2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 379-386
Rijal Galih Amta Nursubekhi ◽  
Niniek Widyorini ◽  
Oktavianto Eko Jati

Perairan Morosari terletak di wilayah Kabupaten Demak. Perairan ini telah banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat sekitar untuk berbagai macam aktivitas seperti pembuangan limbah domestik maupun industri, jalur lalu lintas perahu nelayan, kawasan wisata dan kegiatan perikanan baik budidaya maupun tangkap. Limbah yang dibuang langsung ke perairan ini diperkirakan telah menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan kandungan nutrien, seperti bahan organik, nitrat dan fosfat di perairan Morosari, Demak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelimpahan total bakteri, bahan organik terlarut, nitrat, dan fosfat di Perairan Morosari, Demak. serta mengetahui hubungan antara total bakteri dengan bahan organik terlarut, nitrat dan fosfat di Perairan Morosari, Demak. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2018. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling yang dilakukan pada lima stasiun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai total bakteri berkisar <1x101 – 3,6x1011 CFU/ml, bahan organik terlarut 12,77 – 33,81 mg/l, nitrat 4,43 – 7,97 mg/l, fosfat 0,099 - 2,112 mg/l. Morosari Waters is located in Demak Regency. This waters have been widely used by the surrounding community for various activities such as the disposal of domestic and industrial waste, fishing boat traffic lanes, tourist areas and fishing activities both aquaculture and capture. Waste that directly enters  the water is thought to have caused an increase in nutrient content, such as organic matter, nitrate and phosphate in the waters of Morosari, Demak. The purpose of this study was to determine the total abundance of bacteria, dissolved organic matters, nitrate and phosphate in waters of Morosari, Demak. and knowing the relationship between total bacteria and dissolved organic matter, nitrate and phosphate in waters of Morosari, Demak. This research was carried out in May 2018. The method used in this research was survey method and the sampling technique used was purposive sampling method which was carried out at five stations. The results showed the total value of bacteria ranged from <1 x 101 – 3.6 x 1011 CFU / ml, dissolved organic matter 12.77 – 33.81 mg / l, nitrate 4.43 – 7.97 mg / l, phosphate 0.099 – 2,112 mg / l.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 291-299
Heny Setiani ◽  
Anhar Solichin ◽  
Norma Afiati

Zat hara nitrat dan fosfat merupakan unsur kimia yang sangat penting untuk mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan lamun. Penyerapan nutrien pada kolom air dilakukan oleh daun sedangkan penyerapan nutrien dari sedimen dilakukan oleh akar. Ketersediaan nitrat dan fosfat pada air dan sedimen dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan bahan organik yang berasal dari aktivitas manusia maupun dari perairan itu sendiri. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2019. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis dan kerapatan lamun, kandungan nitrat dan fosfat pada air dan sedimen serta hubungannya terhadap kerapatan lamun. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode survei dengan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan IBM SPSS Statistics 23. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat 5 jenis lamun di Pantai Prawean dengan kerapatan berkisar antara 277 – 421 tegakan/m2 yang masuk dalam kategori sedang hingga rapat. DO berkisar 3,4-5,8 mg/l dan rata-rata bahan organik berkisar 6,34-6,64 mg/l. Rata-rata kandungan nitrat dan fosfat sedimen lebih tinggi dibanding pada air yakni masing-masing berkisar 0,43-0,88 mg/l dan 0,12-0,27 mg/l. Kandungan nitrat dan fosfat pada sedimen memiliki korelasi kuat terhadap kerapatan lamun dengan angka korelasi masing-masing sebesar 0,875 dan 0,718. Hubungan antara nitrat dan fosfat sedimen dengan kerapatan lamun mempunyai angka determinansi regresi (R2) sebesar 0,767 yang berarti kedua nutrien mempunyai pengaruh sebesar 76,7 % terhadap kerapatan lamun. ABSTRACT Nitrate and phosphate are very important chemical elements to support the growth and development of seagrass. Nutrient absorption in the water column is carried out by leaves while absorption of nutrients from sediments is carried out by the roots. The availability of nitrate and phosphate in the water and sediments is influenced by the availability of organic materials derived from human activities as well as from the waters themselves. The research was conducted in May 2019. The purpose of this study was to determine the type and density of seagrass, the content of nitrate and phosphate in water and sediments and their relationship to seagrass density. Survey method with purposive sampling technique were used. Data analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics 23. The results of this study are that there are 5 types of seagrasses on Prawean Beach with densities ranging from 277 - 421 ind/m2 in the medium to tight category. DO ranges from 3.4-5.8 mg/l and the average organic matter ranges from 6.34 to 6.64 mg/l. The average sediment content of nitrate and phosphate is higher than in water, each of which ranges from 0.43-0.88 mg/l and 0.12-0.27 mg/l. The content of nitrate and phosphate in sediments has a strong correlation with seagrass density with correlation factor of 0.875 and 0.718 respectively.  The relationship between nitrate and phosphate sediment with seagrass density has a regression determinant (R2) of 0.767 which means that both nutrients have an effect of 76.7% on seagrass density. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 249-257
Sonia Wulan ◽  
Siti Rudiyanti ◽  
Bambang Sulardiono

ABSTRAK Ekosistem padang lamun di Perairan Bandengan Jepara penting bagi biota akuatik khususnya epifauna. Kerapatan lamunakan mempengaruhi bahan organik yang digunakan oleh epifauna, selain itu kerapatan lamun juga dapat mengendapkan bahan organik yang akan mempengaruhi kelimpahan epifauna. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2016 di Perairan Bandengan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kelimpahan epifauna dengan kerapatan lamun yang berbeda di Perairan Bandengan Jepara serta hubungan antara kandungan bahan organik dengan tingkat kerapatan lamun di Perairan Bandengan Jepara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan survei dengan metode sampling yaitu Purposive Random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 1 jenis lamun yang ditemukan di Pantai Bandengan  yaitu Thalassia sp. dengan kerapatan pada stasiun jarang (A) 178 ind/m2, stasiun padat (B) 368 ind/m2. Kelimpahan epifauna di kerapatan jarang dan padat di Perairan bandengan 140 ind/3m2, dan 91 ind/3m2. Rerata kandungan bahan organik sedimen pada kerapatan jarang, dan padat berturut-turut adalah 12.86% dan 76.85%.Berdasarkan hasil uji regresi menunjukkan antara kelimpahan epifauna dengan tingkat kerapatan lamun menunjukkan hubungan tidak searah, setiap kenaikkan kerapatan lamun tidak diikuti oleh kenaikkan kelimpahan epifauna, serta tingkat kerapatan lamun dengan bahan organik terdapat korelasi yang kuat, semakin tinggi tingkat kerapatan lamun akan diikuti oleh bahan organik.  Kata Kunci; Perairan Bandengan; Kerapatan Lamun; Kelimpahan Epifauna; Bahan Organik.  ABSTRACT Seagrass ecosystem in Bandengan coastal Jepara is important for epifauna. Different seagrass density will affect levels of organic matter used epifauna, in addition the density of seagrass can also precipitate organic particles which affect the abundance of epifauna. This research was conducted on March 2016. The aimed of this research was to determine the relationship of epifauna’s abundance to density seagrass and the relationship of organic matter to the density of seagrass. This research used survey method and random sampling technique. Samples were taken from three different station there are (A) sparse density, and (B) dense density. Sample epifauna were taken once a week for three time. The results showed only 1 type of seagrass found in Bandengan coastal Jepara that is Thalassia sp. With density on sparse station (A) 178ind/m2, dense station 368 ind/m2. The abundance of epifauna on station sparse (A) 140 ind/3m2, dense station (B) 91 ind/3m2, The highest abundance Sconsia sp 52 ind/m2 dan 28 ind/m2 and Cerithium sp 34 ind/m2 dan 19 ind/m2Organic material content of sedimen on density was sparse and dense was 5.71%, 9.81%. Based on the result of the correlation show that between the abundance of epifauna with seagrass density level there is a relation undirectional, density of seagrass will not increase accordingly to the abundance of epifauna, as well as to the content of organic matter. There is a close correlation that higher of density of seagrass will be followed by organic matter. Key Word; Coastal of Bandengan; Seagrass Beds Density; Abundance of Epifauna; Organic matter

Hana Nisau Shalihah ◽  
Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo ◽  
Niniek Widyorini

 Muara Sungai Betahwalang merupakan ekosistem yang mendapat masukan dari kegiatan penduduk daerah pemukiman sekitar dan dari Sungai Jajar. Muatan pencemar akan mempengaruhi kondisi muara terutama substrat dasar pada sungai Betah walang. Tekstur dan kandungan bahan organik di dalam sedimen menentukan keberadaan moluska. Tekstur sedimen merupakan tempat untuk menempel dan merayap atau berjalan, sedangkan bahan organik merupakan sumber makanan bagi moluska. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman moluska, tekstur sedimen dan kadar bahan organik, serta untuk mengetahui hubungan antara variabel. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling. Sampel diambil pada 5 stasiun dan masing-masing stasiun terdiri dari 3 titik. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa terdapat 10 genera dari kelas Gastropoda yaitu Littorina, Cerithidea, Turritella, Clathrodrillia, Fasciolaris, Conus, Filopaludina, Pila, Melanoides dan Telescopium dan 4 genera dari kelas Bivalvia yaitu Anadara, Mesodesma, Mytilus dan Donax. Karakteristik substrat di muara Sungai Betahwalang adalah liat dan liat berpasir dengan kadar bahan organik berkisar antara 6,2-17,4 %. Hubungan moluska dengan tekstur sedimen terutama liat mempunyai korelasi positif dengan persamaan y = 6.94x + 224.0 (r = 0.535). Hubungan moluska dengan bahan organik mempunyai korelasi positif dengan persamaan y = 33.44x + 271.1 (r = 0.507) dan R2 = 0.257   Betahwalang Estuary is an ecosystem that gets input from the activities of the surrounding residents area and from the Jajar River. Contaminant load from upstream will affect the condition of the substrate in Betah walang river. Texture and organic matter content in the sediments determine the presence of molluscs. Sediment texture is a place for molluscs to stick, crawl or walk, while organic matter is a source of food for them. The purpose of this research is to know the diversity of molluscs, sediment textures and organic matter content, and to know the relationship between those variables. The method used is survey method with sampling using Purposive Sampling method. Samples were taken at 5 stations and each station consisted of 3 spots. The results show that 10 genera of the Gastropod class were Littorina, Cerithidea, Turritella, Clathrodoillia, Fasciolaris, Conus, Filopaludina, Pila, Melanoides and Telescopium and 4 genera of Bivalves class were Anadara, Mesodesma, Mytilus and Donax. Betahwalang estuary are characterized by clay and sandy clay with organic material content between 6,2-17,4%. The relationship of molluscs with sediment texture, especially clay, has a positive correlation with the equation y = 6.94x + 224.0 (r = 0.535). The relationship of molluscs with organic matter has a positive correlation with the equation y = 33.44x + 271.1 (r = 0.507). 

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-94 ◽  
Luvy Sylviana Zanthy

AbstrakPenelitian  ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  hubungan  antara resiliensi matematis dengan kemampuan  akademik  mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Statistika Matematika. Penelitian ini didasari oleh capaian akademik pada mata kuliah Statistika Matematika yang tergolong rendah. Mahasiswa merasa kesulitan dan mudah menyerah dalam menyelesaikan soal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah  metode survey  dengan  teknik  korelasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa program  studi  pendidikan  matematika  IKIP Siliwangi,  sampel  penelitian  diambil  dengan  teknik purposive  sampling sebanyak  30 orang mahasiswa  yang mengambil mata kuliah Statistika Matematika. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini berupa soal tes uraian kemampuan akademik dan soal non tes berupa skala resiliensi matematis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  terdapat  hubungan  yang positif antara resiliensi matematis dengan kemampuan  akademik  mahasiswa,  dengan kontribusi resiliensi matematis sebesar 48,5 %  terhadap kemampuan akademik mahasiswa. AbstractThe aims of this study was to determined the relationship between mathematical resilience with academic ability of students' in Mathematics Statistics. This research is based on low academic achievement of students in Mathematics Statistics course. Students find difficulty and easily give up in solving the problem. The method used in this research is survey method with correlation technique. Population in this research is all student in study program of mathematics in IKIP Siliwangi, research sample is taken by purposive sampling technique as many as 30 students who take on Mathematics Statistics course. The Instruments in this study are test description of academic ability questions and non test questions in the form of mathematical resilience scale. The results showed that there was a positive correlation between mathematical resilience and student's academic ability, with mathematical resilience contribution of 48,5% to student's academic ability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 300-308
Febio Ariawan ◽  
Haeruddin Haeruddin ◽  
Arif Rahman

Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat membutuhkan perhatian serius dari berbagai elemen masyarakat, dikarenakan sungai ini banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat. Kandungan nutrien yang ada di sedimen berpengaruh terhadap keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan makrozoobentos jika semakin berlimpah dan beranekaragam maka sungai itu memiliki kesuburan yang tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tekstur, konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfat pada sedimen, kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman makrozoobentos serta hubungan antara kesuburan pada sedimen dengan kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman makrozoobentos di Sungai Banjir Kanal Barat, Semarang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April-Mei 2019 menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan total 5 stasiun. Sampel yang diambil berupa sedimen dan makrozoobentos. Metode penentuan sedimen menggunakan metode pemipetan, nitrat fosfat menggunakan spektrofotometri, untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kesuburan dengan kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman menggunakan metode PCA. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menerangkan bahwa fraksi sand berkisar 10,84-92,04%; fraksi silt berkisar antara 0-70%; fraksi clay berkisar antara 2,80-25,48%. Genus makrozoobentos yang ditemukan dikelompokan menjadi 2 kelas yaitu: Gastropoda (Afropomus sp., Melanoides sp., Terebia sp., Terebra sp., Urosalpinx sp.) dan Bivalvia (Anadara sp., Corbicula sp., Leiosolenussp.). Keanekaragaman jenis makrozoobentos berkisar antara 0,45-1,96 dan termasuk dalam kategori rendah. Kelimpahan individu berkisar antara 15200-42800 ind/m³ dan kelimpahan tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun IV dan stasiun II merupakan kelimpahan terendah. Konsentrasi nitrat dan fosfat sedimen berkisar antara 0,04-0,60 mg/l untuk nitrat lalu konsentrasi fosfat berkisar antara 0,03-1,33 mg/l. Analisis PCA menyatakan konsentrasi nitrat pada sedimen berpengaruh terhadap makrozoobentos. konsentrasi nitrat di sedimen cukup berpengaruh dengan keanekaragaman jenis dan kelimpahan makrozoobentos yang ada diperairan, dan memiliki nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,99 dan 0,87. The Banjir Kanal Barat River needs serious attention from various elements of the community, because the river is widely used by the community. Nutrient content in sediments affects the diversity and abundance of macrozoobenthos. The concentration of nitrate and phosphate in the sediment are used phytopentos, phytopentos is benthic food. macrozoobenthos is a bioindicator of water, if it is more abundant and diverse, the river has high fertility. The purpose of this study was to determine the texture, nitrate and phosphate concentrations in sediments, abundance and diversity of macrozoobenthos and the relationship between fertility in sediments with abundance and diversity of macrozoobenthos in the West Flood River Canal, Semarang. This research was conducted in April-May 2019 using a purposive sampling technique with a total of 5 stations. Samples taken in the form of sediments and macrozoobenthos. The results of the research that have been done explained that the sand fraction ranged from 10.84 to 92.04%; silt fraction ranges from 0-70%; clay fraction ranged from 2.80-25.48%. The macrozoobenthos genus found was classified into 2 classes, namely: Gastropods (Afropomus sp., Melanoides sp., Terebia sp., Terebra sp., Urosalpinx sp.) And Bivalvia (Anadara sp., Corbicula sp., Leiosolenus sp.). Diversity of macrozoobenthos types ranged from 0.45 to 1.96 and included in the low category. Individual abundances ranged from 15200 to 42800 ind / m³ and the highest abundances were at station IV and station II was the lowest abundance. Nitrate and phosphate sediment concentrations ranged from 0,04 to 0,60 mg / l for nitrates and then phosphate concentrations ranged from 0,03 to 1,33 mg / l. PCA analysis resulted that the concentration of nitrate in the sediment affected macrozoobenthos. Nitrate concentration in sediments is quite influential with the diversity of species and abundance of macrozoobenthos in the water, and has a correlation coefficient of 0,99 and 0,87. 

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Sabeen Khan ◽  
Ruhi Khalid

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship among Narcissism, personality traits and conspicuous consumption of brands in youth. This used quantitative research design with a sample consisting of 50 Men and 50 Women. The age ranged between 18 – 22 years. A purposive sampling technique was used to select participants. The findings revealed that there was a relationship among conspicuous consumption and traits of personality. It was also uncovered that there are gender differences in conspicuous consumption of brands, narcissism and personality traits. Further it was concluded that narcissism is positively associated with conspicuous consumption of brands. Narcissism was likely to be a positive predictor of conspicuous consumption of brands and personality traits are likely to be a predictor of conspicuous consumption of brands.

Jurnal Ecopsy ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Dwi Nur Rachmah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dan hubungan self efficacy, coping stress dan prestasi akademik mahasiswa semester awal Program Studi Psikologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 60 orang. Tekhnik pengambilan data dengan cara purposive sampling. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah skala self efficacy dan skala coping stress. Untuk prestasi akademik data dikumpulkan dengan melihat indeks prestasi akademik (IPK) semester pertama. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : (1) tidak ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara variabel self efficacy, coping stress dan prestasi akademik , (2) sumbangan prediktor (R2) self efficacy dan coping stress sebesar  2%, (3) rata-rata mahasiswa Program Studi Psikologi angkatan 2012 memiliki self efficacy yang tergolong tinggi, coping stress yang tergolong sedang dan prestasi akademik yang tergolong sedang.Kata kunci : self efficacy, coping stress, dan prestasi akademik  Aim to determine relationship between self efficacy, coping stress and achievement academic in first semester college student of Psychology Study Program of Medical Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University. Method respondents as many as 60 first semester college students. Sampling technique by using purposive sampling. Data collection by using self efficacy scale, coping of stress scale and achievement academic indeks of first semester. Data analyzed by multiple regression. Results the relationship between self efficacy, coping of stress and achievement academic is not significant.. Self efficacy and coping of stress contribute 2% to achievement academic. Conclusion Odd semester college student in 2012 has high performance in self efficacy, middle in coping of stress and middle in achievement academic. Keywords: self efficacy, coping of stress, achievement academic  

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-142
Anggih Perian Guswan Putra

This research was conducted to determine the relationship between the quality of the Principal's leadership and organizational culture with the performance of SMAN 28 Tangerang District employees. The study uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive correlational survey method, using correlation theory which is about product moment. Research data collection techniques from respondents carried out through questionnaires or questionnaires. The sample population was 103 employees in each section of SMAN 28 Tangerang, with simple random sampling technique. The magnitude of the effect of leadership quality and organizational culture together on employee performance by 87.2% This shows the higher the quality of leadership and organizational culture, the better the performance of employees, and vice versa the lower the quality of leadership and organizational culture will have an impact for employee performance.

Pratibha Wankhede ◽  
Shrutika Gode ◽  
Achal Gulghane ◽  
Vaibhav Hatwar ◽  
Subodh Itkalwar ◽  

Introduction: Vasectomy is a surgical procedure in which the two tubes that carry sperm from the two testicles to the urinary tract are surgically altered, preventing sperm from passing through and fertilizing a woman's egg during sexual intercourse. Objective: To determine the level of awareness of non-scalpel vasectomy and the impact of a video-assisted training programme among married males in a rural region. Community. To determine the relationship between the effectiveness of a video-assisted training programme on non-scalpel vasectomy knowledge and a set of demographic variables. Methods: A descriptive survey method design. We conducted the descriptive research design study in the Wardha district of Maharashtra. We search for the rural area in Wardha district and men in the area. A total number of 100 men were taken inside this study. The study uses a non-probability convenient sampling technique. Results: Findings from the study reveal that assess the effectiveness of video-assisted teaching on knowledge regarding non-scalpel among married men in selected area of Wardha district. There was an increase in the knowledge about non-scalpel vasectomy. The educational program is most important for enhancing the knowledge of the community men regarding non-scalpel vasectomy. Conclusion: Our study draws the following conclusions to assess the effectiveness of video-assisted teaching on knowledge regarding non-scalpel vasectomy among married men are the very poor level of knowledge and accompanied by a lot of misconceptions.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Siti Erlina

AbstrakUsaha peternakan itik alabio di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara belum berkembang sebagaimana mestinya ditunjukkan 80 persen peternak kepemilikannya dibawah 500 ekor. Pengembangan agribisnis itik alabio dengan  memperhatikan semua subsistem menjadi penting agar diperoleh tingkat produksi dan pendapatan maksimal.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji keterkaitan antar subsistem agribisnis itik alabio petelur terhadap produksi dan pendapatan peternak. Penelitian menggunakan metode survey, penentuan sampel peternak memakai teknik stratified random sampling, sedangkan sampel pedagang, breeder dan pembesaran melalui teknik purposive. Hipotesis diuji dengan analisis multivariat, uji F dan uji T. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengembangan agribisnis melalui peningkatan produksi dapat dilakukan dengan memperhatikan sumber bibit, harga kandang, jumlah pakan, jumlah tenaga kerja dan biaya pemasaran, sedangkan melalui peningkatan pendapatan dengan memperhatikan sumber bibit, harga bibit, harga kandang, jumlah pakan dan biaya pemasaran. Secara bersama-sama semua subsistem menentukan namun secara parsial subsistem lembaga penunjang tidak menentukan tingkat produksi dan pendapatan peternak.Kata kunci : Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, itik alabio, pengembangan gribisnis.AbstractAlabio duck farming businesses in Hulu Sungai Utara district have not yet been developed as it should be, it indicated that 80 percent of the owners farmers just owned under 500 ducks. Alabio duck agribusiness development with attention to all subsystems become important in order to obtain the maximum level of production and income. This research aimed to examine the linkages between agribusiness subsystems of Alabio duck layers . Research used a survey method with stratified random sampling technique, while the sample traders, breeders and growers by using purposive. The hypothesis testing analysis used multivariate analysis, F test and T test. The results showed, agribusiness development through increased production can be done with the source of female ducks, cages prices, the amount of feed, the amount of labor and marketing costs. While through increasing of revenue could be fulfilled by female duck sources, female duck price, price of the cage, the amount of feed and marketing costs. Together of all subsystems were crucial but in partial subsystems supporting institutions did not determine the level of production and income of the farmers. Keywords: Hulu Sungai Utara District, Alabio ducks , agribusiness development.

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