scholarly journals Pelatihan Pembuatan Film Animasi Menggunakan Aplikasi Toontastic 3d untuk Mendukung Minat Belajar Siswa SMP

Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 234-250
Mujahidawati ◽  
Novferma ◽  
Gugun M. Simatupang ◽  
Febbry Romundza ◽  
Ari Frianto ◽  

ABSTRACT During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government implemented bold learning at various levels of education, from kindergarten to university. There is a possibility that the applied learning can result in low student interest in learning. This is because the learning process carried out only transfers recordings of learning patterns to WhatsApp text messages, so there is no other innovation to help students' interest in learning become better. As teachers we must be able to make interesting learning media according to the characteristics of students, where one of the learning media is to make animated films that students can see and do while studying at home. The purpose of this activity is to help and train junior high school teachers in making animated film learning media using the Toontastic 3D application so that it can support students' interest in learning. The method used in the implementation of this service activity is to use the method of discussion and question and answer, demo, and expository. Participants in this service activity are partners of MGMP SMP in Muaro Jambi in the field of mathematics as many as 35 teachers and 20 students. The instrument used in this service is a teacher motivation response questionnaire after training and a student interest response questionnaire after learning with learning media in the form of animated films. Based on the results of the training, it was obtained that most of the teachers who participated were very satisfied and happy with this training, this can be seen from the teacher's motivation, most of the teachers answered on average the statements given agreed and strongly agreed agree category. Furthermore, student learning interest can also be said to be good, this can be seen based on the results of the student learning interest questionnaire where the average student on a positive statement is in the agree and strongly agree category, while in the negative statement questionnaire on average are in the category of strongly disagree and disagree. . Therefore, it can be said that this training in making animated films as a learning medium can provide good motivation for teachers and good learning interest for students during the covid-19 pandemic.     ABSTRAK Masa pandemic covid-19, pemerintah menerapkan pembelajaran secara daring di berbagai jenjang Pendidikan mulai dari TK sampai perguruan tinggi. Tidak menutup kemungkinan selama pembelajaran daring diterapkan dapat mengakibatkan minat belajar siswa rendah. Hal tersebut dikarenakan proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan hanya memindahkan pola pembelajaran yang dibuku ke pesan teks WhatsApp saja, sehingga tidak adanya inovasi lain untuk membantu minat belajar siswa menjadi lebih baik. Sebagai pengajar kita harus bisa membuat media pembelajaran yang menarik sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa, dimana salah satu media pembelajaran tersebut adalam pembuatan film animasi yang dapat dilihat dan di toton oleh siswa selama belajar dirumah. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk membantu dan melatih guru SMP dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran berbentuk film animasi menggunakan aplikasi toontastic 3D sehingga dapat mendukung minat belajar siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah menggunakan metode diskusi dan tanya jawab, demonstrasi, dan ekspositori. Peserta kegiatan dalam pengabdian ini adalah mitra MGMP SMP di Muaro Jambi pada matapelajaran matematika sebanyak 35 orang guru dan 20 orang siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah angket respon motivasi guru setelah pelatihan dan angket respon minat siswa setelah belajar dengan media pembelajaran berbentuk film animasi tersebut. Berdasar hasil pelatihan diperoleh bahwa kebanyakan guru-guru yang ikut merasa sangat puas dan senang dengan adanya pelatihan ini, hal tersebut dilihat dari angket respon (motivasi) guru menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan guru rata-rata menjawab pernyataan yang diberikan pada kategori Setuju dan Sangat Setuju. Selanjutnya minat belajar siswa juga dapat dikatakan baik, hal tersebut dilihat berdasarkan hasil angket minat belajar siswa dimana rata-rata siswa pada pernyataan positif berada pada kategori setuju dan sangar setuju, sedangkan pada angket pernyataan negatif rata-rata pada kategori sangat tidak setuju dan tidak setuju. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan pembuatan film animasi sebagai media pembelajaran ini dapat memberikan motivasi yang baik bagi guru dan minat belajar yang baik bagi siswa dimasa pandemic covid-19.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 617
Nuron Nuron ◽  
Dede Sopandi ◽  
Veny Triyana Andika Sari

The purpose of this study is to analyze the ability of mathematical communication and student learning interest and describe it especially on triangle and quadrilateral material on the students of class VII PGRI 168 Cikalongwetan Junior High School. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The subjects studied are class VII SMP PGRI 168 Cikalongwetan consisting of 6 people. The instrument used in the form of a written test that contains 5 items about mathematical communication and 25 students questionnaire scale student interest. The results were tested statistically using SPSS IDM software version 21 to find normality and correlation using product moment person. Data validity is done by triangulation technique and source triangulation. The results of the research show that there is a relationship that interplay between the ability of mathematical communication and student learning interest.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Ardian Wicaksono

Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk analisis penggunaan Schoology pada Mata Pelajaran PPKn terhadap minat belajar siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan Bantul Tahun 2020. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan pada bulan Juli sampai Agustus tahun 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah : (1) satu orang Kepala Sekolah SMA N 1 Srandakan Bantul (2) satu orang Guru Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (3) Siswa SMA N 1 Srandakan sejumlah 8 orang. Teknik analisis data melalui pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pemerikasaan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Schoology memiliki kemudahan dalam mengatur administrasi pembelajaran siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan karena siswa dapat presensi, mendapat materi hingga evaluasi di Schoology; (2) Schoology dapat mengendalikan minat belajar siswa dalam aspek preventif dengan cara kegiatan belajar menyenangkan, persuasif dengan cara membujuk melalui fitur massages, dan represif dengan cara didatangi rumahnya berdasarkan informasi yang disajikan dalam aplikasi tersebut; (3) Schoology memiliki tampilan seperti media sosial Facebook ditandai warna dasar yang sama yaitu biru dan putih serta menu yang identik; (4) Schoology memiliki keunggulan untuk diskusi pada pembelajaran daring, siswa dapat berdiskusi kelompok dengan guru sebagai pemantik materi dalam fitur Groups; (5) Schoology mengakomodasi aneka macam media pembelajaran antara lain media gambar visual, audio, dan audio visual atau video. Kata Kunci: Schoology, PPKn, Minat Belajar Siswa Abstract The research aims to analyze the use of Schoology in PPKn Subjects on student interest in learning at SMA Negeri 1 Srangkan Bantul in 2020. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Srangkan from July to August 2020. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects of this study were: (1) one principal of SMA N 1 Srangkan Bantul (2) one teacher of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (3) 8 students of SMA N 1 Srangkan. Data analysis techniques through data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Data validity was checked by data triangulation. The results of this study are: (1) Schoology has the convenience of managing the administration of student learning at SMA Negeri 1 Srangkan because students get presence, receive material and evaluation in Schoology; (2) Schoology can control student interest in preventive aspects by means of fun, persuasive learning activities by persuading through massages, and repressive features by visiting their house based on the information presented in the application; (3) Schoology has a display similar to Facebook's social media marked with the same basic colors, namely blue and white and identical menus; (4) Schoology has the advantage of discussions on online learning, students can have group discussions with the teacher as material triggers in the Groups feature; (5) Schoology accommodates various kinds of learning media, including visual images, audio, and audio-visual or video media. Keywords: Schoology, PPKn, Student Learning Interest

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-221
Nelly Budiyarti

Abstrak: Kualitas pembelajaran dan minat belajar memungkinkan hasil belajar mahasiswa meningkat. Sehingga diharapkan kualitas pembelajaran dan minat belajar mahasiswa tinggi untuk mencapai hasil belajar yang tinggi pula. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bahwa kualitas pembelajaran dan minat belajar mahasiswa berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa Akuntansi pada mata kuliah Matematika Ekonomi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei dengan meggunakan teknik analisis jalur (path analysis), dimana terdapat dua variabel eksogen dan satu variabel endogen.  Variabel eksogen berupa kualitas pembelajaran dan minat belajar, sedangkan variabel endogen berupa hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Kualitas Pembelajaran berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap Hasil Belajar, Minat Belajar berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap Hasil Belajar, dan Kualitas Pembelajaran berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap Minat Belajar Mahasiswa. Abstract:  The quality of learning and interest in learning allows student learning outcomes to increase. It is hoped that the quality of learning and student interest in learning will be high to achieve high learning outcomes. This study aims to see that the quality of learning and student interest in learning has an effect on improving student learning outcomes in Accounting Economics Mathematics courses. This research is a survey research using path analysis technique, where there are two exogenous variables and one endogenous variable. Exogenous variables are learning quality and learning interest, while endogenous variables are learning outcomes. The results of this study are Learning Quality has a direct positive effect on Learning Outcomes, Learning Interest has a direct positive effect on Learning Outcomes, and Learning Quality has a direct positive effect on Student Learning Interest.

Sundus Maulidina ◽  
Yoga Budi Bhakti

ABSTRAKPenulisan makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media pembelajaran online dalam pemahaman dan minat siswa dalam mempelajari konsep-konsep fisika dan untuk respon siswa mengenai penerapan media pembelajaran online, pemerintah memberlakukan kebijakan jarak sosial atau dikenal sebagai jarak fisik dan oleh karena itu sekolah memutuskan untuk belajar jarak jauh yang ditakuti selama pandemi menggunakan media pembelajaran online minat belajar siswa akan menurun.Dari hasil survai menggunakan kuesioner di google form terhadap siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas diperoleh 18,8% setuju menggunakan media pembelajaran online dan 52,75% tidak setuju menggnakan media pembelajran online. dari hasil data tersebut dikatakan "tidak kuat" ini menunjukkan respon siswa segatif terhadap menggunakan media pembelajran online. minat belajar siswa lebih meningkat bila pembelajaran online dilakukan di dalam kelas. selama pandemi berlangsung sebaiknya pendidik atau guru lebih keatif dalam melakukan pemebelajaran online dirumah agar siswa tidak merasa bosan dan semangat saat sedang pembelajaran jarak jauh. sehingga minat belajar siswa dapat meningkat dan memahami konsep fisik  Kata kunci: covid 19; pembelajaran; fisika. ABSTRACTWriting this paper aims to determine the effect of online learning media in students' understanding and interest in learning the concepts of physics and for student responses regarding the application of online learning media, the government imposed social distancing policy or known as physical distancing and therefore schools decided to distance learning feared during the pandemic using online learning media student learning interest will decrease. From the survey results using a questionnaire on the Google form of high school students obtained 18.8% agreed to use online learning media and 52.75% did not agree to use online learning media. from the results of the data it is said "not strong" this shows the response of students to use the online learning media. Student interest in learning increases when online learning is done in the classroom. During the pandemic, educators or teachers should be more active in conducting online learning at home so that students do not feel bored and excited while studying distance learning. so that students' interest in learning can increase and understand physical concepts Keywords: covid 19; learning; physics  

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 9
Ririn Indria Sari ◽  
Ramadhan Sumarmin ◽  
Resti Fevria ◽  
Ganda Hijrah Selaras

The learning process has a benchmark that refers to the achievements experienced by students, namely learning outcomes. Learning outcomes achieved by students have two influencing factors namely internal and external factors. These two factors that influence learning outcomes are interest and learning difficulties. The results of observations on the learning outcomes of students of SMPN 11 Padang in science are still low. Students say that science learning are numerous and difficult. The existence of students who score below the average and the lack of student interest shows the student's interest in learning in science is less and it can be assumed that students have difficulty learning science. Research is a descriptive study. Research uses a correlational study approach. Research subjects consisted of 30 people in class VIII G of SMP 11 Padang. To find out the relationship between variables expressed by the correlation coefficient, data analysis techniques are used using the Sperman Rank correlation. The correlation between student interest and learning outcomes is weak, that is -0.32, the contribution of 10.24% does not have a significant relationship. There is a significant relationship between learning difficulties and learning outcomes, medium criteria w ith a value of 0.59, contribution value is 34.81%. Correlation criteria for interests and difficulties with strong learning outcomes with a value of 0.66 and a contribution of 43.56%, as well as a significant relationship between variables. The results of the relationship between learning interest and learning difficulties with learning outcomes are strong and each variable has a significantly relationship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Nurul Latifatul Inayati ◽  
Umi Nur Kasanah ◽  
Kusnul Khotimah

Learning strategies/methods are very important in learning. Errors in the selection of strategies/learning methods can be a barrier to the course of teaching and learning activities (KBM). Arabic is one of the subjects that is highly emphasized in Darusy Syahadah Islamic boarding school. The ability of the Arabic language for a santri is like a weapon that they will use in battle to search for and explore the Islamic sciences. However, in his journey there were several problems encountered in learning Arabic, including the emergence of drowsiness and boredom that befell students while attending Arabic learning. With these problems, it is necessary to have community service activities in order to create a more creative and attractive learning atmosphere for students. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide assistance in the application of the Musābaqah Biṭāqah Mukhtaliṭul Kalimah method in learning Arabic. The implementation method in this community service activity includes four stages, namely the planning stage, the implementation phase, the observation and evaluation stage, and finally the reflection phase. With the application of the Musābaqah Biṭāqah Mukhtaliṭul Kalimah method, it is proven that it can increase the activeness and enthusiasm of student learning which impacts on increasing student learning outcomes. So the development of the Musābaqah Biṭāqah Mukhtaliṭul Kalimah method as well as other active learning methods is very necessary in order to increase student interest in learning.

Dialog ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-68

This study aims at determining the factors that influence students’ learning outcomes by examining the effect of Arabic teacher competence and students’ interest in learning Arabic towards students’ outcomes of Grade IX MTs (Islamic Junior High Schools) in Kebayoran Lama subditrict. The study finds out that: first, there is a direct and significant influence of the high competence of teachers on students’ Arabic learning outcomes. Secondly, there is a positive and significant effect of teacher competence on student interest. Thirdly, by the value of þ32 = 0.46> 0, the regression equation X3 = -6.866 + 0,264X2, the correlation coefficient r23 = 0.785 and determination coefficient r23 = 0.617, or 61.70% it can be inferred that there is a direct and significant influence of students’ learning interest to their Arabic learning outcomes. These findings imply that obtaining good outcome in students’ Arabic learning can be done by improving the competence of teachers and students’ interest in learning. KEY WORDS: Teacher Competence, Learning Interest, Learning Outcomes, Islamic Junior High School 

Ahmad Muslim ◽  
Nadya Restu Amanda ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal

This study aimsat determine how the teacher creativity and interaction in learning effects on student interest in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic at State Vocational High School 2 KuripanAcademic Year 2020/2021. The research method used by the researcher was 1) the sample used in this study was 100 students, 2) the data collection method used was the questionnaire and documentation method, then 3) the data analysis technique used was descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis, conducted using SPSS 16 software. The results of data analysis shows that: 1) There was a positive influence on teacher creativity in learning on student interest in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, based on the significance level of teacher creativity (X1) 0.000 <0.05, and the value of t-count 3.805 that is greater than t-table 1.984; 2) There is a significant effect of teacher learning interaction on student interest in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, based on significance level of teacher interaction (X2)0.008 <0.05, and the t-count value of 2.719 greater than t-table 1.984;and 3) There is a significant effect of teacher creativity and interaction in learning on student learning interest during the Covid-19 pandemic with an F-count value of 15.213 that is higher than the value of F-table 3.09. Based on the results of the analysis, all Ha-s are accepted. Finally, it can be concluded that teacher creativity and interaction in learning have a significant effect both partially and simultaneously onstudent interest in the Covid-19 pandemic at State Vocational High School 2 Kuripan Academic Year 2020/2021. Keywords: Teacher Creativity, Student Learning Interest

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 542-548
Rosnidar Rosnidar ◽  
Yusrizal Yusrizal ◽  
Mustafa Mustafa ◽  
Susanna Susanna

This research aims to find out the application of discovery learning models in increasing students' interest and learning outcomes in harmonic vibrational materials in MAN 4 Aceh Besar. The method in this study is quasi-experimentation with the design of a pretest-posttest control group. The instruments used are questionnaires and problems. The results showed that the average N-gain of student learning interest in the experimental class was 0.79 high category and control class 0.28 low category. The results of each experimental class indicator included a very positive category while the category control class was positive. Based on the results of the analysis of both classes, it can be concluded that the average interest in student learning in the experimental class is more increased than in the control class, especially on indicators of student engagement. The average N-gain result of student learning outcomes in the experimental class obtained a score of 0.61 moderate categories, then in the control class obtained a score of 0.35 medium category. Based on the test results, the average of the two classes obtained significance scores of 0.000 < 0.05, meaning that there was a difference in the average learning outcome of students in experimental classes and control classes. This proves that the discovery learning model's application can improve students' learning outcomes higher than the discovery learning model in the control class. This study concludes that the application of discovery learning models can increase students' interest and learning outcomes in harmonic vibrational materials in MAN 4 Aceh Besar

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-182
Akhmad Aufa Syukron

This study aims to determine the concept of the IntegratedSystem approach, and the extent of the contribution of the IntegratedSystem Approach to learning interest and student learning achievementin learning Arabic.The approach used in the study is classroom actionresearch (PTK).Subjects in this study were students of class XI MA NUMiftahul Ulum Margasari.The results of this study indicate that in the preactioninterest of students was less interested as much as 40%, then afterthe implementation of the action in the first cycle increased to be quiteinterested as much as 53.30% (up 13.3%), in the second cycle increased to75% Interest (up by 21.7%), and in the third cycle experienced a degree ofinterest in the Interest category but the percentage increased to 78.30% (up3.3%). Based on Student Interest Questionnaire, from the average score ofpositive and negative criteria 33 items (25 positive items and 8 negativeitems) that have been obtained, the combined average score is (positivecriteria + negative criteria) = (22.82 + 2 , 79 = 25.61). 25.61 is a combinedaverage of positive and negative criteria, if it is reported to be 77.6%, theinterest in learning Arabic in class IX students is strong (interested) as muchas 77.6%. Based on the results of the tests, from the first, second and thirdcycles the value of Arabic subjects in class XI Science and Social Scienceswas above the KKM average, indicating that student learning achievementincreased by an average of 75.7 above the KKM score of 67.

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