scholarly journals Trends of Development of Higher Education in Generations Theory in Digital Global Economy

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 01154
Irina Savelyeva ◽  
Oksana Falchenko ◽  
Victor Kovalev ◽  
Olga Pliusnina

The article studies the tendencies of the development of higher education in the era of the digital global economy on the basis of the interdisciplinary approach. A method of critical analysis is used to promote the disclosure of contradictions between the trends in the development of the digital global economy and the state of higher education at the present stage, as well as the method of interpretation that allows us to come closer to understanding the tasks that the higher education system must solve through studying the characteristics of the current generation of students. An interpretation of the features of the modern educational process in the era of digital economy through the prism of the theory of generations (The Strauss-Howe Generational Theory) is given. The problem of search for actual models of higher education is investigated, and the necessity of finding ways of adapting higher education to the global challenges of modernity in the situation of reducing the influence of traditional teaching technologies on the younger generation is proved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 22-27
N. G. Bondarenko ◽  

The growing availability of modern mobile smartphones and tablet computers is leading to an increase in the volume of content users consumed, including educational content. The development of mobile technologies opens up many opportunities for learning in higher education institutions. However, the use of mobile learning in student training should not be a spontaneous process, it is necessary to create pedagogically substantiate approaches and training methods. This article analyzes and interprets the results of existing research in pedagogy regarding the didactic potential of mobile learning in higher education system. A classification of didactic properties and functions of mobile learning is developed and proposed. The main didactic properties of mobile learning include: by the didactic feature of mobile learning — ten properties; by the technological feature of mobile learning — eleven properties. The main didactic functions of mobile learning are: by the didactic feature of mobile learning — eleven functions; by the technological feature of mobile learning — five functions. The didactic potential of mobile learning, due to its inherent didactic properties and functions, makes the educational process more effective, as well as contributes to the guaranteed achievement of students’ educational goals and planned learning outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (195) ◽  
pp. 18-22
Hanna Karas ◽  

The article is devoted to the use of interdisciplinarity as an innovative approach in the educational process of art institutions of higher education on the example of studying the discipline «Evolution of artistic styles in art» included in educational master's programs. This discipline is based on the theory and practice of professional development of a teacher-musician, who provides the Master of Arts education process, shapes their professional development necessary for their future musical and pedagogical creativity, skills, and pedagogical culture. The content of the discipline consists of the introduction of artistic styles’ scientific and theoretical fundamentals to the future specialists. The objectives of the course are 1) the theoretical generalization of the historical experience of the evolution of artistic styles, 2) acquaintance with the best examples of artistic culture, representing different styles and directions, 3) mastering complex problems of stylistic analysis. The aim of the course is the establishment of a strategy for a professional growth as part of the vocational training of masters in the following educational areas «Secondary education. Musical Art» and «Musical Art»; mastering the scientific and theoretical foundations of the artistic styles’ analysis as a formative student course of the music and pedagogical education in higher education. The interdisciplinary approach can be implemented in two main formats. A. Kolot believes that with the help of the first format he builds bridges between different sciences, brings them together on an informal basis without violating their individuality and uniqueness. In this format, the discipline «Evolution of artistic styles in art» «builds bridges» with such disciplines as: philosophy, history, foreign languages, general psychology, culturology, sociology, art culture, aesthetics. In the second format, interdisciplinarity is presented as a real tool for unifying sciences, and the emergence of integrative products. In this format the course «Evolution of Artistic Styles in Art» involves an organic combination of such disciplines as history and theory of music, theater, ballet, art history, philosophy, art culture and literature, analysis of musical form, choral class, music psychology, and others. Therefore, we propose to define the student course «Evolution of artistic styles in art» as a complex, interdisciplinary field of knowledge and consider the application of an interdisciplinary approach in the practice of a teacher of artistic institutions.

2013 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-83 ◽  
Elita Jermolajeva ◽  
Ludmila Aleksejeva

Abstract The accumulation of knowledge and its use have become important factors that promote economic development as they contribute to a countryís competitiveness in the global economy. The basic significance of research is obtained by defining new approaches in the organisation, function and efficiency of the higher education system (HES) by emphasising its qualitative aspects. The aim of the article is to describe the influence of education reform on economic competitiveness, paying a special attention to analysing and evaluating international experiences from an interdisciplinary perspective, including economics, pedagogy, etc. Quantitative indicators are used to characterise specific features of the HES and the interaction of this system in the overall context of state development. Some aspects of the Latvian HES are also analysed. The economic activity of inhabitants often directly depends on their level of education. In order to reorganise the Latvian HES and increase its competitiveness and efficiency, thus ensuring quality and availability, the Latvian education system must define a middle-term (4ñ5 years) and long-term (10ñ15 years) development plan that is coordinated with national economic development.

2021 ◽  
Tat'yana Dmitrenko

The textbook is devoted to the consideration of modern technologies of teaching foreign languages in the conditions of updating language education in higher education. The article presents modern innovative technologies of teaching foreign languages that contribute to the intensification of the educational process and the activation of educational activities in foreign language classes. It is recommended for students studying for a master's degree — future specialists in the field of intercultural communications.

Yu. V. Popelo ◽  

The aim of our work was to highlight the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in the study of pediatric surgical dentistry. The introduction of the Standard of Higher Education in Specialty 221 “Dentistry” Field of Knowledge 22 “Health Care” for the second (master’s) level of higher education has allowed us to revise and improve a number of provisions regarding the study of pediatric surgical dentistry. First of all, the updated educational-professional program 221- “Dentistry” outlines the list of competencies and learning outcomes in the discipline “Pediatric Surgical Dentistry” and clearly defines the prerequisites on which the study of pediatric surgical dentistry is based. In the study of pediatric surgical dentistry, namely issues related to inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area, attention should be paid to the etiology and pathogenesis of acute and chronic inflammatory odontogenic processes directly in the age aspect. At the same time, it is important to emphasize the need for preventive dental measures, timely therapeutic intervention, especially during the eruption of permanent teeth and urgent radical treatment to prevent complications. In addition, an important component in the study of this topic are issues related to the age of the formation of organs and systems of the child, the tendency to hyperergic reactions and generalization of the inflammatory process, the factor of minimal anti-inflammatory potential. The presented methodological approach in terms of practical application of interdisciplinary links in the study of pediatric surgical dentistry, according to our observations allowed to increase the level of knowledge within the professional competence of students with a score of “5” from 20% in IV year to 68% V year. Thus, the list of components of the educational process analyzed in this paper creates a promising direction for further improvement of teaching methods at the Department of Pediatric Surgical Dentistry.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (7) ◽  
pp. 34
Olga A. Masalova ◽  
Makka I. Dolakova ◽  
Marina A Mefodeva ◽  
Adelya Sattarova

This article is devoted to the problem of correlation of the higher education system of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of professional standards. The relevance of this problem is due to a radical change in approaches to personnel Museum policy and in the profile system of higher education. The most controversial issue in this study is the fragmentary implementation of professional standards in the field of Museum business and the dependence of the educational process on them. The article reveals the problems of determining the qualification requirements for a number of Museum professions, and assessing the possibility of their solution at the level of the education system. The main method of research is the method of comparative analysis, which allowed to determine the content load of the definitions used and to correlate professional and educational standards in the study area. The materials of the article can be useful for the formation of working curricula in the field of museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage.

О. Быкова ◽  
O. Bykova ◽  
М. Мартынова ◽  
M. Martynova ◽  
В. Сиромаха ◽  

Different aspects of modern education are considered in the article. The subject of the analysis are the processes of changing the Russian higher education system associated with Russia’s accession to the Bologna Declaration, which, in particular, led to the emergence of new requirements for university teachers. Against the background of active processes of integration with foreign-language education systems, the discrepancy of many Russian teachers with the new conditions of the educational process becomes obvious: ignorance of foreign languages (English, first of all), lagging behind the informatization of education, mismatch with the principles of humanization and humanitarization of the learning process, differentiation of education. The article raises the question of the need to increase the psychological, pedagogical, computer and economic literacy of university professors. Authoritative opinions of Russian and foreign experts on the prospects of the educational sphere are given. Attention is drawn to the need to follow the best traditions of domestic education, based on the unity of education and upbringing. The article talks about the important role of studying the native language and literature both in the school and in the university course of study. The urgency of the outstripping nature of education is emphasized, which, in the opinion of the authors of the article, is an important factor in the country’s forward movement.

2021 ◽  
pp. 160-169
Алсу Рауфовна Камалеева

Когнитивные теории обучения являются наиболее признанными в современной отечественной дидактике. Они выступают в качестве психолого-педагогического обоснования дидактических систем, реализующих ценности познания и развития познавательных способностей человека, когда образовательный процесс ведется с опорой на непосредственный опыт обучающихся, его расширение в ходе поисковой, исследовательской деятельности, активного освоения мира. В качестве предпосылок развития когнитивной дидактики в контексте развития личности в эпоху цифровизации образования предлагаются следующие позиции: необходимость учета направлений трансформации системы высшего образования: целей образования, форм обучения, методов обучения, средств управления; направленность на решение генеральной цели преобразования образовательного процесса на современном этапе развития высшего образования – на генерацию знаний; использование закономерностей функционирования и формирования механизмов познания обучающихся в процессе реализации системообразующей цели когнитивной дидактики – эффективной когнитивной организации человека; генерирование знаний в условиях перехода к конструированию целостных жизненно-педагогических ситуаций в рамках ситуационного подхода как теоретико-методологической стратегии, ориентированной на решение задач познания; использование когнитивного инструментария в процессе реализации ситуационно-событийного механизма становления личностных структур познания обучающихся в рамках образовательной деятельности студента. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that cognitive learning theories are the most recognized in modern domestic didactics. They act as a psychological and pedagogical substantiation of didactic systems that implement the values of cognition and the development of students’ cognitive abilities, when training is based on the direct experience of students, its expansion in the course of search, research, active development of the world. The following positions are proposed as prerequisites for the development of cognitive didactics in the context of personality development in the era of digitalization of education: the need to take into account the directions of transformation of the higher education system: educational goals, forms of education, teaching methods, management tools; focus on solving the general goal of transforming the educational process at the present stage of development of higher education – on the generation of knowledge; the use of the regularities of functioning and the formation of mechanisms of cognition of students in the process of realizing the systemforming goal of cognitive didactics – the effective cognitive organization of a person; generation of professionally oriented knowledge in the context of the transition to the construction of holistic life-pedagogical situations within the framework of the situational approach as a theoretical and methodological strategy focused on solving cognitive problems; the use of cognitive tools in the process of implementing the situational-event mechanism of the formation of the personality structures of students’ cognition within the framework of the student’s educational activity.

V.G. Kostenkova

The article is devoted to the study of the problem of fundamental changes in the organization of the higher education system in connection with the transition to the fourth technological order, which is accompanied by the formation and development of digital technologies, the effective use of which presupposes that an employee has a system of modern knowledge and competencies. In these conditions, we can talk about the formation of the economy of knowledge. Only in this case an innovative version of the development of the national economy of Russia becomes a real. The article discusses various points of view on the qualitative and quantitative changes in the system of higher education in the era of the digital economy. The modern higher education system is the result of the classical industrial era, when mass standardization was considered the most important criterion for success. Traditional formal education was essentially a copy of the generally accepted model of factory production. The education model was designed in such a way that learners were passive recipients of information. The basic values of this system of higher education were control, standardization, compliance with generally accepted standards. However, this option has exhausted the possibilities of its development. It is noted that the digital transformation of the learning process should create conditions for the effective use of the latest technologies for the transition to a personalized and result-oriented educational process. In relation to Russia, this means the development of material infrastructure, the introduction of digital programs, the development of online learning, the development of new management systems for universities and learning processes.

Е.Ю. Гирфанова

Актуальность статьи обусловлена тем, что в современных условиях конкурентной среды работодатели становятся центром потребления выпускников высших учебных заведений. Однако на протяжении последних десятилетий система высшего образования не соответствует запросам своей целевой аудитории – социума и рынка труда. Рынок труда на сегодняшний день невозможно прогнозировать, наше общество все еще находится на этапе реформирования и часто социально-экономическая сфера страдает от несистемных трансформаций. Из-за увеличения информационного потока, глобализации и цифровизации происходят качественные изменения на рынке труда, перевес специалистов одних направлений подготовки при колоссальном дефиците других. Выпускники остаются невостребованными после получения диплома. Безусловно, те специалисты, которые уже имеют высшее образование, встают на траекторию постоянного обучения, но имеющиеся проблемы формируют гигантский провал между сторонами одной системы – вузом, работодателями и самими выпускниками. Часто работодатели проявляют излишне высокие требования к выпускникам. Компетенции будущих финансовых менеджеров формируются иногда без учета потребности в реальном секторе. Потребители системы высшего образования остаются не удовлетворены качеством выпускников, производители не имеют связи со сферой рынка труда для обеспечения нужными компетенциями. Кадровая политика большинства российских организаций ориентирована в основном на достижение текущих результатов, а не на перспективное развитие; вузы же должны строить свой учебный процесс на перспективу, готовя специалистов с ориентацией на опережающий спрос на рабочую силу. Возникает разрыв между двумя системами, которые должны работать в прочной связке. Отсутствует государственное регулирование прямой и обратной связи между рынком образовательных услуг и запросами работодателей. Поэтому данные виды коллаборации необходимо продумывать самим вузам либо работодателям. Автором проведено исследование работодателей, выявившее основные формы и показатели коллаборации вузовской системы и работодателей. Определены уровень потенциальной вовлеченности в систему сотрудничества с работодателями, возможные варианты и направления совместной деятельности в области набора студентов, организации практики и формирования компетенций для повышения эффективности. Статья предназначена для руководителей образовательных организаций, преподавателей, работодателей. Today employers are the center of consumption for university graduates. But over the past decades, the higher education system has discrepancy for its target audience - society and the labor market. It is impossible to predict the progress of labor market, our society is still at the stage of reforming. The socio-economic sphere suffers from non-systemic transformations. Qualitative changes are taking place in the labor market, the preponderance of specialists in some areas of training, while there is a colossal shortage of other specialists. Graduates remain unclaimed after graduation. Graduates are embarking on a continuous learning trajectory, but problems create a gap between the parties of the same system - the university, employers and graduates. Often employers show excessively high demands on graduates. The competencies of future financial managers are building up without taking into account the need for the real sector. Consumers of the higher education system remain dissatisfied with the quality of graduates, manufacturers have no connection with the labor market to provide the necessary competencies. The personnel policy of most Russian organizations is focused mainly on achieving current results without long-term development. Universities should build their educational process for the future based on labor`s demands. There is a gap between the two systems, which must work in a strong bond. There is no government regulation of direct and feedback between the educational services market and employers' requests. Therefore, universities should make collaborations with employers by themselves. The author conducted a study of employers, which revealed the main forms and indicators of collaboration between the university system and employers. The level of potential involvement in the system of cooperation with employers, possible options and directions of joint activities in the field of student recruitment, organization of practice and the formation of competencies to improve efficiency have been determined. The article is intended for heads of educational organizations, teachers, employers.

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