scholarly journals Wayfinding for Pedestrians: Overview of the Role of Sidewalk Design

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4.33) ◽  
pp. 138
Widi Lesmana ◽  
Retna Hidayah ◽  
Mochamad Bruri Triyono ◽  
Asnul Dahar Minghat ◽  
Siti Salina Mustakim

The primary aim of this study was to describe the pattern of pedestrian movement and the main cause of students’ selection in choosing those particular route. A qualitative research method was utilized for the purpose of data collection via an interview data retrieval technique. Findings were transcribed, coded, and analyzed manually. Findings indicated that students’ difficulties in finding Rectorate Building were 27.5%. There were 75% of students who receive information for directions from the results of questioning with other students in the campus, while those who only read the guide map were only 25%. There were 55% of students choose route based on the closest distance, while comfort factor is 11.25%. Only 71.25% students use sidewalks, while those who do not always use pavements were 28.75%. Viewed from gender, it was indicated that difficulties in finding Rectorate Building was 44.7% from male and 38.1% from female. 60.5% of male and 73.8% of female prefer to ask verbally to find travel information, while 39.5% of male and 26.2% of female would read the guide map. 59.5% female and 31.5% of male prefer the shortest route. The users of sidewalks were 52.6% male and 69.2% female. This study contributes to the implementation and integration of sustainable green campus in Indonesia.   

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Rita Safari ◽  
Abdul Manan ◽  
Sanusi Ismail

This study aims to find out the history of visiting Simeulue, the visiting procession the Lambaya Village with Sanggiran Village, the role of the community in preserving visiting traditions and the benefits of visiting the people of Lambaya Village with Sanggiran Village. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that visiting procession is a visit activity carried out by a group of individuals, organizations or communities by way of deliberations with citizens, communicating, and preparing all the necessities and interests of visiting activities. This visit is led by the highest person in the village or someone who is trusted as the leader of the activity group. The role and benefits of the community to preserve the tradition of visiting is that the community continues to maintain, apply, maintain and develop traditions and cultural values so that visiting can strengthen harmony in daily life. In addition, by visiting them they can get new experiences, find out weaknesses, lack of organization, keep them away from enmity, get new families and most importantly get knowledge that they have not yet gotten.

Aryanti Dwi Untari ◽  
Nurfitriana Nurfitriana

This study aims to find out how the role of pancasila and citizenship education teachers in addressing the delinquency of learners in MTs Al-Khairiyah Kepandean, what are the forms of delinquency of learners in MTs Al-Khairiyah Kepandean and what are the obstacles of teachers pancasila education and citizenship in overcoming mischief students in MTs Al-Khairiyah Kepandean. This research uses qualitative research method, with descriptive approach. Data collection conducted by using interview techniques, observation, and documentation later processed again and examined by using triangulation techniques that aim to check the validity of data. The results of this study illustrate that the role of Pancasila and citizenship education teachers in addressing the delinquency of learners in MTs Al-Khairiyah Kepandean done through the role as a mentor, role as a moral agent, role as communicator and role as model. The forms of delinquency of learners in MTs Al-Khairiyah Kepandean are included in a-social and a-moral delinquency and can be categorized into mild mischief. The barriers of Pancasila and citizenship education teachers in dealing with delinquency of students in MTs Al-Khairiyah Kepandean are derived from family factors, environmental factors and schools.

Lauri L. Hyers

This chapter discusses the use of the diary in qualitative research, the role of the researcher and the diarist, the format of the entries, the epistemological orientations underlying diary designs, and various types of diary studies. The diary has always been among the options in the qualitative methodological repertoire and actually predates other more common contemporary methods for data collection. Diary studies involve the standard tasks of any research project: reviewing the literature and identifying research questions; designing and carrying out a data collection protocol; and analyzing and discussing the data. The style of analysis depends upon the type of study conducted. This chapter will discuss the use of diaries in several types Descriptive, Constructionist, and Applied Research designs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Irwandi Irwandi ◽  
Zulamri Zulamri ◽  
Romi Maimori ◽  
Tri Yuliani

The role of women in Minangkabau plays a strategic place in fostering people, including in younger generation in "tahfiz’s house" activities. Problem that usually arises is the authority of women in doing activities outside, especially in the Nagari Tanjung Barulak. The women in Nagari Tanjung Barulak are not only active at home as Limpapeh Rumah Gadang who act as mothers for the children but also as "mothers" for children in Nagari. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The techniques of Data collection are interviews, observation and documentation. The result of research shows that women has vital roles in stir Tahfiz's house in Nagari Tanjuang Barulak, Batipuh District. It means there was no contradiction in fostering people in terms of religion. In terms of Minangkabau customs, the role of women also has its own place, and can play a role in two functions, namely the function as mother or Bundo Kanduang in the community and family as well as Bundo Kanduang in the midst of the people.

Kelasa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Ratih Rahayu

The study of the role of mass media as one of the supporters of efforts to foster Indonesian language and literature needs to be done so that its role can be known and its success rate can be evaluated. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The data collection technique is indirect interviews with staff of twenty Kantor and Balai Bahasa in Indonesia. Of the twenty Kantor and Balai Bahasa that were recorded, it was found that only two Kantor Bahasa had not cooperated with any mass media. There are three Kantor and Balai Bahasa that have collaborated with print and electronic media, namely the Balai Bahasa Kalimantan Barat, Balai Bahasa Riau, and Kantor Bahasa Lampung. Of the twenty Balai and Kantor Bahasa, there are 14 Balai and Kantor Bahasa that have collaborated with radio, both RRI and other private radios. The role of mass media as one of the supporters of efforts to foster Indonesian language and literature has been felt by the community. AbstrakPengkajian peran media massa sebagai salah satu pendukung upaya pembinaan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia perlu dilakukan agar dapat diketahui bagaimana perannya serta dapat dievaluasi tingkat keberhasilannya. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah wawancara tidak langsung dengan staf dua puluh balai dan kantor bahasa yang ada di Indonesia. Dari dua puluh balai dan kantor bahasa yang terdata diketahui hanya dua kantor bahasa yang belum menjalin kerja sama dengan media massa apa pun. Ada tiga balai dan kantor bahasa yang telah menjalin kerja sama dengan media cetak dan elektronik, yaitu Balai Bahasa Kalimantan Barat, Balai Bahasa Riau, dan Kantor Bahasa Lampung. Julah Kantor dan balai bahasa di Indonesia ada dua, tetapi hanya 14 balai dan kantor yang telah bekerja sama dengan radio, baik RRI maupun radio swasta lainnya. Peran media massa sebagai salah satu pendukung upaya pembinaan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia telah cukup dirasakan masyarakat. 

Dewi Mutmainah ◽  
Kamaluddin Kamaluddin

Peran guru dalam membentuk peserta didiknya sangatlah penting. Arahan guru menjadi petunjuk jalan bagi kegiatan siswanya. Seorang guru yang tidak hanya mengajar, tetapi juga mendidik dan melatih, ketika ingin mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang diharapkan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran guru pendidikan pancasila dan kewarganegaraan dalam membentuk sikap dan kepribadian siswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriftif. Subjek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, guru PPKn, guru agama, guru BK/BP, dan siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunkan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Analisis menggunakan analisis secara interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran guru PPKn dalam membentuk sikap dan kepribadian siswa yaitu membentuk sikap siswa yang mempertahankan hak dan kewajibannya serta mampu melaksanakan hak dan kewajibannya dengan baik. Membentuk siswa yang memiliki rasa cinta terhadap tanah air serta memiliki rasa kebangsaan yang kuat dan dapat membentuk siswa yang dapat menghormati orang dalam kehidupan di sekolah maupun di masyarakat serta mentaati aturan yang berlaku. Membentuk siswa yang dapat melaksanakan musyawarah dalam mengambil keputusan baik di sekolah maupun di masyarakat serta membentuk siswa yang mengakui bahwa indonesia ini adalah negara yang plural yaitu terdiri dari berbagai macam agama, suku, bahasa, dan budaya.The role of the teacher in shaping students is very important. The teacher's direction becomes a guide to the activities of their students. A teacher who not only teaches, but also educates and trains, when he wants to achieve the expected learning goals. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the teacher of Pancasila education and citizenship in shaping the attitudes and personality of students. The research method uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The research subjects were principals, PPKn teachers, religious teachers, BK / BP teachers, and students. Data collection uses observation, interviews, documentation. Analysis uses interactive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the role of PPKn teachers in shaping the attitudes and personality of students is to shape the attitude of students who defend their rights and obligations and are able to carry out their rights and obligations properly. Form students who have a sense of love for the homeland and have a strong sense of nationality and can form students who can respect people in life in school and in society and obey the applicable rules. Form students who can carry out deliberations in making decisions both at school and in the community and form students who recognize that Indonesia is a pluralistic country that consists of various kinds of religions, ethnicities, languages and cultures.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 297
Yuliana Febriani Tasidjawa ◽  
Jacob Daan Engel

<p><span>This article discusses the role of Kai-Wait as a philosophy of life in the post-conflict reconciliation process towards Islam-Christian relations from the perspective of interfaith and cultural assistance and counseling on Buru Island, Maluku. The method used is a qualitative research method. Data collection techniques used were observing research sites, namely some areas on Buru Island which became a place of debate, interviews with traditional leaders, religious leaders, and the community, as well as conducting literature studies through literature relevant to the research in this paper. Analysis of the data used is the Miles and Huberman Interactive Model. In this study, the authors found that Kai -unggu as the local wisdom of the Buru community was a means of reconciling conflict. In addition to conflict reconciliation, values </span><span>in the Kai-Wait culture are also an aid in interfaith and cultural assistance and counseling on the island of Buru. The pattern of counseling is done with the help of Centered Client Therapy with common cases such as family problems, social crisis, and trauma. The values </span><span>that the writer found in interfaith counseling and counseling and the value of brotherhood / family and the value of appreciation.</span></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-80
Henderina Oualeng ◽  
Mas'ud Muhammadiah ◽  
Sundari Hamid

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauhmana peran orangtua dan wali kelas dalam pembentukan afektif siswa dan untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala yang dihadapi orang tua dan wali kelas di Sd negeri Nusa harapan permai kota Makassar.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, data dalam penelitian ini berupa data dari hasil wawancara dengan informan dan dan hasil observasi/pengamatan, pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar pedoman wawancara dengan orangtua dan wali kelas dan lembar observasi afektif siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sudah ada peran orangtua dengan cara mengasuh dan mendidik anak, bekerjasama dengan wali kelas, kendala yang dihadapi orangtua adalah karena kesibukan dalam bekerja sehingga sulit dalam membagi waktu dalam mendidik anak sedangkan kendala guru adalah masih banyak siswa yang malas dan masih ada orangtua yang tidak memperdulikan kesiapan anak ke Sekolah.   The purpose of this study was to determine the role of parents and homeroom teachers in the affective formation of students and to determine the obstacles faced by parents and homeroom teachers in SD Negeri Nusa Harapan Permai, Makassar City. This type of research is qualitative research. The research method used is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data in this study are in the form of data from interviews with informants and observations. Data collection uses interview guidelines with parents and homeroom teachers and student affective observation sheets. The results show that there is already a role of parents by caring for and educating children, in collaboration with homeroom teachers, the obstacles faced by parents are due to busy work so that it is difficult to manage time in educating children, while the teachers' obstacles are that there are still many students who are lazy and there are still parents who do not care about children's readiness to go to school.

Dewi Walahe

ABSTRACT The long-term objective of this research is the birth of a process of describing women's involvement in the bureaucratic decision-making process, and the model of gender strengthening in bureaucratic decision-making in Gorontalo City. The research method used is qualitative research with data collection techniques through: interviews, documentation, and FGD. Then the collected data will be analyzed by triangulation data. The results show that: first, so far the existence of women in the Gorontalo City government in the bureaucratic decision-making process is still less than optimal, although the potential quantity of women is 3,023 (66.97%) compared to 1,491 men (33.03%). The progress of the role of women in the bureaucratic leadership only 6 people occupied the heads of regional apparatus organizations and 24 others were men. This symptom certainly has an impact on demands. women must play their role in realizing democracy that is not gender biased as well as proof of the maturity of a nation. Keuda, the Gender Strengthening Model in the decision making of the bureaucracy in Gorontalo City is the zero-sum and positive-sum models.

Marsel Eliaser Liunokas

Timorese culture is patriarchal in that men are more dominant than women. As if women were not considered in traditional rituals so that an understanding was built that valued women lower than men. However, in contrast to the article to be studied, this would like to see the priority of women’s roles in traditional marriages in Belle village, South Central Timor. The role of women wiil be seen from giving awards to their parents called puah mnasi manu mnasi. This paper aims to look at the meaning of the rituals of puah mnasi maun mnasi and the role and strengths that women have in traditional marriage rituals in the village of Belle, South Central Timor. The method used for this research is a qualitative research method using interview techniques with a number of people in the Belle Villa community and literature study to strengthen this writing. Based on the data obtained this paper shows that the adat rituals of puah mnasi manu mnasi provide a value that can be learned, namely respect for women, togetherness between the two families, and brotherhood that is intertwined due to customary marital affrairs.

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