moderate physical activity
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Zuzanna Lewicka-Potocka ◽  
Anna Maria Kaleta-Duss ◽  
Ewa Lewicka ◽  
Marcin Kubik ◽  
Anna Faran ◽  

Moderate physical activity has a positive impact on health, although extreme forms of sport such as marathon running may trigger exercise-induced cardiac fatigue. The explicit distinction between the right ventricular (RV) physiological response to training and maladaptive remodeling has not yet been determined. In this study, we aimed to analyze the impact of running a marathon on RV mechanics in amateur athletes using three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography (ECHO) and the ReVISION method (RV separate wall motion quantification). A group of 34 men with a mean age of 40 ± 8 years who successfully finished a marathon underwent ECHO three times, i.e., 2 weeks before the marathon (stage I), at the marathon finish line (stage II), and 2 weeks after the marathon (stage III). The ECHO findings were then correlated with the concentrations of biomarkers related to myocardial injury and overload and also obtained at the three stages. On finishing the marathon, the amateur athletes were found to have a significant (p < 0.05) increase in end-diastolic (with a median of 51.4 vs. 57.0 ml/m2) and end-systolic (with a median of 24.9 vs. 31.5 ml/m2) RV volumes indexed to body surface area, reduced RV ejection fraction (RVEF) (with a median of 51.0% vs. 46.0%), and a decrease in RV radial shortening [i.e., radial EF (REF)] (with a mean of 23.0 ± 4.5% vs. 19.3 ± 4.2%), with other RV motion components remaining unchanged. The post-competition decrease in REF was more evident in runners with larger total volume of trainings (R2 = 0.4776, p = 0.0002) and higher concentrations of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (r = 0.43, p < 0.05) during the preparation period. The decrease in REF was more prominent in the training of marathoners more than 47 km/week. At stage II, marathoners with a more marked decrease in RVEF and REF had higher galectin-3 (Gal-3) levels (r = −0.48 and r = −0.39, respectively; p < 0.05). Running a marathon significantly altered the RV performance of amateur athletes. Transient impairment in RV systolic function resulted from decreased radial shortening, which appeared in those who trained more extensively. Observed ECHO changes correlated with the concentrations of the profibrotic marker Gal-3.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Maria Gacek ◽  
Grażyna Kosiba ◽  
Agnieszka Wojtowicz ◽  
Guillermo F. López Sánchez ◽  
Jacek Szalewski

We aimed to analyze personality-related determinants of physical activity among Polish and Spanish physical education (PE) students. The study was conducted among 219 Polish and 280 Spanish PE students, using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the NEO-FFI Personality Inventory. Compared with Spanish PE students, their Polish counterparts are characterized by a higher level of extraversion and conscientiousness and a lower level of neuroticism. The level of total physical activity for all students was 8,697.21 METs, and this value was higher among Polish students. Among Polish and Spanish PE students, the level of total, vigorous, and moderate physical activity increased along with the increase in extraversion, while a decrease occurred along with the increase in neuroticism. The level of each domain of physical activity also increased in line with the intensification of student conscientiousness. In moderation analyses, it was shown that the home country of students may be considered a moderator of the relationship between conscientiousness and total exercise in such a way that the physical activity increased along with the increase in conscientiousness only among the Polish students. In addition, the country is a moderator of the correlation between moderate physical activity and neuroticism (p = 0.031), openness (p = 0.049), and conscientiousness (p = 0.019), with moderate activity only decreasing among Polish students and increasing along with the increase in openness and conscientiousness. Positive correlations among physical activity, extraversion, and conscientiousness, as well as negative ones with neuroticism, were demonstrated among Polish and Spanish students, and also the moderating impact of the country on the correlation between personality-related dimensions and physical activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Domina Petric

Addiction alters the levels of all happy brain hormones. My hypothesis is that addictive stimuli cause high amplitude changes in happy brain hormones with initially very high levels followed by very low levels (rebound effect). On the other hand, non-addictive stimuli such as creative work, moderate physical activity, healthy diet, healthy relationships and socialization, cause moderate amplitude changes in happy brain hormones with stable levels of dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin without rebound effect. Therefore, all of these non-addictive stimuli might be very helpful in the treatment of addiction.

Enrique Bernal ◽  
Monica Martinez ◽  
José Antonio Campillo ◽  
Gabriel Puche ◽  
Carlos Baguena ◽  

Abstract Background Physical activity has anti-inflammatory effects and reduces morbidity and mortality in general population, but its role in the clinical, CD4/CD8 ratio and immune activation status in HIV-infected patients has been poorly studied. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out in a cohort of 155 HIV-infected patients on stable ART to compare clinical, biochemical, CD4/CD8 ratio and immune-activation status according to their physical activity in the last two years (sedentary/low vs. moderate/intense) assessed by the iPAQ. A binary logistic regression and mixed ANOVA were performed to evaluate the impact of levels of physical activity on CD4/CD8 ratio. Results In our series 77 (49.7%) out of 155 patients were sedentary and 78 (50.3%) practiced moderate/intense physical activity. Moderate/intense physical activity was associated with lower CDC HIV-stage (p=0.046), better metabolic control (lower BMI, p=0.024; glucose, p=0.024; and triglyceride, p=0.002), higher CD3 +CD4 + T lymphocytes (p=0.016), lower CD8 + T lymphocytes (p=0.018), higher CD4/CD8 ratio (p=0.001), lower CD4 +CD8 + (p=0.026), CD4 +CD86 + (p=0.045), CD4 +HLA-DR + (p=0.011), CD8 +HLA-DR + (p=0.048) T lymphocytes and CD16 +HLA-DR + NK cells (p=0.026). Sedentary lifestyle (OR=2.12, p=0.042), CD4 nadir (OR=1.005, p<0.001) and CD8 +CD38 + T cells (OR=1.27, p=0.006) were independently associated with low CD4/CD8 ratio (<0.8). Earlier and more intense CD4/CD8 ratio recovery was observed in patients with higher physical activity in the two-year follow-up with a significant interaction between these variables: F(2, 124) = 3.31, p=0.049, partial η2=0.042). Conclusions Moderate to high physical activity is associated with beneficial health effects, improving metabolic profile and reducing chronic inflammation in patients living with HIV. Although more studies and clinical trials are needed to confirm these findings, healthy lifestyle, including at least moderate physical activity, should be recommended to HIV patients on stable ART.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 343-356
V.I. Kravchenko ◽  
T.F Zakharchenko ◽  
Yu.M. Pysarenko ◽  
V.А. Kovtun ◽  
I.V. Gonchar ◽  

Класичні «польові» епідеміологічні дослідження щодо факторів ризику розвитку цукрового діабету (ЦД) та серцево-судинної патології все ще рідкісні в Україні, через що оцінка поширеності ЦД 2-го типу (ЦД2) базується на екстраполяції з іноземних досліджень. Об’єктивні методи вимірювання фізичної активності (ФА), яку вважають одним із головних чинників профілактики ЦД2, в Україні мало відомі. Зокрема не з’ясовано, наскільки поширеним є серед дорослого населення України виконання рекомендацій Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я (ВООЗ) щодо мінімальної кількості помірної фізичної активності (150 хв/тиждень). Залишається недостатньо дослідженим питання про зв’язок композиції тіла та характеристик, що впливають на ризик розвитку ЦД2. Матеріал і методи. Наше дослідження представляє аналіз біохімічних, антропометричних та актиграфічних характеристик 50 рандомізовано відібраних сільських мешканців Київської області України (16 чоловіків із медіанним віком 63,5 року, 34 жінки з медіанним віком 58,0 року), у яких раніше не було діагностовано ЦД2. Після отриманої інформованої згоди всім досліджуваним проведено оральний тест толерантності до глюкози (ОТТГ) за методом ВООЗ (1999). Вимірювали рівні глюкози плазми крові натщесерце (fasting plasma glucose, FPG), глюкози плазми через 2 год після стандартного навантаження (2 hours plasma glucose, 2hPG), тригліцеридів (ТГ), холестерину ліпопротеїнів високої щільності (ХСЛВЩ), глікованого гемоглобіну (glycated hemoglobin, HbA1c), індекс маси тіла (ІМТ), окружність шиї (ОШ), окружність талії (ОТ) та окружність стегон (ОС). Визначили показники композиції тіла за допомогою методу біоелектричного імпедансу: пропорцію жиру тіла (body fat, %) та загальної води тіла (total body water, %). Актиграфічні вимірювання було проведено шляхом акселерометрії за допомогою програмного забезпечення ActiGraph. Моніторинг ФА відбувався протягом 7 днів за такими показниками: середня кількість метаболічних еквівалентів (metabolic equivalents, MET’s), частка ФА помірної інтенсивності за весь час носіння та записування акселерометра (moderate physical activity, ModPA, %) і показник помірної ФА — кількість хв/тиждень, накопичених у періодах тривалістю не менше 10 хв (ModPA, хв/тиждень). Статистичну обробку результатів проведено за пакетом MedStat. Результати. Серед досліджених осіб за даними ОТТГ та вимірювання HbA1c ЦД виявлено в 4 осіб (8%). Порушена глікемія натщесерце (impaired fasting glucose, IFG) за критеріями Американської діабетичної асоціації (АДА) (FPG: 5,6-6,9 ммоль/л) виявлена у 21 особи, а за критеріями ВООЗ (FPG: 6,1-6,9 ммоль/л) — у 7 осіб. IFG незалежно від застосованого критерію не виявляє зв’язку з рівнем ФА. Порушена толерантність до глюкози (impaired glucose tolerance, IGT: 2hPG 7,8-11,0 ммоль/л) виявлена в 5 осіб. За рівнем глікемії, HbA1c та ліпідів не виявлено зв’язку з ФА. Жінки не відрізнялися від чоловіків за віком, мали більший ІМТ (35,08±5,53 проти 27,43±4,98, р<0,001) і більшу частку жиру тіла (45,8±5,7% проти 26,3±5,5%, р<0,001). Водночас, показники ФА у чоловіків і жінок не відрізнялися, були дуже низькими й мали помірну негативну кореляцію з віком (р<0,05). Результати наведені як середнє арифметичне та стандартне відхилення (M±SD). Лише в одного чоловіка та двох жінок було досягнуто рекомендований рівень помірної ФА (150 хв/тиждень). Серед осіб з IGT кількість ФА виявилась меншою: MET’s — 1,22±0,07 проти 1,32±0,19, р=0,023; помірна ФА — 6,95±2,3% проти 10,41±6,43%, р=0,020. Висновки. Виявлена поширеність раніше не діагностованого ЦД2 близька до результатів наших попередніх досліджень та сучасних оцінок поширеності ЦД2 серед дорослого населення у світі. Рівень ФА, оціненої об’єктивним методом актиграфії, виявився нижчим у групі осіб з IGT. Подальші дослідження зможуть прояснити питання профілактичної ефективності ФА в різних групах ризику ЦД2.

Gabriel Guo ◽  
Hanbin Zhang ◽  
Liuyi Yao ◽  
Huining Li ◽  
Chenhan Xu ◽  

Treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS) focuses on managing its symptoms (e.g., depression, fatigue, poor sleep quality), varying with specific symptoms experienced. Thus, for optimal treatment, there arises the need to track these symptoms. Towards this goal, there is great interest in finding their relevant phenotypes. Prior research suggests links between activities of daily living (ADLs) and MS symptoms; therefore, we hypothesize that the behavioral phenotype (revealed through ADLs) is closely related to MS symptoms. Traditional approaches to finding behavioral phenotypes which rely on human observation or controlled clinical settings are burdensome and cannot account for all genuine ADLs. Here, we present MSLife, an end-to-end, burden-free approach to digital behavioral phenotyping of MS symptoms in the wild using wearables and graph-based statistical analysis. MSLife is built upon (1) low-cost, unobtrusive wearables (i.e., smartwatches) that can track and quantify ADLs among MS patients in the wild; (2) graph-based statistical analysis that can model the relationships between quantified ADLs (i.e., digital behavioral phenotype) and MS symptoms. We design, implement, and deploy MSLife with 30 MS patients across a one-week home-based IRB-approved clinical pilot study. We use the GENEActiv smartwatch to monitor ADLs and clinical behavioral instruments to collect MS symptoms. Then we develop a graph-based statistical analysis framework to model phenotyping relationships between ADLs and MS symptoms, incorporating confounding demographic factors. We discover 102 significant phenotyping relationships (e.g., later rise times are related to increased levels of depression, history of caffeine consumption is associated with lower fatigue levels, higher relative levels of moderate physical activity are linked with decreased sleep quality). We validate their healthcare implications, using them to track MS symptoms in retrospective analysis. To our best knowledge, this is one of the first practices to digital behavioral phenotyping of MS symptoms in the wild.

Sukai Wang ◽  
Hong-Yu Liu ◽  
Yi-Chen Cheng ◽  
Chun-Hsien Su

Senile dementia, also known as dementia, is the mental deterioration which is associated with aging. It is characterized by a decrease in cognitive abilities, inability to concentrate, and especially the loss of higher cerebral cortex function, including memory, judgment, abstract thinking, and other loss of personality, even behavior changes. As a matter of fact, dementia is the deterioration of mental and intellectual functions caused by brain diseases in adults when they are mature, which affects the comprehensive performance of life and work ability. Most dementia cases are caused by Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and multiple infarct dementia (vascular dementia, multi-infarct dementia). Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by atrophy, shedding, and degenerative alterations in brain cells, and its occurrence is linked to age. The fraction of the population with dementia is smaller before the age of 65, and it increases after the age of 65. Since women live longer than men, the proportion of women with Alzheimer’s disease is higher. Multiple infarct dementia is caused by a cerebral infarction, which disrupts blood supply in multiple locations and impairs cerebral cortex function. Researchers worldwide are investigating ways to prevent Alzheimer’s disease; however, currently, there are no definitive answers for Alzheimer’s prevention. Even so, research has shown that we can take steps to reduce the risk of developing it. Prospective studies have found that even light to moderate physical activity can lower the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Exercise has been proposed as a potential lifestyle intervention to help reduce the occurrence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Various workout modes will be introduced based on various physical conditions. In general, frequent exercise for 6–8 weeks lessens the risk of dementia development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Siti Mudlikah ◽  
Erda Restiya Agustin ◽  
Ida Susila

Constipation occurs in about 11-13% of pregnancies by symptoms of difficulty on defecating, lower abdominal pain and frequency of passing stools of 3 times a week, causing discomfort and anxiety for pregnant women. The study was to determine the relationship between physical activity and constipation.The research method is correlation analytic cross sectional approach. Data retrieval is from June to December 2020 at Praktik Mandiri (midwifery services) at Jatikalang Kec. Prambon, Sidoarjo. Population: All 3rd trimester pregnant women totaled 37 people in 2020, or it is called total population sample. Collecting data is by direct questionnaire on statements of light physical activity, moderate physical activity and heavy physical activity. Data analysis uses simple correlation test statistics.Research results indicate that pregnant women who experience constipation do more light activities are 13 people (100%, moderate physical activity are of 13 people (92.9%) than those who are not constipated on heavy physical activity as many as 10 people (100%), moderate physical activity being 1 person (7.1%).The results of the statistical test of the correlation between physical activity and constipation in pregnant women have positive value of 0.821, indicating very strong correlation between physical activity and constipation, significant (2-tailed) 0.00 < 0.01, the higher the physical activity of pregnant women, the higher the occurrence of constipation.Conclusions from this study; There is a strong relationship between physical activity and constipation in pregnant women, namely light physical activity and moderate physical activity less than 30 minutes at risk of constipation. Suggestions for preventing constipation can be done by doing physical activity more than 30 minutes a day, consuming high-fiber nutritional diet and drinking enough mineral water to prevent constipation in pregnancy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 399-400
Dana Carthron ◽  
Wayne McCullough ◽  
Samir Chatterjee ◽  
Kent Key ◽  
Kelsey Lemke ◽  

Abstract The story of John Henry, the “steel-drivin’ man”, is well known to Black men in the United States. John Henry is considered a hero because he demonstrated tremendous strength and self-determination. The MANUP diabetes program used the John Henryism, defined as high-effort active coping in the face of adversity, as the basis of a diabetes intervention for Black men. MANUP conducted four community-based focus groups identifying topics of concern to Black men with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Interestingly, the men reported that high-effort active coping was crucial for successful diabetes self-management. MANUP then developed and implemented a longitudinal culturally targeted self-management program for 33 Black men with T2D in Flint, Michigan. MANUP included discussion groups, physical activity, and an app incorporating text-messaging, group-chat, and a blood glucose monitoring dashboard to improve glycemic control (A1c). This single-group, repeated measures intervention assessed A1c three times over a six-month period. Improvements in A1c were observed at: baseline – time 2: 8.9% vs 8.6%, p=0.14; time 2 – time 3: 8.6% vs 8.1%, p=0.21; and baseline – time 3: 8.9% vs 8.1%, p=0.005. After controlling for age and insulin use, the significant reduction in A1c over 6 months remained (p=0.01). These findings demonstrate that combining mobile health technology and moderate physical activity with culturally targeted discussion topics can improve T2D self-management and reduce A1c in Black men. More community-driven longitudinal intervention studies that improve diabetes self-management among Black men are needed to achieve gender and racial health equity.

2021 ◽  
Nestor Asiamah ◽  
Edwin Mends-Brew ◽  
Emelia Danquah ◽  
Frank Frimpong Opuni

Abstract Background: This study assessed behavioral and demographic correlates of exercise during a COVID-19 lockdown in three cities. A cross-sectional design was employed. An online survey was used to collect data from residents of three Ghanaian cities, namely Accra, Kumasi, and Tamale.Methods: A total of 621 residents participated in the study. Most of the participants had tertiary educational qualifications and were aged 18 to 54 years. A binary logistic regression was used to present findings.Results: The results indicate that unemployed participants were about 13 times more likely to exercise than those who were employed. Individuals aged 25 to 30 years were about 0.7 times less likely to exercise compared with those aged 18 to 24 years. Participants with one or more chronic diseases were about 19 times more likely to exercise compared with those without a chronic condition. Residents who reported a reduction in moderate physical activity time of between 30 to 60 minutes were less likely to exercise compared with those who did not.Conclusion: The study concludes that the behavioral and demographic correlates of exercise during the lockdown are age, chronic disease status, employment, physical activity time lost, smoking, and domestic violence experience.

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