Recruitment and Reform in the East India Company Army, 1760-1800

1975 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-111 ◽  
Arthur N. Gilbert

During the second half of the eighteenth century, the role of the East India Company was significantly altered. In the early part of the century, the main thrust of Company activity was commercial, but this began to change as the French challenged British interests in India and conditions on the sub-continent demanded political and military involvement. Lucy Sutherland has summed up these changes succinctly:The new period was to see a network of English control spread over the neighboring Indian territories and an expansion of territorial power which the whole history of the Company in India made inevitable but which, thanks to the clash with the French and the spectacular exploits of Clive and his colleagues, came more suddenly than anyone could have expected. The Company had long had experience of the problems of government as well as those of administration of commerce; but now (except in the rising China trade) it was those of the government which began to prevail.

2020 ◽  
pp. 133-140
Mirzaqu Norqobilov

This article analyzes the socio-philosophical and logical aspects of sophistic thinking in the work of the thinker Saduddin Taftazani “Sharh al-Aka’id”, who defned knowledge as the essence of human life. Sophistic interpretations of various sociological considerations that have arisen in the context of the history of Islamic philosophy are described from a scientifc point of view. All the information presented in the article is covered based on comparative historical, logical methods, the attitude of representatives of the philosophy of the new period to the sophistic and scientifc approaches is theoretically analyzed. This study, which analyzes the scientifc signifcance of sophistic thinking for time and space, conducts a historical and philosophical study of the appearance of this term in the region, its objective and subjective reasons. From an ontological point of view, the article examines the attitude of Islamic philosophy, in particular theology, to certain sociophilosophical issues arising based on sophisticated views. Also, scientifc solutions to the problems of everyday life, the social signifcance of sophistry in space, and time are philosophically analyzed. Based on the epistemological knowledge of the scientist Saduddin Taftazani, the following are stated: the reasons and factors for the penetration of the subject of philosophy into the Arab regions, as well as the philosophical and historical attitude to the features associated with the role of individuals in this process. In the fnal part of the article, based on dialectical views, the importance of the spiritual heritage, which has arisen based on the Islamic phenomenon, is explained in ensuring social harmony between peoples and nations. In particular, the theoretical and methodological foundations of the factors that serve to ensure social balance in society have been investigated, as opposed to the unsubstantiated notions of perverted trends that arose in the process of the Islamization of the regions. This article cites quotes from the frst edition of Sharh alAqaid al-Nasafya, published in Arabic in 2009 by Maktabat ul-bushro publishing house in the state of Pakistan, Karachi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-137
Yohannes Tesfaye Getachew

Abstract Koshe town is the administrative and commercial center of Mareko woreda.1 It is found in Gurage Zone Southern Nation Nationalities and Peoples Regional State. According to the tradition the origin of the name “Koshe” is originated from the plant which called by the name Koshe which abundantly grow in the area. The establishment of Koshe town is directly associated with the five years Italian occupation. Due to the expansion of patriotic movement in the area Italian officials of the area forced to establish additional camp in the area in a particular place Koshe. This paper explores the role of Fascist Italy for the establishment of Koshe town. The former weekly market shifted its location and established around the Italian camp. Following the evacuation of Fascist Italy the Ethiopian governments control the area. During the government of Emperor Haile Selassie Koshe town got some important developmental programs. The most important development was the opening of the first school by the effort of the Swedes.2 The Military regime (Derg)3 also provided important inputs for the urbanization of Koshe town. This research paper observes the development works that flourish in Koshe during the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie and the Military regime, and also asses the role of different organizations for the urbanization of Koshe town.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Refik Turan

In this study carried out to put forward the general characteristics of the history education system implemented in Turkmenistan during the USSR period and the changes made in the history education system after Turkmenistan had declared its independence, the screening model and document review methods were benefited from. As result of the studies carried out on the curriculums and textbooks, it was understood that, as in other republics during the USSR period, there were two kinds of history classes in Turkmenistan being the General History and the History of USRR, and intense political-ideological guidance and various forms of the misuse of history were present in the curriculums and textbooks used during this period. In this period when topics related to the Turkmen history were only present in the scope of the USSR History and were so limited, many historical facts, primarily the Russian occupation of Turkmenistan, were distorted. After Turkmenistan had declared its independence on 27 October 1991, it implemented policies with the aim to get rid of the cultural and ideological influence of the USSR and build the national identity of the Turkmen nation. In this period, the History of Turkmenistan course began to be taught instead of the History of the USSR, and the course of the General History taught in the period of the USSR was taught by reorganising its content and weekly class hours. In this period when the ideological approach present in the history education in the USSR period was given up, the national history education was prioritised and it was attempted to pay regard to nationality-universality, knowledge-skill and value balances in the history education. Despite all these changes, it can be said that the understanding of the homeland history in the new period which took the geographical borders of the USSR period as a basis, historical periodization and the weight of the cult of personality continued to a certain extent in textbooks.   ÖzetTürkmenistan’da SSCB döneminde uygulanan tarih öğretim sisteminin genel özellikleri ile Türkmenistan’ın bağımsızlığını ilan etmesinden sonra tarih öğretim sisteminde gerçekleştirilen değişiklikleri ortaya koymak amacıyla gerçekleştirilen bu araştırmada  tarama modeli ve doküman incelemesi yöntemlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Öğretim programları ve ders kitapları üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar sonucu SSCB döneminde diğer cumhuriyetlerde olduğu gibi Türkmenistan’da da Umumi Tarih ve SSCB Tarihi isimleriyle iki çeşit tarih dersi okutulduğu, bu dönemde kullanılan öğretim programı ve ders kitaplarında yoğun siyasi-ideolojik yönlendirmelerin ve çeşitli tarihin kötüye kullanım biçimlerinin mevcut olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Türkmen tarihiyle ilgili konulara ancak SSCB Tarihi dersi kapsamında ve çok sınırlı olarak yer verilen bu dönemde başta Rusya’nın Türkmenistan’ı işgali konusu olmak üzere birçok tarihsel gerçeklik çarpıtılmıştır. Türkmenistan’ın 27 Ekim 1991 tarihinde bağımsızlığını ilan etmesinden sonra SSCB’nin kültürel ve ideolojik etkisinden kurtulmaya ve Türkmen ulusal kimliği inşa etmeye yönelik politikalar uygulamıştır. Bu dönemde SSCB Tarihi dersi kaldırılarak yerine Türkmenistan Tarihi dersi okutulmaya başlanmış, SSCB döneminde okutulan Umumi Tarih dersinin de içerikleri ve haftalık ders saati miktarları yeniden düzenlenerek okutulmuştur. SSCB döneminin tarih öğretimine olan ideolojik yaklaşımından vazgeçilen bu dönemde ulusal tarihin öğretimi ön plana alınmış ve tarih öğretiminde ulusallık-evrensellik, bilgi-beceri ve değer dengeleri gözetilmeye çalışılmıştır. Tüm bu değişikliklere rağmen yeni dönemde SSCB döneminin coğrafi sınırları temel alan vatan tarihi anlayışı, tarihsel dönemselleştirme ve ders kitaplarındaki kişi kültü ağırlığının belli ölçülerde devam ettiği söylenebilir.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-151
Risma Widiawati

Bone Regency as part of South Sulawesi is a very interesting area to discuss. This area is not only part of the history of South Sulawesi, but also a historical flow of South Sulawesi. the existence of nobles who are so attached to the joints of the lives of the people of Bone is still interesting to be examined to this day. Based on this, the article aims to reveal the role of Bone nobility in the swapraja government system to the regency (1950 - 1960). The political development of the government during this period was seen as sufficiently influencing the political dynamics of the government in Bone Regency which continued even today. The method used is the method of historical research with four stages, namely, heuristics, criticism (history), interpretation, and presentation (historiography). The results of the study show that after the transition from swapraja to regency, the role of nobility is still very calculated. But it is no longer like in the period before the transition, where the government was ruled by the king / aristocracy. At this time the level of intelligence is also taken into account. Apart from the fact that the structure of the government is indeed different because the process of appointing head of government is also different. But in general the role of nobility after the transition was not much different, where there were still many nobles holding power. ABSTRAK Kabupaten Bone sebagai bahagian dari Sulawesi Selatan merupakan suatu daerah yang sangat menarik untuk dibicarakan. Daerah ini bukan saja merupakan bagian dari sejarah Sulawesi Selatan, tetapi juga merupakan arus sejarah Sulawesi Selatan. keberadaan bangsawan yang begitu melekat di dalam sendi kehidupan masyarakat Bone masih menarik untuk ditelisik sampai hari ini. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan tentang peranan bangsawan Bone dalam sistem pemerintahan swapraja ke kabupaten (1950 – 1960). Perkembangan politik dari pemerintahan selama periode ini dipandang cukup mempengaruhi dinamika politik dari pemerintahan di Kabupaten Bone yang berlangsung bahkan sampai sekarang. Metode yang digunakan adalah adalah metode penelitian sejarah dengan empat tahapan yaitu, heuristik, kritik (sejarah), intrepretasi, dan penyajian (historiografi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah peralihan dari swapraja ke kabupaten, peranan bangsawan masih sangat diperhitungkan. Namun tidak lagi seperti pada masa sebelum peralihan, di mana pemerintahan dikuasai oleh raja/aristokrasi. Pada masa ini tingkat kecerdasan juga diperhitungkan. Selain karena struktur pemerintahannya memang berbeda juga karena proses pengangkatan kepala pemerintahan juga berbeda. Namun secara umum peran bangsawan setelah masa peralihan tidak jauh berbeda, di mana masih banyak bangsawan yang memegang kekuasaan.

2020 ◽  
pp. 13-42
Radhika Singha

This chapter assesses the key role of the non-combatant or follower ranks in the history of sub-imperial drives exerted across the land and sea frontiers of India. The reliance of the War Office upon combatant and non-combatant detachments from the Indian Army, used in combination with units of the British Army, left an imprint upon the first consolidated Indian Army Act of 1911. From 1914 the inter-regional contests of the Government of India for territory and influence, such as those running along the Arabian frontiers of the Ottoman empire, folded into global war. Nevertheless the despatch of an Indian Expeditionary Force to Europe in August 1914 disrupted raced imaginaries of the world order. The second less publicized exercise was the sending of Indian Labor Corps and of humble horse and mule drivers to France in 1917-18. The colour bar imposed by the Dominions on Indian settlers had begun to complicate the utilisation of Indian labor and Indian troops on behalf of empire. Over 1919-21, as global conflict segued back into imperial militarism, a strong critique emerged in India against the unilateral deployment of Indian troops and military labor, on fiscal grounds, in protest against their use to suppress political life in India and to condemn the international order which their use sustained.

1966 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-114 ◽  
William O. Aydelotte

It has never been established how far, in the early Victorian House of Commons, voting on issues followed party lines. It might in general seem plausible to assume — what political oratory generally contrives to suggest — that there are ideological disagreements between parties and that it makes a difference which of two major opposing parties is in control of the Government. This is, indeed, the line taken by some students of politics. A number of historians and political observers have, however, inclined to the contrary opinion and have, for various reasons, tended to play down the role of issues in party disputes. Much of what has been written on political history and, in particular, on the history of Parliament has had a distinct anti-ideological flavor.One line of argument is that issues on which disagreement exists are not always party questions. Robert Trelford McKenzie begins his study of British parties by pointing out that Parliament just before 1830 was “divided on a great issue of principle, namely Catholic emancipation,” and just after 1830, on another, parliamentary reform. He continues: “But on neither issue was there a clear division along strict party lines.” The distinguished administration of Sir Robert Peel in the 1840s was based, according to Norman Gash, on a party “deeply divided both on policy and personalities.” The other side of the House at that time is usually thought to have been even more disunited. It has even been suggested that, in the confused politics of the mid-nineteenth century, the wordsconservativeandradicaleach meant so many different things that they cannot be defined in terms of programs and objectives and that these polarities may more usefully be considered in terms of tempers and approaches.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 691-708
Harry Walter ◽  
Valerij M. Mokienko ◽  

The article offers a review on the history of Slavic studies at St. Petersburg and Greifswald universities from the era of Peter the Great to present day. The role of Professor Lyudmila Verbitskaya is highlighted who always actively supported the activities of the Department of Slavic Philology (for example, she approved the initiative to create a department of Ukrainian studies in the early 2000s). Thanks Verbitskaya, St. Petersburg University was historically recognized as the first university in Russia founded by Peter the Great in 1724, which was proven by archival materials stored in Greifswald. Peter the Great, in the assembly hall of the University of Greifswald in September 1712, at a meeting of the Academic Council received a proposal from the President of the German Academy of Sciences Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz on the establishment of a university in St. Petersburg with a European status. The status of the first university was officially recognized by a decree of the Government of the Russian Fed- eration in 1999 when the 275th anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg State University was celebrated. As the Rector of St. Petersburg University, Verbitskaya in 2006 concluded an inter-university agreement with the Rector of the University of Greifswald Professor Jürgen Kohler. Slavic scholars and professors from St. Petersburg and Greifswald Universities collaborate closely. One of the active pedagogical and scientific areas of such cooperation is Slavic studies, which have long combined the efforts of Russian and German philologists.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Kamil Mamak ◽  
Katarzyna Julia Kowalska ◽  
Ewelina Milan ◽  
Paweł Klimek Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski

This paper was written by four lecturers, who are employed at different universities located in Poland's two largest Cities: Warsaw and Cracow. Two of these universities are financed by the government and the other two are financed from students' fees. Our paper critically examines the history of clinical legal education in Poland. It also assesses the economic, legal and social background to the differences and similarities between clinical legal education and legal practice. Furthermore, the paper explains how learning outcomes have led to law clinics becoming a pedagogical and professional treasure trove for individual clinical students and the wider law faculty. The results of this research will demonstrate the invaluable role of learning outcomes to clinical education and professional development. Therefore, the paper will suggest that the methodology of clinical legal education can be employed as a model for Polish higher education.

Akhmadjon Kholikulov ◽  
Ozodbek Nematovich Nematov ◽  

Information on political relations between the government of the Emirate of Bukhara and the principalities of the Kashkadarya oasis in the early XIX-XX centuries is reflected in the works of local historians and Russian tourists, diplomats, the military. Local historians such as Muhammad Mirolim Bukhari, Muhammad Siddiq, Mirzo Abdulazim Somi, Mushrif Bukhari, Ahmad Donish, Mirzo Salimbek, who lived and worked during this period, were government officials and dedicated their works to the reigns of the Mangit emirs.

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