soil weight
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Jurnal Agro ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 299-310
Mieke Rochimi Setiawati ◽  
Lia Nur Linda ◽  
Nadia Nuraniya Kamaluddin ◽  
Pujawati Suryatmana ◽  
Tualar Simarmata

Inceptisols umumnya memiliki tingkat kesuburan tanah rendah sampai sedang. Upaya peningkatan ketersediaan hara tanah Inceptisol dengan pupuk anorganik NPK perlu diimbangi dengan aplikasi pupuk hayati dan amelioran organik. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi dosis pupuk NPK dengan menggunakan pupuk hayati dan amelioran organik serta meningkatkan hasil tanaman jagung. Percobaan dilakukan di Pasir Banteng, Kabupaten Sumedang. Penelitian menggunakan RAK faktorial. Pupuk hayati dengan amelioran organik sebagai faktor pertama sebanyak empat taraf: tanpa pupuk hayati dan amelioran (kontrol), diberi pupuk hayati, amelioran organik, dan gabungan keduanya. Faktor kedua yaitu dosis pupuk NPK empat taraf: 100%, 80%, 60%, 40% NPK dosis anjuran.  Dilakukan tiga kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat interaksi antara pupuk hayati, amelioran organik, dengan pupuk NPK terhadap tinggi tanaman, N-total tanah, bobot tongkol berkelobot dan tanpa kelobot. Pemberian pupuk hayati dan amelioran disertai pupuk NPK 100% dan yang tanpa diberi amelioran menghasilkan bobot tongkol tanpa kelobot sebesar 1.089 g dan 1.064 g per tanaman. Pemberian pupuk hayati dengan amelioran dan pemberian pupuk NPK 100% menghasilkan bobot pipilan per tanaman 526,08 g dan 539,08 g. Aplikasi pupuk hayati dan amelioran organik belum mampu mengurangi dosis penggunaan pupuk NPK pada Inceptisols asal Pasir Banteng. Inceptisols generally have low to moderate soil fertility. The effort to increase the nutrients availability in Inceptisol through the application of NPK fertilizers need to be balanced with biofertilizers and organic ameliorants. This experiment aimed to reduce the dose of NPK fertilizer by using biofertilizers and organic ameliorants and to increase maizeyields. The experiment was conducted in Pasir Banteng, Sumedang Regency. The factorial RBD was used. The biofertilizer with organic ameliorant as the first factor: no biofertilizer and no ameliorant (control), biofertilizer, organic ameliorant, and combination of both. The second factor was dose of NPK fertilizer: 100%, 80%, 60%, 40% of recommended NPK dose. It was repeated three times. The results showed that there was interaction between biofertilizer, organic ameliorants, with NPK fertilizers on plant height, N-total soil, weight of cobs with and without husk. The application of biofertilizer and ameliorant with 100% NPK fertilizer and without ameliorant were 1,089 g and 1,064 g of cobs without husks, respectively. The application of biofertilizer with ameliorant and 100% NPK fertilizer had a grain weight of 526.08 g and 539.08 g, respectively. The application of biofertilizers and organic ameliorants has not been able to reduce the dose of NPK fertilizer on Inceptisols from Pasir Banteng.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 380-402
Aleksey S. Dorokhov ◽  
Alexey V. Sibirev ◽  
Aleksandr G. Aksenov ◽  
Maxim A. Mosyakov

Introduction. An increase in crop production from the growing area of both vegetable root crops and all agricultural products results in grows of the load on the machine-technology complex when harvesting. The reason is that in the structure of machine-technological complexes there are not devices providing the qualitative screening of the heap incoming for processing. The purpose of the study is to identify the areas with the minimum value of soil screening on the rod elevator surface depending on the elevator apron angle and to develop recommendations and proposals for improving the separation quality. Materials and Methods. The article describes the methodology and results of laboratory studies of rod elevators with an asymmetric arrangement of web agitators and an adjustable elevator apron angle to determine the soil screening quality on its surface. We used the method of comprehensive assessment of the quality and stability of technological operations based on quantitative optimization criteria. Results. The highest value of the screened soil weight is at the wavelength attenuation section of the rod elevator working branch 1,020 mm cause by action of the elliptical web agitator at an elevation angle of 5 gon. Discussion and Conclusion. The rod elevator with asymmetric arrangement of web agitators and adjustable elevator apron angle increases the soil screening quality along the entire length of the elevator apron by 10 %, and therefore increases the completeness of separation of root crops from soil impurities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-54
Edi Hartono ◽  
Gilang Permana Santoso

Clay shale merupakan batuan lunak yang memiliki potensi masalah pada kekuatan dan durabilitas bila tersingkap. Perbaikan tanah diperlukan bila digunakan sebagai lapis dasar jalan.  Salah satu metodenya adalah stabilisasi menggunakan semen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan nilai CBR dan pengembangan clay shale sebelum dan sesudah penambahan semen. Semen yang ditambahkan sebesar 10% dari berat total tanah kering. Semen dicampur dengan metode dry mix dan spray mix. Pengujian CBR menggunakan 3 variasi pemadatan yaitu 10, 25, 56 kali pukulan. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa penambahan semen 10% pada 56 pukulan akan meningkatkan nilai CBR 38,40% dan menurunkan pengembangan 0,60%. Nilai CBR dengan metode dry mix lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan metode spray mix.Clay shale is a soft rock that has potential problems in strength and durability when exposed. Soil Improvement Required when used as the subgrade. One of the repair methods is stabilization using cement. This study aims to determine the value of CBR and clay shale swelling after the addition of cement. Cement added by 10% of dry soil weight. The cement is mixed by dry mix and spray mix methods. CBR testing uses three variations of compaction 10, 25, 56 blows. The results showed that adding 10% cement and 56 blows increased the CBR value by 38.40% and decreased the swelling by 0.60%. The CBR value with the dry mix method is higher than the spray mix method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Muhammad Ricky Luandra ◽  
Totoh Andayono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara sifat fisik tanah terhadap nilai permeabilitas tanah pada permukiman di Kecamatan Koto Tangah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan secara korelasioanal. Data yang digunakan berupa data primer yang didapatkan di lapangan serta di laboratorium dan data sekunder dedapatkan pada literatur atau arsip pemerintahan kemudian diolalah menggunakan QGIS. Data primer tersebut berupa kadar air tanah, berat jenis tanah, berat isi tanah, dan permeabilitas tanah, sedangkan data sekunder berupa denah lokasi penelitian. Didapatkan nilai signifikansi hubungan kadar air tanah dengan permeabilitas tanah sebesar 0,004 dan di peroleh R²sebesar 0,662 serta arah hubungan negatif, nilai signifikansi hubungan berat isi tanah dengan permeabilitas tanah sebesar 0,023 dan di peroleh R² sebesar 0,498 serta arah hubungannya negatif, sedangkan nilai signifikansi hubungan berat jenis tanah dengan permeabilitas sebesar 0,239. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan hubungan sifat fisik tanah dengan permeabilitas tanah mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan (berarti).This study aims to determine the relationship between the physical properties of the soil to the value of soil permeability in settlements in Koto Tangah District. This research is a quantitative study with a correlation approach. The data used are primary data obtained in the field as well as in the laboratory and secondary data obtained in literature or government archives which are then processed using QGIS. The primary data is in the form of soil water content, soil density, soil density, and soil permeability, while secondary data is in the form of a plan of the research location. The significance value of the relationship between groundwater content and soil permeability was 0.004 and obtained R² of 0.662 and the direction of the negative relationship, the significance value of the relationship between soil weight and soil permeability was 0.023 and obtained R² of 0.498 and the direction of the relationship was negative, while the significance value of the relationship of density soil with a permeability of 0.239. So it can be concluded that the relationship between the physical properties of the soil and the permeability of the soil have a significant relationship (meaning).

SoilREns ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Rina Devnita ◽  
Mahfud Arifin ◽  
Apong Sandrawati ◽  
Rija Sudirja

The application of steel slag and bokashi of husk in Andisols has been acknowledge to decrease P-retention and increase available P. However, steel slag contains heavy metals that may harm soils. The objective of this research was to find out the effect of amelioration steel slag and bokashi of husk in Andisols on the heavy metals contents (Cd, Pb and Cr) in the soil. The treatments were arranged in randomized block designed in factorial pattern with two factors: steel slag and bokashi of husk, each consisted of four level: 0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 % in 10 kg soil weight (w/w), thus the total was 16 combined treatments and repeated three times. The treatments were incubated for four months and then the P-retention, available P, Cd, Pb and Cr contents in the soil were analyzed. The results showed that steel slag and bokashi of husk interacted in decreasing 6.67% of P-retention and increasing 60 ppm of available P. This research also informed that Cd, Pb and Cr contents in the soil after the treatments were still lower than the critical value that were permitted.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 666-676
Ferdeanty Ferdeanty ◽  
Sufardi Sufardi ◽  
Teti Arabia

Abstrak. Andisol di BBH Gampong Aceh/Lembah Seulawah berasal dari bahan induk berupa batuan gunung api andesit - dasit, berbatu apung, tufa dan aglomerat pada zaman kuarter kala Plistosen - Holosen (0,6 juta tahun yang lalu). Berada pada ketinggian 453 m dpl., dengan bentuk relief miring. Tipe iklim wilayah Aceh Besar tergolong tipe iklim C, rejim kelembaban tergolong udik, dan rejim suhu tanah isohipertermik. Dicirikan oleh: struktur tanah remah; konsistensi tanah basah agak lekat; terasa licin (smeary); sifat tanah andik pada horizon Bw: C-organik 25% (1,42%); bobot isi tanah 0,90 g cm-³ (0,73 g cm-³); P-retensi ≥ 85% (99,90%); dan kadar Alo + ½ Feo ≥ 2% (5,51%); epipedon umbrik: tebal horizon AB ≥ 18 cm (18 cm); value lembab 3 (3); C-organik ≥ 0,6% (3,95%); dan KB pH7 50% (10,62%). Horizon penciri bawah kambik: tekstur pasir sangat halus atau lebih halus (lempung berdebu); atau warna tanah lebih merah dari horizon diatasnya atau dibawahnya (sama-sama 7,5YR 3/4); atau struktur telah terbentuk (gumpal bersudut). Subordo dikategorikan Udand, great group Hydrudand, subgrup Eutric Hydrudand, dan tingkat famili Eutric Hydrudand, medial, campuran, isohipertermik.Characteristics Morphology and Soil Classification of Andisol at Dry Landin Aceh Besar DistrictAbstract. Andisols in BBH, Gampong Aceh/Lembah Seulawah are derived from the parent material in the form of andesite - dacite volcanic rocks, rocky floats, tuffs and agglomerates in the quarter-time period of the Plistocene-Holocene (0.6 million years ago). Located at an altitude of 453 m above sea level, with oblique relief. The climate type of the Greater Aceh region is classified as climate type C, humidity regimes are classified as hick, and isohyperthermic soil temperature regimes. Characterized by: crumb soil structure; the consistency of wet soils rather closely; feels slippery (smeary); andik soil characteristics on the Bw horizon: C-organic 25% (1.42%); soil weight weight 0.90 g cm-³ (0.73 g cm-³); P-retention ≥ 85% (99.90%); and Alo + ½ Feo ≥ 2% (5.51%); Umbrik epipedon: horizon thickness AB ≥ 18 cm (18 cm); moist value 3 (3); C-organic ≥ 0.6% (3.95%); and KB pH 7 50% (10.62%). Horizon characterizes the bottom of the cambic: the texture of the sand is very fine or finer (dusty clay); or the color of the soil is redder than the horizon above or below (both 7.5YR 3/4); or structures have formed (angular lumps.The suborder is categorized as Udand, the great Hydrudand group, the Eutric Hydrudand subgroup, and the level of the Eutric Hydrudand family, medial, mixed, isohyperthermic.Abstract. Andisols in BBH, Gampong Aceh/Lembah Seulawah are derived from the parent material in the form of andesite - dacite volcanic rocks, rocky floats, tuffs and agglomerates in the quarter-time period of the Plistocene-Holocene (0.6 million years ago). Located at an altitude of 453 m above sea level, with oblique relief. The climate type of the Greater Aceh region is classified as climate type C, humidity regimes are classified as hick, and isohyperthermic soil temperature regimes. Characterized by: crumb soil structure; the consistency of wet soils rather closely; feels slippery (smeary); andik soil characteristics on the Bw horizon: C-organic 25% (1.42%); soil weight weight 0.90 g cm-³ (0.73 g cm-³); P-retention ≥ 85% (99.90%); and Alo + ½ Feo ≥ 2% (5.51%); Umbrik epipedon: horizon thickness AB ≥ 18 cm (18 cm); moist value 3 (3); C-organic ≥ 0.6% (3.95%); and KB pH 7 50% (10.62%). Horizon characterizes the bottom of the cambic: the texture of the sand is very fine or finer (dusty clay); or the color of the soil is redder than the horizon above or below (both 7.5YR 3/4); or structures have formed (angular lumps.The suborder is categorized as Udand, the great Hydrudand group, the Eutric Hydrudand subgroup, and the level of the Eutric Hydrudand family, medial, mixed, isohyperthermic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 198 ◽  
pp. 02015
Peng-fei CHEN ◽  
Xiao-nan GONG

Based on the data of the soil and enclosure structure of a certain excavation, a PLAXIS model was established. The actual monitoring results are compared with the PLAXIS calculation results to verify the reliability of the model. On this basis, the six main parameters in the soil hardening model were changed by a single variable method to obtain the influence of each parameter on the deformation of the excavation. As the soil weight or Poisson’s ratio increases, the lateral displacement of the retaining wall increases. With the increase of the secant modulus or cohesive force or internal friction angle of the soil, the lateral displacement of the retaining wall decreases. The power index m has basically no effect on the lateral displacement of the retaining wall. With the increase of m, the settlement of the soil gradually increases uniformly.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 231-240
Josua Kelpin Nauli ◽  
Yukiko Vega Subagio ◽  
Nabilla Kirana Mokoginta

AbstractGeological phenomena of this kind is not the first time in the historical records, but still not maximizing the process of disaster management and the map of the land area of landslide caused by hilly geographical conditions, land Lanau, forest conditions planted Grain or crops, even by the human cause of illegal logging, as well. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the stability of slope based on data from the BPBD Sukabumi in the form of slope, morphology, class slopes, weight of the contents of land, soil cohesion and deep friction corners. The analysis was conducted with the help of GeoStudio 2012 software application. The results showed based on an analysis of 19 potentially landslides with a range SF 0530 – 0997 indicating the parameters used by the shear angle of 25 º and the soil weight of 13.4 kN/m³Keywords : Slope stability, Landslide, GeoStudio, Sukabumi.AbstrakFenomena geologi semacam ini bukan kali pertama dalam catatan sejarah, akan tetapi masih belum maksimalnya proses penanggulangan bencana dan rambu peta kawasan tanah longsor yang disebabkan kondisi geografis berbukit, tanah lanau, kondisi hutan yang ditanami padi-padian atau tanaman palawija, bahkan oleh sebab manusia sendiri dengan pembalakan liar. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis stabilitas lereng berdasarkan data dari BPBD kabupaten Sukabumi berupa kemiringan lereng, morfologi, kelas lereng, berat isi tanah, kohesi tanah dan sudut gesek dalam. Analisis dilakukan dengan bantuan aplikasi software GeoStudio 2012. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan analisis 19 wilayah berpotensi longsor dengan range SF 0.530 – 0.997 menunjukkan parameter yang digunakan sudut geser 25º dan berat isi tanah 13.4 kN/m³.Kata kunci : Kemiringan lereng, Tanah longsor, GeoStudio, Sukabumi.

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 35-44
Israa A.Y. Al-Malaky ◽  
Mohammed A. Abdulkareem

A pot experiment was carried out to study the effect of the  urea fertilizer treated with  corn or conocarpus residues on growth and N uptake  of wheat plant. Three kilograms of dry soil (Silt clay loam) were placed in a plastic pots and four levels of nitrogen (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg N ha -1) were added as urea. Urea was treated with  one of the following  methods : mix with the conocarpus leaves powder  at rate of 4% of dry soil weight, mix with the conocarpus roots powder  at rate of 4%  of dry soil weight dissolved in, aqueous extract of the corn root  at rate of  1/4 of the field capacity  ,or coated with dried aqueos extract of corn root at ratio of 10% of urea weight. Treatment included urea treated with the standard chemical inhibitor (PMA) was used. shoot dry  weight, N conc., N-uptake and N recovery were obtained. The results showed that treatment of urea fertilizer with water extract or coated  with corn root extract resulted in improved growth parameters as compared with a PMA and control treatments .However ,treating urea with leaves or root powders decreased plant growth parameters .Urea  coated with 10 % dried extract of corn roots gave the highest dry matter of 3.06 g pot-1 and nitrogen uptake of 69.90 mg pot-1 resulting  in saving of 60 kg N ha-1 to give the same results for control and PMA treatments.

I. A. Gavrish ◽  
S. V. Lebedev ◽  
A. M. Korotkova ◽  
O. V. Kvan

The study was aimed at studying the complex responses of Wheat plants (Triticum vulgare Vill) in the application of nanoparticles Fe, Mo and SiO2, as well as together Fe and Mo at doses of 10, 25 and 50 mg/kg of dry soil weight. Thus, the morphometric parameters of the prototypes were generally superior to the control samples. In assessing the viability of plant cells, we found that in all experimental samples the viability values were not less than 90% for wheat plants, which allows us to assert that the concentrations of nanoparticles used by us did not have a toxic effect on the viability of the roots. When assessing the enzymatic antioxidant system of plants and the degree of lipid peroxidation, we recorded the absence of oxidative stress, while increasing the protective potential of plants. Thus, our research is the basis for studying the possibility of using nanoparticles in agriculture to intensify plant growth and increase their productivity.

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