scholarly journals Profesionalisme Guru Matematika MTs Muhammadiyah 22 Padangsidimpuan

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-128
Ahmad Nizar Rangkuti ◽  
Jusrina Jusrina

The purpose of this research to know the professionalism mathematics’ teacher in MTs Muhammadiyah 22 Padangsidimpuan. To collecting the data done by field research and the technique of the collecting the data, the researcher used Observation, Interview and Study Documentation. To analyze the data done by Qualitative Research. To valid the data used Triangulation. So, based on the result of this research, it could be concluded that the professionalisms mathematics’ teacher in MTs Muhammadiyah 22 Padangsidimpuan have going on based on role happened. It could be seen by the Commitment of Mathematics’ teacher were to increase the quality of education, responsibility of doing assignment, desire, and enthusiasm to increase the professionalism done by long live study and the soul of Mathematics.Keywords: Profesionalism, mathematics teacher.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 93
Ulil Azmi ◽  
Muhammad Ridha DS

Abstract: This study aims to explore and analyze the principal's management in improving the quality of education at MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau. The approach used in this research is qualitative research approach by using field research type (field research). The subject of the study was the principal at MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau. Data collection is done through observation, interview and documentation study. The analyst technique used is as follows: (1). Data reduction, (2). Presentation of data, (3). After the data is compiled and then drawn conclusions in the form of matrices and narratives. The results show that with good management, there is a quality improvement in MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau, this is proven, with many events that have been successfully implemented in order to improve the quality, such as camps and provincial and provincial silat martial arts ever held at MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Muhammad Zainal Abidin

This study aims to determine the role of teacher dedication in improving the quality of education. Furthermore, the role of teacher dedication is expected to be concluded how important the role of teacher dedication is in improving the quality of education, as well as knowing the obstacles of teachers in improving the quality of education. This research was conducted in the form of field research. The book which is used as the main guideline in this research is 1) "Spiritual Teaching" (contains the teacher's dedication to his work), written by Abdullah Munir, 2) "Quality and Competitive Education" by Dedi Mulyasana. This research uses qualitative research, data collection is done by interview, observation and documentation. The results showed that Madrasah Aliyah Negri 1 Suruh has dedicated teachers. The form of dedication is 1) There is a sense of willingness of teachers to always sacrifice both the sacrifice of energy, thought and time in order to improve the quality of education, 2) The growth of the desire of teachers to provide the best in improving the quality of education, 3) Teachers Teachers S indirectly have strong soul in improving the quality of education. Besides Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Kabupaten Semarang also has a good quality of educational education. This can be observed from the results of increasing academic achievement obtained from year to year. While non-academic achievement is seen from the change in attitude of students who experience changes in attitude for the better. however, in improving the quality of education against the obstacles faced by teachers. These obstacles are the lack of students learning, the distance from the teacher's house to the school is quite far, the lack of respect for students to teachers and differences in the basic knowledge of religion students have. Then the existence of dedicated teachers in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Kabupaten Semarang has an impact on the quality of Education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 407
ZM Abid Mohammady

Abstract: In the context of Indonesia, the quality of education seems to be something taboo to talk about, however, according to researchers the quality of education in Indonesia is very apprehensive. It is necessary for the role of headmaster and special efforts in developing a quality education institution through organizational culture as a value system that is understood, imbued, run jointly by members of the organization as a system of meaning or guidance for the organizers. This study aims to describe the three roles and impacts role of the headmaster role in developing the quality of organizational culture, they are: (1) the role of the headmaster as a manager; (2) the role of the headmaster as the educator; (3) the role of the headmaster as the supervisor; 4) The impact of the headmaster's role in developing the quality of organizational culture quality at SDMT Ponorogo. This research is categorized into a field research with qualitative descriptive approach and the research design was case study. The setting of study was at SDMT Ponorogo.  The findings showed that (1). The role of headmaster as manager encompasses conducting internal and external analysis, internalizing the Islamic value that is kemuhamadiyahan value. (2). The role of the headmaster as an educator includes involving educators in upgrading, workshops or training in order to provide opportunities for educators to improve their knowledge and skills by learning to the higher education, conducting cadre to members of organizational culture and creating jargon to motivate members of organizational culture. (3). The role of the headmaster as a supervisor comprises overseeing and Evaluating the performance and achievement of members of organizational culture, conducting weekly, monthly and semester meetings, monitoring achievements of educators and learners. (4) The impact of the school headmaster's role in developing the quality of organizational culture is organizational culture climate becomes harmonious and schools achieve more attainments.Abstrak: Dalam konteks Indonesia, mutu pendidikan seolah-olah menjadi barang yang tabu untuk diperbicangkan, dalam konteks tersebut kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia sangat memperihatinkan. Untuk itu diperlukan peran kepala sekolah dan Upaya khusus dalam mengembangkan sebuah mutu lembaga pendidikan melalui budaya organisasi sebagai sistem nilai yang dipahami, dijiwai, dijalankan secara bersama oleh anggota organisasi sebagai sistem makna atau pedoman bagi pelaku organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan tiga peran serta dampak peran  kepala sekolah dalam mengembangkan mutu budaya organisasi, yaitu: (1) Peran kepala sekolah sebagai Manajer, (2) Peran kepala sekolah sebagai Educator, (3) Peran kepala sekolah sebagai supervisor, dan (4) Dampak peran kepala sekolah dalam mengembangkan mutu budaya organisasi di SDMT Ponorogo. Dengan menghasilkan temuan: (1).Peran kepala sekolah sebagai manajer diantaranya: melakukan analisis internal dan eksternal, menginternalisasi nilai keislaman yaitu nilai kemuhammadiahan. (2). Peran kepala sekolah sebagai educator diantaranya: mengikut sertakan pendidik dalam penataran, workshop atau pelatihan memberikan kesempatan kepada pendidik untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilannya dengan belajar ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi, melakukan pengkaderan kepada anggota budaya organisasi. membuat jargon-jargon untuk memotivasi anggota budaya organisasi. (3). Peran kepala sekolah sebagai supervisor diantarnya: mengawasi dan mengevaluasi kinerja dan pencapaian anggota budaya organisasi, mengadakan rapat setiap, minggu, bulan dan semester, memantau prestasi pendidik dan peserta didik. (4) Dampak peran kepala sekolah dalam mengembangkan mutu budaya organisasi diantaranya: iklim budaya organisasi menjadi harmonis, sekolah menjadi lebih berprestasi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-48
Roni Harsoyo ◽  
Sulistyorini ◽  

The context of this research is the biggest challenge of schools/’madrasah’ in carrying out the mandate related to the quality of education which is a measure of the success of the implementation of education, one of which is to shape the character/personality of students through inheritance of cultural values. In educational institutions, organizational culture (values, habits, and positive attitudes) will be a strong non-material capital strength for the realization of excellent educational institutions. This study aims to describe the organizational culture developed by SDIT Darul Falah Sukorejo Ponorogo which makes it one of the leading schools in Ponorogo Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research based on field research. The results showed that the organizational culture developed by SDIT Darul Falah included: 1) at the institutional level which included weekly meetings, field meetings, routine recitals every Ahad Wage, One Day One Information (ODOI), educational visits and flag ceremonies every Monday; 2) at the level of educators and educational staff which includes bina nafsiyah, tahsin al-Qur'an, professional development; and 3) at the student level which includes bina nafsiyah, reading the Koran with the Ummi Method, congregational prayers, manners, queuing, independent, disciplined, One Day One Thousand (ODOT), skilled, healthy living, clean and beautiful.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 254-260
Dwitri Stepanili ◽  
Chaerul Rochman ◽  
Bambang Samsul

Abstract. This article aims to determine the achievement of the standard education process at Cisaat 1 Public Middle School. This research is a descriptive qualitative research by collecting data in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the attainment of process standards at Cisaat 1 Public High School is 96.2% when compared to all the maximum scores that should be achieved in the standard process forms. This study recommends exploring the indicators that have not been optimally achieved, especially indicators of a maximum of 32 people. Although it feels good, empowerment, utilization and maintenance of the learning process in schools must be improved. This is intended to improve the quality of education and satisfaction of community expectations.Abstrak. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketercapaian standar proses pendidikan di SMPN 1 Cisaat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitaian kualitatif deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pencapaian standar proses di SMPN 1 Cisaat sebesar 96,2% jika dibanding dengan seluruh skor maksimum yang seharusnya dicapai pada borang standar proses. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan untuk mendalami indikator-indikator yang belum tercapai dengan optimal khususnya indikator  rombongan belajar maksimum 32 orang. Meski dirasa telah baik, namun pemberdayaan, pemanfaatan dan pemeliharaan proses pembelajaran disekolah harus ditingkatkan. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan pemuasan harapan masyarakat. 

2019 ◽  
Hanifa Zakia

Includes data management and data storage management is done simply where data is only stored in excel. It looks less effective and efficient in technology’s development. Now, in Education, the lack of good cooperation between the school and parents to support the application of management information systems to improve quality of education. This is the implementation of Management Information System is already being adopted by schools, especially in SMP N 1 Talamau. The researcher use field research method that is qualitative research. The outcomes are that existing management information systems already meet the standards, both in terms of the student, curriculum, human resources, the facilities and the quality of the user, who is able to manage the activities that exist in the school. And then, the role of parents is also important in implementing management information systems to improve the quality of education. SMP N 1 Talamau applies a specific strategy that utilizes information technology-based Management Information Systems, namely an information and consultation room that functions as a consultation center between the school and parents and gives access to parents to see the development of students' Academic values.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-144
Wendi Purwanto

           The background of this study is the uniqueness of the management zakat fitrah in Nuguk hamlet by giving to those considered to have a match or harmony, with the hope that the person receiving the zakat fitrah can become the mediator of health, tranquility for the life of muzakki in the future. This article is the result of qualitative field research with descriptive-analysis methods. The conclusion of this study is the management of zakat fitrah in Nuguk hamlet is performed with the classical management model, a model that’s still very simple with the way of muzakki delivering zakat fitrah to the ‘amil individually at their home respectively. The trust among the community in Nuguk hamlet is excessive and not following the ideal concept of shari’a. The management according to the al-Qur`an includes three important element, namely : collection  (Qs. At-Taubah [9] : 103), data collection and distribution (Qs. al-Baqarah [2] : 282 and Qs. At-Taubah [9] : 60), and utilization by using ‘traditional consumptive’ model, that’s zakat fitrah is directly distributed to mustahik through the ‘amil intermediary. The factors the contribute to the weaknesses of zakat fitrah management in Nuguk hamlet include : 1) low quality of education, and 2) oriented to the past management Abstrak            Latar belakang kajian ini adalah karena ada keunikan manajeman zakat fitrah di Dusun Nuguk, yaitu dengan cara menyerahkan kepada orang yang dianggap cocok atau serasi, dengan harapan orang yang menerima zakat fitrah tersebut dapat menjadi perantara kesehatan, ketenteraman bagi kehidupan muzakki dikemudian hari. Artikel ini merupakan hasil dari penelitian kualitatif lapangan dengan metode deskriptif-analisis. Adapun kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah manajemen zakat fitrah di Dusun Nuguk dilakukan dengan model manajemen klasik, yaitu suatu model manajemen yang masih sangat sederhana dengan cara muzakki menyerahkan zakat fitrah kepada ‘amil yang bersifat perorangan di rumah ‘amil masing-masing. Kepercayaan masyarakat Dusun Nuguk yang berlebihan kepada ‘amil dirasa kurang sesuai dengan konsep ideal syariat. Adapun manajemen menurut Alquran meliputi tiga unsur penting, yaitu : Pengumpulan (Qs. At-Taubah [9] : 103), Pendataan dan Pendistribusian (Qs. Al-Baqarah [2] : 282 dan Qs. At-Taubah [9] : 60, serta Pendayagunaan dengan menggunakan model ‘konsumtif tradisional’, yaitu zakat fitrah langsung didistribusikan kepada mustahik melalui perantara ‘amil. Faktor yang menyebabkan lemehnya mananjemen zakat fitrah di dusun Nuguk ada dua, yaitu : (1) Rendahnya mutu pendidikan, dan (2) Berorientasi pada manajemen masa lalu.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-95
Meila Hayudiyani ◽  
Bagus Rachmad Saputra ◽  
Maulana Amirul Adha ◽  
Nova Syafira Ariyanti

Layanan pendidikan diukur melalui kualitas pendidikan yang diselenggara-kan di sekolah. Kualitas mutu sekolah dijabarkan pada program-program pembelajaran yang menjadi brand untuk ditawarkan kepada masyarakat sebagai pengguna jasa layanan pendidikan yang diberikan oleh sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di sekolah melalui program-program ung-gulan sekolah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Kristen Kalam Kudus Surakarta yang menerapkan program unggulan berbasis kerohanian, pem-belajaran, dan life skill atau kecakapan hidup. Metode penelitian adalah kualitatif, penelitian dilakukan dengan wawancara kepala sekolah dan guru, kemudian pengamatan langsung atau observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Kemudian data yang diperoleh dikumpulkan dan dicatat dalam bentuk catatan lapangan dan transkrip wawancara sebelum direduksi dan disajikan. Hasil dari penelitian didapatkan bahwa program unggulan sekolah dapat memberikan dampak pada peningkatan mutu pendidikan. AbstractEducation services are measured through the quality of education held in schools. The quality of schools is described in learning programs that become brands to be offered to the community as users of educational services provided by schools. This study aims to describe the principal's strategy in improving the quality of education in schools through excellent programs in schools. This research was conducted at the Kalam Kudus Christian High School Surakarta which implemented a superior program based on spirituality, learning, and life skills. The research method is qualitative, research is conducted by interviewing principals and teachers, then direct observation or observation, and documentation studies. Then the data obtained is collected and recorded in the form of field notes and interview transcripts before they are reduced and presented. The results of the study found that the school leading programs have an impact on improving the quality of education.

Rayi Siti Fitriani ◽  
Yudi Bachtiar ◽  
Gia Nikawanti

<em>The teacher is an element that plays an important role in improving the quality of education in Indonesia. It is inevitable that there are various problems in learning that need to be solved by a teacher, one of them with research. Classroom Action Research is an attempt to correct any shortcomings and deficiencies in learning. Followed by writing a Classroom Action Research Report, carried out as an attempt to think and prove to improve the professionalism of teachers and is no less important as an added value in increasing credit. The aim of this study is to describe: teacher skills in writing Classroom Action Research reports and obstacles for teachers in writing scientific articles. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive design. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the skills to write research reports in the classroom were still low and very rarely performed. The obstacles that the teacher encountered were the lack of understanding of scientific articles, little systematic writing knowledge, limited liability, problems with the use of computers and time. But of all that, the cause of the obstacles that the teacher encounters is motivation.</em>

Paradigma ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Andri Marta Sudirja ◽  
Andewi Suhartini

The background of this research is the problem of power point media management is one part of the problem of improving the quality of learning. The problems that occur in power point media management are not optimal planning, implementation, and assessment so that it has an impact on the quality of teachers and the quality of learning. The lack of success in power point media management is due to the less than optimal use of learning media implemented in each school that has not been managed optimally, the learning process has not reached the target effectively, the learning media has not been well managed, so that teachers have not been able to show the expected improvement in the quality of learning. The quality of education is something that must be considered and strived to achieve, because education will be in vain if the quality and graduates are low. It will be worse and worse if the educational output adds to the burden on the community, family and country. In general, the management of learning media at SMKN 1 Talaga Majalengka has not shown a satisfactory impact on improving the quality of teachers themselves, especially for students, this is influenced by many factors. Power point media management is still not optimal in improving the quality of learning. This research is a qualitative research which takes the background of power point media management to improve the quality of Islamic education learning at SMKN 1 Talaga Majalengka. Data collection was carried out by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation studies. Data analysis was carried out by giving meaning to the data that was collected, and from that meaning it was concluded. Checking the validity of the data was carried out using triangulation by means of check recheck and cross checking.

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