scholarly journals Personifikasi dalam Lirik Lagu “Mencari Cinta” dan “Menemaniku” Band Noah dalam Album Keterkaitan Keterikatan

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 324-333
Mujid Amin

This paper was prepared with the aim of knowing the function of the personification style in the lyrics of the song Finding Love and Menemaniku, which was created by the Band Noah. The method used in this research includes two methods, namely methods in linguistics and stylistics. The results obtained in this study are that the personified language style is a language style that can give strength to something as if it can carry out activities / actions such as activities / actions carried out by living things (animals, humans,). The personified language style has a function to describe the atmosphere as if it were real and alive, and can also bring out the atmosphere, impressions / images of certain senses; at the same time it can create beauty (aesthetics) that is in the song lyrics.

Ayu Rini Khoirunnisa ◽  
Idah Hamidah ◽  
Hartati Hartati

This research examines the style of language in song lyric entitled “A Stylistic Analysis of Hey! Say! Jump’s Song Lyrics in Jumping Car Album”. This research aims to find out the kinds of  language style and describe the meaning of the song lyrics. Language style theory used in this research is theory proposed by Keraf. This research used a descriptive research with qualitative approach. The data collection technique employed in this research was listening and note taking technique. Collected data were analyzed by using equivalent technique and technique of immediate constituent analyst. Data source used in this research is twelve song lyrics in Jumping Car album. The kinds of language style found consists of 3 (three) metaphor, 5 (five) personification, 7 (seven) simile, 16 (sixteen) allegory, 1 (one) eponym, 1 (one) synecdoche, 4 (four) metonymy, 1 (one) epithet, 1 (one) antonomasia, 1 (one) cynicism and 1 (one) sarcasm. The dominant kinds of language in this research is allegory. All of the meaning of the kinds of language which found shows songs in Jumping Car album describing love and life story in which contain happiness and sadness.

Panggung ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
Acep Iwan Saidi ◽  
Agung Eko Budiwaspada

ABSTRACTThis research is entitled “Visualization and Transformation of Embodiment in the Film of Planes Animation”. As an animation film, Planes is interesting because it is using inanimate objects, in this case the planes, as characters. This fact indicates that the character transformation is done by an animator, from the character of inanimate objects in to live character. By using the methods of structural and semiotic analysis, found that the transformation is done not only for personification (it is made as if the inanimate objects becomes alive). In the Planes, “the living things” not only exist in the mind as imagination, but it is exist out of the mind, as an autonomous reality. Based on that, Planes is the animation film which opens space for creating a new myth in the history of culture. Like the fable as a myth in the tradition of primary orality, Planes allows the formation of myth in digital oral tradition.Key Words: Transformation, visualization, embodiment, personification, metaphor, tradition, myth ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertajuk “Visualisasi dan Transformasi Kebertubuhan dalam Film Animasi Planes”.Sebagai film animasi, Planes menarik karena menggunakan benda-benda mati, dalam hal ini pesawat, sebagai tokoh cerita. Fakta ini mengindikasikan dilakukannya transformasi karakte r ole h animator, yakni dari karakte r “yang mati” ke “yang hidup”.Dengan menggunakan metode analisis structural dan semiotik, ditemukan bahwa transformasi tersebut dilakukan melampaui sarana retorika personifikasi (membuatseolah- olah yang mati menjadi hidup).Di dalam Planes, “yang hidup” itu tidak berada di dalam pikiran dan imajinasi apresiator sebagai yang seolah-olah, melainkan hadir di luar pikiran, berdiri sendiri sebagai realita sotonom. Berdasarkan hal itu, Planes merupakan film animasi yang membuka ruang bagi terciptanya mitos baru dalam sejarah cerita. Jika fable merupakan mitos dalam tradisi kelisanan primer, Planes memungkinkan terbentuknya mitos dalam tradisi lisan digital.Kata kunci: transformasi, visualisasi, kebertubuhan, personifikasi, metafora, tradisi, mitos.

Philosophy ◽  
1978 ◽  
Vol 53 (206) ◽  
pp. 551-559 ◽  
John Cottingham

To be able to believe that a dog with a broken paw is not really in pain when it whimpers is a quite extraordinary achievement even for a philosopher. Yet according to the standard interpretaion, this is just what Descartes did believe. He held, we are informed, the ‘monstrous’ thesis that ‘animals are without feeling or awareness of any kind’. The Standard view has been reiterated in a recent collection on animal rights, which casts Descartes as the villain of the piece for his alleged view that animals merely behave ‘as if they feel pain when they are, say, kicked or stabbed’. The basis for this widely accepted interpretation is Descartes' famous doctrine of ‘animal machine’ (‘bête-machine’); a doctrine that one critic condemns as ‘a grim fortaste of a mechanically minded age’ which ‘brutally violates the old kindly fellowship of living things’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Syihaabul Hudaa

This research aims to find the type, function, and meaning of any language style contained in the song lyrics of Iwan Fals album 50:50 2007. This study examines each song lyrics contained therein, and grouping them according to the type of language style, as well as studying its function, then knowing the meaning to be conveyed through the lyrics of the song. This study uses a qualitative approach using content analysis methods. The researcher first collected data in the form of song lyrics, then conducted an analysis of the linguistic style of song lyrics by Iwan Fals in the 50:50 2007 album to find the function of the type of language style found, as well as what meaning was contained in it. The research results found by researchers namely in the 50:50 2007 album found 3 types of language style groups, namely: (1) comparative language styles, (2) conflicting language styles, (3) affirmative language styles. Of all the existing language styles, the author is more dominant to use a metaphorical language style in conveying the message to be conveyed through the lyrics of the song. By finding the style of language in the lyrics of the song, the reader can understand the message conveyed. The results found by researchers, the 50:50 album by Iwan Fals is more dominant using the style of the metaphorical language. The use of metaphorical style of language is considered to represent the feelings of the writer to be conveyed to the listener or reader.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-70
Nur Hafsah Yunus, Muhammad Syaeba

Abstract. To understand language style and moral messages, the first thing to do is describe the language contained in the song's lyrics and then examine its aesthetic functions and valuesby stylistics theory. The purpose of this research is to describe the style of language and moral messages contained in the lyrics of the song Mandar. This type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The method used in this research is a case study. The first stage, a preliminary study. The second stage, set / formulate the problem and determine the focus of research. The third stage, the study of literature and research analysis. The fourth step is collecting data. The fifth stage, data processing and interpretation. The sixth stage, making a research report. While for data collection, it is carried out by means of tests, observations, and documentation. The results showed that the linguistic style contained in the mandar song lyrics in broad outline, namely the opposing language style (hyperbole, litotes, antithesis), comparative language style (personification, hyperbole, metaphor, sinekdoke pars pro toto), affirmative language style (tautology, climax, repertis, anticlimax, inversion), while the moral message contained in the lyrics of the mandar song about the importance of maintaining loyalty and sharing in a relationship.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 13

Penelitian ini berjudul “Lirik Kawih Kliningan Gamelan Klasik Cicih Cangkurileung (Tilikan Struktural, Semiotik, dan Etnopedagogik)”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis lirik kawih kiliningan Gamelan Klasik Cicih Cangkurileung dengan melihat unsur-unsur puisi yang ada di dalamnya serta analisis unsur semiotika dan etnopedagogik. Di dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode deskriptif. Adapun teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik wawancara, telaah pustaka, observasi, dokumentasi, dan analisis. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah delapan lirik lagu kiliningan dalam album Gamelan Kalsik Cicih Cangkurileung. Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis Struktur puisi (imaji, simbul, musikalitas atau wirahma, suasana, téma dan gaya basa), sémiotik pancacuriga (Silib, Sindir, Simbul, Siloka, dan Sasmita), dan étnopédagogik dalam moral kemanusiaan (moral manusia kepada Tuhannya, Pribadi, alam, waktu, manusia lainnya,  dan menggapai kepuasan lahir batin). Hasil gambaran lirik ini menghasilkan kesimpulan, dari delapan lirik yang dianalisis strukturnya,    banyak ditemukan tema mengenai keagamaan . Dalam semiotik pancacuriga, banyak ditemukan silib, simbul, dan siloka. Dalam  tilikan étnopédagogik ditemukan mengenai moral manusia terhadap Tuhan  dan  pribadinya serta ditemukan pepatah  antara lain (1) pepatah agar mau bersodakoh dan  menggunakan harta di jalan yang benar, (2) pepatah agar menjadi diri yang patuh terhadap perintah agama, (3) pepatah agar mengamalkan rukun iman, (4) pepatah agar setia, (5)  pepatah agar ingat kematian, dan (6) pepatah agar saling menghargai dengan orang lain.  AbstractThis study entitled “Lyrics of Kawih Kliningan Gamelan Klasik Cicih Cangkurileung”. This study aimed to find the elements of poetry in the lyrics of Kawih Kliningan Gamelan Klasik Cicih Cangkurileung as well as the elemental analysis of semiotics and ethnopedagogy. This study used a descriptive analytical method. The techniques covered interviews, literature review, observation, documentation, and analysis. The data source of this research is eight song lyrics on the album Gamelan Klasik Cicih Cangkurileung. The focus of this research is the analysis of poem structure (images, symbols, musicality or wirahma, atmosphere, theme, and language style), the semiotic of pancacuriga (Silib, Sindir, Simbul, Siloka, and Sasmita), and ethnopedagogy of human moral (towards God, personal, nature, time, other people, and achieving both inner and outer satisfaction). This study concludes that, of the eight lyrics, most themes are religion. In semiotic pancacuriga, this research found many silib, simbul, and siloka. From the ethnopedagogical perspective, this research found concept of human moral towards God and personal. Some proverbs were also found. They are, among others, (1) to make alms and to use belongings on the right path, (2) to be adherent to religious orders, (3) to practice the pillars of faith, (4) to be faithful, (5) to remember death, and (6) to have mutual respect with others.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Ambarul Mahasiswa Setiawati ◽  
Dara Mela Ayu ◽  
Sinta Wulandari ◽  
Vita Agustiawati Putri

Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas mengenai penggunaan gaya bahasa dan makna yang terdapat pada lirik di salah satu lagu Nadin Amizah yang berjudul “Bertaut" yang dirilis pada tahun 2020. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan secara kualitatif dengan hasil diskusi berupa penjelasan deskriptif. Peneliti memilih lagu tersebut sebagai bahan penelitian karena gaya kebahasaan yang unik serta belum adanya penelitian sebelumnya yang menggunakan lagu “Bertaut” sebagai objek penelitiannya. Data dari penelitian ini diperoleh dari lirik lagu yang terdapat pada lagu “Bertaut” dengan berpaku pada teori Keraf (2006) mengenai gaya bahasa berdasarkan langsung tidaknya makna. Peneliti menemukan beberapa jenis majas berdasarkan pengkategoriannya dalam majas retoris dan majas kiasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik baca-catat dengan membaca keseluruhan lirik dari lagu tersebut dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mencatat semua hasil analisis yang berupa majas yang ditemukan dalam lirik lagu tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis majas retoris lebih banyak muncul dibandingkan majas kiasan.Kata kunci : Gaya bahasa, lirik lagu, stilistika AbstractThis study discusses the use of language style and the meaning of song lyrics in general of Nadin Amizah's song entitled "Bertaut" which was released in 2020. Researchers used a qualitative approach with the results of discussion in the form of descriptive explanations. The researcher chose the song as research material because of its unique linguistic style and the absence of previous research using the song "Bertaut" as the object of research. The data from this study were obtained from the lyrics contained in the song "Bertaut" based on the theory of Keraf (2006) regarding language style language style based on direct and indirect meaning The researchers found several types of figures of speech based on their categorization in rhetorical and figurative figures. This study used a read-marker technique by reading the entire lyrics of the song and marking all the analysis results in the form of figures of speech from the song. The results show that the rhetorical types appeared more frequently than the figurative ones.Keywords: Language style, song lyrics, stylistics

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-87
Moh Muzakka

The purpose of this research is to study the language style of Rhoma Irama's song lyrics entitled "Citra Cinta". To study these lyrics, stylistic theory is used, which is an interdisciplinary linguistic theory whose object of study is literary works. The work steps used in this study are to apply stylistic work steps initiated by Pradopo, namely analyzing language style based on the units that build literary works, namely sound style, word style, sentence style, and discourse style. The results of the analysis show that the language style that builds the lyrics of the song "Citra Cinta" by Rhoma Irama cannot be separated independently because the lyrical discourse of the song is built by a coherent sound style, word style, and sentence style to build the discourse,  namely the value of love that is holy and noble.

Moh. Syamsul Ma�arif ◽  
Lana Saadatul Abadiah

This study aims to describe: (1) the use of diction in Andmesh Kamaleng's first album; (2) the use of language styles contained in the songs of Andmesh Kamaleng's debut album. Researchers are interested in analyzing the diction and language style on Andmesh Kamaleng's first album because it has its own way or its own characteristics in conveying or composing a song. The object of this research is the first album from Andmesh Kamaleng which consists of 8 songs. The lyrics of the song by Andmesh Kamaleng contain 3 types of diction and 13 kinds of language styles. Diction is a choice of words that can distinguish precisely based on the nuances of meaning that arise from the idea to be conveyed. Language style is the use of words in speaking and writing in order to convince or influence a listener and reader. This research is a qualitative descriptive using content analysis method. The data source is a document in the form of song lyrics from Andmesh Kamaleng's debut album. The data collection techniques used in this study were the listening and note taking technique. Validating the data in this study using theoretical triangulation. The data analysis technique used in this research is flow analysis which includes three processes, namely: (1) data reduction; (2) Presentation of data; (3) Drawing conclusions. In the song lyrics of Andmesh Kamaleng's debut album, it contains three kinds of diction, namely diction which means denotative, connotative, and synonymy. For the language style used by the author, there are 3 kinds of language styles included in the lyrics of this song, namely: comparative language style, contradiction style, and repetition language style. The results of this study can be concluded as follows: (1) the use of word choices or diction in Andmesh Kamaleng's song lyrics, namely: 38 data denotative diction, 11 connotative diction, 11 synonymy diction, and 3 synonymy diction. The purpose of using denotative diction in a work is especially in Andmesh Kamaleng's songs so that the message conveyed by the writer can be understood by the audience; (2) the use of this language style consists of 13 types, namely: asonance as much as 46 data, alliteration of 26 data, anaphore of 18 data, personification of 10 data, tautotes with 2 data, apostrophe 5 data, epizeukis 9 data, hyperbolic 8 data, mesodilopsis 2 data, epanalepsis 1 data, metaphor 2 data, and zeugma with 2 data. Keywords: diction, language style

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