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Deepak S. Khobragade ◽  
Mrunali S. Potbhare ◽  
Awdhut Pimpale ◽  
Sagar B. Wankhede ◽  
Chandrashekhar R. Tempe

Aims: To evaluate hematinic potential of mandura bhasma. Study Design: Experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Wardha, Maharashtra, India. 6 Months. Methodology: The anti-anaemic potential of Mandura bhasma in Wistar rats was investigated. Anaemia was induced in rats with phenyl hydrazine hydrochloride at a dose of 10        mg kg-1 body weight by oral administration. Anaemia was treated with mandura bhasma administered in three different doses based on body weight. Results: In vivo investigation showed that though the dose of 6mg kg-1 body weight of mandura bhasm produced only a minimal antianaemic (hematinic) effect, oral daily dose of 11 mg kg-1 body weight and 22mg kg-1 body weight a produced a significant (P < 0.05) antianaemic effect when compared to standard drug ferrous sulphate indicating dose dependent activity. Conclusions: The results indicate that Mandura Bhasm have very potential dose dependant hematinic activity and can be a safe and effective drug for treating anemia.

Kristen L. Rasmussen ◽  
Melissa A. Burt ◽  
Angela Rowe ◽  
Rebecca Haacker ◽  
Deanna Hence ◽  

AbstractThis article provides an overview of the Advanced Study Institute: Field Studies of Convection in Argentina (ASI-FSCA) program, a 3-week dynamic and collaborative hands-on experience that allowed 16 highly motivated and diverse graduate students from the U.S. to participate in the 2018-19 Remote sensing of Electrification, Lightning, And Mesoscale/microscale Processes with Adaptive Ground Observations (RELAMPAGO) field campaign. This program is unique as it represents the first effort to integrate an intensive Advanced Study Institute with a field campaign in atmospheric science. ASI-FSCA activities and successful program outcomes for five key elements are described: (1) Intensive field research with field campaign instrumentation platforms; (2) Recruitment of diverse graduate students who would not otherwise have opportunities to participate in intensive field research; (3) Tailored curriculum focused on scientific understanding of cloud and mesoscale processes and professional/academic development topics; (4) Outreach to local K-12 schools and the general public; and (5) Building a collaborative international research network to promote weather and climate research. These five elements served to increase motivation and improve confidence and self-efficacy of students to participate in scientific research and field work with goals of increasing retention and a sense of belonging in STEM graduate programs and advancing the careers of students from underrepresented groups as evidenced by a formal program evaluation effort. Given the success of the ASI-FSCA program, our team strongly recommends considering this model for expanding the opportunities for a broader and more diverse student community to participate in dynamic and intensive field work in atmospheric science.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Swarna Sudha Pullemalla ◽  
B. Bhargavi

Background: Fibroids (leiomyomas) are benign smooth muscle cell tumors of the uterus. Although they are extremely common, with an overall incidence of 40% to 60% by age 35 and 70% to 80% by age 50, the precise etiology of uterine fibroids remains unclear. Some studies have shown a relationship between uterine fibroids and pregnancy complications, such as preterm birth, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), fetal malpresentation, placental abruption and intrauterine fetal demise. The aim is to study the outcome of pregnancies with fibroids and their associated complications. Materials and methods: The present study was conducted in the Department of Gynecology in a tertiary care hospital. For the study, a total of 40 patients were selected between the age range of 21 to 45 years from the outpatient list of the department of gynecology with pregnancy with fibroid after attending first-trimester ultrasonography examination which diagnosed them. The patients underwent both consequent antenatal care and delivery at the study institute in the study time. Ultrasonogram was done at successive visits to evaluate the change in the size of the fibroid and any associated complications either in fibroid or in pregnancy in general. Results: We observed that 15 patients had threatened miscarriage, 12 had preterm labor, 2 had antepartum bleeding, 3 had abdominal pain needing admission, 2 had laparotomy due to pain, 1 had a postpartum hemorrhage and only one patient needed a blood transfusion. Spontaneous abortion was observed in 2 patients, premature delivery in 15, delivery at 37-41 weeks in 37, vaginal delivery in 5 patients and cesarean section in 44 patients. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present study, it can be concluded that pregnant women diagnosed with uterine fibroids are at a greater risk of complication during the antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum periods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 418-435
M. A. Vanteeva ◽  
A. О. Ustyuzhanin ◽  
M. I. Saprykina ◽  
I. A. Yaroshchuk ◽  
O. S. Maslikov ◽  

The article presents the structure and results of the students’ field study program (Institute of Subsoil Use, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Russia) that took place at Nanjing University (China) in the period September 6–21, 2019. The purpose of the work was to describe the investigations conducted under Professor Yongzhan Zhang in the area of Nanjing, Eastern China. The focus of the field routes was on the study of the geological-structural and geographical features of the South China block as well as on learning the major endo- and exogenous processes in the area. The analysis of the archive and literary sources and the compilation of the filed observation material has provided data on the tectonics and magmatism of the study area, the conditions of the formation of the Tangshan underground hydrothermal sources, the causes of the volcanism and other geodynamic processes, and the peculiarities of the hydrological regime of the Fuchunjiang River.

Anjali Singh ◽  
Ashvanee Chaudhary ◽  
Vishwambhar Singh

Background: Chronic otitis media can be associated with various extracranial and intracranial complications. It has led to rise in number of people living with discharging ear and reduced hearing.Methods: Authors have shared their 3 years’ experience of a single tertiary institute regarding disease burden and management and results. This is a retrospective study including 500 cases of mucosal type of chronic otitis media and underwent tympanoplasty at the study institute. Follow-up records were kept for at least 6 months.Results: Graft uptake rate after 6 months follow-up was 86.2%. Cartilage tympanoplasty was performed for revision cases and had good results. Average air-bone gap closure was 17 dB. It is a simple surgery which can be performed in day care OT without any significant intra-op or post-op complication.Conclusions: Surgical treatment is significantly useful to reduce the disease burden due to chronic otitis media.

Fasiha T. Abdul Aziz ◽  
Kruthi R.

Background: Tubectomy is most accepted method of contraception in India. Female sterilization may be performed in several ways such as abdominal tubal ligation, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic methods. Although considered as minor and safe procedure, complications leading to even death have been reported. So, this study was taken up to study complications of different types of tubal ligation. Objective of this study was to study complications of different types of tubal ligation.Methods: This is a prospective analytical study over the period of 18 months. This study includes all cases that have reported or referred as female sterilization complication.Results: At study institute both laparoscopic tubal ligation (TL) and abdominal tubal ligation are done. During the period of 18 months, 50 cases of tubectomy complications were noted at our institute, out of 40 cases (80%) were of abdominal method and rest 10 (20%) were of laparoscopic method. In 33 cases (66%) sterilization was performed at primary health centre. 3 cases of death reported in this study.Conclusions: At study institute both laparoscopic tubal ligation (TL) and abdominal tubal ligation are done. During the period of 18 months, 50 cases of tubectomy complications were noted at our institute, out of 40 cases (80%) were of abdominal method and rest 10 (20%) were of laparoscopic method. In 33 cases (66%) sterilization was performed at primary health centre. 3 cases of death reported in this study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
Nasir Chaudhry ◽  
Sarmad Zahoor ◽  
Usama Iqbal ◽  
Muhammad Owais Sharif ◽  
Muhammad Sharjeel ◽  

Purpose: To determine the functional and anatomical outcome of intravitreal Bevacizumab in patients withmacular edema secondary to branch retinal vein occlusion.Study Design: Quasi Experimental study.Place and Duration of Study: Institute of Ophthalmology, Mayo hospital, Lahore, from February 2016 to December 2018.Material and Methods: Forty eyes of 40 patients with macular edema on OCT secondary to BRVO were included in the study. All the patients suffering from other types of macular edemacaused by diabetes, epi-retinal membrane (ERM), surgery involving posterior segment, vitreoretinal traction andhistory of intravitreal VEGF or steroids were excluded from the study. Intravitreal Bevacizumab was given whenmacular thickness was > 300 μm or Visual acuity was < 6/12. Follow-up was at 1st, 3rd, 6th and 12th month.Results: The mean age of the patients was 52.12 ± 5.63 years. Male to female ratio was 1.5:1. Infero-temporalvenous arcade was the most common site of BRVO (55%) followed by supero-temporal (35%) and macularBRVO (10%). Baseline visual acuity was 6/12 or better in 17.5% of the patients at presentation. This proportionincreased to 27.5%, 40%, 52.5% and 67.5% at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months respectively. Macular thickness measuredat presentation was 540 ± 120 μm. Macular thickness gradually reduced on follow-up. At one month meanmacular thickness was 430 ± 90 μm. It was less than 300 μm after 6 months.Conclusion: Intravitreal bevacizumab results in improved functional and anatomical outcomes in cases ofmacular edema secondary to BRVO.

Bijal D. Rami ◽  
Somika Kaul ◽  
Asha Sailor ◽  
Shahna Jindani

Background: Caesarean sections performed in the second stage of labour are difficult and have many implications on both mother and baby. This study was conducted to analyse fetal and maternal outcome in case of caesarean section at full cervical dilatation.Methods: This prospective study was conducted at one of tertiary care teaching institute for period of 1st August 2019 to 31st January 2020. It includes all women delivered by caesarean section at full cervical dilatation at study institute during study period. Cases were looked for parity, maternal age, gestational age, baby birth weight, indication of cesarean section and associated factors.Results: Out of total 3657 deliveries 1690 were delivered by caesarean section, out of which 65 (3.8%) caesarean sections were conducted at full cervical dilation. The most common indication of caesarean section was deep transverse arrest in 66.15% of cases. The maximum number of cases (69.23%) were seen between the age group of 20 to 25 years. Majority of second stage cesarean section (70.77%) were performed in primi gravida. 80% of caesarean sections at full cervical dilatation were performed after 37 weeks of gestation. 15.38% of patients had anemia, 20% had hypertension, 4.61% had history of previous caesarean section. Baby weight at time of birth was 2.5 to 3.5 kg in 67.70% of cases. 15.38% of patients required blood transfusion.Conclusions: A skilled obstetrician is required to take timely and proper decision in such cases and also to conduct cesarean section at second stage of labour.

Ariel E. San Jose ◽  
Siverlyn M. Camposano ◽  
Carlo A. Magonalig ◽  
Judy Ann C. Lelis ◽  
Pearl Ma. Janssen Bodiongan

Aims: The aim of this study was to determine the relevant experiences of the students on teaching strategies used by their teachers in the classrooms; what made these teaching effective; and what suggestions the students can offer to enhance the teaching strategies. Study Design:  Qualitative-phenomenology. Place and Duration of Study: Institute of College Education and Graduate Studies (IEGS), Southern Philippines Agri-Business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology, School year 2018-2019. Methodology: Included 200 college freshmen taking BSEd Secondary Education and were the first batch graduates of the K-12 program. They were grouped into 40 focus groups. Information were obtained through interview. Results: Data analysis formulated five themes. Prevalent used strategies discussed the commonly used strategies; improvements gained from strategies looked into the benefits the students obtained; evaluation of ineffective strategies dealt with the irrelevant strategies the teachers used; relevant experiences showed the meaningful encounters of the students to the strategies and suggestions centered on the comments students had offered to improve the use of strategies.    Conclusion: Strategies are relevant in delivering the lessons. However, strategies should be well-thought before they are used. Thus, teachers need to identify who the learners are. Moreover, teachers should also consider the topic. Various topics require different strategies. Also, teacher needs to discuss thoroughly the marking criteria used. Mark criteria guide students to set their targets and to avoid confusion. Likewise, teacher should always prepare and set plans before coming to class. Further, nearing retiring teachers should not solely rely on their experiences because curriculum changes. Lastly, one of the best ways to know what strategies fit the students is consulting the students themselves. Teachers will not get wrong if they know better their students. 

Alexandra Mayenberger ◽  
Britta Schulz

Many leading analysts would agree that, had it not been for kernels, the refinement of su- perblocks might have never occurred. Given the current status of “fuzzy” symmetries, theorists daringly desire the analysis of e-business. Our focus in this paper is on whether robots and their entanglement with human nature, seen in bionic creatures or similar, can be a decisive influence on the global CO2 levels due to their replacement of non-robotic wearables such as clothes. We therefore explored a novel system for the refinement of SCSI disks (robotic wearables). Aims: To compare and calculate the influence of non-robotic and robotic wearable technology and its influence on global CO2 levels. Study Design: Comparative Study. Place and duration of Study: Institute for Applied Basic Industrial Research IFABIR, between March 2018 and April 2018. Methodology: We included 40 participants (38 men, 2 women; age range 18-20 years) with wearable technology incorporated or on their body, with the target group representing the use of these technologies in reality. Personal observations by participants led to statistical analysis about their validity and were, if granted, further analyzed and calculated by us and compared to existing numbers. Results: The climactic analysis of the first two experiments showed aligning results with g(n) = n. Furthermore, simulating red-black trees rather than emulating them in software produced less discretized, more reproducible results. Similarly, these energy observations contrast to those seen in earlier work. Conclusion: Our paper clearly showed that non-invasive, robotic wearables can have a positive influence on global CO2 levels, if they stand in alliance with global geographical trends and vegetation.

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