2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 217
Asyari Asyari ◽  
Khoirul Fatah

Ikan motan (Thynnichthys polylepis) merupakan jenis ikan yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang cukup penting di Kabupaten Kampar. Ikanmotan diWaduk Kotopanjang termasuk jenis ikan yang dominan dan digemarimasyarakat. Penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi mengenai kebiasaan makan dan biologi reproduksi dilakukan pada bulan Agustus sampai Nopember 2009. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode survei dengan pengambilan contoh dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Untuk mengetahui kebiasaan makan digunakan metode Indeks Preponderan, kematangan gonad diamati secara morfologi dan penentuan fekunditas dihitung dengan metodegravimetrik. Hasil penelitian inimenunjukan bahwa ikan motan tergolong jenis ikan herbivora dengan pakan utama makrofita 49,9%, pakan pelengkapnya adalah phytoplankton 22,6% dan detritus 17,4%, dan pakan tambahan terdiri atas protozoa 0,8%, rotifera 0,5%, dan crustaceae 0,4%. Selain itu makanan yang tak teridentifikasi 8,4%. Ikan motan memijah secara bertahap (parsial) dimulai pada bulan Nopember. Fekunditas ikan motan berjumlah antara 25.360-61.198 butir dengan diameter telur pada kisaran antara 0,31-0,90mm, serta indeks kematangan gonad antara 6,65-17,56%. Motan (Thynnichthys polylepis) is one of fish species having the economically important value in Kampar Regency. In Kotopanjang Reservoir motan is a kind of fish which is dominant and it is liked by the people. The objectives of the research were to get data and information of food habit and the biology reproduction such as gonadal maturity, fecundity, and egg diameter has been carried out on August to November 2009. The research is done with the survey method, meanwhile the samples taken by purposive sampling. Food habit can used an index of preponderance method, the gonadal maturity is used by the morphology, meanwhile fecundity is counted by gravimetric. The result of the research shows that motan is belong to a herbivore fish with a mean food macrophyta of 49.9% as a mean food, phytoplankton of 22.6% and detritus of 17.4% as complement food. Meanwhile the addition food such as protozoa of 0.8%, rotiferas of 0.5%and crustaceae of 0.4%. Beside that, the unidentify part is 8.4%. Motan spawning by partial which is started on November. Fecundity of motan shows that the total egg varied between 25,360-61,198 with egg diameter is between 0.31-0.90 mm. Meanwhile index maturity of gonads is between 6.15-17.56 %. Based on the aspects some water quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Erikson Sahala Pardamean ◽  
Henni Syawal ◽  
Morina Riauwaty

Pathogenic bacteria is disease causing microorganisms that can attack fish and can cause mass death in cultured fish. The purpose of this study was to identify the types of pathogenic bacteria Cyprinus carpio that were reared in floating cages. This study used a survey method that is purposive sampling and the fish sample were obtained from, PLTA Koto Panjang. the fishes were identified in the Fish Parasite and Disease Laboratory, Fish and Marine Faculty, University of Riau. Fish samples used were 15-20 cm goldfish totaling 12 tails with 3 times taken from 4 different cages. The kidneys organ were examined and to find out the type the bacteria. Result shown identified of pathogenic bacteria consist of 3 types of bacteria namely Aeromonas sp., Pseudomonas sp., and Edwardsiella sp. Water quality during the study was Temperature: 27-300C, pH 6-7, DO 3.67-4.28 ppm, and ammonia 0.048-0.64 mg/L.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 118-125
Fristiwi Silvi Melinda ◽  
Siti Rudiyanti ◽  
Haeruddin Haeruddin

ABSTRAK Waduk Jatibarang terletak di Kelurahan Kandri, Kecamatan Gunung Pati, Kota Semarang resmi dioperasikan pada tahun 2014. Pemanfaatan Waduk Jatibarang sebagai penyedia air baku, tempat pariwisata dan kegiatan perikanan. Pemanfaatan waduk dapat menurunkan kualitas air. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui status pencemaran perairan Waduk Jatibarang berdasarkan berbagai kegiatan peruntukan (kegiatan pariwisata, perikanan dan penyediaan air baku). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari - Pebruari 2019. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei. Pengambilan contoh air menggunakan metode purposive sampling, dilakukan 2 (dua) kali pengambilan dengan rentang waktu 1 bulan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengukur variabel kualitas air yang terdapat pada PP Nomor 82 Tahun 2001 tentang Pengelolaan Kualitas Air dan Pengendalian Pencemaran Air, antara lain Temperatur, TSS, pH, DO, BOD, COD, Amonia dan Total Coliform. Selanjutnya di analisis dengan metode Indeks Pencemaran sesuai KepMen LH Nomor 115 Tahun 2003 tentang Pedoman Penentuan Status Mutu Air. Perairan Waduk Jatibarang memiliki temperatur berkisar antara 30 - 31◦C, TSS 20 - 80 mg/l, pH netral, DO 6,8 - 8,6 mg/l, BOD 1,46 - 3,95 mg/l, COD 9,7 - 15,69 mg/l, Amonia 0,110 - 0,566 mg/l dan Total Coliform 15 – 4.600 sel/100 ml. Status pencemaran pada dermaga Waduk Jatibarang (kegiatan pariwisata) tercemar ringan – sedang (IP = 3,62 - 5,49). Inlet Waduk Jatibarang (Kegiatan Perikanan) tercemar ringan – sedang (IP = 2,88 – 5,93). Outlet Waduk Jatibarang (penyediaan air baku) tercemar ringan (IP = 1,43 – 1,84). ABSTRACT Jatibarang Reservoir is located in the Village Kandri, District Gunung Pati, Semarang officially operated in 2014. Utilization of Jatibarang Reservoir as a provider of raw water, tourism sites and fisheries activities. Utilization of reservoirs can reduce water quality. The purpose of research to determine the water pollution status of Jatibarang Reservoir in based on the various activities allocation (tourism, fisheries and raw water supply). Research was conducted on January - February 2019. The method used is a survey method. Water sampling using purposive sampling with two replicate and sampling interval 1 month. The research was conducted by measuring the water quality variables by activities allocation according with Government Regulation Number 82 of 2001 about Management of Water Quality and Water Pollution Control, among others temperature, TSS, pH, DO, BOD, COD, ammonia and Total Coliform. Furthermore, analized with Pollution Index according to the decree of the minister of environment of the republic of indonesia number 115 year 2003 regarding Guidelines for Determination of Water Quality Status. Jatibarang Reservoir waters have temperature ranging between 30 - 31◦C, TSS 20 - 80 mg/l, pH neutral, DO 6,8 – 8,6 mg/l, BOD 1,46 – 3,95 mg/l, COD 9,7 - 15,69 mg/l, Ammonia 0,110 – 0,566 mg/l and Total Coliform 15 – 4.600 cells/100 ml. Pollution status of the dock Jatibarang Reservoir (tourism activity) lightly - moderatly polluted (IP = 3,62 – 5,49). Inlet of Reservoir Jatibarang (fisheries activity) lightly - moderately polluted (IP = 2,88 - 5,93). Outlet of Reservoir Jatibarang lightly polluted (IP = 1,43 – 1,84).

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Ranty Christiana ◽  
Ika Muthya Anggraini ◽  
Hezliana Syahwanti

<p>Sungai Mahap is used by the people of Nanga Mahap Village, Nanga Mahap District, Sekadau Regency for daily needs such as cooking, transportation and even consumption as drinking water. Utilization is done by the community because this area has not been flooded with clean water facilities. The quality and status of the Mahap River water quality standard needs to be further examined to study the feasibility of water as an air source used by the community regarding the importance of increasing plantation activities upstream. This research uses descriptive method using quantitative. Air sampling was conducted using a sample survey method with proposed parameters namely BOD, COD, pH, DO, TSS and NH3. Water quality testing is based on Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 and determines the status of water quality using the STORET method and the pollution index based on the Decree of the Minister of Environment No.115 of 2003. In this study, the river pollution load was also calculated. The results show that the composition of BOD, COD, and Fe has exceeded the specified quality standards. The water quality status of the Mahap River is classified as moderate to severe based on the STORET method and Pollution Index. The highest river pollution load occurs at point II, in the dry season at 104.725 kg/day and in the rainy season at 171.873 kg/day</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 71 ◽  
Syarifah Nurdawati

Penelitian keanekaragaman dan distribusi benih ikan di beberapa tipe habitat Sungai Batanghari, Jambi telah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman benih ikan, habitat, dan distribusi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan daerah aliran Sungai Batanghari yang terletak di Kodya Jambi (Danau Teluk dan Danau Buluran Kenali) dan Kabupaten Batanghari (Danau Kaos, Sungai Terap, Sungai Lubuk Ruso, dan Sungai Pijoan). Penelitian dilakukan pada waktu air surut setelah banjir besar. Contoh benih ikan dikumpulkan dari hasil percobaan penangkapan dan tangkapan nelayan kemudian diidentifikasi. Larva yang belum dapat diidentifikasi dipelihara terlebih dahulu di dalamhapa, danau, dan akuarium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 90 jenis benih ikan yang termasuk ke dalam 44 genus, 18 famili, 5 sub ordo dari Ordo Perciformes (Percoidei, Gobioidei, Anabantoidei, Channoidei, dan Mastacembeloidei) dan 6 ordo (Osteoglosiformes, Cypriniformes, Siluriformes, Perciformes Cyprinodontiformes, dan Tetraodontiformes). Famili Cyprinidae mendominasi jenis yang ditemukan yaitu 40 jenis, diikuti oleh Famili Bagridae 15 jenis. Padawaktu air banjir kualitas air di lokasi penelitian menunjukkan kondisi yang baik untuk kehidupan benih ikan dan pada saat air surut setelah banjir kualitas air menurun. Habitat benih ikan di lokasi pengamatanmerupakan habitat sementara dan setelah kualitas airmenurun benih-benih ikan melakukan ruaya menuju ke sungai utama dan seterusnya beruaya ke bagian hulu sungai. Study on biodiversity and distribution of fish fry in some type of habitats of Batanghari River basin, Jambi was conducted to observe the kind of fish species, habitat, and the distribution. Location of the experiment were Batanghari River in Kodya Jambi (Teluk Lake and Buluran Kenali Lake and Kabupaten Batanghari (Terap River, Lubuk Ruso River, and Pijoan River).The study used survey method for every lowest fluktuation water. Larva and seeds fish were collected from fishermen and identified. For larvae were collected and held in aquaria or in hapas in lake before identified. The results show that 90 species seed fish were collected, there are 44 genus, 18 familiy, 5 sub ordo from Ordo Perciformes (Percoidei, Gobioidei, Anabantoidei, Channoidei, dan Mastacembeloidei) and 6 Ordo (Osteoglosiformes, Cypriniformes, Siluriformes, Perciformes Cyprinodontiformes, dan Tetraodontiformes), about 40 species dominated by Cyprinidae. Water quality in location was good for hight water fluctuation and bad for lowest water fluctuation. Four habitats of seed fish were not permanent habitat and in bad condition water quality, seed fish were migrating out of the floodplain and leaved for up stream of Batanghari River.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 335
Susilo Adjie

Penelitian untuk mengetahui kualitas lingkungan perairan Sungai Musi bagian tengah dan hilir serta kelimpahan jenis ikan, telah dilakukan dari bulan April sampai dengan Oktober 2003. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survei dengan menetapkan 15 stasiun pengamatan dari Sungai Musi bagian tengah sampai dengan hilir. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa dari hasil pemeriksaan parameter fisika kimia air secara umum perairan Sungai Musi bagian tengah sampai dengan hilir belum terlihat ada indikasi pencemaran. Kehidupan ikan di Sungai Musi bagian tengah sampai dengan hilir belum terlihat ada gangguan akibat pencemaran air. Jenis-jenis ikan yang dijumpai di sepanjang stasiun pengamatan terdapat sekitar 85 jenis yang didominansi oleh famili Cyprinidae. Penyebaran jenis ikan terkonsentrasi di Sungai Musi bagian tengah +- 75 jenis dan bagian hilir +- 58 jenis. A study to determine the water quality in the middle and lower parts of Musi River as well as its fish distribution was conducted from April until October 2003. Research was done under survey method by setting 15 stations in the middle and lower parts of Musi River. Results of the features of the physico chemical parameters showed that Musi River waters in the middle and lower parts were not polluted. There were 85 fish founded in the observed areas and they were dominated by family of cyprinidae. 75 fish species were distributed in the middle part of Musi River and 58 fish species were scattered in the lower.

Risda Afifi Nasution ◽  
Nofrita Nofrita ◽  
Eggy Triana Putri ◽  
Izmiarti Izmiarti

This study aims to determine the composition and structure of the macrozoobenthos community in Batang Air Dingin and water quality based on BMWP ASPT. This study used a survey method in determining the station by purposive sampling, based on typhical environmental condition along the river. Macrozoobenthos samples was collected by using surber net 30x30 cm2. The result showed the community in the form of Gastropods 6 genera, Insecta 26 genera, Oligochaeta 1 genus, and Hirudinea 1 genus. Total density of macrozoobenthos in the Batang Air Dingin river was 1182,22ind/m2 ranging from 180,00 ind/m2 to 402,22 ind/m2 with the highest density was found in the first station and the lowest at station four. The predominant type found at each station is different, station I is Elophyla, Neopherla, Hydropsyche; station II Eukifferiella, Polypedilum, Elophyla, Hydropsyche; station III Clithon, Eukifferiella, Polypedilum, Orthocladius; station IV Clithonand Thiara. The diversity of macrozoobenthos in Batang Air Dingin river range between 1,95-2,51 is classified as moderate with even distribution (E=0,84) range between 0,81-0,89. Batang Air Dingin water quality using BMWP ASPT from upstream to downstream range between 6,12 – 3,5. Classified unpolluted to heavily polluted.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Ari Firdaus ◽  
Siti Masitoh Kartikawati ◽  
Emi Roslinda

Traditional hunting is hunting using traditional tools, such as traps, chopsticks, spears, arrows, root and barracks to hunt fish in the river. Hunting equipment used is simple, the material is easily obtained in the surrounding environment and can be assembled and made by yourself. and crossbow. Manggala Village is a village in Melawi Regency where the people are still doing hunting activities, especially the Dayak Kubin tribe, even though Manggala Village has become the center of South Pinoh Sub-district and the conditions are already relatively advanced. This study aims to record the species of animals that are targeted by the Dayak Kubin community in Manggala village, Pinoh Subdistrict, South Melawi District, and examine the hunting techniques and tools used for hunting Dayak Kubin. This study uses a survey method, the determination of respondent with purposive sampling. Number of animal species utilized and targeted by Dayak Kubin people in Manggala Village, Pinoh Selatan District, Melawi Regency, as many as 12 species of 12 families, 2 types of animals, 1 family consisting of 1 species. Dayak Kubin hunting activities carried out by groups and individuals. Tools used in hunting activities are spears, snares, trawl, traps and fishing rods. Hunting techniques carried out by the Dayak Kubin people still use traditional methods such as the materials used are still derived from forest plants such as leaves and bark made concoctions, perform rituals before hunting.Keywords:Dayak Cubic Tribe, Etnotecnology, Hunting Technique

Prologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 335
Natasha Valentina ◽  
Rezi Erdiansyah

This study aims to determine the effect of electronic word of mouth and brand image on purchasing decisions of Secondate Beauty. The theories discussed in this study are communication theory, electronic word of mouth, brand image, and purchase decisions. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The population of this research is the people of Jakarta who have bought Secondate Beauty products. The sampling technique used was non-probability with a purposive sampling approach, with 140 respondents. The technique of collecting data using a questionnaire. Test the validity of the data using the validity, reliability, and normality test. And to test data processing and analysis using multiple linear regression test, T test, F test, correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination. All of these tests were processed by researchers using IBM SPSS 25 software. This program was used to determine the extent of the influence of electronic word of mouth and brand image on the purchasing decision of Secondate Beauty. The results of this study indicate that Ha is accepted, which means that this means that electronic word of mouth and brand image have a significant effect on purchasing decisions from Secondate Beauty products.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh electronic word of mouth dan brand image terhadap keputusan pembelian Secondate Beauty. Teori yang dibahas di penelitian ini adalah teori komunikasi, electronic word of mouth, brand image, dan keputusan pembelian. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survey. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah masyarakat Jakarta yang pernah membeli produk Secondate Beauty. Teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan adalan non-probability dengan pendekatan purposive sampling, responden yang berjumlah 140 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan uji validitas, reliabilitas, dan normalitas. Dan untuk uji pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan uji regresi linear berganda, uji T, uji F, koefisen korelasi dan koefisien determinasi. Semua uji ini diolah peneliti dengan menggunakan software IBM SPSS 25. Program ini digunakan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh electronic word of mouth dan brand image terhadap keputusan pembelian Secondate Beauty. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengindikasikan Ha diterima, yang berarti ini menunjukkan bahwa electronic word of mouth dan brand image berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian dari produk Secondate Beauty.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Eli Ukiwa ◽  
Suhartono Suhartono

White oyster mushroom cultivation has been widely recognized by the people in Ciamis Regency on a small or large scale. However, this farming phenomenon experienced many ups and downs. Though the need for mushroom consumption by the market is still quite high. This study aims to determine the extent to which the productivity differences of white oyster mushroom farming are cultivated by farmers in three different business segments and how is the business feasibility. The method used in this study is a survey method. Data were collected through interviews with purposive sampling to mushroom farmers. To find out the productivity and feasibility of farming, a cost, and income analysis approach and R/C. Then a different test is conducted to determine the differences in income between business segments. The results showed that the farming of white oyster mushrooms in the three business segments can generate different incomes. The business segment from baglog to harvest has the highest productivity (R/C 1,16). However, the highest income is generated by white oyster mushroom farming in the baglog manufacturing segment. Financially the three segments of white oyster mushroom farming are feasible because they can generate positive income and R/C>1  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Silvinus Wou ◽  
Petrus Ana Andung ◽  
Fitri Titi Meilawati

One of the news that has caught the attention of the Indonesian people since 2019 until now is the news about Covid-19. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of exposure to 41 TNI reports that were positive for Covid-19 in online media on people's attitudes in Bajawa City. The approach in this research is quantitative with a survey method. The sampling technique used is the purposive sampling technique and the sample obtained is 100 people. The theory used in this research is the Agenda setting theory. The study results found that there was an influence between news exposure of 41 soldiers with positive Covid-19 in online media towards people's attitudes in Bajawa City. This is evidenced by the presence of some respondents who are more afraid of news of death due to Covid-19 and do not understand how to prevent Covid-19.

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