scholarly journals Peran Orang Tua Dan Wali Kelas Dalam Pembentukan Afektif Siswa Di Sd Negeri Nusa Harapan Permai Kota Makassar

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-80
Henderina Oualeng ◽  
Mas'ud Muhammadiah ◽  
Sundari Hamid

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauhmana peran orangtua dan wali kelas dalam pembentukan afektif siswa dan untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala yang dihadapi orang tua dan wali kelas di Sd negeri Nusa harapan permai kota Makassar.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, data dalam penelitian ini berupa data dari hasil wawancara dengan informan dan dan hasil observasi/pengamatan, pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar pedoman wawancara dengan orangtua dan wali kelas dan lembar observasi afektif siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sudah ada peran orangtua dengan cara mengasuh dan mendidik anak, bekerjasama dengan wali kelas, kendala yang dihadapi orangtua adalah karena kesibukan dalam bekerja sehingga sulit dalam membagi waktu dalam mendidik anak sedangkan kendala guru adalah masih banyak siswa yang malas dan masih ada orangtua yang tidak memperdulikan kesiapan anak ke Sekolah.   The purpose of this study was to determine the role of parents and homeroom teachers in the affective formation of students and to determine the obstacles faced by parents and homeroom teachers in SD Negeri Nusa Harapan Permai, Makassar City. This type of research is qualitative research. The research method used is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data in this study are in the form of data from interviews with informants and observations. Data collection uses interview guidelines with parents and homeroom teachers and student affective observation sheets. The results show that there is already a role of parents by caring for and educating children, in collaboration with homeroom teachers, the obstacles faced by parents are due to busy work so that it is difficult to manage time in educating children, while the teachers' obstacles are that there are still many students who are lazy and there are still parents who do not care about children's readiness to go to school.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 155
Eartha Beatricia Gunawan ◽  
Ahmad Junaidi

This study aims to describe the representation of sex education in the film Dua Garis Biru by director Gina S. Noer. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The research method uses Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis with two-way significance and the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth. The subjects of this study are Dara and Bima, the object of this study is a sign of sex education represented in scenes, dialogues, and characters in films. Methods of data collection by observation, literature study, interviews, and documentation. The film Dua Garis Biru tells the story of how Dara and Bima, two teenagers, must be responsible for the consequences that they did not think of before due to free sex. This film also illustrates the important role of parents in communicating information about sex to children. The results of this study indicate that there is a picture of sex education in the film Two Blue Lines. It was concluded that the side or form of sex education is displayed in scenes, dialogues, or characters that insert the importance of knowing sex education and knowing the consequences of every action related to sex. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan representasi pendidikan seks  dalam Film Dua Garis Biru karya sutradara Gina S. Noer. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Metode penelitian menggunakan Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes dengan signifikan dua arah dan pemaknaan denotasi, konotasi, dan mitos. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Dara dan Bima, objek penelitian ini adalah tanda pendidikan seks yang direpresentasikan dalam adegan, dialog, dan karakter dalam film. Metode pengumpulan data dengan observasi, studi pustaka, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Film Dua Garis Biru bercerita tentang bagaimana Dara dan Bima, dua remaja harus bertanggung jawab atas konsekuensi yang tidak mereka pikirkan sebelumnya karena melakukan seks pranikah. Film ini juga menggambarkan pentingnya peran orang tua dalam mengkomunikasikan informasi tentang seks kepada anak. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat gambaran tentang pendidikan seks dalam film. Sisi atau bentuk pendidikan seks ditampilkan dalam cuplikan adegan, dialog, atau karakter tokoh yang menyisipkan pentingnya mengenal pendidikan seks dan mengetahui konsekuensi dari setiap perbuatan yang berhubungan dengan seks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Amelia Haryanti ◽  

The purpose of this research is to find out the role of parents / guardians of learners in helping the character of learners during online learning in the covid-19 pandemic and the obstacles faced by parents during online learning. This research method uses a qualitative approach with case studies. The research subjects used were parents / guardians of learners in Pondok Benda Village, Pamulang District of South Tangerang City. Data collection techniques use observation, documentation, and interviews. The results of the research obtained are as follows: Parents are more trying to foster the character values of learners during online learning, parents provide real examples between subject matter and real examples in everyday life that can be witnessed and felt directly by learners in the environment where they live, while the obstacles faced by parents are the way of delivery in providing understanding of learning materials to learners,  Not as good as teachers in school. To overcome these problems parents create a group with Civic Education teachers to jointly conduct supervision and consultation related to learning materials so that learners are maximal in understanding learning during online learning.

Toni Anwar Mahmud ◽  
Tajudin Hasan

This research is done because the number of students of UNBAJA’s PPKn courses semester II and IV academic year 2017 - 2018 have low nationalism.. This was seen from the results of tests that showed that there were still many students of the UNBAJA’s PPKn courses in the second and fourth semester of the 2017-2018 academic year who did not memorize the Pancasila and Indonesian Raya, and did not understand the meaning of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. The purpose of this study was to determine the causes of the low sense of nationalism of students in the UNBAJA’s PPKn courses in the second and fourth semester of 2017 - 2018 academic year and to find out the role of lecturers of PPKn courses in increasing the nationalism feeling of students in the UNBAJA’s PPKn courses in the second and fourth semester of 2017 - 2018. This study uses a descriptive method of qualitative approach with data collection techniques using test techniques, observation and interviews. Subjects of this study are lecturers of UNBAJA’s PPKn courses and students of UNBAJA’s PPKn courses in second and fourth semester of academic year 2017 - 2018. The results of this study indicate that the role of the PPKn lecturer can increase the sense of nationalism of students in the PPKn UNBAJA courses in the second and fourth semester of the 2017 - 2018 academic year, such as before the teaching and learning activities are conducted in class, the lecturer always instructed everyone to pray.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 1161-1168
Depi Prihamdani ◽  
Andes Safarandes Asmara ◽  
Haerudin Haerudin ◽  
Harmawati Harmawati ◽  
Anggy Giri Prawiyogi

The aim of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the role of English subject to implant and to improve students’ university behavior to be honest, do not cheat on the test, and do not corrupt on their daily life. Subject of this study is the first semester student of PGSD the academic year of 2019/2020 University of Buana Perjuangan Karawang. In order to reach the goal of this study the writer uses qualitative research method with descriptive qualitative approach. While, technique of data collecting is done by observing, field studying, interviewing and documenting. The result of this study is expected to be able to have a contribution and is useful for all related parties, especially university or college in order to build students’ behavior to be honest, do not cheat on the test and do not corrupt in their life

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Fathudin Ali ◽  
Deni Darmawan

ABSTRAK  Sekolah dasar Islam Al-Ikhlas merupakan satuan unit dari Yayasan Masji Al-Ikhlas (YMAI)  yang terus mengalami peningkatan baik dari pembelajaran, jumlah siswa dan sarana prasarana. Tujuan penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana strategi peningkatan lingkungan sekolah di sekolah dasar Islam Al-Ikhlas Jakarta Selatan. Metode penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untuk memahami fenomena tentang sesuatu hal yang dialami oleh subjek penelitian dan mendeskripsikan dalam bentuk bahasa dan kata-kata. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan pengamatan, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa strategi peningkatan lingkungan sekolah di SD Islam Al-ikhlas secara internal yaitu kepemimpinan, sumber daya manusia, kurikulum dan kegiatan belajar mengajar (KBM) dan keuangan. Sedangkan strategi peningkatan lingkungan secara eksternal melalui peningkatan peran orang tua/masyarakat, peningkatan teknologi dan kebijakan pemerintah.  Kata Kunci :Strategi, peningkatan, lingkungan sekolah    ABSTRACT  The Al-Ikhlas Islamic Primary School is a unit of the Masjid Al-Ikhlas Foundation (YMAI) which continues to experience an increase in both learnings, the number of students, and infrastructure. The purpose of this research is to find out how the strategy for improving the school environment in Islamic elementary school Al-Ikhlas, South Jakarta. This research method is carried out with a descriptive qualitative approach to understand the phenomenon of something experienced by the research subject and describe it in the form of language and words. Data collection techniques by observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the internal strategies for improving the school environment at Al-Ikhlas Islamic Elementary School are leadership, human resources, curriculum and teaching, and learning activities, and finance. Meanwhile, the strategy for improving the environment externally is through increasing the role of parents/community, improving technology, and government policies.  Keywords : strategy, improvement, school environment

Vini Qonita Qistifani

This study aims to determine the sentence structure of Arabic and Indonesian terms in Surah Al-Baqarah, their similarities and differences, and their implications for translation. The research method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were documentation and triangulation studies. From the results of this study, researchers found 190 the number of shar'iyah in surah Al-Baqarah with various sentence structures. Then, some similarities and differences in the structure between the sentence terms in Arabic and Indonesian, as well as the implications of this study, the researcher found a tendency to translate adawat syarṭ on the translation of the Ministry of Religion and Al-Mishbah.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-121
Syaiful Bahri

The objective of the study was to analyze the role of islamic boarding school in preventing radicalism in Rejang Lebong regency. The study used qualitative approach with descriptive method. The data collection was done though interview, documentation and observation. The result showed that in playing the role, islamic boarding school recently became the target of people's distrust: this was the place of radicalism and terrorism. According to the analysis, there was no school found as the place of radicalism and terrorism. Some schools even actively prevent radicalism and terrorism effectively. In conclusion, the role of islamic boarding schools in Rejang Lebong to prevent radicalism and terrorism through the tight control was effective. Keywords:  Islamic Boarding School, Radicalism, Terrorism

Sumiyati S

This research is a qualitative research that is field research, researchers describe the findings sourced from the field. The research data were obtained from interviews with respondents, consisting of parents and community leaders as well as observations of children in Kajen Village Rt 04 / Rw 02. Data collection techniques used were through observation, interviews, and documentation. While the technical analysis of data includes data reduction, data presentation and verification.From the results of this study indicate that the role of parents in Rt 04 / Rw 02 Kajen Margoyoso Village Pati Regency related in Improving Early Childhood Speaking Behavior is mostly good, smooth and develops according to the development of his age. It's just that they as parents need to know and be aware that, educating children must be with patience and perseverance. Parents can teach polite speaking behavior by familiarizing children with things that are praiseworthy from an early age. Because children are a reflection of the actions of their parents. So that the hope of parents later children can behave and talk politely with everyone.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-9
Muhamad Yusuf

In the authors use a qualitative approach. According to Sugiyono (2011:8) "Qualitative research method is a method used to examine the condition of natural objects". The Dimanapeneliti is as a key instrument, the data collection techniques are done triangulated (combined), inductive data analysis, and the results of qualitative research emphasizes the meaning of generalization. Based on the theory, researchers are used to using qualitative research methods because they want to understand sociological factors, situations, and symptoms or social phenomena in depth, and in a comprehensive sense. With a qualitative approach, researchers do research on natural settings, meaning researchers see the fact that there is field. In this case, researchers observe governance in Sabangau sub-district in government administration

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Vivi Emita ◽  
Zusmelia Zusmelia ◽  
Marleni Marleni

Marantau is a tradition of Minangkabau society. Likewise with Galogandang society, apart from wander into a tradition of economic factors and natural conditions as well as a stimulus for people to wander Galogandang. Factors livelihood homogeneous and inadequate fulfillment of everyday life so that people Galogandang 70% Barada was overseas. Analysis in this study using the theory of rational choice. The approach used is qualitative approach with descriptive method. Informants in this study is masayarkat and strangers Galogandang. Data collection techniques, observation, interviews, and documents. Analysis of the data used in this research is the analysis of qualitative data that is interactive analysis proposed by Miles and Huberman. From the results of this study concluded that the role of migrants to the development of Nagari in Jorong Galogandang can be divided into two parts, namely, the development of physically seen an increase in development such as the construction of the Grand Mosque, mosque, TPA, bakl sources of clean water, and non-physical looks Scholarships the education of children of school achievement. Viewed wander impact on socio-economic, such as construction of houses is getting better, and people's incomes Galogandang that no longer depend on pertaniann only.Merantau merupakan suatu tradisi masyarakat Minangkabau. Demikian halnya dengan masyarakat Galogandang, selain dari merantau menjadi suatu tradisi faktor ekonomi dan keadaan alam juga sebagai pendorong bagi masyarakat Galogandang untuk merantau. Faktor mata pencaharian hidup yang bersifat homogen dan kurang mencukupi pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari sehingga masyarakat Galogandang 70% barada di rantau. Analisa pada penelitian ini menggunakan teori pilihan rasional. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif. Informan pada penelitian ini adalah masyarakat dan perantau Galogandang. Teknik pengumpulan data, observasi lapangan, wawancara, dan dokumen. Analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis data kualitatif  yaitu analisis  interaktif  yang dikemukakan oleh Miles dan Huberman. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan, bahwa peran perantau terhadap pembangunan Nagari di Jorong Galogandang dapat dibagi atas dua bagian yaitu, pembangunan dari segi fisik terlihat peningkatan pembangunan seperti pembangunan Mesjid, mushala, TPA, bak sumber air bersih, dan non fisik terlihat dengan adanya beasiswa pendidikan anak-anak yang sekolah berprestasi. Dilihat dampak merantau terhadap sosial ekonomi  masyarakat seperti pembangunan rumah penduduk yang semakin bagus, dan pendapatan masyarakat Galogandang yang tidak lagi  bergantung pada pertanian saja.

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