scholarly journals Nasal hyperkeratosis in Griffon breeds: Clinical, histopathological features and the prevalence in the Swedish population compared to a control group and other brachycephalic breeds

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Robert Cikota ◽  
Liselotte Åberg ◽  
Erika Karlstam ◽  
Arman Shokrai ◽  
Susanne Åhman
2020 ◽  
Vol 182 (3) ◽  
pp. 313-318 ◽  
Yorinari Ochiai ◽  
Naoko Inoshita ◽  
Toshiro Iizuka ◽  
Hiroshi Nishioka ◽  
Shozo Yamada ◽  

Objective Patients with acromegaly are at increased risk of colorectal polyps. However, their risk of colorectal cancer remains unclear. This study aimed to identify the histopathological features of colorectal polyps in patients with acromegaly and compare their risk of colorectal cancer with that in healthy controls. Methods The study participants were 178 patients who underwent Hardy’s operation and perioperative colonoscopy at our hospital between April 2008 and September 2016. For the control group, we randomly selected 356 age- and sex-matched patients who underwent colonoscopy at our hospital during the same period. The incidence, size, location, and histology of the colorectal polyps detected were compared between the groups. Results Colorectal polyps were detected in 66.8% of the acromegaly group and 24.2% of the control group (P < 0.001). The average number and size of the polyps were 2.44 and 4.74 mm, respectively, in the acromegaly group and 1.77 and 3.89 mm in the control group (P = 0.001). Polyps in the acromegaly group were more likely to be in the rectosigmoid region (P = 0.006). In the acromegaly group, the frequency of polyps ≥5 mm was 34.3% and that for polyps ≥10 mm was 15.2%; the respective values were 7.6% and 2.2% in the control group (P < 0.001). We found no evidence of between-group histopathological differences in the polyp specimens resected by endoscopy. ConclusionsPatients with acromegaly are at an increased risk of colorectal polyps, especially in the rectosigmoid region. However, there is no pathological evidence that they are at greater risk of colorectal cancer than the general population.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-85
Raja Al Fath Widya Iswara ◽  
Sigid Kirana Lintang Bhima ◽  
Intarniati Nur Rohmah

Latar Belakang : Asfiksia merupakan salah satu mekanisme kematian yang dapat terjadi akibat gantung. Otak merupakan salah satu organ penting yang dinilai dalam otopsi kasus gantung. Secara makroskopis tidaklah mudah membedakan temuan asfiksia pada otak yang terjadi antemortem dan perimortem. Adanya temuan asfiksia pada pemeriksaan mikrokopis dapat menentukan intravitalitas gantung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penentuan intravitalitas gantung berdasarkan gambaran histopatologis otakbesar mencit Balb/c. Metode : Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan post test only with control group design yang telah memenuhi kelayakan etik dengan sampel berjumlah 18 mencit Balb/c jantan yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol yang tidak diberi perlakuan, kelompok antemortem yang digantung saat masih hidup, kelompok perimortem yang digantung 15 menit setelah mati. Pada kelompok pelakuan mencit digantung selama 1 jam dengan tali yang ditambahkan beban 50 gram. Penilaian gambaran histopatologi otak besar berdasarkan reaksi inflamasi dan perdarahan. Hasil : Pada kelompok kontrol hampir tidak terdapat inflamasi dan perdarahan, pada kelompok antemortem terdapat inflamasi sedang hingga berat dan perdarahan berat, pada kelompok perimortem terdapat inflamasi dan perdarahan ringan hingga sedang. Pada uji Kruskal Wallis didapatkan perbedaan bermakna pada semua kelompok (p<0,05). Pada Uji Man Whitney didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada parameter inflamasi dan perdarahan antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok antemortem dan perimortem, antara kelompok antemortem dan perimortem (p<0,05). Simpulan : Intravitalitas Gantung dapat ditentukan berdasarkan gambaran histopatologis otak besar mencit Balb/c dimana reaksi inflamasi dan perdarahan berat didapatkan pada kelompok antemortem. Kata Kunci: gantung, histopatologis, intravital, otak besar   Hanging Intravitality Determination based on Cerebrum Histopathological Features in Balb/c Mice Abstract Background: Asphyxia is one of the death mechanisms that can occur due to hanging. The brain is one of the important organs autopsied in a hanging-related death case. Macroscopically, it is challenging to distinguish between asphyxiated brains occuring antemortem and those occurring perimortem. The presence of asphyxia on micro-examination can help determining the hanging intravitality. This study aims to determine hanging intravitality based on cereberum histopathological features in mice Balb/c mice. Method: This is a post test only experimental study with control group examining 18 male Balb/c mice in three groups involving untreated control group, antemortem group hanged during alive, perimortem group hanged 15 minutes after death. In the treatment groups, mice were hanged with 50 grams load for 1 hour. Determination of histopathological features is based on inflammatory and bleeding reactions.   Results: Nearly no inflammation and bleeding was found in the control group, moderate to severe inflammation and heavy bleeding was found in the antemortem group, mild to moderate inflammation and bleeding was found in the perimortem group. The Kruskal Wallis test showed significant differences in all groups (p <0.05). The Man Whitney test found significant differences in the inflammatory and bleeding parameters between the control group and the antemortem and perimortem groups; between the antemortem and perimortem groups (p <0.05). Conclusion: The cerebrum histopathological features of the Balb/c mice can indicate hanging intravitality in which the antemortem group shows inflammatory reactions and heavy bleeding. Keywords: hanging, histopathological, intravital, cerebrum

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Martin Maripuu ◽  
Marie Bendix ◽  
Louise Öhlund ◽  
Micael Widerström ◽  
Ursula Werneke

Background: Individuals with severe mental disorder (SMD) have a higher risk of somatic comorbidity and mortality than the rest of the population. We set up a population-based study to assess whether individuals with SMD had a higher risk of death associated with a COVID-19 infection (COVID-19 associated death) than individuals without SMD.Methods: Exploratory analysis with a cross-sectional design in the framework of a population-based register study covering the entire Swedish population. The Swedish Board for Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) provided anonymized tabulated summary data for further analysis. We compared numbers of COVID-19 associated death in individuals with SMD (cases) and without SMD (controls). We calculated the odds ratio (OR) for the whole sample and by age group and four comorbidities, namely diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, chronic lung disease.Results: The sample comprised of 7,923,859 individuals, 103,999 with SMD and 7,819,860 controls. There were 130 (0.1%) COVID-19 associated deaths in the SMD group and 4,945 (0.06%) in the control group, corresponding to an OR of 1.98 (CI 1.66-2.35; p &lt; 0.001). The odds were 4-fold for the age groups between 60 and 79 years and 1.5-fold for cardiovascular diseases. Individuals with SMD without any of the risk factors under study had 3-fold odds of COVID-19 associated death.Conclusion: Our preliminary results identify individuals with SMD as a further group at increased risk of COVID-19 associated death. In regard to comorbidities, future studies should explore the potential confounding or mediation role in the relationship between SMD and COVID-19 associated deaths.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Rifaldi ◽  
Poppy M. Lintong ◽  
Meilany F. Durry

Abstract: Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is an adverse drug reaction which vary in its clinical manifestations, ranging from an asymptomatic increase in liver enzymes to fulminant hepatic failure. Several drugs can cause DILI, one of which is corticosteroid. Methylprednisolone (MT) is a kind of corticosteroid drug which is considered to be a safe drug and it is not believed to cause DILI and often used for the treatment of severe hepatitis. However, there are some reports of DILI in patients treated with high-dose MT. The objectives of this study was to determine the effect of oral administration of MT on liver’s histological changes of witar rats. This study was using 15 rats which were divided into 3 groups; 1 negative control group (group A) and 2 treatment groups (group B and group C). Group B was given a low-dose oral MT, 2 mg/day, while group C was given oral high-dose MT, 4 mg/day for 14 consecutive days. The results showed steatohepatitis features in both low-dose and high-dose MT administration groups. Histopathological features of both treatment groups are similar. Qualitatively, high-dose MT group showed worse histopathological features than the low-dose MT group. Conclusion: Administration of MT by 2mg/day and 4mg/day may induced steatohepatitis in wistar rat’s liver.Keywords: methylprednisolone, liver histopathological features Abstrak: Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) atau cedera hati akibat obat merupakan reaksi efek samping obat dengan manifestasi klinis yang beragam, mulai dari peningkatan enzim-enzim hati yang bersifat asimptomatik sampai dengan timbulnya gagal hati fulminan. Banyak obat-obatan yang dapat menyebabkan DILI, salah satunya adalah golongan kortikosteroid. Metilprednisolon (MT) adalah obat golongan kortikosteroid yang dianggap sebagai obat yang aman dan tidak diyakini dapat menyebabkan DILI, bahkan sering digunakan untuk terapi pasien hepatitis berat. Akan tetapi, beberapa klinisi melaporkan kasus DILI pada pasien-pasien yang diterapi dengan MT dosis tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek pemberian MT oral terhadap perubahan histologik hati tikus wistar. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah eksperimental laboratorik menggunakan 15 ekor tikus yang dibagi dalam 3 kelompok; 1 kelompok kontrol negatif (kelompok A) dan 2 kelompok perlakuan (kelompok B dan kelompok C). Kelompok B diberikan MT oral dosis rendah sebanyak 2 mg/hari sedangkan kelompok C diberikan MT oral dosis tinggi sebanyak 4 mg/hari setiap hari selama 14 hari berturut-turut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gambaran yang sama secara mikroskopik pada kedua kelompok perlakuan yaitu terjadinya steatohepatitis. Tetapi secara kualitatif, kelompok tikus yang mendapatkan MT dosis tinggi memberikan gambaran histopatologik yang lebih jelek dibandingkan kelompok yang diberi dosis rendah. Simpulan: Pemberian metilprednisolon dosis 2mg/hari dan dosis 4 mg/hari dapat mencetuskan terjadinya steatohepatitis pada hati tikus wistar. Kata kunci: metilprednisolon, gambaran histopatologik hati

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Stefani Busia ◽  
Meilany F. Durry ◽  
Poppy M. Lintong

Abstract: Canola oil is a source of vegetable oils which contains high unsaturated fats that can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, especially atherosclerosis. One of the trigger factors of atherosclerosis is hypercholesterolemia. This study aimed to evaluate the histopathological features of aorta and the levels of LDL and HDL cholesterols in Wistar rats fed with high fat diet and canola oil. There were 20 Wistar rats in this study, divided into four groups: group A, the negative control; group B with high-fat diet (1 ml lard and 1 ml yolk daily); group C with high-fat diet and 0.1 ml of canola oil daily; and group D with high-fat diet and simvastatin 0.2 mg daily. The results showed elevated levels of LDL and HDL cholesterols in the treated groups compared to the control group. The histopathological features revealed many foam cells in the aorta wall (intima and media layers) of group B, whereas group C had fewer foam cells. No foam cells were found in group D. Conclusion: Although the mean LDL and HDL cholesterol levels of all treated groups were higher than of the control group, canola oil could reduce foam cell formation.Keywords: canola oil, foam cell, LDL and HDL cholesterols Abstrak: Minyak kanola merupakan salah satu sumber minyak nabati yang tinggi lemak tak jenuh yang dapat mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung koroner terutama aterosklerosis. Salah satu faktor pencetus aterosklerosis ialah hiperkolesterolemia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi gambaran histopatologik aorta serta kadar kolesterol LDL dan HDL tikus wistar yang diberi diet tinggi lemak dan minyak kanola. Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 ekor tikus Wistar, yang dibagi dalam 4 kelompok, yaitu: kelompok A sebagai kontrol negatif; kelompok B dengan diet tinggi lemak yaitu lemak babi sebanyak 1 ml dan kuning telur sebanyak 1 ml per hari; kelompok C dengan diet tinggi lemak dan minyak kanola sebanyak 0,1 ml per hari; dan kelompok D dengan diet tinggi lemak dan simvastatin sebanyak 0,2 mg per hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan rerata kadar kolesterol LDL dan HDL tikus wistar yang diberi perlakuan dibandingkan tikus kontrol yang hanya diberi pakan dan air. Pada gambaran histopatologik kelompok B terlihat adanya sel-sel busa pada dinding aorta (tunika intima dan media), sedangkan pada kelompok C sel-sel busa terlihat berkurang. Tidak terlihat sel busa pada kelompok D. Simpulan: Walaupun rerata kadar kolseterol LDL dan HDL meningkat pada kelompok perlakuan, minyak kanola dapat menurunkan pembentukan sel busa.Kata kunci: minyak kanola, sel busa, kolesterol LDL dan HDL

Blood ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 128 (22) ◽  
pp. 1896-1896
Niklas Gunnarsson ◽  
Martin Höglund ◽  
Leif Stenke ◽  
Fredrik Sandin ◽  
Magnus Bjorkholm ◽  

Abstract Background: The etiology of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is essentially unknown with high doses of ionizing radiation being the only well established risk factor. We have recently published two large population-based studies showing an increased prevalence of other malignancies prior, as well as subsequent to a diagnosis of CML (Gunnarsson et al, Br J Haematol. 2015 Jun; 169(5): 683-8 and Gunnarsson et al, Leukemia. 2016 Jul; 30(7): 1562-7). One may therefore speculate that CML patients may have an increased congenital or acquired susceptibility to develop cancer. In the former case, one would expect an increased prevalence of malignancies among first-degree relatives (FDR) to CML patients. In a previous report based on the Swedish Cancer Registry, no increased aggregation of malignancies was detected among family members to CML patients diagnosed between 1958 and 2004 (Bjorkholm et al, Blood. 2013 Jul 18; 122(3): 460-1). However, a more strict definition of CML (requiring e.g. thepresence of a Philadelphia chromosome or the BCR/ABL fusion gene) was introduced with the updated WHO classification in 2002, making subsequently diagnosed CML cohorts more homogenous. Materials and methods: Aiming to establish the prevalence of malignancies among FDR of a large and well-defined contemporary CML cohort in Sweden compared to carefully matched controls, we have used four large Swedish population based registers. To identify Swedish patients with CML diagnosed between 2002 and 2013, we used the Swedish CML Register to which all CML patients diagnosed January 1st 2002 and later are reported. FDR were identified by use of the Swedish Multi-Generation Register, which comprises information about parent-sibling-offspring relationships of persons that has been registered in Sweden at some time since 1961 and born later than 1932. By linking this cohort to the Swedish Cancer Register, we retrieved information about malignancies for each FDR. Each CML patient was matched with five, age-, gender- and county of residence-matched controls, selected from the Swedish Total Population Register. All controls had to be alive and free of CML at the time of CML diagnosis for the matching CML patient. To calculate odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), conditional logistic regression were used. Results: In the Swedish CML register, 984 patients were identified. Among them 184 patients were excluded due to a birth year prior to 1932. Among the 800 remaining CML patients, 4 287 FDR were identified and included in the analysis (parents: 1 346, siblings: 1 497 and children: 1 444). Correspondingly, 20 930 matched controls were included in the analysis. In total, 611 malignancies were identified among the FDR of CML patients compared to 2844 in the control group yielding an OR of 1.057 (95% CI 0.962 - 1.162). Neither hematological malignancies nor solid tumors were increased in the CML-FDR group (Table 1). Notably, none of the FDRs in the CML-FDR group had a CML diagnosis. Conclusions: Using data from four large Swedish population based registers and based on the fate of more than 4 000 FDR of 800 CML patients diagnosed in the modern era of cytogenetics, as well as closely matched CML-free controls, we show that there is no familial aggregation of malignancies in FDRs of patients with CML. These results suggest that a hereditary predisposition to develop cancer is unlikely to be a part of the pathogenesis of CML. Disclosures Höglund: Akinion Pharmaceuticals: Consultancy; Janssen-Cilag: Honoraria. Lambe:AstraZeneca: Other: Stock Ownership ; Pfizer: Other: Stock Ownership . Richter:Pfizer: Honoraria, Research Funding; BMS: Honoraria, Research Funding; Novartis: Honoraria, Research Funding; Ariad: Honoraria, Research Funding. Själander:ARIAD: Consultancy.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Anthonio B. Lengkong

Abstract: The plant Selaginella doederleinii is a herbal plant. Its phytochemical content including saponin, flavonoid and alkaloid can function as hepatoprotector. The objective of this study was to reveal the histopathological features of wistar rats induced with CCl4 and administered with water extract of the leaves of Selaginella doederleinii. This study was an experimental research employing 16 wistar rats. The rats were divided into 5 groups. Group A was the control group, whereas the other groups were treated with CCl4 for five days. The differences between these groups were as follows; after treatment with CCl4, rats in group B were terminated, rats in group C were fed with regular pellets, rats in group D were administered with water extract of the leaves of Selaginella doederleinii of 1.6 cc/day, and rats in group E were administered with water extract of  the leaves of Selaginella doederleinii of 3.2 cc/day. Results showed that the histological features of the liver of rats administered with water extract of  the leaves of Selaginella doederleinii for three days after treated with CCl4 exhibit numerous regeneration of liver cells. However, if the administration was prolonged for six days then fatty liver was observed. To conclude, Selaginella doederleinii can improve the histopathological features of the liver of rats induced with CCl4, however if the administration was prolonged then liver damage may occur. Keywords: Selaginella doederleinii, CCl4, histopathological features of the liver of wistar rats.   Abstrak: Tanaman cakar ayam merupakan sediaan herbal. Kandungan yang terdapat didalamnya seperti saponin, flavonoid dan alkaloid berfungsi sebagai hepatoprotektor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran histopatologik hati tikus wistar yang diinduksi CCl4 dan diberi air rebusan tanaman cakar ayam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang menggunakan 16 ekor tikus wistar sebagai sampel. Tikus wistar dibagi dalam 5 kelompok. Kelompok A merupakan kelompok kontrol, sedangkan kelompok lainnya diberi CCl4 selama 5 hari. Perbedaan antara keempat kelompok lainnya yaitu setelah pemberian CCl4 kelompok B langsung diterminasi, kelompok C diberi pakan standart, kelompok D diberi tanaman cakar ayam dosis 1,6 cc/hari, dan kelompok E diberi tanaman cakar ayam dosis 3,2 cc/hari. Kelompok C, D, dan E dilakukan 2 kali terminasi yaitu hari ke-3 dan ke-6. Setelah perlakuan, terminasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran makroskopis dan mikroskopis hati tikus wistar. Dari hasil pengamatan yang dilakukan, gambaran hati tikus yang diberi air rebusan tanaman cakar ayam selama 3 hari setelah induksi CCl4 menunjukkan banyak regenerasi sel hati, tetapi pada pemberian selama 6 hari gambaran yang terlihat adalah perlemakan hati. Pemberian air rebusan tanaman cakar ayam dapat memperbaiki gambaran histopatologik hati yang diinduksi CCl4dan dalam jangka waktu lebih panjang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan hati. Kata kunci: Tanaman cakar ayam, CCl4, gambaran histopatologik hati tikus wistar.

2011 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. e268-e272 ◽  
Cemal Cingi ◽  
Görkem Eskiizmir ◽  
Dilek Burukoğlu ◽  
Nagehan Erdoğmuş ◽  
Ahmet Ural ◽  

Background Rhinosinusitis is a common disorder and its treatment includes a variety of topical and systemic drugs. This study was designed to determine the histopathological effect of thymoquinone on experimentally induced rhinosinusitis in rats. Methods Sixty rats were randomly allocated into 3 test and 2 control groups, each of which consisted of 12 animals. The rhinosinusitis model was induced using intranasal application of platelet-activating factor. In test groups, the animals were separated into groups: (1) rhinosinusitis-antibiotherapy, (2) rhinosinusitis-thymoquinone, (3) rhinosinusitis-combination therapy. The positive and negative control groups were defined: rhinosinusitis group without any treatment and the group without rhinosinusitis, respectively. The histopathological features (vascular congestion, inflammation, and epithelial injury) in nasal respiratory and olfactory mucosa of animals were examined and graded according to their severity. A quantitative and statistical analysis of histopathological features was performed. Results All histopathological features showed statistically significant differences between negative and positive control groups, respectively. Conversely, neither the group with rhinosinusitis-antibiotherapy nor the group with rhinosinusitis-thymoquinone had a statistically significant difference with the negative control group. Moreover, none of the histopathological features showed a statistically significant difference, when the group with rhinosinusitis-antibiotherapy and the group with rhinosinusitis-thymoquinone were compared. A statistically significant difference was not determined when the group with rhinosinusitis-combination therapy was compared with the group with rhinosinusitis-thymoquinone. The histopathological features did not show a statistically significant difference between the group with combination therapy and the negative control Conclusion Thymoquinone is a promising bioactive agent for the treatment of rhinosinusitis, and its histopathological effect is as equivalent as an antibiotic.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Melati Setia Ningsih ◽  
Eryati Darwin ◽  
Erlina Rustam

AbstrakHiperglikemia menjadi ancaman serius karena berdampak buruk terhadap keluaran klinis karena dapat menyebabkan gangguan fungsi imun serta lebih rentan terkena infeksi, perburukan sistem kardiovaskuler, trombosis, peningkatan inflamasi, disfungsi endotel dan kerusakan otak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh hiperglikemia terhadap gambaran histopatologis glomerulus ginjal pada mencit yang diinduksi aloksan. Ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan posttest only with control group. Subjek penelitian adalah 12 mencit yang dibagi dalam dua kelompok: kontrol (K) dan perlakuan (P). Kelompok perlakuan diinduksi menjadi hiperglikemia melalui pemberian aloksan intraperitoneal dengan dosis 150 mg/Kg BB. Pada hari ke-14 dilakukan terminasi. Diameter, keliling dan luas glomerulus pada kelompok perlakuan (P1) meningkat dibanding kelompok kontrol K (p< 0,05). Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah induksi hiperglikemia yang dilakukan lewat pemberian aloksan secara intraperitoneal dengan dosis 150 mg/kg BB selama 14 hari menyebabkan perubahan yang signifikan pada gambaran histopatologis glomerulus mencit.Kata kunci: hiperglikemia, glomerulus, gambaran histopatologisAbstractHyperglycemia become a serious health threat because have the bad impact to clinical output because immune functin disruption and more susceptible get infection, decay of cardiovascular systim, thrombosis, increase of inflamation, endotel disfunction dan decay of brain. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of hyperglycemia on histopathological features of glomerulus of mice induced by alloxan. Twelve (12) male mice divided into two groups: control group (K) and treated group (P). The treated groups received 150 mg/ kg BB doses of alloxan. After 14 days of induction, mice kidney were excised and fixed in Formalin solution. The tissues were processed by paraffin embedding to obtain histopathological sections and stained with haematoxylin-eosine. Morphometric analysis of glomerulus showed that the glomerulus area, circumference and diameter were increased in group P (p<0.05).The result suggest that hyperglycemia induced by alloxan for 14 days caused significant changes in histopathological features of mice glomerulus.Keywords: hyperglycemia, glomerulus, histopathologic features

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Aisyah N. Shafira ◽  
Carla F. Kairupan ◽  
Meilany F. Durry

Abstract: Empirically, sweet condensed milk is often consumed by gastritis patients with acute gastritis to relieve the symptoms of epigastric pain. Its amphoteric acidity (pH 6,5 - 6,7), sweet taste, nutritional and oligosaccharides contents are some factors that are predicted to influence the relieve of epigastric pain. Acute gastritis can be induced by NSAIDs, such as mefenamic acid. This study aimed to reveal the histopathological features of the gaster of Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) induced with mefenamic acid and fed with sweet condensed milk. This was laboratory experimental study using 21 Wistar rats. Rats were divided into three groups (seven rats in each group). Group A was the negative control, group B was induced with mefenamic acid 23,25 mg/day for seven days, and group C were induced with mefenamic acid 23,25 mg/day and administered with sweet condensed milk 0,8 ml/day simultaneously for seven days. All rats were terminated on day 8. The results showed that histopathological features of the gaster of Wistar rats had less inflammatory cells and more regenerated cells than that of rats in group B. Conclusion: Histopathological features of gaster of Wistar rats induced with mefenamic acid and treated with sweet condensed milk showed milder signs of acute gastritis and better cell regeneration than that of Wistar rat not treated with sweet condensed milk.Keywords: Sweet Condensed Milk, Acute Gastritis, Histopathological Abstrak: Berdasarkan pengalaman empiris, susu kental manis sering dikonsumsi oleh penderita gastritis akut untuk meredakan keluhan nyeri epigastrium pasien. Sifat amfoter (pH 6,5 – 6,7), rasa manis, kandungan nutrisi, dan oligosakarida susu merupakan faktor-faktor yang diduga berpengaruh terhadap perbaikan keluhan tersebut. Penyakit gastritis akut dapat diinduksi dengan obat AINS, salah satunya asam mefenamat. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus wistar (Rattus norvegicus) yang diinduksi asam mefenamat dan diberi susu kental manis. Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan subyek 21 ekor tikus wistar yang dibagi dalam tiga kelompok (tujuh ekor tikus setiap kelompok). Kelompok A tidak diberi perlakuan, kelompok B diberi asam mefenamat 23,25 mg/tikus/hari selama tujuh hari, dan kelompok C diberi asam mefenamat 23,25 mg/tikus/hari dan susu kental manis 0,8 ml/tikus/hari secara bersamaan selama tujuh hari. Semua tikus diterminasi pada hari ke-8. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus wistar berupa infiltrat sel-sel radang yang lebih sedikit serta sel-sel regenerasi yang lebih aktif dan banyak pada kelompok C jika dibandingkan dengan yang terlihat pada kelompok B. Simpulan: Gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus wistar yang diinduksi asam mefenamat dan diberi susu kental manis menunjukkan tanda-tanda gastritis akut yang lebih ringan dan regenerasi sel yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan yang terlihat pada lambung tikus wistar yang diinduksi asam mefenamat tetapi tidak diberi susu kental manis. Kata kunci: Susu Kental Manis, Gastritis Akut, Histopatologik

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