scholarly journals Branch initiative of Poltava Agricultural Society (1865–1920) in the agricultural sector of the country

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Victor Verhunov

The aim of the article is to analyze the practical implementation of a number of innovations in the agricultural sector by Poltava Agricultural Society and to determine the historical role of the center for the development of sectoral research. Research methods: analysis, synthesis and critique of documentary sources; historical-typological, historical-systemic. Main results. It is proved that functioning of Poltava Agricultural Society during 1865–1920 became a real phenomenon of sectoral research work and the agrarian sector of the country as a whole. It was the founder of the formation and development of domestic agrarian science, sectoral research, production of environmentally friendly agricultural products, growing cereals, a number of innovations in animal husbandry and more. Innovations of the members of the Society contributed to the prosperity of entrepreneurship, forced to improve agricultural machinery, to acquire new progressive forms of business. The Society became a center for the development of scientific research in agronomy, initiating the regional study of agriculture of the state. The agricultural research institutions organized by it acted as intermediaries between science and practice. The progressive initiatives of this branch to increase the productivity of domestic fields and farms found practical application not only in Poltava region but also throughout the country. The existence of the Society, in fact, significantly influenced the further development of the agricultural sector of the Russian Empire. In addition, the Society has significant merits in educational activities, the creation of social infrastructure in the countryside in the form of specialized educational institutions, sectoral research institutions, libraries and museums. The practical significance. Studying the activities of Poltava Society of Agriculture gives the possibility of using its experience in the work of officially restored unit, which should take on the historical mission of reforming the system of scientific and educational support of agro-industrial production in accordance with the requirements of the region, the combination of cooperative practice and industry science. Article type: overview.

2021 ◽  
Tatiana Marinchenko

Substantial research has been devoted to the problems of more rational feeding of animals, improving the quality and nutritional value of existing feeds with a general reduction in the cost of their production, as well as the search for new and alternative sources of feed and methods for their preparation. At the same time, the scientific community is faced with issues of finding the best ways to recycle agricultural and food production waste. Since agricultural producers and processors also face the problem of recycling a variety of waste, the practical implementation of research in these areas is one of the main tasks of the agricultural sector. This article examines the feasibility of organizing on-farm production of animal feed based on a mobile extruder plant that uses waste from the production and processing of crops, food and other industries. This would reduce feed costs, increase the efficiency of using internal feed resources and would utilize production waste. This approach would significantly reduce the cost of livestock products or could become a source of additional income. The data on the extrusion of a number of non-traditional sources of feed products, such as waste from leather production, grape processing, mushroom cultivation, etc., are provided. Keywords: agriculture, animal husbandry, feeding, alternative feed resources, production waste, extruding, efficiency

Olena Halashova

The article analyzes the necessity of forming the motivation of students for oral foreign language communicative activity in the process of distance learning. The importance of motivation and self-motivation for learning in conditions of physical isolation is proved by numerous studies of modern scholars.The purpose of the article is to search for approaches to creating feedback between students and their motivation for foreign language communication in the context of distance learning. Such approaches, according to the author's conclusion are: attracting students to professional research activities, providing students with the initiative to create online collaboration groups, collaborating according to a well-coordinated plan, and identifying individual achievements of students. The effectiveness of the communicative method is defined in view of the applied didactical principle of conscious approach in the process of study a foreign language and practical implementation of this principle as teaching a foreign language based on the native language support.The significance of the students’ scientific work for the growth of their creativity, self-fulfillment, formation of creative critical thinking and the development of individual abilities in solving practical problems, identifying the initiative, expanding the theoretical world outlook and scientific erudition, and the conscious use of theoretical knowledge in future practical activities is obvious. Thus being one of the most important motivating factors for oral foreign language communicative activity in the process of distance learning students’ scientific research work is aimed at forming a culture of foreign language broadcasting, the formation of students’ reflective and research culture to interactively cooperate in the process of performing problem-oriented professional tasks,in the process of cooperation in small groups and creating public speaking skills. The purpose of involving students in research activities was to form a positive motive for learning, awareness of future psychologists about theoretical and practical significance of knowledge gained during the search and processing of professional information. It should be noted that the selection, approval of individual findings of each student by the teacher will help to form their motivation for further exploration and the need to share experiences with other students in the group. Keywords: distance learning, communication, foreign, motivation, self-motivation, cooperation, research activities, self-fulfillment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 04004
Ludmila Kachanova ◽  
Anatoly Bondarenko

The intensification of the use of the main means of agricultural production dictates the need to restore and increase soil fertility. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodological basis for calculating the economic efficiency of innovation in the restoration of soil resources in organic agricultural production with an assessment of its practical implementation in the conditions of arid agriculture in the south of Russia. To prevent the loss of a significant part of soil resources, their restoration, an innovative approach to organotransformation in the restoration of soil resources has been developed. The proposed approach allows integrating organic farming and animal husbandry with the processes of restoration of soil resources for the implementation of organotransformation of soil formers in degraded soil resources. In the methodology for determining the economic efficiency of the innovative approach of organotransformation, five modifications are proposed. The implementation of the recommended modification provides for the lowest costs for the restoration of soil resources, a sufficient level of fertility for obtaining high yields, the net income is about 27 thousand rubles/ha or 454 rubles/c. The application of the developed approach confirms the economic feasibility of innovation in the agricultural sector of the economy in organic agriculture.

Aiana Ivanovna Shinzhina

The subject of this research is the analysis of choreographic art of the Altai Republic in the context of reconstruction of the concepts of traditional culture of the Altai people on the example of the State National Dance Theater “Altam”. Relevance of the selected topic lies in the fact that Altai dance is studied virtually for the first time. The article reviews the traditional culture of the Altai people, namely dance culture. The goal is to examine Altai dance as an independent form of choreographic art in reconstruction of the artistic stage imagery. The theoretical and practical significance consists in proving the relevance of analysis of the activity of the Altai Dance Theater “Altam” as a laboratory of practical implementation of the results of research work on studying traditional culture of the Altai people. The acquired results on the development of choreographic art in the Altai Republic give a better perspective on the artistic-imagery structure of stage performance. The methodological framework is based on the art, historical, and comparative methods that allows clarifying the specificity of development of the Altai folk choreography in the context of ethnic theatrical art, as well as revealing the peculiarities of such organics in creating the artistic-imagery structure of stage performance. Scientific novelty lies in the attempt to generalize and analyze the sources for studying the Altai dance. The author traces the evolution of the national choreographic art, beginning with the folklore origins. The article introduces into the scientific discourse the factual material, such as examination of dance elements in petroglyphs, folk epic tales, folklore, cultural rites, folk games and songs. The author observes the transformation of the indicated range of sources in various genres of national choreography. The analysis of ethnic creativity of the Altai National Dance Theater “Altam” demonstrates that for many years Altai dance integrates the typical for Altai people motions, poses, gestures, substantiated by ethno-genetic identification. The article directly connects the traditional Altai dance and formation of the Altai folk stage dance for the purpose of establishment and development of the professional choreographic art of the Altai people.

2018 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
pp. 7-13 ◽  
M. I. Bashchenko ◽  
M. V. Gladyi

The authors have argued that doctor of agricultural sciences, professor and academician of Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences V. P. Burkat made a significant contribution to the development of agricultural science in Ukraine as an outstanding scientist in the field of animal breeding, organizer of agricultural research work, public figure. His greatest achievement is development of the conceptual aspects of breed formation in cattle-breeding, which was implemented in creation of a few highly specialized cattle breeds. The scientist is co-author of the first created in Ukraine Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy, Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy, Ukrainian Red Dairy, Ukrainian Brown Dairy, Volyn Beef, Polesian Beef, Southern Beef breeds and their structural units (interbreed types, lines and families). The article shows that the scientist substantiated the feasibility of comprehensive genetic monitoring as one of the main conditions in creating new and improving existing breeds of cattle. He developed biotechnological and genetic principles of farm animal breeding. He laid foundation of a new comprehensive science – biotech breeding, identified the main components of its structural status and applied new theoretical approaches to the selection process, taking into account the practical use of biotechnological methods. The scientist first raised ethical, social and legal aspects of introduction of biotechnology in agriculture. V. P. Burkat`s achievement is development of the theory of conservation of the gene pool of farm animals. He initiated development of concept of gene objects creation and placing, defined their purpose in the system of conservation of the farm animal breeding resources. He explained importance of the gene pool banks as the main link of farm animal conservation. The authors have proven that scientific heritage of academician V. P. Burkat didn`t lose its importance and relevance in the current development of animal husbandry. Some parts of it, including the theory of breed creation; methodical bases of management of breed genealogy; theory of consolidation of breed units; bases of breeding, evaluation and sustainable use of sires; genetic, biotechnological and technological bases of selection; methods of conservation and sustainable use of animal gene pool should be used as a theoretical and methodological basis for development of further strategies in cattle breeding. Academician V. P. Burkat is prominent organizer of agricultural research work in animal husbandry of Ukraine. He made significant efforts to obtain status of main methodological and coordination center of agriculture of Ukraine by Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences. Almost 30 years he devoted to the establishment of branch guidance and coordination center – Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics. One of the most important achievements of scientist was organization of scientific school "Breeding and Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry" at Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics in 1980. His disciples are famous scientists, including academicians of NAAS M. Baschenko, V. Ladyka, Yu. Melnik, corresponding members of the NAAS S. Ruban, S. Kovtun, doctor of agricultural sciences A. Havruk, V. Antonenko, S. Voitenko, A. Dubin, V. Smetanin, V. Dzitsyuk, Yu. Polupan, K. Kopylov and others. The article shows that V. P. Burkat is known public figure who defended the national idea at all levels of exposure, as a co-founder of the historical-biographical series "Ukrainian Agrarian Scientists of the Twentieth Century", initiator of a number of encyclopedic, reference and bibliographic publications, editor of scientific journals, author of fundamental scientific generalizing papers and others.

Galyna Moroz

Purpose. The article is aimed at analyzing the general theoretical principles and the essential characteristics of legal restrictions in environmental law; defining category of “environmental legal restrictions”, their content, system and the status of the respective legislation. Methodology. The methodology consists in carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the provisions of environmental legislation and formulating relevant conclusions on this basis. During the research, the following methods of scientific research were used: terminological, systemic and structural, comparative legal, structural and functional. Results. The objectively determined necessity of unconditional adherence to the legally established environmental requirements, prohibitions and restrictions as well as their potential scientifically substantiated enhancement in order to achieve environmentally significant goals oriented towards the priorities of sustainable development is substantiated. Restrictive mechanisms are scattered across statutory and regulatory acts of different legal force and even different branches of law, therefore, the need for their systematization and unification as well as generalization of the experience of their practical implementation in order to establish a comprehensive system of environmental restrictions is discussed. In our opinion, the conceptual basis and general essential characteristics of public environmental requirements and restrictions should be reflected in the future Environmental Code of Ukraine. Scientific novelty. In the course of the research, the author defines restrictions in environmental law as a specific sectoral imperative mechanism for regulating relations in the field of environmental safety, which consists in systematically introducing legislation on imperative provisions of environmental law as well as establishing specific legal regimes and mechanisms for their application and implementation. Practical significance. The main conclusions can be used in law-making and law-enforcing activities, as well as in further theoretical and legal research and in the educational process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 1101-1113
M.Sh. Gutuev ◽  
B.Sh. Ibragimova

Subject. The article discusses the availability of technological equipment in the agriculture of the Republic of Dagestan. Objectives. We analyze the current situation and trends in the development of available technological equipment in the republican agriculture, identify the role and place of machine and tractor fleet in the retrofitting of the regional agriculture. Methods. The study is based on monographic, abstract logic, statistical, analytical methods. Results. Dagestan has got a critically few technological equipment, which affects the development of the regional agricultural sector. The availability of technological equipment is found to have dramatically reduced in animal husbandry for the recent 30 years. The availability of technological equipment and land cultivation strongly correlates, thus simplifying applicable agricultural technologies. Most agricultural producers of Dagestan were found to be unable to participate in the program for federal agricultural lease. Conclusions and Relevance. The deterioration of available technological equipment in agriculture is a key cause undermining the competitiveness of products and efficiency of the regional agriculture. We prove the importance of governmental actions incentivizing the influx of new technological equipment, including a set of measures reinforcing the availability of technological equipment. As long as most agricultural producers are microbusinesses that lack resources to participate in many machine renovation programs, funding should be increased substantially to subsidize a portion of equipment acquisition costs incurred by agricultural producers, and a portion of reimbursed costs as much as at least 50 percent of the value of agricultural machines acquired.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Abdirashid Babajanov ◽  

The article identifies the existing problems in the main areas of funding for research in the agricultural sector and discusses the issues of improving the efficiency of funds allocated for research.Not limited to conducting research in the field, but also make its introduction and increase the knowledge of consumers of scientific products one of the main directions. Providing scientific institutions with qualified scientific values and creating ample opportunities for the development of the field on a scientific basis

2020 ◽  
V. Verhunov ◽  
Yu. Dovgoruk

The monograph highlights the main stages of development of agricultural research land reclamation work in Ukraine, one of the founders, creators and developers of which was Professor D.O. Dzhovani. The scientific, scientific-organizational and pedagogical activities of the well-known domestic scientist was described, who is an iconic figure for the formation of experimental reclamation work in Ukraine and abroad. The professor laid the scientific-organizational and conceptual principles, in particular the state legislative acts of development of the scientific direction of agro-amelioration in Ukraine and Russia during the 20-30's of the 20th century. He is the author of a number of scientific papers in the field of experimental land reclamation, author of the first textbook in Ukrainian for agricultural courses "Reclamation legislation: a guide for the agricultural schools"(1927). D.O. Dzhovani was personally involved in the opening of a number of reclamation stations in the research network of Ukraine. He was a member of the Scientific & Advisory Board (SAB) on the construction of Dniprelstan and the Special Commission on Dniprelstan at the Agricultural Scientific Committee of Ukraine. The scientist is one of the founders of the Ukrainian Scientific & Research Institute of Agricultural Land Reclamation. The available archival documents attest to his significant contribution to the establishment and subsequent functioning of this institution. After forced emigration to Great Britain, he continued to supplement his inventions and research in the field of agriculture, until the end of his days he did not lose active interest in the business of his life – land reclamation and swamp culture. This edition also contains bibliographic descriptions of his works, written personally and in co-authorship, reports on scientific activities, scientific & popular publications. The book is recommended for scientists, teachers, graduate students, students, specialists in agricultural science, all those who are interested in the history of agricultural research work development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 1139-1148
Othman & et al.

The research work was conducted in Izra’a Research station, which affiliated to the General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), during the growing seasons (2016 – 2017; 2017 – 2018), in order to evaluate the response of two durum wheat verities (Douma3 and Cham5) and two bread wheat varieties (Douma4 and Cham6) to Conservation Agriculture (CA) as a full package compared with Conventional Tillage system (CT) under rainfed condition using lentils (Variety Edleb3) in the applied crop rotation. The experiment was laid according to split-split RCBD with three replications. The average of biological yield, grain yield,  rainwater use efficiency and nitrogen use efficiency was significantly higher during the first growing season, under conservation agriculture in the presence of crop rotation, in the variety Douma3 (7466 kg. ha-1, and 4162kg. ha-1, 19.006 kg ha-1 mm-1,  39.62 kg N m-2respectively). The two varieties Douma3 and Cham6 are considered more responsive to conservation agriculture system in the southern region of Syria, because they recorded the highest grain yields (2561, 2385 kg ha-1 respectively) compared with the other studied varieties (Cham5 and Douma4) (1951 and 1724 kg ha-1 respectively). They also exhibited the highest values of both rainwater and nitrogen use efficiency.

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