique., univariate and bivariate data analysis using t-testResult The average HB level in pregnant women before being given date palm juice with a mean of 10, 270gr/dl, a min value of 9.3gr/dl and a max value of 10.8gr/dl. The average Hb level at week 7 with a mean of 10.480gr/dl, a min value of 9.7gr/dl and a max value of 11.0gr/dl, and a Hb at week 14 with a mean of 10,807gr/dl, a min value of 10.2gr/dl and a max 11.2gr/dl. Conclusion there is an effect of giving date palm juice to increase Hb levels in pregnant women Suggestion Conducting outreach to the community as a form of promotional and preventive efforts to overcome and minimize the incidence of anemia. Keywords: Dates Extract, Hb Level, Pregnant Women ABSTRAK Latar Belakang Anemia dalam kehamilan merupakan suatu kondisi ibu dengan kadar nilai hemoglobin di bawah 11 gr/dl pada trimester satu dan tiga, atau kadar hemoglobin kurang dari 10 gr/dl pada trimester dua. Data Kunjungan ibu hamil di Praktik Mandiri bidanokdiah Betty, Amd. Keb Berdasarkan prasurvey yang dilakukan di BPS Okdiah Betty Amd.Keb Kec.Trimurjo Kab.Lampung Tengah, dengan melihat data kunjungan ibu hamil TM I-TM II selama 3 bulan terakhir sebanyak 67 orang,dengan hasil pemeriksaan HB 8,0-10,0 dengan kategori anemia ringan sebanyak 26 ibu hamil (38,8%),dan HB 10,1-13,0 dengan kategori normal sebanyak 14 orang (20,9%),dari data keseluruhan dapat diketahui jika terdapat 27 orang (40,2%) yang tidak melakukan pemeriksaan Hb saat hamil. Tujuan penlitian ini diketahuipengaruh pemberian sari kurma terhadap peningkatan kadar HB pada ibu hamildi Praktik Mandiri Bidan Okdiah Betty, Amd. Keb Kec.Trimurjo Kab.Lampung tengahtahun 2021..Metode Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, desain penelitian metode Pra Eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pretest – posttest design. Data Kunjungan ibu hamil di Praktik Mandiri bidanokdiah Betty, Amd. Kec.Trimurjo Kab.Lampung Tengah, didapat jumlah ibu hamil TM I dan III selama 3 bulan terakhir sebanyak 67 orang, teknikpurposive sampling., analisa data univariat dan bivariat menggunakan t-testHasil Rata-rata kadar HB pada ibu hamilsebelum diberi sari kurma dengan Mean10, 270gr/dlnilai min 9,3gr/dl dan nilai max 10,8gr/dl.Rata-rata kadar Hb minggu ke 7 dengan Mean10,480gr/dlnilai min 9,7gr/dl dan nilai max 11,0gr/dl, dan Hb minggu ke 14 dengan Mean10,807gr/dlnilai min 10,2gr/dl dan nilai max 11,2gr/dl. Kesimpulan terdapat pengaruh pemberian sari kurma terhadap peningkatan kadar Hb pada ibuSaran Melakukan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat sebagai bentuk upaya promosi dan preventif untuk menanggulangi dan meminimalkan angka kejadian anemia. Kata Kunci : Sari Kurma, Kadar Hb, Ibu Hamil 

David R. Shanks ◽  
Simone Malejka ◽  
Miguel A. Vadillo

Abstract. Studies of unconscious mental processes often compare a performance measure (e.g., some assessment of perception or memory) with a measure of awareness (e.g., a verbal report or forced-choice response) of the critical cue or contingency taken either concurrently or separately. The resulting patterns of bivariate data across participants lend themselves to several analytic approaches for inferring the existence of unconscious mental processes, but it is rare for researchers to consider the underlying generative processes that might cause these patterns. We show that bivariate data are generally insufficient to discriminate single-process models, with a unitary latent process determining both performance and awareness, from dual-process models, comprising distinct latent processes for performance and awareness. Future research attempting to isolate and investigate unconscious processes will need to employ richer types of data and analyses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-147
Ni Made Rai Widiastuti ◽  
Ketut Novia Arini

Nationally, the results of family planning services during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a decrease in the use of contraceptives reaching. This can cause various problems including an increase in the number of unwanted pregnancies (unwanted pregnancy) and baby booms or an increase in the birth rate. This study aims to determine how the behavior of contraceptive use among couples of childbearing age during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Primary Health Care North Kuta. This research is a survey research with cross sectional analytic research design. The population in this study were all fertile age couples (PUS) in Denpasar City and the number of samples used was 365 respondents with a purposive sampling technique. The results of this study found that most respondents are currently using contraception. Analysis of bivariate data with chi square obtained variables of age, parity, family income, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, availability of service places, and husband's support. Multivariate analysis with logistic regression found that husband's support variable has the most dominant influence on contraceptive use behavior.

Purnama Okrafrina Herna Liason Simanjuntak ◽  
Asyiah Simanjorang ◽  
Asriwati Amirah

Hospitals have professional human resources in various service fields. One of them is a nurse. This study aims to determine the effect of individual characteristics, organizational factors, and job satisfaction on the performance of nurses. This type of research is analytical survey by design (cross sectional). The research sample consisted of 165 nurses with accidental sampling method. This study uses a questionnaire on organizational factors, job satisfaction, and performance. The study was conducted from November to December 2019 at Bunda Thamrin General Hospital. Bivariate data analysis using Chi-square (X2) statistical test and multivariate using logistic regression. The results showed that there was an effect (p<0.05) years of service (p=0.02; RR=0.30), supervision (p=0.00; RR=3.83), rewards (p=0, 00; RR = 5.20), and job satisfaction (p = 0.00; RR = 8.00) on the performance of nurses. Supervision has an effect of four times (OR=3.76) and job satisfaction has an effect of 10 times (OR=10.36) on the performance of nurses. There was no effect (p>0,05) gender (p=0,55; RR=0,38), age (p=0,29; RR=0,52), education level (p=0,32; RR=1,72), career path (p=0,08; RR=0,41), and marital status (p=0,74; RR=0,73) on nurse performance. Job satisfaction and supervision are variables that have the greatest influence on the performance of nurses. So it is important for institutions to improve the quality of supervision (increase supervisory competence, determine materials and supervision schedules) and increase job satisfaction (considering motivational and hygiene factors). In addition, it provides appropriate rewards and maintains the nurse's tenure, so that it can improve nurse performance

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-121
Larasyati Sholekha ◽  
Entin Jubaedah ◽  
Lia Nurcahyani

One of the causes of maternal mortality and morbidity is pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH). One of many hypertension management in pregnancy with non-pharmacological is hydrotherapy, which is soaking the feet using warm water for 20 minutes. This study aims to determine the differences in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the hydrotherapy group with a temperature of 40o - 43 o compared to temperatures of 37 o - 39 o. The study using Quasi-Experimental non-randomized pre-test and post-test with control design on 22 hypertensive pregnant women using purposive sampling technique. Research instruments included observation sheets, sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, and digital water thermometer. Univariate and bivariate data analysis using the Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests. This study showed difference of systolic blood pressure p value 0,000 and difference of diastolic p value 0,013 (p <0,05), therefore there were differences in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the hydrotherapy group with a temperature of 40 o - 43 o compared to 37 o - 39 o. Hydrotherapy using temperature of 40 o - 43 o is better to use than temperature of 37 o - 39 o. Midwives can use hydrotherapy as an early treatment alternative for hypertensive pregnant women

2021 ◽  
Vung Pham ◽  
Tommy Dang

Scagnostics is a set of features that characterizes the 2D distributions in the underlying data. Various real-world applications have been using Scagnostics visual features to detect unusual bivariate data correlations. Concomitantly, many applications are required to be implemented on web platforms due to their accessibility and convenience. Therefore, this chapter discusses a recent JavaScript implementation of Scagnostics, an extension to higher dimensional data, and its applications in detecting abnormalities in bivariate and multivariate time series data. Its implementation in JavaScript supports the tremendous demand for visual features in the web environment. Likewise, its higher dimensional implementations allow generating Scagnostics features for the rapidly growing multivariate data. Finally, conventional ScagnosticsJS computations involve time-consuming algorithms, and they are sensitive to slight changes in the underlying data. Therefore, this chapter also discusses a recent attempt to tackle these issues using machine learning to estimate the Scagnostics scores.

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