2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-153
Dedih Wahyudin ◽  
Nanang Kosim

This study aims to determine the errors of students in using contextual and idiomatic expressions in Arabic student theses of Education Faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung and to describe the factors that influence the errors. The method used is content analysis and data was analyzed qualitatively. All contextual and idiomatic expressions in the theses of students will be analyzed and combined with Arabic dictionary. Data source is 20 students’ theses. The results showed that errors are still found in contextual and idiomatic expressions, so the meaning of the sentence is not appropriate. The students got difficulties to distinguish both contextual expression and idiomatic expression of huruf jarr usage in writing sentences. The function of huruf jarr is still strange for them. Basicly, it was influenced by several factors, mainly the influence of Indonesian language which is very dominant, in addition to the fact that less students are given sufficient training to use huruf jarr.

Basuni Imamuddin ◽  
Abdul Muta’ali ◽  
Wiwin Triwinarti

This article analyzes message switching, idiomatic expressions, characteristics of idioms, idiomatic forms, and Quranic idioms. The data source of this research is 28 idiomatic expressions in the Quran. The method used is content analysis using a lexical, grammatical, and Arabic stylistic approach. Idiomatic expression is a form of combination of words whose meaning is not the same as the meaning of each word that forms the combination. This article will analyze idiomatic patterns in the Quran whether the Quran tends to use verbal phrase idioms, nominal phrase idioms, prepositional idioms, clause idioms, sentence idioms, and idioms in Arabic translated to non-idioms in Indonesian. Equivalents for idioms in Arabic are sought from among the idioms in Indonesian whereas non-idioms in Arabic are translated as idioms in Indonesian. Quranic idioms mentioned in this article are idioms found in the Quran. In Arabic tasybih baligh (the eloquent analogy) is a very sophisticated language style, there is nothing more sophisticate than tasybih baligh. The conclusion of this article is that the translation or transfer of the meaning of sentences in the source language (SL) into the target language (TL) is much easier than transferring the meaning of surface structures which are sometimes complex, have multiple interpretations, and difficult to understand. Translations of the Quranic verses are more likely to use a faithful translation approach, namely a translation that is faithful to the linguistic form of the source language (SL).

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 43-52
Suhendar Suhendar ◽  
Rini Arsiandi

This study is an attempt to find out the classification and the semantic meaning of the idiomatic expression found in Gita Wirjawan’s speeches regarding economic growth viewed by Adam Makkai Theory. The source of data was taken from the script of the speech video collection of  Gita Wirjawan’s about economic growth. This study falls under the qualitative research by employing the content analysis method. The researcher found 20 idiomatic expressions. There were 15 lexemic idioms and 5 sememic idioms. In the lexemic idiom, 10  phrasal verb idioms, 2 in tournure idioms, 3 in phrasal compound idioms, and 0 in pseudo idioms were found. Meanwhile, in the sememic idioms, 2 proverbial idioms,  1 familiar quotation, 1  institutionalized understatement and 1 institutionalized hyperbole were found.And after the idiomatic expressions  were  analyzed, it was proved that the idiomatic expression had  different meaning than the literal meaning of the word itself

Herman . ◽  
Rohani Nirmana Hasibuan

This research is conducted in purpose to identify types of idiomatic expressions found in “A Dog’s Journey” (2019) Movie Script. The researchers used Lim’s theory (2004). The source of data was the script of movie entitled A Dog’s Journey. The methodology which used in this research was qualitative research which specifically referred to document content analysis method. Method of collecting the data was searching the movie, downloading, watching and understanding the whole movie. After collecting the data, the researchers did data preparation, data reading, data confirmation, and calculation as the data analysis. After investigating the types of idiomatic expressions found in A Dog’s Journey (2019) movie, the researchers found 36 idiomatic expressions. The idiomatic expressions in A Dog’s Journey (2019) movie have been analyzed in types; there were 17 phrasal verbs with percentage 47,2%, 3 phrasal prepositional phrase with percentage 8,3%, 3 prepositional phrase with percentage 8,3%, 3 idioms with noun as keywords and  with percentage 8,3% , 5 idioms with verb as keywords and  with percentage 13,8%, 4 idioms with adjective as keywords and with percentage 11,1% and 1 idiomatic pairs with percentage 2,7%. The conclusion of this research was the dominant of idiomatic expression used in A Dog’s Journey (2019) movie is phrasal verb.

Asy-Syari ah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-158
Deden Effendi

Abstract: Waqf law can be categorized as a living law and potential of waqf can be written. The law of the living does not fully comply with regulations. This problem can lead to law-enforcement-representation issues then formulated into the question: How to advocate community against the Waqf Law? It contains public knowledge, public awareness and public obedience. Assuming sharia is natural law, it is eternal and does not change. In the case, sharia is not in accordance with waqf. The provisions of waqf law are obtained through ushul fiqh with analogical deductive reasoning patterns. The rest, the provisions regarding waqf agreement are obtained from human preferences about the general good. Waqf law is based ruh al-hukm, the spirit of teachings, and maqashid al-shariah. It is more important to be developed to be more responsive to people's priorities and needs. Opportunities for enforcement of waqf law are very large, so that at that time the community complied with waqf law. This research is a descriptive study, which analyzes waqf as a system, as well as a subsystem of a wider system. This analysis, explains the process of society from knowledge to aware and finally to be obedient. The data source used consists of library materials both in the form of documents, books, and scientific writings and other relevant information. Data collection is carried out with literature study techniques, with the approval of the principle of relevance and novelty of the information collected. The analysis is content analysis (classification, interpretation and inference findings). Abstrak: Hukum wakaf dapat dikategorikan sebagai the living law. Sekalipun demikian, terdapat usaha-usaha untuk mengaktualisasikan potensi wakaf. Hal ini mengisyaratkan, bahwa hukum-yang-hidup tidak selalu tegak secara teoritis. Sehubungan dengan itu, masalah ini dapat diidentifikasi sebagai masalah penegakan-hukum-perwakafan. Maka masalah ini dirumuskan ke dalam pertanyaan: Bagaimana kepatuhan hukum masyarakat terhadap Undang-undang Wakaf? Penelitian ini difokus­kan pada unsur-unsur mengenai pengetahuan masyarakat (legal knowledge), kesadaran masyarakat (legal awareness), dan kepatuhan masyarakat (legal obidience) terhadap UU Wakaf. Dengan asumsi syariah merupakan hukum kodrat (natural law), sehingga sifatnya kekal dan tidak berubah.  Sekalipun demikian, dalam kasus wakaf, syariah tidak menentukan secara tegas menge­nai wakaf. Ketentuan hukum wakaf diperoleh melalui ushul fiqh, dengan pola pena­laran deduktif analogis. Selebihnya, ketentuan mengenai mekanisme wakaf diper­oleh berdasar­kan preferensi manusia mengenai kebaikan umum (public good). Hukum wakaf lebih didasarkan pada ruh al-hukm, semangat ajaran, dan maqashid al-syariah. Sehingga wakaf lebih memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan menjadi lebih responsif terhadap tuntu­tan dan kebutuhan masyarakat. Peluang penegakan hukum wakaf sangat besar, sehingga pada gilirannya masyarakat patuh terhadap hukum wakaf. Penelitian ini merupa­kan penelitian deskriptif, yakni menganalisis wakaf sebagai sebuah sistem, seka­ligus subsistem dari sistem yang lebih luas. Analisis tersebut, dideskripsikan proses masya­rakat dari tahu menjadi sadar dan akhirnya menjadi patuh terhadap hukum wakaf. Sum­ber data yang digunakan berupa bahan kepustakaan, baik berupa dokumen, buku, dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah serta informasi lain yang relevan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik studi kepustakaan, dengan menekankan prinsip relevansi dan kebaruan dari informasi yang dihimpun. Adapun analisisnya adalah analisis isi (content-analysis), dengan langkah: klasifikasi data, interpretasi data, serta inferensi temuan. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Primasari Wahyuni

Abstrak: Penelitian ini berujudul Hegemoni Kekuasaan Dalam Novel Hujan Karya Tere Liye dan Relevansinya Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mndeskripsikan formasi ideologi, bentuk hegemoni kekuasaan, dan relevansi penelitian dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Hujan karya Tere Liye. Data penelitian berupa kata, frasa, atau kalimat yang memuat formasi ideologi dan bentuk hegemoni dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye, serta relevansinya dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan baca dan catat. Teknik analisis data menggunakan content analysis. Validitas dan reliabilitas menggunakan validitas semantik dan intrarater. Hasil penelitian ini antara lain: 1) Pertama, Formasi ideologi dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye. Formasi ideologi yang ditemukan dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye yaitu otoritarisme, feodalisme, kapitalisme, liberalisme, sosialisme, serta vandalisme. Otoritarisme merupakan formasi ideologi yang paling banyak muncul dalam novel. 2) Kedua, bentuk hegemoni kekuasaan terjadi dalam masyarakat sipil dan masyarakat politik. 3) Ketiga, Relevansi penelitian dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Penelitian ini relevan dengan KD. 3.8 Mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai kehidupan yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerpen yang dibaca. Melalui novel Hujan karya Tere Liye, siswa dapat mengapresiasi karya sastra sehingga menambah pengalaman, pengetahuan, dan wawasan yang dapat digunakan sebagai media untuk membentuk kepribadian diri. Kata kunci: formasi ideologi, hegemoni, relevansi pembelajaran, novel Abstract: This research entitle “The Hegemony of Power in Novel Hujan by Tere Liye and Its Relevance in Indonesia learning at High School” has aims to describe the ideology formation, term of hegemony power, and the research relevance with Indonesia learning at high school. This research is a qualitative descriptive with data source is Npvel Hujan by Tere Liye. Research data are words, phrases pr sentences which has ideology formation and hegemony term and also the relevance with Indonesia learning at high school. Read and write were used to collect the data. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. Semantics and intrarater were used to test the validity and reliability. The reserach findings were : 1) the ideology formations were authoritarian, feudalism, capitalism, liberalism, socialism, and vandalism. Authoritarian was dominant in the novel, 2) the term of hegemony happened both in civil society and political society, 3) the relevance of this research with Indonesia learning at high school. This research was relevant with basic competence 3.8 (identify the life values in a short story. Novel hujan brught student to appreciate the literatures to enrich their experience, knowledge and insight to create the personality.  Keywords : Ideology formation, hegemony, learning relevance, novel.

Horizon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 452-463
Wahyu Handila Suci ◽  
Titiek Fujita Yusandra ◽  
Ricci Gemarni Tatalia

This research was motivated by the problem of being able to find the values of character education in the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The purpose of this study is to describe the values of character education in the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. This research is a qualitative research using content analysis method. The object of this research is the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The data in this study are words, phrases, sentences and discourses which are the values of character education. The data source in this research is the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The data techniques used are reading novels, marking data related to the value of character education, recording data, making inventory, and classifying. The results of this study indicate that there are ten values of character education found in the novel Gunung Ungaran. In addition to the value of character education, other character education values are also found, such as: 1) religious, 2) Tolerance, 3) Work hard, 4) Independent, 5) Curiosity, 6) Love the homeland, 7) Friendly/communicative, 8) Caring for the environment, 9) Social care, 10) Responsibility.Keywords: Education, Character, Novel.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-277 ◽  
Jennifer Nicoll Victor ◽  
Gina Yannitell Reinhardt

What explains which groups are included in a party coalition in any given election cycle? Recent advances in political party theory suggest that policy demanders comprise parties, and that the composition of a party coalition varies from election to election. We theorize three conditions under which parties articulate an interest group’s preferred positions in its quadrennial platform: when groups are ideologically proximate to the party median, when groups display party loyalty, and when groups are flush with resources. Using computer-assisted content analysis on a unique and rich data source, we examine three cycles of testimony that 80 organized groups provided to the Democratic Party. The analysis compares group requests with the content of Democratic and Republican National Committee platforms in 1996, 2000, and 2004. Results show that parties reward loyal groups and those that are ideologically proximate to the party but offer no confirmation of a resource effect.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 21
George Ouma Ogal ◽  
Moses Gatambuki Gathigia ◽  
Joseph Nyehita Maitaria

Political campaigns are emotive activities that rely on language to attract the attention of the public. In fact, electioneering periods in Kenya are heavily laced with idiomatic expressions such that one would be required to use the interrelatedness between language and cognition to understand the utterances of a speaker. It is against this backdrop that the present study analyzes the cognitive processes of the idiom minji na ndengũ (peas and green grams) vis-à-vis the canonized form. The idiom minji na ndengũ (peas and green grams) drew a lot of attention during the Kenyan official electioneering period (May and October, 2017) and was extensively used in both the print and social media platforms. The study is anchored in three objectives: to categorize the idiom minji na ndengũ (peas and green grams) in terms of compositionality; to establish the vital relation between the blended idiom and the canonical form; and to interpret the blend using the Conceptual Integration Theory. The study employed the descriptive research design. The study purposively sampled the blended idiom minji na ndengũ (peas and green grams) which is a blended form of the idiom two horse race. Using content analysis, the study classifies and presents a diagrammatic conceptual interpretation of new knowledge based on metaphorical mappings to illustrate the emergent structure. A general finding of this study is that political campaigns create new meanings using deliberately blended idioms of war to improve figurative competencies. Further, one needs to immerse themselves in pragmatic inference in order to reveal the meaning of a blended idiomatic expression. The findings of this study imply that whenever the provisions of grammar prove deficient in unpacking certain messages, cognitive linguists, idiom theorists and researchers should apply the postulates of Cognitive Linguistics. The study concludes that blended idioms of political campaigns achieve creativity and novelty. Further, the comprehension of blended expressions requires the understanding of pragmatic inferences of the local context. The study recommends that for a better understanding of blended idiomatic expressions, one should consider the local contexts expressed in language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-90
Dodi Okri Handoko ◽  
Juliana Juliana ◽  
Fahmy Lukman

In Indonesia, public asset privatization policy has been valid since the Oil and Gas Law Number 22 the Year 2001. The objectives of this research were: (1) To determine the criteria for public assets according to the idea of Syekh Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani., (2) To find out the Islamic economic analysis of the idea of Syekh Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani on the privatization of public assets. The data source of this research is secondary data, which were taken from literature and books from research correlating to the object of this study and other required data. The data analysis in this research is descriptive. First, various data collected were analyzed using content analysis technique (content analysis), then the study and analysis of the data are carried out to obtain the conclusions. After conducting the research and analysis, it is concluded that (1) Syekh Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani classifies public assets based on the types of ownership, namely public ownership and state ownership, (2) Islam strongly prohibits the management of public assets through privatization. However, it is returned to the State, and its use by the public is permitted by shara'.

2019 ◽  
pp. 75-86
Sabarudin Ahmad ◽  
Aris Sunandar Suradilaga ◽  
Lisnawati Shaleh

Umar bin Khattab is one of the four Khulafāʻ ar-Rāsyidīn who are known to be firm, fair, and wise in his government,especially in the economic sector in the welfare of their people. Umar’s government lasted ten years. In that period there were many government innovations to overcome various state problems. The country’s economic problems get serious attention by him. Various innovations also occur in the management of zakat. This research is a normative legal research, using a historical approach. The data source is divided into three parts, namely primary sources, secondary, and tertiary sources. While the method of data analysis uses the content analysis method. The results of this study indicate that the principle for Umar is an important instrument and is one of the main sources of state income. Various innovations in the field of zakat are the efforts of Umar as a caliph to optimize the zakat fund. These innovations are innovation of zakat during famine, innovation of zakat for slaves, innovation of zakat on agriculture and livestock, and innovation in the distribution of zakat funds.

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