Development of microscopic systems for high-speed dual-excitation ratiometric Ca2+ imaging

2008 ◽  
Vol 36 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 43-52 ◽  
Takashi Fukano ◽  
Satoshi Shimozono ◽  
Atsushi Miyawaki
E.D. Wolf

Most microelectronics devices and circuits operate faster, consume less power, execute more functions and cost less per circuit function when the feature-sizes internal to the devices and circuits are made smaller. This is part of the stimulus for the Very High-Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC) program. There is also a need for smaller, more sensitive sensors in a wide range of disciplines that includes electrochemistry, neurophysiology and ultra-high pressure solid state research. There is often fundamental new science (and sometimes new technology) to be revealed (and used) when a basic parameter such as size is extended to new dimensions, as is evident at the two extremes of smallness and largeness, high energy particle physics and cosmology, respectively. However, there is also a very important intermediate domain of size that spans from the diameter of a small cluster of atoms up to near one micrometer which may also have just as profound effects on society as “big” physics.

N. Yoshimura ◽  
K. Shirota ◽  
T. Etoh

One of the most important requirements for a high-performance EM, especially an analytical EM using a fine beam probe, is to prevent specimen contamination by providing a clean high vacuum in the vicinity of the specimen. However, in almost all commercial EMs, the pressure in the vicinity of the specimen under observation is usually more than ten times higher than the pressure measured at the punping line. The EM column inevitably requires the use of greased Viton O-rings for fine movement, and specimens and films need to be exchanged frequently and several attachments may also be exchanged. For these reasons, a high speed pumping system, as well as a clean vacuum system, is now required. A newly developed electron microscope, the JEM-100CX features clean high vacuum in the vicinity of the specimen, realized by the use of a CASCADE type diffusion pump system which has been essentially improved over its predeces- sorD employed on the JEM-100C.

William Krakow

In the past few years on-line digital television frame store devices coupled to computers have been employed to attempt to measure the microscope parameters of defocus and astigmatism. The ultimate goal of such tasks is to fully adjust the operating parameters of the microscope and obtain an optimum image for viewing in terms of its information content. The initial approach to this problem, for high resolution TEM imaging, was to obtain the power spectrum from the Fourier transform of an image, find the contrast transfer function oscillation maxima, and subsequently correct the image. This technique requires a fast computer, a direct memory access device and even an array processor to accomplish these tasks on limited size arrays in a few seconds per image. It is not clear that the power spectrum could be used for more than defocus correction since the correction of astigmatism is a formidable problem of pattern recognition.

C. O. Jung ◽  
S. J. Krause ◽  
S.R. Wilson

Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) structures have excellent potential for future use in radiation hardened and high speed integrated circuits. For device fabrication in SOI material a high quality superficial Si layer above a buried oxide layer is required. Recently, Celler et al. reported that post-implantation annealing of oxygen implanted SOI at very high temperatures would eliminate virtually all defects and precipiates in the superficial Si layer. In this work we are reporting on the effect of three different post implantation annealing cycles on the structure of oxygen implanted SOI samples which were implanted under the same conditions.

Z. Liliental-Weber ◽  
C. Nelson ◽  
R. Ludeke ◽  
R. Gronsky ◽  
J. Washburn

The properties of metal/semiconductor interfaces have received considerable attention over the past few years, and the Al/GaAs system is of special interest because of its potential use in high-speed logic integrated optics, and microwave applications. For such materials a detailed knowledge of the geometric and electronic structure of the interface is fundamental to an understanding of the electrical properties of the contact. It is well known that the properties of Schottky contacts are established within a few atomic layers of the deposited metal. Therefore surface contamination can play a significant role. A method for fabricating contamination-free interfaces is absolutely necessary for reproducible properties, and molecularbeam epitaxy (MBE) offers such advantages for in-situ metal deposition under UHV conditions

Brian Cross

A relatively new entry, in the field of microscopy, is the Scanning X-Ray Fluorescence Microscope (SXRFM). Using this type of instrument (e.g. Kevex Omicron X-ray Microprobe), one can obtain multiple elemental x-ray images, from the analysis of materials which show heterogeneity. The SXRFM obtains images by collimating an x-ray beam (e.g. 100 μm diameter), and then scanning the sample with a high-speed x-y stage. To speed up the image acquisition, data is acquired "on-the-fly" by slew-scanning the stage along the x-axis, like a TV or SEM scan. To reduce the overhead from "fly-back," the images can be acquired by bi-directional scanning of the x-axis. This results in very little overhead with the re-positioning of the sample stage. The image acquisition rate is dominated by the x-ray acquisition rate. Therefore, the total x-ray image acquisition rate, using the SXRFM, is very comparable to an SEM. Although the x-ray spatial resolution of the SXRFM is worse than an SEM (say 100 vs. 2 μm), there are several other advantages.

J. E. Johnson

In the early years of biological electron microscopy, scientists had their hands full attempting to describe the cellular microcosm that was suddenly before them on the fluorescent screen. Mitochondria, Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum, and other myriad organelles were being examined, micrographed, and documented in the literature. A major problem of that early period was the development of methods to cut sections thin enough to study under the electron beam. A microtome designed in 1943 moved the specimen toward a rotary “Cyclone” knife revolving at 12,500 RPM, or 1000 times as fast as an ordinary microtome. It was claimed that no embedding medium was necessary or that soft embedding media could be used. Collecting the sections thus cut sounded a little precarious: “The 0.1 micron sections cut with the high speed knife fly out at a tangent and are dispersed in the air. They may be collected... on... screens held near the knife“.

N. David Theodore ◽  
Donald Y.C Lie ◽  
J. H. Song ◽  
Peter Crozier

SiGe is being extensively investigated for use in heterojunction bipolar-transistors (HBT) and high-speed integrated circuits. The material offers adjustable bandgaps, improved carrier mobilities over Si homostructures, and compatibility with Si-based integrated-circuit manufacturing. SiGe HBT performance can be improved by increasing the base-doping or by widening the base link-region by ion implantation. A problem that arises however is that implantation can enhance strain-relaxation of SiGe/Si.Furthermore, once misfit or threading dislocations result, the defects can give rise to recombination-generation in depletion regions of semiconductor devices. It is of relevance therefore to study the damage and anneal behavior of implanted SiGe layers. The present study investigates the microstructural behavior of phosphorus implanted pseudomorphic metastable Si0.88Ge0.12 films on silicon, exposed to various anneals.Metastable pseudomorphic Si0.88Ge0.12 films were grown ~265 nm thick on a silicon wafer by molecular-beam epitaxy. Pieces of this wafer were then implanted at room temperature with 100 keV phosphorus ions to a dose of 1.5×1015 cm-2.

Robert W. Mackin

This paper presents two advances towards the automated three-dimensional (3-D) analysis of thick and heavily-overlapped regions in cytological preparations such as cervical/vaginal smears. First, a high speed 3-D brightfield microscope has been developed, allowing the acquisition of image data at speeds approaching 30 optical slices per second. Second, algorithms have been developed to detect and segment nuclei in spite of the extremely high image variability and low contrast typical of such regions. The analysis of such regions is inherently a 3-D problem that cannot be solved reliably with conventional 2-D imaging and image analysis methods.High-Speed 3-D imaging of the specimen is accomplished by moving the specimen axially relative to the objective lens of a standard microscope (Zeiss) at a speed of 30 steps per second, where the stepsize is adjustable from 0.2 - 5μm. The specimen is mounted on a computer-controlled, piezoelectric microstage (Burleigh PZS-100, 68/μm displacement). At each step, an optical slice is acquired using a CCD camera (SONY XC-11/71 IP, Dalsa CA-D1-0256, and CA-D2-0512 have been used) connected to a 4-node array processor system based on the Intel i860 chip.

Marc H. Peeters ◽  
Max T. Otten

Over the past decades, the combination of energy-dispersive analysis of X-rays and scanning electron microscopy has proved to be a powerful tool for fast and reliable elemental characterization of a large variety of specimens. The technique has evolved rapidly from a purely qualitative characterization method to a reliable quantitative way of analysis. In the last 5 years, an increasing need for automation is observed, whereby energy-dispersive analysers control the beam and stage movement of the scanning electron microscope in order to collect digital X-ray images and perform unattended point analysis over multiple locations.The Philips High-speed Analysis of X-rays system (PHAX-Scan) makes use of the high performance dual-processor structure of the EDAX PV9900 analyser and the databus structure of the Philips series 500 scanning electron microscope to provide a highly automated, user-friendly and extremely fast microanalysis system. The software that runs on the hardware described above was specifically designed to provide the ultimate attainable speed on the system.

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