scholarly journals Business sustainability management in the current scientific and technical climate

2020 ◽  
Vol 208 ◽  
pp. 03034
S.Yu. Ilyin ◽  
O.V. Krasnyanskaya ◽  
I.V. Shatskaya ◽  
O.N. Beketova

The article presents the indicators of managing modern business sustainability, based on the relevant innovative factor of its conduct at the current stage of management evolution. The choice of indicators is based on the postulates of the school of management science, which are most significantly manifested in the system of economic relations, including the commercial sector of the economy, and, accordingly, such resulting and factor indicators as changes in income and expenses, direct (direct) and indirect - a given (indirect) ratio of income and profit to process costs for the development, implementation, and application of innovations by entrepreneurs for the implementation of commercial projects. These relationships between changes in income and expenses were plotted through a combination of their various types (additive, multiplicative, multiple), which help to identify the degree of influence of each factor indicator (element of process costs) on the resulting indicators and take measures to maximize the result and minimize such costs using the computational-constructive method in its interaction with individual elements of mathematical analysis. The material is useful for entrepreneurs regardless of their commercial interests and organizational mechanism of economic management, for educational and scientific institutions and their students in economic and management programs, specialties, and profiles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 208 ◽  
pp. 03061
S.Yu. Ilyin ◽  
O.V. Krasnyanskaya ◽  
O.B. Gaiman ◽  
A.A. Sigankov ◽  
A.V. Bykova

The article is devoted to the author’s approach to the formation of management indicators of market sustainability of modern business. The approach is focused on the classical understanding of the market mechanism, which has its own patterns at the current stage of management development, characterized by the high importance of social and ethical marketing, a set of technological costs in the field of production, sales, product promotion and beneficial impact to all community groups. In the course of the study, the resulting and factor indicators were considered: change in income and expenses, direct and indirect ratio of income and profit to process costs for production, sales of products, expenses for corporate social responsibility (strengthening of social well-being as a result of ongoing business activities). These relation-ships between changes in income and expenses were plotted through a combination of their various types (additive, multiplicative, multiple), which help to identify the degree of influence of each factor indicator (element of process costs for marketing activities) on the resulting indicators and take measures to maximize the result and minimize such costs using the computational-constructive method in its interaction with individual elements of mathematical analysis. The material is useful for entrepreneurs of all spheres and branches of activity, people employed in educational and scientific institutions, specializing in economic and management re-search and disciplines, and their students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11/3 (-) ◽  
pp. 37-40
Liubov HANAS ◽  

Introduction. The current stage of functioning of domestic business structures shows the exacerbation of the deficit of different types of resources for their activities. Today the solvency of a large number of businesses is particularly critical. In such circumstances, there is a need to find progressive and effective management tools and technologies that will provide comprehensive, accurate and timely information about the cash state of the enterprises in order to make adequate management decisions. In view of all the above, it can be argued that the diagnosis of cash flows of the enterprise is a necessary component of management in modern business conditions. The purpose of the paper is to develop a unified and logically sound sequence of diagnosing cash flows of the enterprise. Results. The results of the conducted research allowed to offer a unified sequence of diagnosing cash flows at the enterprise, which is based on the following stages: formation of information base for diagnosing cash flows; determining cash flows by type; estimating cash flows based on calculating indicators of uniformity, synchronicity, balance, liquidity, sufficiency; monitoring the diagnosis of cash flows and finding possible causes of deficiencies; development of recommendations to eliminate the shortcomings of diagnosing cash flows of the enterprise. It has been established that a number of principles should be taken into account when selecting diagnostic indicators, namely: purposefulness, dynamism, complexity, representativeness, efficiency, functionality, avoidance of mutual exclusion, interconnection. The main sources of information for diagnosing cash flows of the enterprise are various forms of financial and management statements, accounts, agreements and more. Conclusions. The main advantages of the developed sequence of diagnosing cash flows at the enterprise is that it allows to evaluate the most representative indicators that determine the uniformity, synchronicity, balance, liquidity, cash flow adequacy and more. Based on the calculations, you can diagnose the state of cash flows and, if necessary, develop effective measures to eliminate identified discrepancies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 50 (Special) ◽  
Nagoev & et al.

 The article discusses the distribution of financial resources with a preference   for land assets and production of deep processed products with the highest added value, which simultaneously increases the incomes of producers and improves government revenues by increasing tax receipts. It is noted that the progressive development of agriculture depends on the technical modernization of the industry, which also requires investment. Therefore, it is necessary to subsidize the modernization and reconstruction of fixed assets - granaries, greenhouses. Potential profit, which will become an important component of investment, can give a boost to the investment activity. An analysis was carried out on the conceptual foundations of building economic relations in modern agricultural production. The conditions for the agricultural development have been assessed, and critical insights on mechanisms for implementing state and regional target programs have been provided. In terms of a systemic approach to the State economic management, the economic processes should be considered as a system of financial relations that interacts with other systems. In this regard, the paper presents a model that reflects the conceptual framework for managing financial flows. This model provides an overview of managing economic processes, and may take into account many elements and factors.

Oleh Bulka

The article is devoted to the particularity of Canada-Mexico bilateral relations in the period from their beginning to signing and entry into force the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It is noted that from the time of first contacts bilateral relations between two countries have developed unevenly with periods of increase and periods of decline. It is determined that in the history of Canada-Mexico relations before signing NAFTA can be identified four main periods. The first one is a period of early contacts that lasted from the end of XIX century to the establishment of the official diplomatic relations between Canada and Mexico in 1944. In this period of time ties between the two countries were extremely weak. The second period lasted from 1944 to the end of the 1960s. This period clearly shows the limits of cooperation between Canada and Mexico after the establishment of the official diplomatic ties, but it is also possible to see a certain coincidence between the values and diplomatic strategies of these countries. The third period of Canada-Mexico relations lasted from the beginning of the 1970s to the end of the 1980s. During this period, both Canada and Mexico try to diversify their foreign policy and strengthen the organizational mechanism of mutual cooperation. But it is also shown that despite the warm political rhetoric, there was some distance in Canada-Mexico relations. The fourth period of the relations lasted from the late 1980s until the NAFTA treaty came into force in 1994. At that time Canadian and Mexican governments began to give priority to economic relations over political and diplomatic ones. It was revealed that the main influencing factors of bilateral relations between Mexico and Canada were the impact of third countries, especially the United Kingdom and the United States, regional and global economic conditions, and the attitude to the bilateral relations of the political elites of both countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (10) ◽  
pp. 97-105
S. A. Filin ◽  
K. A. Kholoptseva ◽  

The purpose of the article is to propose a recommendation on the formation of a business model effective in modern conditions. Methods of system and factor analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, grouping, study and synthesis of information and assessment were applied. The essence and content of modern business models were analyzed from the point of view of achieving the commercial success of the organization, including using the example of Tinkoff JSC. It was concluded that the success of the organization at the current stage of business development depends on the development and implementation of new products and processes in the production and management of the organization. In the field of management, this idea is manifested in different forms of organizing business processes, for example, in business groups, business models.

О. О. Томілін

У статті здійснено системний аналіз сучасного стану міжгалузевих економічних відносин у системі агропромислового виробництва, розкрито специфіку формування та розвитку міжгалузевих економічних зв’язків в аграрній сфері економіки та їх вплив на структурну політику агропромислового виробництва, обґрунтовано основні чинники системного утворення міжгалузевих економічних відносин у агропромисловому виробництві. Структурна політика розглядається як багатопланове та багаторівневе поняття, яке відображає співвідношення різних взаємопов’язаних і взаємообумовлених елементів економічних систем. Зроблено висновок щодо основних механізмів коригування структурної політики: реалізацію комплексних цільових програм, вільне ціноутворення, конкуренцію, нагромадження та перелив капіталу з однієї галузі в іншу. Визначено, що основними цілями структурно-організаційного інструменту регулювання є: митно-тарифні; соціально-психологічні; ринково-ціноутворюючі; фінансово-кредитні; інноваційно-інвестиційні. The article carried out a systematic analysis of the current state of interbranch economic relations in the agroindustrial production; it shows the specific formation and development of interbranch economic relations in the agricultural economy and its impact on structural policies of agroindustrial production; it substantiated the main factors of the formation of interbranch system of economic relations in agroindustrial production. Structural policy is considered as multifaceted concept, which reflects the ratio of different interrelated and interdependent elements of economic systems. The author drew a conclusion about the basic mechanisms of structural adjustment policies, the implementation of integrated programs, free pricing, competition, accumulation and flow of capital from one branch to another. It is determined that the main objectives of structural and organizational tools of regulation are customs tariff, social and psychological, market pricing, finance and credit, innovation and investment. The main problems of economic development of Ukraine which cause activation of restructuring the national economy are structural deformation in the fields of agroindustrial production, ineffective level of modern production technologies, inefficiency interbranch relations of agricultural industries, weak economic management mechanism for all sectors of agroindustrial production.

Valentyna Antonenko ◽  
Olena Sukhina ◽  
Olha Popova ◽  
Yana Diakova ◽  

Objective: to investigate the problem of greening economic relations in the management of economic processes to determine the essential content of this category, to outline the main problems and identify existing obstacles to its greening of economic relations in the management of economic processes, as well as to try to develop an economic management mechanism. on the financial interests of the participants involved in the processes related to the use of natural resources. Method. The research led to the use of methods of scientific knowledge: formal logic, analysis and synthesis, systems approach, theoretical generalization, causation, scientific assumption, comparison, expert research methods. Results. The study showed that in defining the essence of the category of "greening" in scientific circles has not yet formed a single approach; scientists hold different views on this. It is established that quite a few of them understand the issues of integration of ecological and economic aspects of greening. The article defends the position on the need for such an integration combination. The interaction and relationships of participants in the process of greening, which the authors include society as a whole, the state and enterprises that use natural resources in their economic activities. The inclusion of economic incentives in the mechanism of environmental management, which is based on the economic interests of these entities, is justified. The main legislative acts regulating economic relations in the management system of economic processes taking into account the requirements of environmental nature are analyzed, a comparative analysis of the main provisions and identified imperfections of institutional tools for greening economic relations in the management system of economic processes in Ukraine. The author's definition of the concept of "greening" as a complex phenomenon formed on the basis of a combination of systems of processes and measures for the effective from the standpoint of economic and environmental criteria for the use of natural resources. The order of combination of economic interests in the system of greening of management of economic processes is specified. Scientific novelty. The essence of greening is defined as a system of processes and measures for the management and use of natural resources that meet the criteria of efficiency and savings, requirements for reducing the destructive impact on society and the environment, and are based on economic interests of all economic actors participation in the implementation of these processes and measures. The interaction of these economic entities is studied and the necessity of reforming the fiscal levers of influence on the users of natural resources is substantiated. Practical significance. The study proved the need to clarify the content of economic relations in management processes and increase the environmental and economic efficiency of the interests of business entities in modern conditions. The presented scheme creates preconditions for development of the effective mechanism of restoration of natural resource potential and increase of efficiency of managing. Key words: greening, natural resources, nature management, economic interests, management, integration, stimulation.

Iveta Ubrežiová ◽  
Oksana Sokil ◽  
Mária Janošková

This chapter identifies the most effective measures of corporate social responsibility pillars that prompt the CSR implementation as an innovative tool for modern business. Differences between the respondents' education level and the level of their awareness with the concept of CSR are researched. Primary data were collected by conducting the survey in 2019; statistical analysis of data was performed using software SAS: analytics, business intelligence, and data management. The results showed that research and development in the field of environmental protection, development of qualification, skills of employees and conducting a systematic stakeholders' survey about the company's activities are the most effective measures to improve innovation through CSR. The research found that the level of education affects the level of knowledge about CSR, and the job title of the respondents has no effect on the level of CSR concept awareness. The study also provides significant recommendations for improving the level of CSR implementation that can be used by all kinds of business.

Valery L. Sysoev

Attention is focused on issues related to the study of the post-reform evolution of the state peasantry. The views of historians of different periods on the nature of the socio-economic development of the former state peasants in the late 19th – early 20th centuries are analyzed. It is argued that the stated problems have been relatively little studied, due to insufficient representation in the sources. As a result, the chronological framework of almost all category studies is limited to the 60s–70s of the 19th century. It is noted that the early works are characterized by a predominantly economic agenda with a subsequent shift to socio-political issues. On the whole, Soviet historians agreed on the initial economic superiority of the state village and the more dynamic nature of social processes among state peasants. However, these advantages could not be realized in the socio-economic relations that developed at that time and taking into account the nature of the state agrarian policy. The current stage is marked by an increase in interest in the state village, against the background of the expansion of the conceptual and methodological scientific arsenal. The number of works based on regional materials has noticeably increased. Analysis of these works allows us to conclude that the main attention of researchers is focused on economic aspects; social aspects are studied less and are predominantly general in nature.

10.12737/2407 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 54-57
Миргеева ◽  
V. Mirgeeva

The fear expresses, that norms of morals and morals in modern cjnditions of the Russian society as a whole? And the business world in particular, are strongly dim. The concept “intelligence” not in a fashion and its disappearance looks today as natural process. The question on necessity of increase of business culture of the manager – manager rises, lack or which absence sooner or later will be wrapped up by economic losses, and further – crisis. Difficult to consider an ethics role in the sphere of the economic relations because of their nature based on utilitarian interest which absence inevitably results in stagnation, degradation of economy and as a result to fall of a standard of living of the population. Economy operate not only economic laws. It is impossible to ignore a human factor that means impossibility of an exception of freedom of a moral choice from economic processes. Therefore, the moral principles too are economic factor since rules of the free market are based that people adhere to the general moral and ethical reference points in the course of labor activity.

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