scholarly journals Additional education of children as an innovative resource for the development of regional educational potential

2021 ◽  
Vol 98 ◽  
pp. 03015
Oksana Pavlova ◽  
Irina Ivanova ◽  
Natalya Chirkova ◽  
Yelena Buslayeva ◽  
Irina Burlakova

The article describes the Russian experience of building a system of additional education. It is shown that this experience is consistent with world educational practices and has unique features. These features are shown on the example of the Kaluga Region (space-oriented education, support for children’s giftedness, and career guidance to the benefit of the region). Additional education of children in Russia is considered a unique educational system. The article presents the global experience of individual-oriented educational practice aimed at forming human capital. The authors use statistical data reflecting the work of additional education of children in the region in the context of the Kaluga Region. The novelty of the research is due to the reflective and axiological approach to the organization of pedagogical support of teenagers’ self-development in the context of additional education of children as a key element in the formation of human capital. This approach represents a special type of pedagogical interaction. The goal of pedagogical support is searching for their life purpose and implementing the found meanings in the “project of their own life”. The article defines the regularities on which the authors’ approach is based (a humanistic type of interaction between the teacher and adolescents as accompanist partners; eventfulness of the educational process, which is scoped to the boundaries of the child’s life activity in general; building a space for knowing one’s selfhood and its implementation by a teenager), as well as basic principles (actualization of reflection, and value attitude of children to their life activity). Pedagogical support of adolescents, based on the ideas of the reflective and value approach, contributes to the development of human capital.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (12) ◽  
pp. 134-143
L. V. Ovsienko ◽  
I. V. Zimina

In the 21st century, human capital has become the most important factor for the development of society. Human capital contributes to enhancing the position of Russia in global economy. Nowadays, education is an investment which provides the scale and quality of the economic growth, the prosperity of the country and every person in particular. Unfortunately, the formal educational potential of the Russian population is not used to its full. Therefore, the role of universities in our country is reconsidered; they are becoming the drivers of the growth in the economy and regional centers of innovations. At the same time, apart from education and science, the universities are responsible for the third social mission, a global trend with local characteristics. Having a huge intellectual potential, the University is able to influence individual regional processes. The authors consider the generation of relevant ideas for the development of continuing education as the most important and unique mission of higher education to shape the future of each child, create conditions for self-development of the individual, its career tracks that ensure continuity, identification and support of giftedness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 408-419
N. Smirnova ◽  
I. Aleksandrova

The article deals with one of the directions of educational practice — practice-oriented training. In the implementation of practice-oriented training in modern education can help institutions of additional education, because they have a high adaptation to changes in society, quickly respond to individual educational and other needs of children, and most importantly, unlike regulated school education, offer the freedom to choose programs, directions of training, education and development. New requirements for the organization of the educational process in the system of additional education was a prerequisite for the development of a model of formation of universal educational actions on the basis of Children’s Ecological and Biological Center of Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai. When creating the model, we took into account that the educational activity of the Children’s Ecological and Biological Center is based on a system-activity approach, which will ensure: the formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education, design and construction of the social environment of students in the education system, active educational and cognitive activity of students, construction of the educational process taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students. The proposed model can be implemented in all institutions of additional education of natural Sciences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (118) ◽  
pp. 37-47
Mikhail I. Rozhkov ◽  
Irina V. Ivanova ◽  

Following the methodology of existential pedagogy, we believe that a person's upbringing should proceed, first of all, from his understanding of freedom, a desire to become what he represents himself, therefore, the most important component of the process of upbringing a free person is the pedagogical support of his self-development. The article reveals the pedagogical possibilities of additional education for children in the formation of a self-developing personality of a child, shows the conditions for creating a subject-oriented educational environment, which consists in ensuring the possibility of developing and implementing an interesting self-development project for students, eventfulness of the educational process, ensuring the formation of a need for self-development through the creation of problem situations associated with the need to overcome, purposeful and systematic use in the educational process of methods and techniques aimed at the formation of moral value orientations. The conditions are disclosed on the example of describing some aspects of the educational activities of the Galaktika Children's and Youth Center for Space Education in the city of Kaluga, the Constellation Center for the Development of Children and Youth Creativity in the city of Kaluga and the Regional Ecological and Biological Center of Students. The article proposes the author's methodology «My ideal», aimed at studying the image of «I-ideal» adolescents aged 11 to 14 years, developed in the context of a reflexive-value approach to pedagogical support of self-development of adolescents in additional education. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the experience of pedagogical support for self-development of adolescents in the system of additional education (on the example of the city of Kaluga), which showed that educational practices of the development of value-semantic and reflexive-regulatory spheres of a teenager's personality have been accumulated in institutions today. Along with this, it is necessary to systematically and technologically approach the implementation of pedagogical support for self-development of adolescents in additional education, aimed at forming the readiness of pupils for existential choice, independent creation and responsible implementation of the project of their own life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 89-90 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 116-126
Svyatoslav Olenev ◽  
Konstantin Skvortsov ◽  
Zhang Ying ◽  

The article deals with modern problems of improving educational work with modern Russian teenagers and young people who are experiencing negative effects of the consequences of long-term social instability and the loss of social guidelines for spiritual and moral development. The purpose of the article is to determine the current and modern directions of educational work with adolescents and young people. Research methods are analysis of sources, analysis and generalization of modern practical experience of pedagogical and socio-pedagogical activities, including the experience of the authors themselves. The authors identify the main characteristic features of modern socio-cultural problems of education of adolescents and young people, causing the need to change the strategy of educational activities. These problems are rooted in the absence of a coherent national idea supported by society, without which the constructive theses of the "Fundamentals of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025" are poorly integrated into educational practice. The authors prove the significance of the problem of social and civic passivity, the lack of psychological and pedagogical support for personal self-determination in society, spontaneous cultural practices of adolescents and young people, and the decrease in their motivation for socially significant goals, priorities of professional and personal growth. The article determines significance of shifting existing decisions and initiatives about the career guidance into a practice-oriented, rather than formal. The authors provide some factual information about the insufficiently high level of communicative culture of many teachers, which hinders effective educational work with adolescents and youth, often causing conflicts and provoking a nihilistic attitude of adolescents and youth to the directed educational process. The authors prove the need to abandon the formal attitude of the pedagogical community to educational work, the importance of correcting the priorities of education, applying new ideological incentives, creating a system of psychological and pedagogical support for self-determination and strengthening the aesthetic education of adolescents and young people. The authors render the need to create a fundamentally new psychovaleological direction of educational work with adolescents and young people in the pedagogical process of educational institutions and in a broad socio-pedagogical context.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Irina Ivanova

Changes in the social and educational situation in the country actualized the development of subject-oriented models of pedagogical support for students, the search for effective ways to solve the aggravated problem of creating conditions for students' self-development. In modern school curricula, as well as in the system of additional education, there are practically no special classes on the construction and implementation of self-development projects by adolescents. The article proposes a model of pedagogical support for the self-development of adolescents in additional education, methodologically based on a reflective-value approach developed in the framework of the scientific school of M.I. Rozhkov, and technology-based on the development by adolescents of individual routes of self-development. The presented model can be considered as a pedagogical product and an educational resource that allows to solve a whole range of problems, based on the personal and social needs of both adolescents themselves and society as a whole. The implementation of the presented model involves the alignment of the educational process in further education with a focus on the self-development of students, while support is considered as a process of pedagogical interaction between teachers and students. Acknowledgments: The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-013-00616.

Ирина Иванова ◽  
Irina Ivanova

The article is devoted to the study of the essence of pedagogical support for self-development of an individual as an independent scientific category, comparison of its morphology with other methods of interaction between teachers and pupils that are close by nature (upbringing, pedagogical support). Attention is focused on the fact that the history of pedagogical thought and educational practice, using the term "pedagogical support of children's self-development," mostly resorts to demonstrating the accumulated pedagogical experience of implementing various educational approaches in conditions of additional education, extra-curricular activity, children's camps and profile shifts, that gives grounds to conclude that additional education is an environment that is optimal for the implementation of the ideas of pedagogical training of the self-development of the maturing personality. The results of empirical study of the problem are presented.

2020 ◽  
pp. 130-144
Mikhail Sergeevich Averkov ◽  
Pavel Pavlovich Glukhov ◽  
Aleksander Anatolievich Popov ◽  

Problem and relevance. The urban system of additional education can objectively be a key factor in the formation of human potential among students of a particular city. But to do this, it is necessary to define specific didactic forms and management models that organize educational activities in the logic of increasing human capital. The purpose of the article: to determine the content-didactic and management tools, in which the sphere of additional education in a modern Russian city will become a factor in the development of human capital and potential. Methodology: application of the key provisions of the cultural and historical approach (L. S. Vygotsky, B. D. Elkonin) and the system–based approach (G. P. Shchedrovitsky, P. G. Shchedrovitsky, Yu. V. Gromyko) to the construction of a model of additional city education as a tool for the development of human capital and potential. Research result: – the mechanisms of influence of the general socio-cultural system of the city on the sphere of additional education are determined; – identified those components of the urban socio-cultural environment that are formed by the sphere of additional education; – content-didactic and managerial tools are described, due to which the urban sphere of additional education becomes a tool for the development of human potential. Conclusion: in order for the urban system of additional education to become a factor of human capital and potential development, it is necessary to use students ‘ solution of open educational tasks in an open situation and forms of independent construction of life strategies as content–didactic tools. As management tools, it is necessary to implement systems of multi–position network interaction of participants in the educational process, competitive selection of educational programs, events and platforms for the development of relevant pedagogical competencies among participants in the educational process.

2021 ◽  
pp. 236-245
Максим Владимирович Буланов ◽  
Анастасия Николаевна Россинская ◽  
Екатерина Андреевна Асонова

Понятия «городская среда», «городской объект», «городской ресурс» традиционно рассматриваются такими науками, как урбанистика, экономика, социология и другими, однако развитие новых направлений в образовании включает их и в педагогические исследования, в частности в области образовательной урбанистики. Возникает необходимость обозначить возможности рассмотреть эти понятия с точки зрения их образовательного потенциала и определить их место в современном образовании. С этой целью проведен обзор источников и сформулированы подходы к определению ключевых терминов образовательной урбанистики. Понятие «среда» определяется обычно двояко: как совокупность физических условий и как окружение человека. Интерпретируя этот подход в образовательном контексте, второе значение может трактоваться как совокупность деятельностных практик горожан, в том числе и образовательных. Городская образовательная среда представляет собой систему из трех уровней: макроуровня, мезоуровня и микроуровня. Наиболее интересны для изучения образовательного потенциала мезо- и микроуровни. В градостроительстве городские объекты как элементы городской среды классифицируются по функциям, принадлежности, оператору. Эти признаки определяют программируемость объекта с точки зрения его образовательного потенциала для горожан. Городской объект становится образовательным, если горожанин наделяет его образовательной ценностью, используя для своих формальных, неформальных и информальных образовательных практик. Образовательная ресурсность определяется не только ресурсами самого объекта, но и ресурсами человека, его использующего. Проводниками к открытию образовательной ресурсности города и организаторами городских образовательных практик могут стать педагоги, владеющие компетенциями городского учителя. Определены понятия «городской образовательный объект», который становится таковым, когда горожанин использует его образовательный потенциал, и «городская образовательная практика» как формула, соединяющая городской объект, образовательные потребности горожанина, методы использования образовательного потенциала городского объекта и непосредственная образовательная деятельность во взаимодействии с объектом. Опираясь на эти формулировки, можно приступать к разработке подходов к включению городской среды в учебный процесс, охватывая оценку образовательного потенциала городской среды. The notions “urban environment”, “urban object”, “urban resource” are traditionally discussed by such sciences as urban studies, economics, sociology and others, but the development of new directions in education also includes them in pedagogical research, in particular in the field of educational urban studies. There is a need to identify opportunities to consider these concepts in terms of their educational potential and to determine their place in modern education. To do this, let us review the sources and formulate approaches to the definition of key terms of educational urban studies. The concept “environment” is usually defined in two ways – as a set of physical conditions and as a human environment. Interpreting this approach in an educational context, the second meaning can be interpreted as a set of citizens’ activity practices, including educational ones. The urban educational environment is a system of three levels: macro-level, mesolevel and micro-level. The meso- and micro-levels are the most interesting for the study of educational potential. In urban planning, urban objects as elements of the urban environment are classified by function, affiliation, and operator. These features determine the programmability of the object in terms of its educational potential for citizens. An urban object becomes educational only if a citizen endows it with educational value, using it for their formal, non-formal, and informal educational practices. Educational resourcefulness is determined not only by resources of the object itself, but also by resources of a person using it. Educators possessing the competences of an urban teacher can become guides to discovering educational resourcefulness of a city and organizers of urban educational practices. The notions of an urban educational object, which becomes such when a city resident uses its educational potential, and the urban educational practice as a formula connecting an urban object, educational needs of a city resident, methods of using the educational potential of an urban object and direct educational activity in the interaction with the object were defined. Based on these formulations, we can begin to develop approaches to the inclusion of urban environment in the educational process, including an assessment of the educational potential of the urban environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (27) ◽  
pp. 311-318
Tatiana Serebryakova ◽  
Aleksandr Smirnov ◽  
Lydia Semenova ◽  
Natalya Fomina

The article reflects the results of the implementation of a theoretical and experimental approach to understanding the role of additional education in the professional development of university students. Considering additional education as an element of the continuing education system, we believe that it is the activation of the development of additional education programs for university students, as well as the creation of conditions for effective implementation in the educational process, that will allow us to realize the main task of further education, as defined in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, - education of a creative person, ready for self-development and self-determination. At the same time, the study we organized showed that only a little more than 50% of the students who took part in our study are positively oriented towards receiving additional education. In order to stimulate students' interest in obtaining additional education, including, within the framework of optimizing their professional development, we propose to focus on “immersing” students in research activities.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-37
������� ◽  
Irina Ivanova

Due to the modernization of education system, one of the most important task of educational organizations is to assist in the process of human selfactualization and self-development. According to the Federal state brand-new educational standard , to the �Law on Education in Russia�, and to the national educational initiative �Our new school�, the emphasis in educational practice is gradually shifts towards support for the formation of the personality of the individual, of his capacity for self-realization. As one of the conditions that can provide self-development of students in modern-term educational practice supports extracurricular activities, which today has a special role in the development and education of the younger generation. According to information on launch of FSES of primary education, extracurricular activities should be understood as educational activities carried out in the forms of non-class-lesson, and aimed at achieving the expected results of development of the basic educational program of primary education. The article presents the author´s vision of constructing models, that is to support self-development of students in extracurricular activities in the development of the FSES of primary general education in rural schools. The model is based on the principles of flexibility, variability, individualization, creative interaction of all participants of the educational process, and is to pay attention on individual characteristics of students and accept the regional features of educational environment of rural schools. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the structural components of the model, the conditions of its realization in educational practice. The structural model consists of three units: methodical, informational and psycho-pedagogical, their implementation relies are based on the adequate mechanisms for psychological and pedagogical support of students (active basis of claims for recognition of motifs in the hierarchical subordination ,domination of moral norms , the motive of self-acceptance and the desire for self-development, prevention and correction of negative psychological formations. An important aspect of the model is to provide the author´s technology-monitoring measurements of the results of its operations on each structural unit (methodical, psychological and pedagogical, informational). The proposed model of self-support of students in extracurricular activities in the development of the FSES of primary general education in rural schools, can be widely used in the regional educational practice in the context of the organization of extracurricular activities of younger students. Currently testing model is performed on the basis of rural schools of Yukhnovskiy area of the Kaluga region. The study is conducted with the financial support of the Government of RHF and the Kaluga region, the project �14-16-40007 a (r).

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