2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Ratna Purwaningsih ◽  
Dyah Ayu P. ◽  
Novie Susanto

Pekerjaan manual masih banyak ditemui  pada berbagai aktivitas kerja. Pekerjaan manual yang dikerjakan secara berulang (repetitive) dengan gerakan kerja monoton dan waktu kerja yang lama berpotensi menimbulkan kelelahan kerja. Pada gerak monoton repetitive terjadi pembebanan otot yang terus menerus. Postur kerja yang salah membuat kelelahan menjadi lebih cepat terjadi.  Postur kerja yang  tidak baik ini seringkali diakibatkan oleh desain fasilitas kerja yang kurang memperhatikan kesesuaian dengan penggunanya. Pada pekerja laundry aktivitas menyetrika pakaian merupakan kerja repetitive monoton yang kurang didukung fasilitas yang sesuai. Postur kerja dengan berdiri dan terjadi twist serta seringkali membungkuk. Operator setrika harus melakukan kegiatan setrika selama lebih dari 8 jam. Penelitian bertujuan melakukan redesain pada stasiun kerja setrika agar diperoleh postur kerja yang baik. Perancangan stasiun kerja  menggunakan software Jack 8.2. Stasiun kerja yang terdiri dari meja dan kursi dirancang dengan memperhatikan antropometri dan kebutuhan gerak operator. Evaluasi desain dilakukan dengan mengevaluasi postur kerja dengan menggunakan analisis biomekanik, menggunakan analisis toolkit yang meliputi analisisi SSP, LBA, RULA, dan OWAS. Dari hasil evaluasi, dihasilkan postur usulan yang diberikan adalah, pekerja duduk pada kursi dengan posisi tubuh tegap, arah kepala sejajar dengan arah objek yang dikenai pekerjaan, dan pekerja dihindarkan dari posisi kerja membungkuk dan twist. Abstract(The Design of Working Station and Working Posture Using Biomechanic Analysis to Reduce Static Load and Musculoskeletal Disorder).The work that is done manually is usually done repeatedly with monotonous movements and long working hours. If the muscle’s working too hard, the muscle will be found damage and fatigue. The right working posture can improve the worker’s ability to finish the job. Wrong posture is often caused by the facility design that unsuitable to operator. In the laundry workers ironing clothes activity is monotonous and repetitive work which is lacking in appropriate facilities. Work posture by standing up, often bent and twist. Ironing operator do their activities for more than 8 hours. The research aims to redesign the work station in order to obtain a good working posture. The design of work stations using Jack software 8.2. Work station consisting of a table and chairs designed with anthropometric and consider the motion of operator. Work station design used Jack Software 8.2. Evaluation of work posture used biomechanic analysis covering analysis of SSP, LBA, RULA, and OWAS. The result of evaluation is a posture suggested that the worker should sit on a chair with a sturdy body, the head is parallel toward to the direction of the object, and workers are prevented from bending and twist position. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-45
Apriyadi Salsa ◽  
Subchan Asy'ari

UD.Setia Usaha a business in the field of furniture, during the production process, starting from the activity of the initial raw materials to the process of finished products there is a position that causes interference with the muscular system and needs to improve working posture. Bent position, working with standing, back bent, excessive workload are activities that need to be evaluated gradually. The position of the furniture worker UD. Faithful Business that is not ergonomic. can cause musculoskeletal disorder (MSDs). The purpose of this study was to determine the worker's posture on the activities of furniture workers in the wood shavers at UD. Faithful Business Data collection is done by direct observation to the field and interviews. The data obtained were analyzed using the RULA method, then the grand score was categorized based on the action level of the RULA. The result is the final score of each work posture and level of risk. There are 2 work postures that are often performed by workers. Work posture has a final score of 7 and a higher level of risk is to stand bent and arms outstretched.


Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are common health problem throughout the world and a major cause of disability in the workplace. This study was conducted among workers of a small scale forging Industries. The small scale forging units involve various kinds of high repetitive processes like Blanking, cutting, shearing, furnace loading, hammering, punching and trimming etc. the workers performing these type of activities are suffering from various MSDs. In this study I had surveyed 10 small scales forging industries and randomly selected 102 workers among these industries. The most common ergonomics problems were found in industry like wrong working positions of the workers and manual material handling. MSDs are found due to Inappropriate and poor working postures, lack of task variation, poor ergonomic design of work places, poor design of plant layout, long working hours, low salaries and awkward schedules are all areas where relatively simple intervention can Significantly reduce the rate of exposure to MSDs.

Ratih Rahmahwati ◽  
Yopa Eka Prawatya ◽  
Bartolomeus Lumbantoruan

The people of West Kalimantan, especially in Punggur, Sungai Kakap, Kuburaya execute the grinding process of coffee beans with two types of processing, namely dry processing and wet processing. In the process of wet processing, there are problems, one of them is when grinding raw coffee process before the drying process. The process of grinding raw coffee is carried out with non-ergonomic equipment that causing the workers to have musculoskeletal disorders complaints, the workers are bending over so that they cannot work for a long time, and low productivity because workers have to separate the beans from the coffee skin which takes a long time. This study aims to analyze the level of musculoskeletal disorder risk experienced by workers when using a raw coffee grinder using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) method. In addition, an anthropometric principle was carried out to determine the size of the tool so it can be used in an ergonomic position and can get a good working posture recommendation when using the machine. Based on RULA analysis using CATIA, show a score of 6 when lifting coffee from the grinder, grinding raw coffee, and taking the coffee grind. The result of RULA indicates that repairs and changes are needed quickly because the work posture produced by the coffee grinder is not ergonomic. Meanwhile, the results of RULA analysis using a coffee grinder after the design showed a score of 3 when lifting coffee from the grinder, a score of 4 when grinding raw coffee, a score of 3 when taking the results of the coffee grind. The score shows that the resulting posture is ergonomic and feasible to apply.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Bambang Suhardi ◽  
Fita Permata Sari ◽  
Rahmaniyah Dwi Astuti

CV Valasindo is furniture industry that produces a wide range of wood product.The production process in CV. Valasindo is devided in two areas, preparation of materials area and production area. This research is focused on work posture of the production area’s workers. The production area itself consists of work stations such as assembly, construction and finishing. The production area  was chosen because on the production process in this area is still done manually by the operator. Additionally, on the production area is also still present a series of no ergonomic work posture, both on the work station construction, assembly and finishing. The purpose of this research is to identify a work posture on the production area and doing an improvement to lowers the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. Based on the results of the assessment work posture against 18 work stations at the production area, the seat assembly work station it is known that has the highest risk of musculoskeletal injuries with a score of REBA 9, OWAS 3 as well as score NBM 75. Based on work by posture assessment method of QEC, REBA, OWAS and reinforced with method NBM then the improvement will be focused on work station assembly seat. In this study, the improvements done by designing a working facility in the form of tables and chairs work. Based on the results of the design work facilities have been simulated and the result is the risk of musculoskeletal injuries that used to be high risk decrease to be low

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Fahmi Sulaiman ◽  
Yossi Purnama Sari

Work Station, human Work Factor contains a high hazard potential so we need a preventive effort to prevent accidents and illness due to improper working posture. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship postures with complaints system muscoloskletal workers agate grinding process so that the system can meminimalisirkan complaint musculoskletal workers agate grinding. To determine the posture disorders occurring in workers then used method of REBA (Rapid EntireBody Asssessment). That is the method used to analyze the workers based on the position of the body. This method is designed to evaluate the work or activities, where such work has a tendency to cause discomfort such as fatigue in the neck, spine, arm. From the observations that have been made are not ergonomic working position. It is necessary for improvement of working methods by the company.Kata Kunci: Work Posture, Work Station, Musculoskeletal, REBA, Gems Stone.

Nurdian Evadarianto

In the production process, a lot of activities that use human power, for example in material processing, packing and transportation of production manually. It if is not done the right way, it will lead to disruption in the system of muscles, bones, tendons, and nerves called with musculoskeletal disorders. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between work posture with the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders complaint. This research is an analytic observational with cross sectional approach, this study using a sample's total working population numbering 15 people. Techniques of collecting data through observation and questionnaires. For posture workers measured using valuation methods REBA, as well as the incidence of complaints of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are measured by filling sheets of Nordic Body Map (NBM). Data were analyzed using Spearman correlation test. Results of this study was 73.34% working posture workers with very high category, 73.34% of workers complain of MSDs in the medium category. Spearman correlation coefficient value of 0.770, which means there is a very strong relationship between work posture with MSDs complaint. Ergonomic posture that does not work or is not natural occurrences can cause MSDs complaint. The worse the working posture, the greater the musculoskeletal complaints. Suggested improvements to the company to avoid layout with raised floor, doing routine surveillance on the activities that are at risk of bodily injury, and hold regular sports activities once a week.Keywords: Musculoskeletal Disorders, Work Posture

Wolfgang Däubler

The article deals with three main challenges to labour law referring especially to the German experience. The world-wide market induced enterprises to relocate their production and to reduce labour costs at home. In Germany, a quite indirect way of exercising pressure on the workers was developed; counter-measures were rare and did not really change the situation. TTIP and CETA will worsen the situation because national sovereignty in social and environmental questions will fade away. The second challenge comes from inequality existing among workers as well as in society as a whole. There is a scission between very wealthy people on one side and people becoming poorer and poorer on the other side. Labour law has not yet developed the instruments to realize more equality among workers but some ideas are discussed. The third challenge is the digitalisation of many activities; they are no more bound to certain places or certain times of the day. The “freedom” to work at any moment and at any place entails very long working hours, work at night and work on Sundays. Legal rules on working time lose more and more there importance. A solution can be the right of workers´ representatives to discuss the tasks given to individual workers, but other means are examined in the article, too. The internet makes crowdworking possible – a new form of work which is currently not covered by labour law.

Triana Izzati ◽  
Denny Ardyanto W.,

Work manner affects health safety and environment in the work station. It also affects workers’ fatigue which can reduce their performance resulting from the excessive of physical and mental at the working environment. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the tailor work attitude with the incidence of work fatigue on workers in the Ramli convection industry that engaged in fashion. The research was a descriptive by using the assessment of RULA model that targets of body posture of the workers in the Convection Industry. This research aimed to estimate the risk accident of skeletal muscle disorder and to assess work attitude which having pain, fatigue and musculoskeletal disorder by using RULA Model. The improvement of work attitude with changing of work position by standing up and sitting down, not slouching and not bending, and the improvement of work station such as making the ergonomic of the tailors’ chair. The results showed a strong correlation between fatigue with age (r = 0.711), work period (r = 0.854), intermediate relationship with gender (r = 0.439), work attitude (r = 0.416), and the working environment (r = 0.419). The result showed a weak correlation between fatigue with work station (r = 0.448). The conclusion is workers who have a high risk of work attitude experience a higher level of fatigue.Keywords: work attitude, work fatigue, work station

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Ibnu Kanaha

The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of employees (ASN) in the South Morotai District office. The form of this research is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques through observation and in-depth interviews with the subdistrict head, subdistrict head secretary, employees, and the community. This study concluded that employees at the South Morotai District Office were not disciplined in terms of time, both when they entered the office and after working hours. Employees are not able to make the best use of time to do productive work to improve performance. employees generally do not know and understand their respective fields of duty. The concept of the right man in the right place is not applied in the placement of employees. Performance evaluation of employees at the South Morotai District Office is difficult because of unclear job descriptions and division of tasks for the state apparatus. This causes the work performance is not measurable both in quality and quantity..

BMJ ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 350 (jan12 13) ◽  
pp. g7772-g7772 ◽  
M. Virtanen ◽  
M. Jokela ◽  
S. T. Nyberg ◽  
I. E. H. Madsen ◽  
T. Lallukka ◽  

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