Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian
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Published By Universitas Lampung

2302-4399, 1410-3044

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Devi Safrina ◽  
Putri Lestari

Mentha x piperita L. simplicial  may undergo deterioration during storage, therefore it is very important to determine its shelf life. The determination of shelf life was done using Extend Storage Studies (ESS) method. This study was aimed to determine the shelf life and the effect of storage time on organoleptic simplicia M. x piperita. The sample used was simplicia that has been stored for 0, 15, 22, 30, 32, and 44 mounth in the simplicia storage warehouse with some long storage, and then the samples were subjected for moisture content analysis and organoleptic evaluation. The results showed that the shelf life of M. x piperita simplisia determined using the method of a water content parameter approach was 27 months. After 27 months of storage, although the aroma still can be preserve, there wa a decrease in the taste  and the color of simplisia.  In addition, there was increase in water content.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Neti Yuliana ◽  
Iyan Indrawan ◽  
Chandra Utami Wirawati ◽  
Sumardi Sumardi

The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of fresh cow’s milk from different farmers in Lampung Province as a raw material for cheese in view of the Indonesian National Standard SNI 31411 (2011) regulation.  Twelve fresh milk samples from four different districts (Tanggamus, Metro, Gisting, and Pesawaran) were evaluated by estimation of total protein and fat, pH, alcohol test, total plate count, antibiotic residues, and sensory. The result of the study revealed that the samples had protein and fat ranged from 2.44 to 3.90 %, and from 3.48 to 4.73% (wet basis) respectively.  The fresh milks had normal sensory and pH, negative of alcohol test, and free from antibiotic residues. Total microbes were detected in log 5-6 CFU/ml.  Majority of the samples screened met the Indonesian National Standard and could be used as a raw material for cheese making.  Keywords:  cheese,  fresh milk quality, Lampung province, SNI 31411,

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Febilian Adiwinata ◽  
Suprihatin Suprihatin ◽  
Mulyorini Rahayuningsih

Coffee is one of Indonesia's leading commodity that has the potential to be developed for agro-industry. High coffee production has encouraged the establishment of a small and medium coffee industry. The purpose of this study is to analyze possible strategies for implementing cleaner production and evaluate the impact on the environment using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method with a gate to gate scope. The stages of cleaner production research used quick scan techniques, source identification, cause evaluation and option generation implementation. LCA research stages with the determination of the objectives and scope of research, inventory analysis, environmental impact assessment and implementation of improvements. Greenhouse gases (GHG) emission was assessed as an environmental impact parameter. The results showed the alternative potential for cleaner production that was applied the manufacture of drying domes (Payback Period/PBP) 3.18 months with an investment ofRp. 2,285,000), procurement of generator machines (PBP 1.16 months with an investment of Rp. 5,860,000), making air circulation in roasting room (PBP 0.07 months with an investment of Rp. 1,268,000), making of solid waste composting reactor (PBP 2.18 months with an investment of Rp. 3,440,000) and addition packing equipment (PBP 0.45 month with an investment of Rp. 3.057 .000). The results of the LCA analysis show that 1,000 Kg of dry-processed coffee requires energy of 869.92 MJ and produces GHG emissions of 95.58 Kg CO₂eq / ton coffee fruits or 0.42Kg CO₂eq / Kg coffee powder equal to 2.389Kg CO₂eq/month and 28.674Kg CO₂eq/year.Key words : environmental impact assessment, life cycle assessment, small coffee industries

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 72
Diding Suhandy ◽  
Meinilwita Yulia ◽  
Kusumiyati Kusumiyati ◽  
Siti Suharyatun ◽  
Sri Waluyo

One form of honey adulteration is label adulteration for some premium honey such as uniflora honey from the honeybee species Trigona sp. One of the analytical methods that are currently developing and have the potential to perform the classification of premium honey in Indonesia is the UV spectroscopy method. In this study, an investigation was carried out on the effect of dilution on the performance of UV spectroscopy in the process of classifying Indonesian honey with different honeybees. A total of 4 types of honey samples with 10 samples each were used in this study. The honey sample was then diluted using distilled water. Each type of honey was given two dilution treatments, namely 1:20 (volume: volume) dilution of 5 samples and 1:40 (volume: volume) dilution of 5 samples. Spectral data were taken using a UV-visible spectrometer with a wavelength of 190-1100 nm (Genesys™ 10S UV-Vis, Thermo Scientific, USA) using the transmittance mode. The results of spectra analysis generally show that the sample with a 1:20 dilution has a higher absorbance intensity for both the original and modified spectra. The PCA results for each dilution showed that the honey samples could be separated into four different clusters for both 1:20 and 1:40 dilutions. The results of PCA analysis using all samples showed that the honey samples were classified into eight different clusters showing a significant effect of differences in honey sample dilution on the classification process of honey samples based on differences in the types of honeybees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Sefanadia Putri ◽  
Usdeka Muliani

Sweet potato has great potency to be developed as an alternative carbohydrate source in the form of modified sweet potato flour. Autoclaving retrogradation is a physical modification method to improve the physicochemical characteristics of flour. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the autoclaving retrogradation method on the characteristics of various sweet potato flour: dietary fiber, resistant starch, starch digestibility, nutritional content, and antioxidant, and to determine the best modified sweet potato flour. The experimental design used a non-factorial completely randomized block design with four replications. The treatment consisted of 6 types of sweet potato, namely control (purple sweet potato without treatment), orange sweet potato, purple sweet potato, honey-sweet potato, red sweet potato, and purple white sweet potato). The results showed that there were significant differences in dietary fiber, levels of resistant starch, digestibility of starch, nutritional content, and antioxidant activity amongst various types of modified sweet potato flour. The best modified sweet potato flour was found in modified red sweet potato flour which contained 44.64% dietary fiber, 19.75% resistant starch, 13.50% starch digestibility, 66.32%  antioxidant activity, with comparable nutritional content.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Evajune Widiyawati ◽  
Nani Ratnaningsih ◽  
Badraningsih Lastariwati

This study aimed to determine the acceptability of the product and the nutritional content of the chocolate crispy almond product. This study used the Research and Development (R&D) method with a 4D model (define, design, development, disseminate). Data analysis used descriptive statistics and presented in the form of mean and standard deviation. The sensory test involved 50 panelists from the general public, while the nutritional content was carried out in the laboratory. The results showed that as many as 83% of consumer acceptance of crispy almond products was at a score of 3.30 (likes). Laboratory test results showed that crispy almond products contain 4.30% water, 1.30% ash, 10.62% protein, 19.03% fat, 46.37% carbohydrates, 396.05kcal energy, and total fiber content of 18.39%. Based on this high fiber content, crispy almond products can be categorized as fiber-rich snacks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Mardiah Mardiah ◽  
Noli Novidahlia ◽  
Ma’rifat Khoirunnisa ◽  
Hanafi Hanafi ◽  
Aminullah Aminullah

The Roselle petals contain anthocyanin pigment which functions as an antioxidant and a natural food colorant. The objective of this research was to study the effect of three enzymes: pectinase, cellulase, and glucoamylase, on the quality of the extract of the Roselle petals. The fresh and dried Roselle petals were extracted using distilled water in a ratio of 1:4 and divided into five parts, in which each part was added by pectinase (P) of 1000ppm; pectinase and cellulase (PC) of 500:500ppm; pectinase and glucoamylase (PG) of 500:500ppm; and pectinase, cellulase and glucoamylase (PCG) of 333:333:333ppm, and without enzyme (TE) as a control. Furthermore, 1% of citric acid was added to all treatments. Determination of the chosen treatment used was based on residue extract, anthocyanin analysis, and the pH value. The results showed that fresh Rosella extract with PC has a yield value of 7.60% and it was not significantly different from the extract with PCG which yielded 7.37%.  Dried Rosella extract with PCG had the highest yield of 22.10% compared to the control (without enzyme) of 12.96%. However, the PCG addition generated a sticky product. Both fresh and dried Roselle extracts with PC contained the highest anthocyanin content of 156.64±1.30mgL-1 and 35.09±0.04 mgL-1, respectively. The pH values of fresh and dried Roselle extracts were 2.65 and 2.24, respectively. This research showed that the treatment of fresh and dried Roselle petals with the addition of  P, PC, or PCG increased the extraction yield value. Additionally, these enzymes could also increase the anthocyanin content of the extracts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Addion Nizori ◽  
Nanda Prayogi ◽  
Ika Gusriani ◽  
Lavlinesia Lavlinesia ◽  
Arzita Arzita

This study aimed to investigate the characteristics and the viability of encapsulated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from fermented durian from Jambi using alginate concentration as wall material. The encapsulation method used the emulsification technique where LAB in alginate capsules was formed by the formation of water in oil emulsion. This study used a completely randomized design with various alginate concentrations as the treatments with concentrations: 1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, and 9%, respectively. The result showed that alginate concentration on LAB microcapsules was very significant in yield, pH, and heat resistance. All treatment concentrations provided high LAB viability, so alginate is effective for wall material LAB encapsulation with emulsification techniques.  The best LAB microcapsule was 7% of alginate concentration with value of yield 5,60 %, viability of LAB log 12,43 CFU/g, pH 5,22, heat resistant on 50ºC (log 12, 46 CFU/g), 60ºC (log 12,45 CFU/g), 70ºC (log 12,35 CFU/g).  

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Maria Erna Kustyawati ◽  
Dian Santoso Manalu ◽  
Murhadi Murhadi ◽  
Ahmad Sapta Zuidar ◽  
Diki Danar Tri Winanti

Edible film made up of modified tapioca was used to wrap tempeh and its shelf life estimation was determined. The edible films must be capable of evenly aerating and maintaining moisture without causing condensation in order mycelium to be able to grow and produce high-quality tempeh. The experiment was carried out in completely randomized design with two main factors of storage temperature and time. An accelerated shelf life test at 17oC, 27oC, and 37oC with an Arrhenius model was used to calculate the shelf life, and water content was used as quality parameter indicator. The result showed that modified-tapioca based edible film made from fermentation of tapioca by Saccharomyces cerevisiae was characterized as having elongation of 11.40 %, tensile strength of 408.37 MPa, thickness of 0.88 mm and WVTR of 12.60 g/m2/h. Rate constant of water content decrease in edible film wrapped tempeh based on Arrhenius model was 0.3832 % day-1 and Ea was 10.296 kkal/gmol, while that of in PP-plastic wrapped tempeh was 0.3831% day-1 and Ea was 9.998 kkal/gmol. The shelf life of edible film wrapped tempeh was 9.39 days at 27oC, 5.18 days at 27oC, and 2.96 days at 37oC, while shelf life of PP-plastic wrapped tempeh was 8.64 days at 17oC, 4.85 days at 27 oC, and 2.82 days at 37oC. Therefore, it can be concluded that modified tapioca based edible film increased the shelf life of tempeh.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Akhmad Mustofa ◽  
Nanik Suhartatik ◽  
Ratna Dewi Nugraheni

Snack bars from black glutinous rice and yellow pumpkin powder has been developed. The aim of the research was to evaluate the effect of the snack bars to the lipid profile of white male rats Sprague dawley. The experimental design of the research was Pre-Post Test Randomized Control Group Design using 25 male white rats. The rats were divided randomly into 5 groups, which was Group 1 as negative control (standard feed), Group 2 as positive control (feed with lard for hyper cholesterolemia condition, Group 3 was treated with simvastatin (0.18 mg / 200gBB), Group 4 treated with snack bars A (450mg / kgBB) and Group 5 was treated with snack bars B (450mg / kg BB). The differences between snack bar A and B were the proportion of black glutinous rice and yellow pumpkin powder. The snack bar was given orally. Total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides after 14 days of the treatment. According to the statistical analysis (p<0.05), the results showed that group with simvastatin has no significant differences with group with snack bars A.  Group with simvastatin, snack bars A, and snack bars B significantly influence blood cholesterol levels, total cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and LDL levels.  Mainly, snack bars A could decline blood cholesterol as good as simvastatin. Snack bars A have a higher portion of black glutinous rice than snack bars B.

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