scholarly journals The effect of Etlingera elatior J. flower on the pulmo histology of white rat (Rattus novergicus L.) after cigarette smoke exposure

2021 ◽  
Vol 948 (1) ◽  
pp. 012057
F Hasri ◽  
K Manalu ◽  
E P S Tambunan ◽  

Abstract Cigarette smoking is one of health issues that mainly harmed the lung due to its free radicals. Kecombrang (Etlingera elatior J.) is a medicinal plant known to have a high amount of antioxidant. This study aims to determine the effect of antioxidant in Etlingera elatior J. flower on the improvement of pulmonary histology of male white rats (Rattus novergicus L.) as the secondhand smoke (cigarette exposure). This research was conducted by experimental method with ethanol extract of Etlingera elatior J. flower and pulmonary organ of white male rats as the test materials. There were 25 white male rats that divided into 5 groups (Positive Control, Negative Control, P1: 30 mg/Kg, P2:60 mg/Kg, and P3:90 mg/Kg). The results were statistically analyzed using One Way ANOVA test and Duncan’s test. The results showed a decreased amount of damage at P1, P2 and P3 groups. The statistical analysis showed that Etlingera elatior J. flower extract had a significant effect (p <0.05) on the histological improvement in each group. Group P2 shows the lowest rate of damage that it can be concluded the most effective dose in repairing the damage to rat pulmonary histology due to exposure of cigarette smoke.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 239-251
Joni Tandi ◽  
Rizaldy Lalu ◽  
Magfirah ◽  
Yunlis Silintowe Kenta ◽  
Ronaldy Nobertson

This study aims to determine the type of secondary metabolite compounds in red betel leaf ethanol extract, the potential of red betel leaf ethanol extract on blood glucose, creatinine, and urea levels of male white rats induced by streptozotocin. This study used 30 white male rats which were divided into 6 groups: normal control, negative control, positive control, the dose of 150, 250, and 350 mg/kg BW. The showed that results ethanol extract of red betel leaves contained alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, saponins, and tannins. Ethanol extract of red betel leaf at a dose of 150 mg /kg BW is an effective dose in reducing levels glucose blood with an average value of decreased blood glucose levels of 238.25 mg/dL, and has an effect on creatinine and ureum, with an average dose of 350 mg/kg BW with a mean creatinine level of 0.64 mg/dL and mean ureum of 39.68 mg/dL. Keywords: Creatinine, ureum, red betel leaf, streptozotocin

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 595
Anissa Sedu ◽  
Edwin De Queljoe ◽  
Julianri Sari Lebang

ABSTRACTStarfruit leaves (Averrhoa Bilimbi L) is a plant that contains tannins and flavonoids. In accordance with previous research it was stated that tannins and flavonoids have antiperetic activity. This study aims to determine whether the ethanol extract of starfruit leaves has an antiperetic effect in wistar male rats (Rattus Norvegicus L) induced by the DPT vaccine. This study used 15 test animals and devided into 5 grops consisting of negative control (cmc 1%), positive control (paracetamol) and the test dose group namely the administration of starfruit leaves extract 3,6 mg/200 grams BW, 7,2 mg/200 grams BW and 14,4 mg/200 grams BW. Each mouse was induced with DPT vaccine doses of 0,2 ml intramuscularly. Temperature measurements were made taken before induction, 2 hours after induction and every 30 minutes for 3 hours. The results showed a decrease in temperature in the 60th minute of starfruit leaves 3,6 mg/200 grams BW, 7,2 mg/200 grams BW and 14,4 mg/200 grams BW. The data obtained were analyzed using one-way ANOVA test and LSD test. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the ethanol extract of starfruit leaves 3,6 m, 7,2 mg and 14,4 mg has antiperetic activity in male white rats. Keywords : Averrhoa bilimbi L,Antiperetic,Rattus novergicus L,Vaksin DPTABSTRAK Daun belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.)  adalah salah satu tanaman yang mengandung zat tanin dan flavonoid. Berdasarkan penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa tanin dan flavonoid mempunyai aktivitas antipiretik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ekstrak etanol daun belimbing wuluh memiliki efek sebagai antipiretik pada tikus putih jantan (Rattus norvegicus L.) yang di induksikan vaksin DPT. Penelitian ini menggunakan hewan uji sebanyak 15 ekor dan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok yang terdiri dari kontrol negatif (CMC 1%),  kontrol positif (parasetamol) dan kelompok dosis uji yaitu pemberian ekstrak daun Belimbing wuluh 3,6 mg/200 gram BB, 7,2 mg/200 gram BB, dan 14,4 mg/200 gram  BB. Tiap  tikus diinduksi dengan vaksin DPT sebanyak 0,2 ml secara intramuskular. Pengukuran suhu dilakukan sebelum induksi, 2 jam setelah pemberian induksi dan setiap 30 menit selama 3 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi penuruan suhu pada menit yang ke 60 ekstrak etanol daun belimbing wuluh 3,6 mg/200 gram BB, 7,2 mg/200 gram BB, dan 14,4 mg/200 gram BB.  Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji ANOVA satu arah dan uji LSD dapat menurunkan suhu rektal tikus. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa menggunakan ANOVA. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun belimbing wuluh 3,6 mg, 7,2 mg, dan 14,4 mg mempunyai aktivitas antipiretik pada tikus putih jantan.  Kata Kunci :  Averrhoa bilimbi L., Antipiretik, Rattus norvegicus L,  Vaksin DPT

2016 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 234
Anna Lewi Santoso

This study aims to analyze histological alveolar macrophage cell number and width of pulmonary alveolar space white male rats given ethanol extract of mangosteen peel and then exposed to cigarette smoke. Smoking can reduce antioxidant and increases free radicals, so it is recommended increasing the antioxidants found in many mangosteen rind. This research was an experimental laboratory using the randomized post test-only control group design. White rats male were chosen randomly into 5 groups (K1, K2, P1, P2, P3). K1 (control-), only the Na-CMC 0.5%, K2 (control+) given Na-CMC 0.5% solution and smoke, P1, P2, P3 given the ethanol extract of mangosteen rind (50, 100, and 200mg/kg wt) and smoke. The data were tested normality and homogenity. Then they were analyzed with one-way Anova, LSD. Data that are not normally tested with Robust tests – (Brown-Forsythe) and Tamhane’s. Correlation test with Pearson and Spearman. Robust test results, the number of alveolar macrophages, value p=0.000 (p<a). Tamhane’s test results K1 significant with P1, P2, P3. P1 significant with P3. Spearman correlation test negative correlation between dose and the number of alveolar macrophage also negative correlation between dose and pulmonary alveolar space. Anova test results, the average variable width of the alveolar spaces, value p=0.000 (p<a). LSD test results are significant differences between the groups, except the group P1 to P2, P3 and P2 to P3. Conclusions of this study is the ethanol extract of mangosteen peel can reduce the number of alveolar macrophage cells and reduce the width of pulmonary alveolar space white male rats were exposed to cigarette smoke.

2020 ◽  
pp. 68-73
Yuni Asri Mulatsih Agami ◽  
Eka Wisnu Kusuma

Kasus penyakit hati semakin meningkat seiring penggunaan senyawa hepatotoksin salah satunya karena penggunaan parasetamol dengan dosis berlebih. Hal tersebut dapat meningkatkan produksi radikal bebas sehingga memicu terjadinya stress oksidatif yang dapat menimbulkan kerusakan jaringan yang ditandai dengan peningkatan kadar Malondialdehyde (MDA). Stress oksidatif dapat diatasi dengan antioksidan dari berbagai tanaman. Kulit kayu manis memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dengan nilai IC50 53ppm dan daun pandan wangi 39,7%  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun pandan wangi dan kayu manis dalam menurunkan kadar MDA. tikus yang diinduksi parasetamol. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimental, dilakukan selama 9 hari dengan 30 ekor tikus jantan dibagi menjadi 6 Kelompok, yaitu: Normal diberi aquadest, Kontrol Positif diberi silimarin 100 mg/kgBB, Kontrol Negatif diberi CMC-Na 0,05%, serta 3 kelompok lainnya diberi kombinasi ekstrak daun pandan wangi:kayu manis berturut-turut dosis I (25:75), dosis II (50:50), dosis III (75:25). Semua kelompok diinduksi parasetamol 2,5 g/kgBB pada hari ke-7  setelah 30 menit perlakuan, kecuali kelompok normal. Pada hari ke 9 dilakukan pengukuran kadar MDA dengan metode TBARs menggunakan spektrofotometri. Pemberian kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun pandan wangi dan kayu manis dapat menurunkan kadar MDA dengan kombinasi dosis yang paling optimal adalah 75:25 berdasarkan statistik dengan nilai signifikan 0,000<0,05 dibandingkan dengan kelompok negatif.    Cases of liver disease have increased with the use of hepatotoxin compounds, one of which is due to the use of paracetamol with excessive doses. This can increase the production of free radicals so that it triggers oxidative stress which can cause tissue damage which is characterized by increased levels of Malondialdehyde (MDA). Oxidative stress can be overcome with antioxidants from various plants. Cinnamomum burmanii has antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 53ppm and Pandanus amarrylifolius 39.7%. This study aims to determine the combined activity of ethanol extract of Pandanus amarrylifolius and Cinnamomum burmanii  in reducing MDA levels. Paracetamol-induced rats. Research using experimental methods, conducted for 9 days with 30 male rats divided into 6 groups, namely: Normal given aquadest, Positive Control were given silimarin 100 mg / kgBB, Negative Control was given CMC-Na 0.05%, and 3 other groups were given a combination of Pandanus amarrylifolius extract: Cinnamomum burmanii dose I (25:75), dose II (50:50), dose III (75:25). All groups induced paracetamol 2.5 g / kgBB on the 7th day after 30 minutes of treatment, except the normal group. On the 9th day MDA levels were measured using the TBARs method using spectrophotometry. Giving a combination of Pandanus amarrylifolius and Cinnamomum burmanii ethanol extract can reduce MDA levels with the most optimal dose combination is 75:25 based on statistics with a significant value of 0,000<0.05 compared with the negative group.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 36
Alvyan Lantang Anugrah ◽  
Hana Eliyani ◽  
Budi Utomo ◽  
Suherni Susilowati ◽  
Maslichah Mafruchati ◽  

The aim of this research was to know whether beetroot (Beta Vulgaris) extract could protect spermatogenesis by maintaining spermatogenic and sertoli cell count  in rats (Rattus novergicus) induced with CCl4. Rats were given beetroot extract daily, for 14 days and 3ml/kg BW CCl4 intraperitoneally one hour after last treatment. This study used twenty rats which were devided equally into 5 groups. K(-), the negative control group was not induced with CCL4 and only given 1% CMC-Na suspension. K(+), the positive control group was induced with CCl­4 and given 1% CMC-Na suspension. P1, P2 and P3 were given beet root extract with doses of 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg BW daily before feeding. All of the beetroot treatment were given orally (2 ml). After 24 hours CCl4 induction, rats were sacrificed and testis were collected to make histology slides. The observations showed significantly different (p<0,05) in all of variables. Result showed significant differences in spermatogenic and sertoli cells between K(-) and K(+) groups, K(+) with P2 and P3 group, and showed insignificant difference between P2 and P3 group in spermatogenic and sertoli cells. The result of this research showed that beetroot extract could protect the spermatogenic and sertoli cells in male rats induced with CCl4.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Viani Anggi ◽  
Joni Tandi ◽  
Veronika Veronika

This study aims to determine the content of flavonoid and the effect of ethanol extract of moringa seeds on the regeneration of pancreatic β cells in male white rats streptozotocin induced diabetes. This study method used has total flavonoid equivalent quercetin by spectrophotometry uv-vis and to regeneration of pancreatic β cells in male white rats used 30 test animals,namely male white rats divided into 6 groups, each group consisted of 5 male white rats with details of group I as normal control, Group II as negative control given 0.5% Na-CMC suspension, Group III as positive control given glibenclamide suspension and in Groups IV, V, and VI were given with each dose of 100 mg/kg BW, 200 mg/kg BW and 400 mg/kg BB. Histopathological damage picture of the pancreas was observed by staining HE using a 400x magnification olympus Cx21 microscope. The results showed that the ethanol extract of moringa seeds contained secondary metabolites, namely flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins and tannins. The results showed has total flavonoid equivalent quercetin of moringa seeds is 1,26% and regeneration of pancreatic β cells in male white rats streptozotocin induced diabetes of Moringa seed ethanol extract at a dose of 400 mg/kg BB can have an effect on the regeneration of β cells in the pancreas of white diabetic male rats.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 43-45
Ihsanul Hafiz ◽  
Mandike Ginting

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine antiinflammatory activity of pagoda flower (Clerodendrum paniculatum L.) ethanolic extract Design: This study uses an experimental laboratory design. This research uses paw edema method by inducing carrageenin in the legs of male white rats as an induction of inflammation. Interventions: The sample used was pagoda flower ethanol extract in various dosages of 25, 50 and 100 mg / kg. As a comparison, acetosal dose 33 mg / kg was used. Na CMC suspension was used as a negative control. Main outcome measure: The results in this study are the difference in the volume of edema volume from rat feet per unit time. The measurement of the rat's leg volume was measured at 30, 60, 120, 180, 240 and 300 minutes. Conclusion: Pagoda flower ethanol extract does not have good anti-inflammatory activity. there were no significant differences between groups except at dose 100 and positive control at minute 300 of negative control.    

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-111
Delisma Simorangkir

African Leaf and palm leaf crops have a secondary metabolite content such as alkaloids and flavonoids that are efficacious as diuretics. The purpose of this study is to know the effectiveness of diuretics from the combination  African leaf ethanol extract and palm leaf ethanol extract. Methods used Eksperiemental. The test of diuretic activity is conducted divided into 6 treatment groups. Each group consists of 3 tails of white rats. Group 1 (positive control) administered Furosemide 3.6 mg/kgBB, Group 2 (negative control) was given suspension Na-CMC 0.5%, group 3 without treatment as well as groups of 4.5, and 6 in a row administered a combination of African leaf extract doses and extracts Oil palm leaf ethanol in a row of "50 mg/kgBB + 67, 5mg/kgBB"; "100mg/kgBB + 135 mg/kgBB"; and "200 mg/kgBB + 270 mg/kgBB". Each mouse is then given a 20ml NaCl/kgBB as an oral loading dose. Measured urine volume is recorded every hour for 6 hours after it continues to measure urine volume. The results showed that the combination of African leaf ethanol extract dosage and palm leaf ethanol extract had a diuretic effect if it was compared with negative control. The conclusion of the study was the results of the study showed that the combination of African leaf extract dosage and palm leaf extract is the most effective dose of Group 6 (African leaf extract 200 mg/kgBB + palm leaves 270 mg/kgBB ). Because it produces the highest urine volume of 23.01 ml.

Umi Calsum ◽  
Akhmad Khumaidi ◽  
Khildah Khaerati

Jawa bark (Lannea coromandelica) is a part of the plant that can be used empirically for handling wounds. This study aims to determine the activity of ethanol extract of Jawa bark on healing wound and determine the effective dose compared with povidone iodine. The test animals used were white rats (Rattus norvegicus L.) consisting of 5 groups, namely negative control (vaseline without extract), positive control (povidone iodine), dose of 250 mg/kg BW, dose of 500 mg/kg BW, dose of 750 mg/kg BW. Each rat made an incision in the area parallel to the spine with 2 cm long and 2 mm deep. Measuring the length of the wound was done every day for 14 days. The data obtained were analyzed statistically using One Way Anova and followed by Post Hoc Duncan test. Statistical results showed that the ethanol extract of Jawa bark has an activity in curing slice where the effective dose is a dose of 500 mg/kg BW with a wound healing time of 12 days.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 286
Joni Tandi ◽  
Dela Erni Paerunan ◽  
Nurifa Nurifa ◽  
Yunlis Silintowe Kenta ◽  
Sri Mulyani

This study aims to determine the potential for glucose levels in the blood of ethanol extracts of the begonias (Begonia Sp.), the effect of the extract on the pancreatic histopathology of white rats (Rattus norvegicus) which was induced by streptozotocin, and the effective dose begonias’ extract leaves on the histopathological descriptions of pancreatic male white rats. This study was an experimental laboratory where the research group consisted of group I (the control group) as a normal control was given a standard feed, group II (negative control) was given a 0.5% Na CMC suspension, group III (positive control) was orally given glibenclamide and experimental groups IV, V, and VI (doses 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg BW). Were given ethanol extract of begonias leaves. The results showed that the ethanol extract of the begonias (Begonia Sp.) contained secondary metabolite compounds, namely flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, polyphenols, and tannins. Ethanol extract of begonias leaves at adose of 50 mg/kg BW was an affective dose in reducing blood glucoselevels by an avarage of 101,8 mg/dL) and a dose of 50 mg/kg BW can affect the histopathological picture of the pancreas in STZ induuced rats with an average damage value of 2 from a maximum of 4.

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