scholarly journals Investigation of dabigatran secretion into breast milk: Implications for oral thromboprophylaxis in post‐partum women

2019 ◽  
Vol 95 (1) ◽  
Paul Ayuk ◽  
Emmanouela Kampouraki ◽  
Achim Truemann ◽  
Frances Sidgwick ◽  
Lynne McDonald ◽  
Vina Rahmatika ◽  
Musa Ghufron ◽  
Nenny Triastuti ◽  
Syaiful Rochman

Background: The birth rate by caesarean section method is getting higher. Risk data for 2013 shows the method of birth with the operation method of 9.8 percent of the total 49,603 births during 2010 to 2013. Being in practice the mother must be given anesthetic before the surgery begins. This anesthesia will later affect the pain that will occur after SC. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between regional anesthetic drugs and the smoothness of breast milk in women born in sectio caesarea at Muhammadiyah Gresik Hospital. Method: Method with Cross Sectional approach. The population in this study mothers who gave birth in a caesarean section at Muhammadiyah Hospital Gresik in December 2019 to January 2020. The sampling technique in this study is probability / random simple sampling. The sample in this study was a portion of mothers who gave birth in a caesarean section at Muhammadiyah Gresik Hospital. The instrument used was primary data collection in the form of questionnaires and secondary data in the form of patient medical records. Result: The data obtained in this study were processed using spearman correlation statistics. From the statistical test the Correlation coefficient value was 0.807, and obtained P-Value equal to 0,000 this value is less than 0.05. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that there is a correlation between the administration of a regional anesthetics and the smoothness of breast milk in mothers of post partum caesarea at Muhammadiyah Gresik Hospital.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 416
Anita Liliana ◽  
Melania Wahyuningsih

Abstract Adequacy of milk production in the newborns will affect the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Not all postpartum mothers are able to increase milk production in the postpartum period. Acupressure at the meridian points is one way to increase milk production in postpartum mothers. This study aims to determine the effect of acupressure therapy on increasing breast milk production in postpartum mothers at PKU Muhamadiyah Bantul. This study was a quantitative study  a quasi-experimental research design with pre-test and post-test nonequivalent control group. The number of respondents in each group was 17 people. The treatment given was acupressure at the meridian points for 5 minutes on days 2 and 3of poatpartum. Breastfeeding adequacy was assessed before treatment and on day 4 postpartum. Data were analyzed by Mc Nemar analysis. The results showed that there was a significant difference in breast milk production before and after acupressure with p value of 0.000 (p value <0.05). There was a significant difference in breast milk production in the control group before and after being given the breastfeeding technique leaflet p value 0.001 (p value <0.05). Conclusion: There is no significant difference in breast milk production after being given acupressure and after being given leaflets about breastfeeding techniques at PKU Muhamadiyah Bantul p value 0.100 (p value> 0.05).  Keywords: acupressure, breast milk production, postpartum

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-42
Heriza Syam ◽  
Jehanara Jehanara ◽  
Nurdjasmi Nurdjasmi

Mother's knowledge is one factor in the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Research in Ghana (2008), 1.3 million infant deaths can be prevented by the provision of breast milk (ASI) in infants from the first day of birth until under the age of 5 years. If breastfeeding starts in the first 1 hour after birth, This figure rises to 22% from 16%,. This study aims to determine the differences in knowledge about Exclusive Breastfeeding and the factors that influence it in post partum mothers in BPM with Puskesmas in the East Jakarta area. Research Design: Observational analytic study with the approach used is cross sectional. The results showed that there were significant differences (P = 0.001) between the place of labor and the knowledge of nursing mothers. Mothers who gave birth at the Good Knowledge Midwife Practice (PMB) were 78.6%, while those in the Puskesmas were only 38.5%. Characteristics of respondents related to knowledge of post partum mothers about breastfeeding were Education (P 0.01), Economy, (P 0.000) and ethnicity (P 0.019). Factors-education, economy and ethnicity influence mother's knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding. Place of birth in the Independent Practice Midwives have the opportunity to increase knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding 3 times compared to the knowledge of mothers who give birth at the Puskesmas after controlled by the Education variable.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 459-465
Ayu Martiana ◽  
Rilyani Rilyani ◽  
Rahma Elliya

ABSTRAK ASI merupakan makanan yang terbaik bagi bayi produksi ASI dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu faktor nutrisi, perawatan payudara, isapan dan frekuensi menyusui, sosial budaya dan faktor psikologis. Data di Kabupaten Lampung Utara yang memberikan ASI secara eksklusif pada tahun 2015 sebesar 45,5% lebih rendah bila dibandingkan tahun 2016 yaitu 48% dari target 80%, bila dibandingkan di Lampung Timur pencapaian ASI eksklusif sebesar 54,3%. (Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Lampung Utara, 2017). Data RSD H.M Ryacudu Kotabumi pada Tahun 2016 cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif sebesar 57,4% lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan Tahun 2017 dari jumlah bayi 73 yang memberikan ASI secara eksklusif sebesar 54,8. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat kecemasan ibu post partum primipara dengan produksi asi di ruang nifas RSD H.M Ryacudu Kotabumi Tahun 2019Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Crossectional.   Populasi seluruh ibu post partum primipara yang ada di Ruang Nifas RSD H.M Ryacudu Kotabumi, sebanyak 87 responden tercatat dari tanggal 2- 29 April 2019.. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik total sampling. Analisa menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat menggunakan chi squareHasil prasurvey terhadap 10 orang ibu post partum primipara di RSD H.M Ryacudu Kotabumi   menyimpulkan bahwa didapati 4 orang ibu atau (40,0%) tidak mengalami kecemasan paska melahirkan, dan dapat memberikan ASI eksklusif dengan baik kepada anaknya. Sedangkan sebanyak 6 orang ibu atau (60,0%) mengalami kecemasan paska melahirkan yaitu dengan gejala gelisah, gugup, bingung, sangat waspada, ketakutan, dan mengalami hambatan seperti menunda-nunda dalam pemberian ASI kepada anaknya. Kata Kunci      : Tingkat kecemasan, Produksi Asi ANXIETY IN PRIMIPHARA POSTPARTUM MOTHERS WITH BREAST MILK PRODUCTION ABSTRACT Breast milk is the best food for babies. Breast milk production is influenced by several factors, namely nutrition, breast care, suction and frequency of breastfeeding, socio-cultural and psychological factors. Data in North Lampung Regency that exclusively provided breast milk in 2015 was 45.5% lower compared to 2016, which was 48% of the target of 80%, compared to in East Lampung the achievement of exclusive breastfeeding was 54.3%. (North Lampung Regency    1Health Office, 2017). RSD Mayjen HM Ryacudu Kotabumi data in 2016 the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding was 57.4% higher compared to 2017 of the number of 73 babies who exclusively provided breast milk at 54.8. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of anxiety levels of postpartum primipara mothers with breast milk production in the puerperal room of H.M Ryacudu Hospital in Kotabumi 2019This type of quantitative research with a cross-sectional approach. The population of all primipara postpartum mothers in the post-partum room of RSDH.M Ryacudu Kotabumi, as many as 87 respondents were recorded from 2- 29 April 2019 .. Sampling using total sampling techniques. Analysis using univariate and bivariate analysis using chi-squareThe results of pre-survey of 10 primipara postpartum mothers in H.M Ryacudu Kotabumi Hospital concluded that 4 mothers or (40.0%) did not experience postpartum anxiety, and were able to give exclusive breast milk to their children. While as many as 6 mothers or (60.0%) experience postpartum anxiety that is with symptoms of anxiety, nervousness, confusion, extreme caution, fear, and experiencing obstacles such as procrastinating in giving breast milk to their children. Keywords: Anxiety Level, Breast Milk Production 

2002 ◽  
Vol 87 (3) ◽  
pp. 219-226 ◽  
H. H. W. Thijssen ◽  
M.-J. Drittij ◽  
C. Vermeer ◽  
E. Schoffelen

The effect of maternal phylloquinone supplementation on vitamin K in breast milk was studied to establish: (1) if phylloquinone is the source of menaquinone-4 in breast milk; (2) the dose–effect relationship between intake and obtainable levels. Four groups of lactating mothers with a full-term healthy infant participated and took oral phylloquinone supplements of 0·0 (n8), 0·8 (n8), 2·0 (n8), and 4·0 (n7) mg/d for 12 d, starting at day 4 post-partum. Milk samples were collected on days 4, 8, 16, and 19. Blood samples were collected on days 4 and 16. Vitamin K and vitamin E concentrations, the latter for reason of comparison, were assayed. Phylloquinone and menaquinone-4 were present in all milk samples: 5·84 (SD 2·31) AND 2·98 (sd 1·51) nmol/l (n31) respectively, in colostrum (day 4 sample). A strong correlation between the vitamers was found (r0·78,P<0·001). Breast-milk phylloquinone levels were raised in a dose-dependent manner: 4-, 12-, and 30-fold on day 16 for the 0·8, 2·0, and 4·0 mg group respectively. In addition, menaquinone-4 levels were higher: 2·5- (P<0·05) and 7-fold (P<0·001) in the 2·0 and 4·0 mg groups respectively. Plasma of supplemented subjects contained 3-, 5-, and 10-fold higher phylloquinone levels on day 16. Detectable menaquinone-4 was found in ten of thirty-one day 4 plasma samples. All day 16 plasma samples of the 4 mg supplemented group contained the vitamin. There was no correlation between the K-vitamers in plasma. Vitamin E and phylloquinone appear to differ in their distribution in breast milk, milk:plasma concentration ratios were ≤1 and 3–5 for vitamin E and phylloquinone respectively. The milk:plasma concentration ratio of menaquinone-4 was >10. In conclusion, dietary phylloquinone is a source of menaquinone-4 in breast milk. Phylloquinone supplementation to lactating mothers may be of benefit to the newborn infant, since both phylloquinone and menaquinone-4 are raised by supplementation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
Ginny W Bao ◽  
Melissa E Weinberg ◽  
Christina Kwan

Abstract Introduction: It is well known that estrogen plays an important role in thyroid regulation. We report an unusual case of post-partum placenta accreta causing pathologic estrogen secretion leading to increased levothyroxine (LT4) requirements and inability to lactate. Case: A 36-year-old woman with history of Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism presented post-partum day 11 after a normal vaginal delivery with inability to produce breast milk and mildly elevated TSH levels. Prior to her pregnancy, she required an equivalent dose of 142 mcg of LT4 supplementation daily, which increased appropriately to 171 mcg during pregnancy. After delivery, LT4 was decreased to 150mcg in anticipation of normalization of levothyroxine requirements to pre-pregnancy level. However, she had difficulty lactating and was found to have elevated prolactin, estradiol, and TSH levels. The following day, she presented to her obstetrician for persistent vaginal bleeding and was found to have placenta accreta requiring dilation and curettage (D&C). Her LT4 requirements eventually dropped to 125 mcg with decreasing beta-HCG and estrogen levels after successful D&C treatment. She was also then able to produce sufficient breast milk for lactation. Discussion: This case highlights the effect of estrogen on LT4 requirements during physiologic pregnancy and postpartum with placenta accreta. It is expected that hypothyroid patients have approximately 25-50% increased thyroid replacement requirements during pregnancy, which normalizes soon after delivery.1 Estrogen increases thyroxine-binding globulin and lowers circulating free thyroxine2,, which causes higher thyroid replacement requirements. Estrogen is also known to inhibit lactation. Our patient demonstrates that this holds true even in a pathologically high estrogen state from placenta accreta. Our case uniquely demonstrates a temporal association between estrogen levels and LT4 requirements in the post-partum hypothyroid patient. Patients with inappropriately high TSH levels after delivery should prompt investigation into pathologic causes of elevated estrogen-states, as levothyroxine requirements are expected to normalize immediately post-partum. References: 1. Bungard TJ, Hurlburt M. Management of hypothyroidism during pregnancy. CMAJ. 2007;176(8):1077-8. 2. Alexander EK, Marqusee E, Lawrence J, Jarolim P, Fischer GA, Larsen PR. Timing and magnitude of increases in levothyroxine requirements during pregnancy in women with hypothyroidism. N Engl J Med. 2004 Jul 15;351(3):241-9.

Nutrients ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 238 ◽  
Malin Barman ◽  
Karin Jonsson ◽  
Agnes E. Wold ◽  
Ann-Sofie Sandberg

Growing up in a farm environment is protective against allergy development. Various explanations have been put forward to explain this association. Fatty acids are regulators of immune function and the composition of fatty acids in the circulation system may affect immune development. Here, we investigate whether the fatty acid composition of cord serum differs for infants born to Farm (n = 26) or non-Farm mothers (n =29) in the FARMFLORA birth-cohort. For comparison, the levels of fatty acids in the maternal diet, serum and breast milk around 1 month post-partum were recorded. The fatty acids in the cord sera from infants born to Farm mothers had higher proportions of arachidonic acid (20:4 n-6) and adrenic acid (22:4 n-6) than those from infants born to non-Farm mothers. No differences were found for either arachidonic acid or adrenic acid in the diet, samples of the serum, or breast milk from Farm and non-Farm mothers obtained around 1 month post-partum. The arachidonic and adrenic acid levels in the cord blood were unrelated to allergy outcome for the infants. The results suggest that a farm environment may be associated with the fatty acid composition to which the fetus is exposed during pregnancy.

Nutrients ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 358 ◽  
Lindsay Ellsworth ◽  
Harlan McCaffery ◽  
Emma Harman ◽  
Jillian Abbott ◽  
Brigid Gregg

In breastfed infants, human milk provides the primary source of iodine to meet demands during this vulnerable period of growth and development. Iodine is a key micronutrient that plays an essential role in hormone synthesis. Despite the importance of iodine, there is limited understanding of the maternal factors that influence milk iodine content and how milk iodine intake during infancy is related to postnatal growth. We examined breast milk samples from near 2 weeks and 2 months post-partum in a mother-infant dyad cohort of mothers with pre-pregnancy weight status defined by body mass index (BMI). Normal (NW, BMI < 25.0 kg/m2) is compared to overweight/obesity (OW/OB, BMI ≥ 25.0 kg/m2). The milk iodine concentration was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. We evaluated the associations between iodine content at 2 weeks and infant anthropometrics over the first year of life using multivariable linear mixed modeling. Iodine concentrations generally decreased from 2 weeks to 2 months. We observed no significant difference in iodine based on maternal weight. A higher iodine concentration at 2 weeks was associated with a larger increase in infant weight-for-age and weight-for-length Z-score change per month from 2 weeks to 1 year. This pilot study shows that early iodine intake may influence infant growth trajectory independent of maternal pre-pregnancy weight status.

Nutrients ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 2400 ◽  
Paul McJarrow ◽  
Hadia Radwan ◽  
Lin Ma ◽  
Alastair K.H. MacGibbon ◽  
Mona Hashim ◽  

Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), phospholipids (PLs), and gangliosides (GAs) are components of human breast milk that play important roles in the development of the rapidly growing infant. The differences in these components in human milk from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were studied in a cross-sectional trial. High-performance liquid chromatography‒mass spectrometry was used to determine HMO, PL, and GA concentrations in transitional (5–15 days) and mature (at 6 months post-partum) breast milk of mothers of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The results showed that the average HMO (12 species), PL (7 species), and GA (2 species) concentrations quantified in the UAE mothers’ transitional milk samples were (in mg/L) 8204 ± 2389, 269 ± 89, and 21.18 ± 11.46, respectively, while in mature milk, the respective concentrations were (in mg/L) 3905 ± 1466, 220 ± 85, and 20.18 ± 9.75. The individual HMO concentrations measured in this study were all significantly higher in transitional milk than in mature milk, except for 3 fucosyllactose, which was higher in mature milk. In this study, secretor and non-secretor phenotype mothers showed no significant difference in the total HMO concentration. For the PL and GA components, changes in the individual PL and GA species distribution was observed between transitional milk and mature milk. However, the changes were within the ranges found in human milk from other regions.

Dwi Kurnia purnama Sari

Every minute of one baby indonesia died because they did not to obtain breast milk (BM) in the first hour of birth, problems in the provision of breastfeeding can because production breastfeeding not out.One way to overcome the incomplete milk production is by doing a massage of oxytocin through the back. This message can relax the mother’s so that stimulate oxcytocin reflex and milk production also smoothly. The purpose of this research to know the influence of massage oxytocin through the back to production breastfeeding on the post partum. This research using design Quasy experimental that involves 30 respondents taken with systematic random sampling. Respondents divided into 2 groups, namely the control group were 15 respondents and group experimental were 15 respondents.Data collection use observation checklist.Data analyzed using chi-square test with a significant degree α ≤ 0.05. The results of statistical tests chi square obtained p value = 0,028 (α< 0,05)thus H1 accepted that mean there are influence massage oxytocin through the back to production breastfeeding on the post partum. The research at the clinic Permata BundaSubdistrict Babat that is the massage oxytocin through the back to production breastfeeding. Because massage oxytocin through the back can stimulate reflexes oxytocin hormone. Expected for health workers can provide health education about massage oxytocin through the back to the community so later expected all the community be able to apply massage oxytocin through the back to overcome it swift sailboat production breastfeeding.

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