mental preparation
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2022 ◽  
pp. 543-551
Avishai Antonovsky

AbstractIn this chapter, the author addresses salutogenesis and the mental health of first responders (FRs). Research has observed FRs to be prone to psychological distress and psychopathology resulting from their repeated exposure to potentially traumatic events. Most of the literature is focused on postevent treatment. The author discusses a mental fitness model that includes salutogenically oriented psychoeducation and other activities to enhance mental fitness among FRs and build their psychological strengths as they face adversities on their job.In closing, the author recommends that besides psychopathology-oriented programs intended for providing mental first aid to FRs and for the communities who experience potentially traumatic events, intervention also should include salutogenically based mental preparation programs. These should emphasize the strengths and resources that could help FRs arrive at scenes of disaster equipped with salutogenic resources, at the strategic as well as tactical levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
Miroslava Petkova ◽  

The effectiveness of mental training depends largely on the conviction and active participation of both parties – student and educator. Hence the need to form a positive attitude towards mental training in general. For this purpose it is necessary for the pedagogue to have appropriate mental literacy and readiness to apply the various means and methods of mental preparation. The aim of the study is to identify and compare the changes that occurred in the mental preparedness of 9-10-year-old students from Gorna Oryahovitsa and Veliko Tarnovo after applying two different game models in physical education and sports.

2021 ◽  
Vol 02 (01) ◽  
pp. 82-86
Habib Ullah Khan ◽  
Alia Khan ◽  
Sundus Iftikhar

This study was arranged to explore the Effects of coaching behavior upon athlete performance. There were 156 Athletes selected for a sample through non-probability convenient sampling technique and used survey research design. A Coaching Behavior Scale for the sport, (CBS-S, Mallet, 2006) was administered to collect data and data was analyzed using SPSS-17. The result of the study indicated that coaching behavior affect athlete performance with all dimensions of the coaching behavior scale is significantly. This study concluded that athlete increase performance physical training and training 46.4%, mental preparation 53.6%, technical skills 54.5% and goal setting 44.6% with positive coaching behaviors. Keep in sight the result of this study, it is consigned those higher authorities may focus or promote supportive climate to coach to enhance the athlete performance. The study provides the significant information in facilitating the decision making about the effective behavior of the Athletes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-120
Firda Laily Mufid ◽  
Muhammad Hoiru Nail

Abstrak Pernikahan merupakan suatu peristiwa yang sakral. Pernikahan merubah status seseorang dari bujangan atau janda/duda menjadi berstatus kawin. Dari ikatan pernikahan  yang ada diharapkan tercipta generasi baru yang lebih baik dari generasi sebelumnya. Karena itu diperlukan persiapan yang cukup matang bagi pasangan yang akan memasukinya, baik berupa persiapan fisik dan mental ataupun persiapan lain yang bersifat sosial ekonomi. Usia pernikahan dini menjadi perhatian penentu kebijakan serta perencana program karena berisiko tinggi terhadap kegagalan perkawinan, kehamilan usia muda yang beresiko kematian maternal, serta risiko tidak siap mental untuk membina perkawinan dan menjadi orang tua yang bertanggung jawab. Banyak faktor dan penyebab terjadinya pernikahan dini di desa, selain rendahnya tingkat pendidikan, alasan adat istiadat juga menjadi faktor penyebab tingginya angka pernikahan dini di Kelurahan Jember lor, Kecamatan Patrang, Kabupaten Jember. Perlu adanya upaya pencegahan untuk mengurangi angka pernikahan dini, karena hal ini juga akan dapat menekan laju angka kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dan perceraian.   Kata Kunci : Pernikahan, pernikahan dini, kekerasan, perceraian   Abstract  Marriage is a sacred event. Marriage changes a person's status from single or widowed to married status. From the existing marriage ties, it is hoped that a new generation will be created that is better than the previous generation. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare quite mature for the couple who will enter it, either in the form of physical and mental preparation or other preparations that are socio-economic in nature. Early marriage age is a concern for policy makers and program planners because of the high risk of marriage failure, early pregnancy at risk of maternal death, and the risk of not being mentally prepared to foster marriage and become responsible parents. There are many factors and causes of early marriage in the village, in addition to the low level of education, cultural reasons are also a factor in the high rate of early marriage in Jember lor Village, Patrang District, Jember Regency. Prevention efforts are needed to reduce the number of early marriages, because this will also be able to reduce the rate of domestic violence and divorce.   Keywords: Marriage, early marriage, violence, divorce

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-64
P. Kalinowski ◽  
D. Jerszyński ◽  
M. Nowakowska

Purpose: At the highest level of the competition, the players tend to have a comprehensive motor, technical-tactical and mental preparation. It is assumed that in the training process of young players, speed is an important factor determining sports success. Therefore, the aim of the study was to try to compare the speed abilities indicator of young footballers during the summer and winter preparatory period. Material and methods: The research was conducted in July 2019 and January 2020 in Poznań. The research subject consisted of 23 young players of the Warta Poznań club in the age category of the junior football players (U14). Results: The results were statistically processed, basic descriptive characteristics were made, the normality of the distribution of differences was checked using the Shapiro-Wilk test, and the collected results from two tests dates were compared using the Student's t-test for dependent samples. Based on the the conducted research, no significant change in the starting speed level was observed at the distance of 5 meters and 15 meters, while an improvement in the level of speed abilities in terms of locomotion at the distance of 30 meters was noted. Conclusions. The level of running speed at a distance of 30 meters in the tested competitors changed in the six-month preparation cycle. There was no change in the starting speed level over the distance of 5 and 15 meters in the competition season between the preparatory period and the end of the autumn round in the competitors of the Poznań Warta club. On the basis of the conducted research, it is worth conducting experimental research based on individualized speed training on a group of 13 - 14 year old players.

Francisco Moreira da Silva ◽  
Paulo Malico Sousa ◽  
Valter Bruno Pinheiro ◽  
Olga López-Torres ◽  
Ignacio Refoyo Roman ◽  

Psychological aspects like anxiety, injuries’ effects, professional psychological support (PPS), psychological training (PT), or athlete-coach relationships could influence shooters’ performance. This study tried to determine which aspects were critical from the shooters’ perspective. Eight elite shooters were interviewed. After using qualitative methods, the following categories were obtained: importance of PT; anxiety and competition relationship; mental preparation; PPS; stress during training; injuries’ psychological effects and coach’s influence. PT is important for shooter’s performance, being PPS a key aspect. Moreover, anxiety levels are critical, raising during the pre-competitive period and oscillating during competition. Furthermore, shooters considered more effective the stress placed on training by the coach than by themselves. Accordingly, the coach plays a key role. Surprisingly, injuries did not affect shooters psychologically, nor in their competitive performance. We conclude that the combination of PPS, shooter competitive experience and the optimal coach’s work can promote a greater performance in Olympic shooting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-143
Ilimdar Yalcin ◽  
Gamze Yildirim Araz ◽  
Laurentiu-Gabriel Talaghir

This study aims to investigate the relationship between amateur football players’ mental readiness and difficulty in dealing with the level of emotion regulation. The study group consisted of 219 volunteer male athletes who actively played amateur league football in Bingol, Turkey during the 2018-2019 season. Along with a consideration of various demographic variables, the “Mental Readiness Scale” and the “Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale” have been used in this study. SPSS packaged software has been utilized for data analysis purposes. Descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation and the One-Way ANOVA test have been utilized in the data analysis. According to the findings, a negative relationship has been determined between mental readiness and difficulty in emotion regulation on the part of the amateur football players. Furthermore, a statistically significant difference has been found between the variable of the football playing year and the total degree of mental readiness, mental preparation, cool-headedness and goals sub-dimensions (p< .05). Moreover, another statistically significant difference has been determined between the variable working period with the current coach and the total degree of mental readiness, mental preparation and cool-headedness sub-dimensions. As a consequence, the results suggest that as the mental readiness levels of the amateur players taking part in the study increase, the difficulty they experience in emotion regulation decreases. Additionally, it has been found out that as the football playing year and working period with the current coach increases, the athletes’ mental readiness levels go up, and the level of difficulty with regard to emotion regulation decreases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Theresia Yunia Setyawan

This article outlines the results of research on students' perceptions of online learning at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used was a survey with a questionnaire distributed online to active students of even semester 2019/2020. Obtained respondents as many as 91 people. 38% of males and 62% female. About 46% were first-year students and the remaining 54% were second and third-year students. Nearly 90% of respondents attended more than five online learning courses through the Google Classroom application, Google Meet, Zoom, Edmodo, campus e-learning, or Whatsapp Group. The exploration of perception results showed that students still find some obstacles in participating in online learning, argue that the students' assignment was more, they were difficult to receive about the material, still very important to meet and get an explanation from the lecturer. Improving online learning effectiveness could be done and prepared by lecturers and students. Specifically for students, preparing the online learning tools and applications, and improving mental preparation namely adaptable, self-regulated learning, tough, and responsible are the efforts to achieve maximum learning outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Dian Cahyawati ◽  
Muji Gunarto

Artikel ini menguraikan hasil penelitian tentang persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran daring pada awal masa pandemi Covid-19.  Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dengan angket yang dibagikan secara online kepada mahasiswa aktif semseter genap 2019/2020. Diperoleh responden sebanyak 91 orang. Responden mahasiswa laki-laki ada 38% dan perempuan sebanyak 62%. Sebanyak 46% adalah mahasiswa tingkat pertama dan sisanya ada 54% adalah mahasiswa tingkat kedua dan ketiga. Hampir 90% responden mengikuti lebih dari lima mata kuliah pembelajaran daring melalui aplikasi Google Classroom, Google Meet, Zoom, Edmodo, e-learning kampus, atau Whatsapp Group. Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pembelajarn daring menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa masih merasa terhambat dalam mengikuti pembelajaran daring, hanya 15% responden yang menyatakan kesetujuannya terhadap pembelajaran daring, berpendapat bahwa beban tugas lebih banyak, masih kesulitan menerima materi, masih sangat berkepentingan untuk bertemu dan mendapatkan penjelasan dari dosen. Upaya perbaikan efektivitas pembelajaran daring perlu dilakukan dan dipersiapkan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa. Khusus untuk mahasiswa, persiapan perangkat dan aplikasi pembelajaran daring, dan meningkatkan persiapan mental yaitu beradaptasi, mandiri, tangguh, dan bertanggung jawab adalah upaya untuk mencapai hasil pembelajaran yang maksimal.AbstractThis article outlines the results of research on students' perceptions of online learning at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used was a survey with a questionnaire distributed online to active students of even semester 2019/2020. Obtained respondents as many as 91 people. 38% of males and 62% female. About 46% were first-year students and the remaining 54% were second and third-year students. Nearly 90% of respondents attended more than five online learning courses through the Google Classroom application, Google Meet, Zoom, Edmodo, campus e-learning, or Whatsapp Group. The exploration of perception results showed that students still find some obstacles in participating in online learning, argue that the student's assignment was more, they were difficult to receive about the material, still very important to meet and get an explanation from the lecturer. Improving online learning effectiveness could be done and prepared by lecturers and students. Specifically for students, preparing the online learning tools and applications, and improving mental preparation namely adaptable, self-regulated learning, tough, and responsible are the efforts to achieve maximum learning outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Kata Németh ◽  
László Balogh

This study aimed to examine the relationship between optimal functioning zone, anxiety, stress, and athletic performance. We conducted a systematic review of the available scientific articles and publications. Related literature was analyzed, relevant, or helpful in understanding the psychological aspects of athletic performance. It discusses the method and validity of hypotheses and approaches that have already appeared scientifically. We examined multidimensional approaches, which discuss the suitability and implications of some recent and more complex models of stress and performance. We may conclude that the relationship between stress and athletic performance is multidimensional. We also examined several factors, such as the interaction between the nature of the stressor, the cognitive needs of the task, and the individuals' psychological characteristics. Both physical and mental preparation is critical to successful sports performance. This way, the level of physical skills, mental preparedness significantly determine overall athletic performance. The article aims to provide a historical overview of the implementation, testing, and measurement of IZOF and other applied models.

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