O.V. Boguslavskaya ◽  
E.V. Osetrova ◽  

Statement of the problem. This work is devoted to the study of the linguistic image of a Russian woman politician – a special type of public image that attracts the attention of both the mass addressee and the professional expert community. The very concept of “linguistic image” is used in many social and scientific practices, being of great interest for modern humanitarian knowledge – imageology, linguistics, psychology, sociology, philosophy, advertising, public relations, etc. Within the field of linguistic image, as well as in the linguistic theory of linguistic personality, the aspect of the subjective component of public speech, the so-called “author in the text”, has always been highlighted as a separate aspect. This is interconnected not only with anthropocentrism as a universal scientific idea of ​​the 21st century, but also with the global process of mediatization of all spheres of human activity. The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the subjective component of the linguistic image of a woman politician in the context of public social and speech activity. The methodology (materials and methods). The methodology of the analysis undertaken is based on the provisions and ideas of imageology, the theory of linguistic personality and linguistic semantics, in the context of which descriptive-analytical and comparative methods were used, as well as the method of semantic text analysis. The research material included the texts of public speeches and statements of 2016–2018, belonging to two representatives of modern Russian politics – Maria Zakharova and Natalia Poklonskaya. Research results. In the speeches of M. Zakharova and N. Poklonskaya, the description of social-speech communication corresponds to one language model and is presented in three aspects: 1) space (where?), 2) participants (who?), and 3) metascenarios of social-speech communication (what is happening?). In the texts of these women politicians, this semantic model is filled with its own content, which has general and specific elements that characterize their public images in different ways. Russia is described as a common communicative space for the activities of political subjects, despite the fact that for M. Zakharova the Ministry of Foreign Affairs turns out to be a specific medium of communication, and for N. Poklonskaya these are the State Duma, the Prosecutor’s Office and the Crimea. The common thing is that both speakers inscribe their own communicative activity in a threefold structure, where the main participants are a) the speaker himself, b) his associates and c) his opponents. In the contexts of M. Zakharova, the listed participants are embodied in roles: a) “Me” as “an intermediary” or “a moderator”, b) “We” as “diplomats”, as “teammates”, or a subject of the “conciliar” type (Russia, Moscow, diplomatic corps);in the contexts of M. Poklonskaya – a) “Me” as “a stateswoman” or “a prosecutor”, and also b) “We” as “prosecutors”, as “associates” and as “trustees”, respectively. As for the opponents, in both cases the set is practically the same: USA or the Ukrainian. The content of the described model is complemented by the so-called metascripts, which represent the social-speech situation in a new way and have a different functional purpose in every statement. Conclusion. The linguistic image of M. Zakharova is more objectified and restrained, in fact merging with the typical diplomatic image, while the image of N. Poklonskaya is more emotional and subjective, reinforced by the characteristic features of speech spontaneity and directness. At the same time, both images, framed by the modus of involvement and team goal-setting, organically fit into the space of the professional communication.

2020 ◽  
pp. 125-127
Мээрим Рахматалиева

Аннотация: Коммуникативдик окуу китептери окутуунун алдыңкы принциби катары жарыяланган активдүү коммуникативдүүлүктүн негизинде түзүлөт. Бул принципке ылайык тилге үйрөтүү кептик коммуникациянын жүрүшүнө шайкеш болуусу абзел. Мында окутуунун тажрыйбалык багыты, тилдик материалдын тандалышы жана берилишине карата функционалдык мамиле, окуу материалынын кырдаалдык-тематикалык багыты, окуучулардын жекече-психологиялык өзгөчөлүгү жана алардын өз эне тилинин таасири эске алынат. Коммуникативдик окутуунун маселелерин Е.И. Пассов илимий изилдөөлөрүндө карап чыгып, «коммуникативдик метод» деген терминди сунуштаган. Азыркы учурда коммуникативдик окуу китептери кеп ишмердүүлүгүнүн бардык түрүн окутууда колдонулат. Коммуникативдик окуу китептеринде окутуунун негизги акценти тилдин формалдуу белгилерин терең үйрөтүүдөн чегинип, кептик материал менен аракет жүргүзүүгө басым кылынган. Алар тилдин эрежелерине караганда кептик көнүгүүлөрдүн көп болушу менен, атайын грамматикалык материалдын дээрлик жоктугу менен, ошондой эле текстке жараша көргөзмө куралдын кеңири берилиши менен мүнөздөлөт. Түйүндүү сөздөр: тил, коммуникативдүүлүк, компетенция, окуу китеби, принцип, кеп, коммуникация, өзгөчөлүктөр, окуу куралы, илим, окуу комплекси, кеп ишмердүүлүгү Аннотация: В основе коммуникативных учебников лежит принцип активной коммуникативности, провозглашенный в качестве ведущего принципа обучения. Согласно этому принципу обучение языку строится адекватно процессу речевой коммуникации, отмечается практическая направленность обучения, функциональный подход к отбору и подаче языкового материала, ситуативно-тематическое представление учебного материала, учет индивидуально-психологических особенностей и родного языка учащихся. Проблемы коммуникативного обучения стали объектом научных исследований Е.И. Пассова, который предложил термин «коммуникативный метод». На данный момент коммуникативные учебники используются для обучения всем видам речевой деятельности. В коммуникативных учебниках основной акцент обучения направлен на работу с речевым материалом, в то время как развернутый грамматический материал отсутствует. Такие учебники характеризуются широко используемой наглядностью, иллюстрирующей тексты коммуникативного направления. Ключевые слова: язык, коммуникативность, компетенция, учебник, принцип, речь, коммуникация, особенности, учебниковедение, учебный комплекс, речевая деятельность. Abstract: The basis of communicative textbooks is the principle of active communication, proclaimed as the leading principle of learning. According to this principle, language teaching is built adequately to the process of speech communication, there is a practical orientation of training, a functional approach to the selection and presentation of language material, situational and thematic presentation of educational material, taking into account individual psychological characteristics and the native language of students. The problems of communicative training became the object of scientific research E.I. Passov, who proposed the term "communicative method". At the moment, communicative textbooks are used to teach all types of speech activity. In communicative text-books, the main emphasis of training is aimed at working with speech material, while the expanded grammatical material is almost absent. Such textbooks are characterized by widely used visibility illustrating texts of a communicative direction. Key words: language, communicativeness, competence, textbook, principle, speech, communication, features, textbook studies, educational complex, speech activity.

Heather L. Bailey

Focusing on the period between the revolutions of 1848 to 1849 and the First Vatican Council (1869–1870), this book explores the circumstances under which westerners, concerned about the fate of the papacy, the Ottoman Empire, Poland, and Russian imperial power, began to conflate the Russian Orthodox Church with the state and to portray the Church as the political tool of despotic tsars. As the book demonstrates, in response to this reductionist view, Russian Orthodox publicists launched a public relations campaign in the West, especially in France, in the 1850s and 1860s. The linchpin of their campaign was the building of the impressive Saint Alexander Nevsky Church in Paris, consecrated in 1861. The book posits that, as the embodiment of the belief that Russia had a great historical purpose inextricably tied to Orthodoxy, the Paris church both reflected and contributed to the rise of religious nationalism in Russia that followed the Crimean War. At the same time, the confrontation with westerners' negative ideas about the Eastern Church fueled a reformist spirit in Russia while contributing to a better understanding of Eastern Orthodoxy in the West.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
pp. 53-78
Angelina Ilieva ◽  

In February 2020, the Bulgarian government established the National Operational Headquarters for Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bulgaria. General Ventsislav Mutafchiyski, a military doctor, professor at the Military Medical Academy in Sofia, was appointed as its chairman. This paper presents a case study on the public image of Ventsislav Mutafchiyski, its readings and interpretations by the audience, and the specific fan culture that emerged around his media persona during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bulgaria. Placed in the spotlight of the media at the very beginning of the crisis, Mutafchiyski became extremely popular as the public figure most strongly associated with the fight against the spread of the disease in the country. Around his media persona, shaped in the public imagination as a wartime leader, a fan culture has grown with all its characteristic features and dimensions: fans and anti-fans, affirmative and transformative fandom. As a fictional character, Mutafchiyski has appeared in numerous forms of vernacular creativity: poems, songs, material objects, jokes, fake news, conspiracy theories, and memes. In this way, the General has become the main character of Bulgarian pandemic folklore and the focal point of a participatory pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 116-121
Tetiana Kyrychenko

According to the results of the study, it is pointed out that individual personality traits are manifested in the speech expression as a product of speech activity in the following characteristics: (1) proper linguistic (linguistic, speech and semantic); (2) psychological (motivational, cognitive, emotional, productive and resultative). The scientific and categorical analysis of the understanding the concept of personal meaning and the factors influencing its formation has been made. The article considers interpersonal speech communication of adolescents as a semantic interaction of its subjects, which involves the presence of such speech abilities as speaking and listening, the functional communicative unit of which is the statement (message) that is inextricably linked with the lexical-semantic and grammatical meanings.

2022 ◽  
Jolene Fisher ◽  
Joshua Foust

Abstract While interest in esports is widespread across demographic categories, the gendered norms surrounding video game play have been replicated, resulting in a male-dominated space. Scholars argue that broadening representations of gamers is necessary to normalizing women’s presence in esports. As nongaming organizations enter the space, they have a unique opportunity to disrupt established norms through their representations of esports competitors. This study analyzes the representation of U.S. Army Esports (USAE) team members via official social media channels. USAE was created as a public relations tool to engage with a younger audience, redefine the public image of the Army, and recruit soldiers. Using a critical public relations framework and critical discourse analysis, we examine the discourse around gender and esports constructed through USAE’s representation of team members and the role of public relations practice in reinforcing or disrupting existing norms.

Internet mercenary operation is a well-integrated part of the Internet public relations (IPR) business. IPR in the Chinese context is defined as a series of strategic communication activities that use the Internet and other new media technologies to promote awareness and ensure a positive image of a brand, product, service or any other entity which is concerned with its public image. Specifically, this chapter details the whole procedure of Internet mercenary operation including release design, target platforms, target audience, release volume and release duration. This chapter also documents in some detail the practice of release operation, including a pyramid of “pushing hands,” and the procedures of maintenance and monitoring.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-159
Лариса Зданевич ◽  
Катерина Крутій

Introduction. The article analyzes the child’s speech concerning the individual peculiarities. It is about the formation of the communicative competence of the child. It is revealed that this process involves aspects: the acquisition of skills in the system-language and directly in the communicative spheres. Objectives – to structure theoretical developments of the problem under research, to emphasize their contribution into general approaches to speech activity of pre-school children, to single out groups of speech-passive children on the basis of communicative deadaptation. Research methods and techniques. The typological groups of speech-passive children have been singled out: «operational-technical», «motivational», «partial» or «selective» speech passivity. The experimental research on the identification of speech-passive children has been planned and carried out. The Heidelberger Speech Development Test has been used to diagnose the speech abilities of children aged 3 to 9 and a questionnaire for assessing speech and cognitive development of the child. Results and discussions. The child’s individual speech is understood as a socially and biologically conditioned system of sign psychic configurations, used by the individual both for thinking and for speech communication, which can be both active and passive. The possibilities of using the results of modern interdisciplinary researches to identify communicative maladaptation of senior pre-school children, who are speech-passive, have been revealed. The speech activity of children is defined as a stable personality property, which manifests itself in the ability to perceive and understand the speech of others. The speech passivity of the child is understood as a lower level of speech activity, due to the peculiarities of speech development in ontogenesis. Active and inert types of speech have been characterized. It is concluded that the age of five years has a special significance for onto-psycholinguistic researches. This age is characterized by the crisis of egocentric speech, culminating in its internalization, accompanied by the general communicative maladaptation. Conclusions. It is proved that the violation of the process of communication of speech-passive pre-schoolers is manifested mainly in two varieties, as communicative deficit or communicative exaltation.

Yana Lenher

The study is devoted to clarifying the problem of existing collisions in local lawmaking, which allowed to substantiate the common understanding of this problem, as well as to identify new theoretical and applied conclusions and positions related to the need to resolve collisions in local lawmaking, their specifics and special characteristics. It is established that the country has adopted and operates a large number of regulations, many of which contradict each other, have internal inconsistencies and inconsistencies. Legal science and practice face the task of in-depth analysis of the causes of municipal legal collisions, finding ways to prevent and resolve them. It is pointed out that the emergence and increasing severity of conflicts in local lawmaking in most cases due to incomplete legal regulation of public relations, violation of the rules of legal technique in the adoption of local acts, insufficiently effective ways to prevent and resolve the latter. In addition, it is established that the method of settling and resolving local conflicts through the prism of legislative establishment of the priority of application of the norm and act is the most clear and effective. In the course of the research the systematic analysis of views on the collisions in law in general is carried out, the basic signs of the conflict in local law-making, its place among the specified categories in the plane are defined; analysis of the process of evolution of the social contradiction into a legal one with the subsequent transformation into a collision and a gap; legal conflict is defined as a subjective-objective phenomenon of legal reality. Among the existing large number of classifications of legal conflicts are local-legal, which are legal contradictions that arise due to subjective and objective reasons and errors in the exercise of powers to resolve the population directly and (or) through local governments, local issues, which is manifested in the adoption of regulations of local governments and their officials. Based on the analysis, the characteristic features of local-legal conflict are determined, which are detailed by the specified provisions on the connection of partial and general, manifestation in various forms and types, depending on the specifics of causes and solutions, local self-government issues of local significance and the emergence of the implementation of powers and the adoption of relevant municipal legal acts of local governments and their officials, with its own specific set of elements of the resolution mechanism.

Pylyp Demchenko

Introduction. This article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of the security within the framework of its understanding in the constitutional legal sphere of national legal science. The need to conduct this study is based on the relevance of the search for promising directions in ensuring the safety of human, society, and the state in a rapidly changing modern world, within the framework of which the main role is assigned to its legal foundations, in which the provisions of the norms of the Constitution of Ukraine play a primary role Purpose and objectives of the study. The main purpose of the article is to consider the concept of security in the framework of the basic legal and constitutional legal category on an analysis of the articles of the Constitution of Ukraine and normative legal aspects (in case of basics of The National Security Act 2018 and The Strategy of the National Security 2020), which enshrine the essence and foundations of ensuring of the security in Ukraine, and also presents the main doctrinal approaches to defining security in the framework of constitutional and legal researches. Research methods. The research carried out in the article is based on the assessment of generally accepted approaches to defining the characteristic features of security as a phenomenon of public relations, assessing the main challenges and threats to the existence of a human, society, and the state in Ukraine at the present stage of their development, analyzing the legal framework for ensuring of security in Ukraine, as well as understanding of security as a constitutional legal category. Research conclusions. As a result of the study, the idea is given that security is a complex and multi-vector category, the nature of which depends on the definition of the scope of its implementation and provision. The legal component is the basis for ensuring of national security as the main way to ensure the security of a human, society, state in Ukraine, which is implemented within the framework of the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine and special legislation. As part of the study of constitutional and legal approaches to defining national security as a broad category, it is necessary to single out its special component subspecies - constitutional security, which serves as the basis for the protection and stability of the development of constitutional legal institutions and constitutionalism in Ukraine.

Ian Hargreaves

Journalists often get a bad press, being portrayed as crusaders, single-minded, and determined above all else to get the information they desire. ‘Hacks vs flaks: journalism and public relations’ considers the motivations of journalists, their public image, and asks in whose interest the journalist works: for the interest of an employer or for a wider ‘public good’? The answer may be both, but in the event of a clash, which interest takes priority? The roles of public relations practitioners, intermediaries, and spin doctors are discussed. Traditional public relations techniques of media management are no longer effective in a world of resource-depleted mainstream journalism and uncontrollable social media.

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