scholarly journals The Closing Educational Gap in E-privacy Management in European Perspective

2021 ◽  
pp. 136078042110235
Angelica M Maineri ◽  
Peter Achterberg ◽  
Ruud Luijkx

Educational gaps are increasingly salient as skills and knowledge gain prominence in digital societies. E-privacy management, namely, the ability to control the flow of information about the self, is an important asset nowadays, since a skillful use of digital technologies enables full participation in social life and limits the exposure to unwarranted algorithmic processes. We investigate whether and why education affects e-privacy management, and whether the educational gaps vary following a country’s degree of digitalization. We empirically test two sets of mechanisms, one derived from the digital divide and diffusion of innovations theories and the other from the reflexive modernization theory. The study employs Eurobarometer 87.1 data ( N = 21,177), collected in 2017 among representative samples from 28 European countries, and uses multilevel linear regression model. Findings suggest that the years spent in education positively affect e-privacy management, and that this effect is largely mediated by digital skills and Internet use, and to a lesser extent by a reflexive mind-set. The educational gap in e-privacy management narrows in more digitalized countries.

Nowa Medycyna ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
Łukasz Kozak ◽  
Jacek Janiszewski ◽  
Joanna Woźniak ◽  
Martyna Kamrowska ◽  
Beata Januszko-Giergielewicz

Kidney transplantation (KT) in patients with chronic kidney disease is considered a method of renal replacement therapy offering the longest and most comfortable survival possible. Kidney transplantation reduces the risk of multiple complications associated with chronic dialysis, as well as allows patients after transplantation of this organ for full participation in family and social life. However, like any other treatment modality, kidney transplantation has its limitations. These are primarily associated with the need for chronic immunosuppressive therapy. It was shown that chronic immunosuppression increases the risk of cancer. Skin cancers are the most common immunosuppression-related neoplasms. Also, the risk of solid organ cancers is several times higher after kidney transplantation compared to the general population. Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality in kidney graft recipients. This is due to its insidious and aggressive course in this patient population and the frequent need to modify anticancer therapy. In this paper, we discuss the increased incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) in patients after kidney transplantation, differences in the course of the disease, as well as its potential prevention, based on the available literature and our own experience. Based on our analysis, we postulate the need for strict recommendations unified for all transplantation centres, regarding oncological surveillance for early detection of colorectal cancer in patients after kidney transplantation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (5) ◽  
pp. 93-111
Anatoly I. Zelenkov

In the article, the issue of the relationship between science and the sphere of cultural values is considered in two mutually correlated aspects. First, it reveals the ambivalent status of science as the most important social institution in a modern dynamically transforming society, which, in accordance with the very popular metaphor of U. Beck, is increasingly called the “risk society.” Secondly, the problem of sociocultural determination of scientific knowledge is interpreted as a problem of the axiology of science. At the same time, the relationship between social and intrascientific (cognitive) values is examined through the prism of possible forms and mechanisms of their philosophical and methodological representation. The author examines the specificity of pre-requisite knowledge, especially in the form as the metatheoretical foundations of scientific research is revealed. The article reveals the ambivalent nature of the value status of science in the context of changing socio-cultural priorities of the industrial civilization, against the background of a brief reconstruction of the main ideas of U. Beck’s concept of reflexive modernization, the theory of risk-generating development of science and high technologies by G. Bechmann, Z. Bauman’s idea about sociocultural imbalance as an essential characteristic of “individualized society.” The specificity of the value determination of scientific knowledge is considered in the context of substantiating the sociocognitive approach as the most important result of the philosophical and methodological research in the 20th century. Within the framework of this approach, two alternative strategies are distinguished, for using social and cognitive values as specific forms of prerequisite knowledge. One of the strategies is focused on development of conceptual foundations of science and rationally grounded metatheoretical structures (V.S. Stepin). The second strategy gives preference to non-conceptual (pre-conceptual) forms of background knowledge as productive metaphors that perform the functions of methodological heuristics and the integration of scientific knowledge into culture (M. Foucault, L. Laudan, et al.). The article concludes that there is the peculiar bifunctionality of the cultural valuein relation to science. On the one hand, science itself is a fundamental value in modern culture, although its impact on social life is ambivalent. On the other hand, the dominant values of risk society influence the formation of a new image of science and its methodological tools.

2018 ◽  
Vol 218 ◽  
pp. 03018
Murugesan Raja Kumar ◽  
Siti Khadijah Binti Mohd Hamzaht ◽  

Internet addiction is becoming a growing phenomenon across the world due to the tendency of Internet overuse for varied reasons. The objective of this study is to identify the extent of Internet use and level of addiction among teenagers with the age ranging from 13 to 17 years old. This also include the risk factor and impact to their social life. The sample data were taken from several schools covering 500 students from the state of Selangor in Malaysia. The survey was done using an instrument from Internet Addiction Test (IAT) developed by Dr. Kimberly Young. This test had been modified to meet the requirements of the youngster’s mind-set in Malaysia. Demographics factors such as age, gender and race were examined apart from family and personal factors. The results of the study and Chi-square test summarizes that the level of internet addiction among teenagers in Selangor is p = 0.161 and tends to be minimal. We need to be aware of the level of Internet usage by teenagers so that measures could be made in place to deter or mitigate Internet addiction.

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. e044246
John Tetteh ◽  
Isaac Ofori Asare ◽  
Isaac Adomako ◽  
Emilia Asuquo Udofia ◽  
Nana Ayegua Hagan Seneadza ◽  

ObjectiveThis study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of disability and associated factors and further quantify the associated sex differential among Ghana’s workforce aged 15+ years.DesignA nationally stratified cross-sectional study.SettingGhana.ParticipantsIndividuals aged 15 years and above.Outcome measureDisability that limits full participation in life activities.MethodsThree predictive models involving Poisson, logistic and probit regression were performed to assess the association between disability and covariates. Modified Poisson multivariate decomposition analysis method was employed to assess sex differential and associated factors using Stata V.16.ResultsThe prevalence of disability was 2.1% (95% CI 1.2 to 2.4), and the risk of disability among males was approximately twice compared with females (Poisson estimate: adjusted prevalence ratio (95% CI)=1.94 (1.46 to 2.57); logistic estimate: aOR (95% CI)=2.32 (1.73 to 3.12)). Male sex increased the log odds of disability by 0.37 (probit estimate, aβ (95% CI)=0.37 (0.23 to 0.50)). The variability in age group, marital status, household (HH) size, region, place of residence, relationship to HH head, hours of work per week and asset-based wealth were significantly associated with disability-based sex differential. (Significant increased endowment: β×10−3 (95% CI×10−3)=−37.48 (−56.81 to −18.16) and significant decreased coefficient: β×10−3 (95% CI×10−3)=42.31 (21.11 to 63.49).) All disability participants were challenged with activities of daily living, limiting them in full participation in life activities such as mobility, work and social life.ConclusionThe magnitude of experiencing disability among working males was nearly twice that of females. Sex differentials were significantly associated with age groups, marital status, HH size, region of residence, relationship to HH head, hours of work per week and wealth. Our findings amass the provisional needs of persons living with a disability that are indicators to consider to achieve the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Article 10. In addition, formulation of workplace policies should adopt a gender-sensitive approach to reduce disparities and eliminate disability in the target population.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-182
M Muinudinillah Basri ◽  
Syafruddin Maulana

The development of social interactions variety and the flow of information that brings positive and negative value, impact on social life and human behavior. Among them there is a wise attitude by always making religion as a guide and lifestyle, but some people lost his life orientation. Even penetrated the lifestyle associated with sexual behavior. Sexual behavior is one of the serious issues detil discussed in Islam. This is because the impact is very wide in various aspects of life. Islam considers that the biological need is the sunnah of life that every Muslim must live, in order to achieve the balance between the human side as a servant of Allah Ta'ala and as a keeper of the stability of social life of society. Sex disorientation is a threatening balance. That will affect the survival of human life in general or personal perpetrators. Among the disorientation is lesbi, gay, have sex with animals or known as zoofilia, also the trangender which is one of the identity of lesbian and gay. This study aims to examine whether the laws and sanctions of these sexual disorientations, presented comparatively between Islamic law and Indonesian criminal law. The results of this study concluded about the prohibition of lesbian, gay, zoophilia and trangender in Islamic law. While about the punishment, there are some differences between the 4 Imams. Some give death penalty. Some others conclude about the enactment of ta'zir where the judge is given a policy in determining the type of punishment. While in Indonesian, this is contained in the chapter asusila. Which concludes that lesbian, gay, zoofilia is something that gets a criminal penalty and is binding only on an adult perpetrator with as a victim is an immature child. As for if the perpetrator and the victim is mature, then not touched with criminal trap. And the trangender has not regulated it specifically. Berkembangnya bentuk interaksi antar manusia dan pesatnya arus informasi dengan seluruh muatan positif dan negatifnya telah memberikan dampak pada tatanan hidup setiap individu dan masyarakat. Di antara mereka ada yang menyikapi hal ini dengan penuh kehati-hatian dan menjadikan agama sebagai pembimbing dan pedoman. Namun tidak sedikit juga yang tersesat dan melampaui batas khususnya dalam hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan moralitas seksual. Dalam hal ini agama sebagai pedoman hidup telah menempatkan seksualitas sebagai salah satu pilar yang menentukan baik buruknya kehidupan sosial dan telah mengaturnya dalam rumusan pernikahan. Pada sisi lain agama juga memberikan perhatian khusus pada seluruh bentuk disorientasi seksual yang menyelisihi garis besar pernikahan yang telah diatur di dalamnya. Dari sekian hubungan yang mendapatkan perhatian khsusus tersebut adalah homoseks, lesbi, zoophilia, dan transgender. Kaitannya dengan hal ini, hukum positif di Indonesia telah menempatkan perhatian yang khusus, karena adanya visi dan misi dalam membentuk masyarakat yang berkemanusiaan, adil dan beradab. Hanya ada beberapa perbedaan yang mendasar antara apa yang telah dimuat oleh hukum Islam dengan apa yang menjadi ketentuan dalam KUHP. Seluruh Imam empat madzhab yang dikenal luas dikalangan ummat Islam bersepakat tentang keharaman homoseks, lesbi, zoophilia dan transgender. Walaupun mereka berbeda dalam mengklasifikasi bentuk hukuman apa yang tepat untuk setiap perbuatan pidana tersebut. Ada yang menentukan hukuman mati, ada yang menyamakannya dengan hukuman zina dan ada pula yang menjatuhkan hukuman ta'zir yang dikembalikan kebijakan penentuannya pada hakim. Sementara KUHP memasukkan homoseks dan lesbi sebagai pidana aduan, pada pasal-pasal pencabulan dalam bab asusila yang memfokuskan hanya pada sisi korban di bawah usia dewasa. Sehingga terdapat kekosongan hukum ketika pelaku dan korban adalah orang dewasa. Adapun tentang zoophile maka termuat pada pasal penganiayaan hewan. Sementara pada masalah transgender, KUHP belum mengklasifikasikannya sebagaimana pidana delik perzinaan, pemerkosaan atapun pecabulan.

Gunahumas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 304-316
Muhamad Taufik Oktavianto

Abstrak Penelitian terkait manajemen privasi mahasiswa gay bandung menghadapi stigma sosial penting dilakukan karena mahasiswa gay yang selalu mendapat stigma sosial dari berbagai lingkungan masyarakat yang ada pada akhirnya akan mengatur kepada siapa mereka membuka atau menutup informasi privatnya berdasarkan budaya maupun kebiasaan di kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stigma sosial yang didapat mahasiswa gay dan bagaimana cara meraka menghadapi stigma sosial tersebut. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus terhadap mahasiswa gay yang merupakan pengurus komunitas arjuna pasundan di Kota Bandung. Informan penelitian berjumlah 7 orang. Wawancara dilakukan secara mendalam dan observasi terhadap perilaku mahasiswa gay di komunitas maupun dengan keluarga. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa stigma sosial ini tidak hanya didapatkan dari individu yang berbeda (heteroseksual. Mahasiswa gay di Komunitas Arjuna Pasundan juga merasa mendapatkan stigma sosial dari kaum sesamanya, sehingga membuat mereka menjadi semakin terbiasa dengan adanya sindiran dari individu lain. Terdapat beberapa cara bagi mahasiswa gay yang merupakan pengurus Komunitas Arjuna Pasundan untuk memilah dan memilih individu mana yang dianggap pantas untuk diberikan informasi privat akan orientasi seksual sesama jenis yang dimiliki. Kata kunci : Manajemen Privasi Komunikasi; Gay; Stigma Sosial Abstract This study is related to privacy management of gay students on facing stigma is important because of gay students who always get stigma in their social life in the end will regulate who they open or close their private information based on their culture and habbit. This study aims to determine the stigma gained by gay students and the way they deal with it. The research method carried out in this study was a qualitative approach with a case study method on gay students who were administrators of arjuna pasundan community in Bandung. The research informants were 7 people. Interviews were conducted in depth and observations on the behavior of gay students in the community and with families. The results showed that this social stigma was not only obtained from different individuals (heterosexuals. Gay students in the Arjuna Pasundan Community also felt that they were getting social stigma from their peers, making them more accustomed to satire from other individuals. There are several ways for gay students who are administrators of the Arjuna Pasundan Community to sort out and choose which individuals are deemed appropriate to be given private information on their same-sex sexual orientation. Keywords : Communication Privacy Mannagement; Gay; Stigma

2011 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 94-105
John S. McKenzie

Many studies on the westward transplantation of Buddhism focus on the retention of traditional authenticity. The sociological perspective provided here moves the emphasis to the social construction of such claims. The social construction of traditional authenticity will be explored through a study of the Tibetan Buddhist organisation, Rokpa Scotland (RS) and it will be demonstrated that RS constructs claims to traditional authenticity by adapting to the local culture whilst demonstrating links with an ancient practice. These claims are then reified by limiting adaptations and retaining core features associated with Buddhism. None the less adapting to the West can be seen as detraditionalization and can present a threat to claims to traditional authenticity. However, RS can claim to control the detraditionalization process by responding to the effects of reflexive modernization and controlling the flow of information. In controlling detraditionalization RS provides the plausibility structures to maintain claims to traditional authenticity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (37) ◽  
pp. 77-93
Adam Mikrut

The author of this text shares the view found in the literature of the subject that arguments for the full participation of people with disabilities in social life should balance the reasons of all kinds, including scientific and ethical ones, whereas the latter should be given priority. Guided by this conviction, he attempts to indicate these ethical premises that can be derived from human dignity as the primary category of the “sanctity of life concept.”

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Albertina Pretto

Cities are built by and for able-bodied people and are often composed of a range of elements that make them partially (or not) accessible to disabled people. Architectural barriers within and around buildings can limit disabled people’s access to structures and services, precluding their full participation in a social life. It is not possible to talk about making further social progress until disabled people are no longer victims of marginalisation caused by our urban architecture. In order to identify some specific problems and possible solutions, a qualitative research study was carried out in a city in northern Italy, involving people with sensory and physical impairments. Findings indicate that cities in general, and the oldest ones in particular, can present an important problem: some historic centres and buildings are not (or cannot be) restored to become more accessible. This lack of accessibility will increase the exclusion of disabled people by imposing limitations and restrictions, from mobilising around urban centres, to use of pavements, entry into shops or workplaces, through to accessing treatment and health services. Moreover, this research demonstrates that, in many cases, relatively inexpensive and simple measures and arrangements might be enough to help tackle and solve many of these problems. This paper argues that a first, fundamental step in looking to improve access should be to involve disabled people in participatory planning. These users will be the best experts of their own needs and some of the best informed about the attributes and particularities of any alterations or adaptations needed to help them negotiate, manage and plan the areas in which they live.

Peter J Ross ◽  
James R Levy

This paper examines the liberal grounded provincial societies of Argentina from 1890 to 1940. A close examination of provincial government expenditures reveals that these states spent most of their revenues on law and order and education with little being directed to social welfare and to health. This form of government was extremely limited, therefore, in providing for the welfare of most of its citizens, and left many of them excluded from full participation in the political, economic and social life of the nation. The type of liberalism espoused by the Argentine elites effectively undermined the very project of state building that they espoused and resulted in the Peronist revolution of the 1940s when the state, under the slogan of social justice, became much more interventionist in the areas of welfare, health and housing, and much more inclusionist with regard to the Argentine people as a whole. The liberal state, and this includes the provinces, became a victim of its own chosen limitations.

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