scholarly journals Strategy for the Development of Salak Fruit Business

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 469-477
Unifah Unifah

Agricultural value added can be increased through with off farm agribusiness, one of wich is horticultural commodities such as zalacca fruit to increase the price of the commodity. There are must be post harvest handling such as processing of zalacca juice by Women Farmer Group (KWT) Mekarsari in Kupangan Village of Wonosobo Regency. Some obstacles experienced by wire Mekarsari doing zalacca juice processing business include the skill of human resources that are have low skill, quality products are not durable and product marketing is still low. The purpose of this research is to establish priorities for the development strategy zalacca juice processing business in Kupangan Village Wonosobo Regency. This research uses Analytical Network Process (ANP) method with use Super Decision software. ANP can accommodate the interrelationship between criteria or between alternatives where there is a linkage in one element (inner dependence) and the interrelationship between different elements (outer dependence). ANP analysis results show there are three alternative business development processing of the zalacca juice of KWT Mekarsari produces aspects of product quality as the top priority and the right strategy to improve the quality of long lasting zalacca juice products. Recommendation strategy to improve product quality is the highest priority strategy, is 0.4764. Nilai tambah pertanian dapat ditingkatkan melalui agribisnis di luar pertanian, salah satunya adalah komoditas hortikultura seperti buah salak untuk meningkatkan harga komoditas tersebut. Harus ada penanganan pasca panen seperti pengolahan jus zalacca oleh Kelompok Tani Wanita (KWT) Mekarsari di Desa Kupangan, Kabupaten Wonosobo. Beberapa kendala yang dialami oleh kawat Mekarsari dalam melakukan bisnis pengolahan jus zakat antara lain keterampilan sumber daya manusia yang memiliki keterampilan rendah, produk berkualitas tidak tahan lama dan pemasaran produk masih rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menetapkan prioritas strategi pengembangan bisnis pengolahan jus zakat di Desa Kupangan Kabupaten Wonosobo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Analytical Network Process (ANP) dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Super Decision. ANP dapat mengakomodasi keterkaitan antara kriteria atau antara alternatif di mana ada keterkaitan dalam satu elemen (ketergantungan dalam) dan keterkaitan antara elemen yang berbeda (ketergantungan luar). Hasil analisis ANP menunjukkan ada tiga alternatif pengembangan bisnis pengolahan jus zalak dari KWT Mekarsari menghasilkan aspek kualitas produk sebagai prioritas utama dan strategi yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk jus zalacca yang tahan lama. Strategi rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk adalah strategi prioritas tertinggi, yaitu 0,4764.

Ayman M. Zakaria Eraqi ◽  
Walid Abdul-Hady Shoura

In Egypt, people are unable to determine the qualities of appropriate residence that achieves quality and occupant satisfaction, and contributes to sustainability of residential conglomerations. In general, developing countries lack housing information which can be used to enhance quality of residence. Also, the methods of assessing and identifying the appropriate criteria for future residence quality remain traditional ones that cannot address the multiple, conflicting, overlapping aspects to reach a good decision. This calls for using the Analytical Network Process  (ANP), an effective tool for specifying the relative importance of all factors impacting a specific issue for making an appropriate residential decision. In addition, this method provides results for the decision element impacts network within the decision structure; thus contributing to more understanding of the mechanisms and requirements of residence selection. The proposed decision structure comprises a two-level network: main clusters, main elements, and sub-elements included in the demographic characteristics group, the residence criteria group, the demand parameters group, the supply parameters group, the residence specifications group, and the alternatives group which representing, in total, the decision and specifying the percentage needed for each housing level. Results of the model showed complete capacity in smoothly addressing complexities and overlapping in the decision structure. The decision structure showed that 52% chose luxury residence, 28% chose middle-class residence, and 19.5% chose the economic residence. Mechanisms of decision making were analyzed; particularly in terms of relationship to demographic characteristics and residence specifications. Also, the importance and impact of demand / supply parameters in reaching decision were analyzed.

Rafael Diaz ◽  
Barry Charles Ezell

Deciding on an appropriate training solution mix at the strategic level of U.S. Army training support system enterprise to support warfighter preparation is a complex matter. One of the most important problems is integrating qualitative and quantitative multiple sources of influential information. There are many goals to accomplish while they are constantly changing. However, the best training solution mix option that both minimizes resource impact and maximizes training throughput must be selected. The objective of this paper is to introduce a decision-making methodology based on the Analytical Network Process (ANP) for the U.S. Army Training Support System (ATSS). The methodology assists in the evaluation of training alternatives to help strategic decision makers to select the best mix of training components and strategies. An application of the proposed methodological framework is performed in real world example. The problem involves deciding the right mix of training solutions for urban operation training among a group of selected options.

1990 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 405-414 ◽  
R. James Barbour ◽  
Robert M. Kellogg

The level of silvicultural investment and area of forest land managed in Canada is rising dramatically. Although this will increase growth rates and help maintain the present level of harvest, it may well result in a reduction in the quality of the resource. The present paper illustrates the risk of ignoring this potential problem through examples of experience in utilizing plantation-grown trees in various parts of the world. Relying on technology to solve all resource quality problems may not necessarily make economic sense. Canada's future must lie in the production of "value-added" products that require a high quality resource, permitting the greatest flexibility in conversion options. Information relating silvicultural treatments to end-product quality is at present inadequate. Large integrated studies addressing these questions and the economics of silvicultural investments in terms of end-product value must be initiated for species that will be managed intensively. With relatively long rotations, Canada cannot afford to create a resource that does not match its future marketing strategy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 165
Aam Slamet Rusydiana ◽  
Fatin Fadhilah Hasib

<p>The Islamic banking industry is currently one of the main indicators of the development of Islamic economics in Indonesia. In Islamic banking issue, one of the important issues is related to people's preferences and behavior towards Islamic banks. The study of the criteria for selecting a bank has been the concern of many bank marketing researchers. Compared to conventional, such studies are relatively minimal, especially in Indonesia. This study tries to analyze the preferences and behavior of criteria for selection of Islamic banks in Indonesia through the Analytical Network Process (ANP) approach.The results conclude that the most priority criteria that influence the selection of Islamic banks in Indonesia are service factors and religiosity factors or the suitability of banks with sharia principles. Therefore, Islamic banks need to constantly improve the quality of services both services and products so that they can compete with conventional banks.</p><p>Industri perbankan syariah saat ini merupakan salah satu indikator utama perkembangan ekonomi Islam di Indonesia. Dalam masalah perbankan syariah, salah satu masalah penting adalah terkait dengan preferensi dan perilaku pemilihan masyarakat terhadap bank syariah. Studi tentang kriteria pemilihan bank syariah telah menjadi perhatian banyak peneliti. Studi tersebut relatif minimal jika dibandingkan dengan bank konvensional, terutama di Indonesia. Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis preferensi dan perilaku pemilihan kriteria bank syariah di Indonesia melalui pendekatan Analytical Network Process (ANP). Hasilnya menyimpulkan bahwa kriteria yang paling prioritas yang mempengaruhi nasabah dalam memilih bank syariah di Indonesia adalah faktor layanan dan faktor religiusitas atau kesesuaian bank dengan prinsip syariah. Oleh karena itu, bank syariah perlu terus meningkatkan kualitas layanan baik produk maupun jasa sehingga mereka dapat bersaing dengan bank konvensional.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 18
Yohana Tyas Sulistiowati ◽  
Joni Murti Mulyo Aji ◽  
Rudi Hartadi

Home industry of coconut sugar in Tembokrejo village processes palm sugar from sap. The purpose of this research is to know (1) Value added at home industry of coconut sugar in Tembokrejo village, (2) productivity level of home industry of coconut sugar in Tembokrejo village (3) strategy of coconut industry home development in Tembokrejo Village. Determination of research area is done intentionally (Purposive Method), that is in Tembokrejo Village District Gumukmas Jember Regency. The research method used is descriptive and analytical method, and sampling method used is Total Sampling. Methods of data collection using interview and observation techniques. The type of data used is primary data and secondary data. The analysis used is value-added analysis, work productivity analysis, SWOT and QSPM analysis. The results showed: (1) Value added on home indutry of coconut sugar in Tembokrejo village was Rp 1,637,04 / kg. (2) The productivity level of coconut industry home work is low ie Rp 5,858 / hour. (3) The development strategy of coconut sugar home industry is in White Area position. (4) QSPM obtained the priority of coconut industry home industry strategy with Total Attractiveness Score (TAS) value of 6,13 that is increasing coconut sugar production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 924 (1) ◽  
pp. 012065
I Maflahah ◽  
D F Asfan

Abstract This study aims to determine the added value and cost-efficiency of the effervescent lemongrass bath salt and formulate a strategic design for developing the effervescent lemongrass bath salt. The research was conducted in Sampang District, East Java, Indonesia, using the purposive sampling method. The value-added of the effervescent was calculated, the cost-efficiency was considered using the R / C ratio analysis, while the development strategy used the SWOT method. The calculated added value obtained shows a positive result. The value of the R / C ratio was 1.836. Based on the results of the analysis of the internal strategy factors, the IFAS value was 3.425, and the results of the study of the external strategic factors obtained an EFAS value of 2.658. This value places the effervescent lemongrass bath salt in the growth-oriented strategy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 93

This aims of the study are finding the development strategy in the tourist area of the Dlundung waterfall to be excellent destination in Mojokerto. This is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Data will be analyzed by SWOT method. Strategies have been found is the increased promotion of the natural beauty of waterfalls and campgrounds, additional facilities of outbound and painball, repair and improvement of facilities, road improvements, additional services and hours of operation of public transport, improving the quality of human resources of tourism, Perhutani reports the condition of the campground to Disparta about prioritized apparatus intensively, Perhutani and Disparta give an opportunity for investors to benefit location of the campsite, ask for the role of local communities in improving the security of tourism, Perhutani maintains the cleanliness and comfort of the facilities at tourist sites, increasing community empowerment in troubleshooting facilities and accessibility. Keywords: the development strategy, excellent destination

I. V. Maksimov ◽  
M. Yu. Shein ◽  
R. M. Khairullin

Diseases annually cause significant crop losses and reduced quality of agricultural products. The development strategy of new environmentally friendly plant protection products should consider the role of the microbiome in host defense.

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Arum Hidayati ◽  
Heru Irianto ◽  
NFN Kusnandar

<strong>English</strong><br />The accelerating demand growth as reflected by significant increase of potato consumption per capita indicates high potential of potato development in Indonesia. Potato production in Magetan Regency in recent years, however, has been fluctuating, perhaps due to some weaknesses in its supply chains. The objective of this study, therefore, is to formulate a sustainable supply chain development strategy for potato in Magetan Regency. The study was conducted using the Sustainable Supply Chain Management perspective and the Analytical Network Process. The study was conducted in 2016. The results show that development of sustainable supply chain is the key for accelerating and stabilization of potato production growth. Although the economic dimension is the highest priority, the social and environmental dimensions are almost equally important as well. While varietal and technological choice should be based on the highest profit, it nevertheless should also be socially acceptable and environmentally friendly, such as the Granola variety in Magetan Regency. The priority actors are farmers, government, and traders (collectors and wholesalers). The priority strategic action programs are increasing potato farming product quality and productivity, increasing potato value added, and empowering of farmers and farmers’ groups.<br />Keywords:  <br /><br /><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Akselerasi pertumbuhan permintaan yang dicerminkan oleh peningkatan nyata konsumsi per kapita mengindikasikan bahwa kentang berpotensi besar untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia. Namun demikian, produksi kentang di Kabupaten Magetan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ternyata berfluktuasi yang ditengarai akibat dari beberapa kelamahan pada rantai pasok. Sejalan dengan itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan kinerja rantai pasok berkelanjutan untuk kentang di Kabupaten Magetan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan perspektif Sustainable Supply Chain Management dan metode analisis the Analytical Network Process. Penelitian dilakukan pada 2016. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan rantai pasok berkelanjutan adalah kunci untuk akselerasi dan stabilisasi produksi. Dimensi ekonomi merupakan prioritas utama, namun dimensi sosial dan lingkungan hampir sama pentingnya. Pemilihan varietas atau teknologi didasarkan pada keuntungan terbesar, namun juga diterima secara sosial dan ramah lingkungan, seperti varietas Granola di Kabupaten Magetan. Aktor terpenting ialah petani, pemerintah, dan pedagang (pengumpul dan pedagang besar). Program aksi strategis diprioritaskan pada peningkatan kualitas dan produktivitas usaha tani, peningkatan nilai tambah kentang, serta pemberdayaan petani dan kelompok tani.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Putu Gita Dewi Ayu ◽  
I Made Kusuma Negara ◽  
Luh Gede Leli Kusuma Dewi

Every tourism potential owned by Bali needs to be studied, researched and developed in order to meet the needs of the economy community. One of the tourism potential that needs to be developed in Bali is the wine tourism. Buleleng Regency is one of the largest wineries and also the house of the oldest wine factory on the island of Bali. But there are still many foreign tourists who are not aware of the existence of the wine producing region. This study aims to determine the perception of tourists about the wine products and to know the development strategy that must be done in order to support the activities of wine tourism in Buleleng Regency. The results of this study showing that the tourists perception regarding Bali wine product shows that they feel the quality of the products is good and also shows their interest to do wine tourism in Buleleng Regency. Based on the results of SWOT analysis, there are several strategies that can be applied to develop the wine tourism such as increasing the promotion of tourism in Bali to be better known by foreign tourists, government working together with the wine-producing companies to jointly develop wine tourism activities in Buleleng, and the last by expanding the area of wineries in the district of Buleleng so there is an image or existence of wine tourism in Buleleng. In connection with the results and discussion in this study, the suggestion that is expected to be done by the government is to work with companies that produce wine in improving the quality of products and services, and pay attention to periodicity and innovation on a regular basis.

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