Edulib ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Yooke Tjuparmah S Komaruddin ◽  
Rudi Susilana

Abstrak   Sertifikasi dan lisensi tenaga perpustakaan sekolah/ madrasah (TP-SM) merupakan dokumen yang menandakan pengakuan bahwa seseorang memiliki kewenangan untuk melaksanakan tugas sebagai tenaga pengelola perpustakaan di lembaga pendidikan (sekolah dan madrasah) secara profesional. Sertifikasi dan lisensi hanya diberikan kepada seseorang yang telah memenuhi persyaratan kualifikasi dan penguasaan tentang  standar kompetensi tenaga perpustakaan sekolah sebagaimana yang telah ditetapkan dalam Permendiknas Nomor 25 Tahun 2008. Penguasaan tentang standar kompetensi tersebut merupakan dasar dan pedoman dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pelatihan tenaga perpustakaan dan pendidikan profesi pustakawan untuk menerbitkan sertifikasi kompetensi dan pemberian lisensi tenaga perpustakaan dan pustakawan. Proporsi yang sangat rendah tentang keberadaan pustakawan dan/atau tenaga pengelola perpustakaan tentulah menjadi pekerjaan rumah bagi semua pihak, baik bagi pemerintah (Direktorat terkait di Kemdiknas dan Kemenag),  Perpusnas, perguruan tinggi pengelola program studi perpustakaan, dan asosiasi profesi. Hal ini terkait dengan kepemilikan perpustakaan dan tenaga pengelola perpustakaan di sekolah/ madrasah yang harus dapat terpenuhi selambat-lambatnya pada Juni 2013 atau 5 (lima) tahun setelah peraturan tentang hal tersebut ditetapkan.Permasalahannya adalah (1) Apakah semua tenaga perpustakaan sekolah yang ada saat ini sudah profesional?; (2) Kualifikasi dan kompetensi apa yang dibutuhkan agar mereka dapat menjadi profesional?; (3) Apa bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa mereka memiliki kewenangan sebagai tenaga perpustakaan yang profesional?; (4) Pendidikan atau pelatihan yang bagaimana yang dibutuhkan agar dapat mempersiapkan dan mengembangkan seseorang menjadi tenaga perpustakaan yang profesional? (5) Bagaimana kesiapan Perguruan Tinggi untuk mempersiapkan Tenaga Perpustakaan Sekolah/Madrasah ini? Jawabannya tentu perlu dikaji secara teoritik dan empirik. Sebagai bahan diskusi pertanyaan (1) dan (2) akan dijawab dengan paparan pada bagian B, pertanyaan (3) dan (4) akan dijawab melalui paparan pada bagian C, sedangkan pertanyaan ke (5) akan dijawab melalui paparan bagian D, dengan ilustrasi memaparkan Program Studi Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Jurusan Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pendidikan, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Sertifikasi dan lisensi tenaga perpustakaan akan menghasilkan tenaga yang profesional apabila melibatkan berbagai unsur sebagai berikut, yaitu: perguruan tinggi penyelenggara disiplin ilmu perpustakaan, lembaga yang mengelola perpustakaan (Perpusnas), lembaga yang mengelola tenaga perpustakaan (Kemdiknas) dan asosiasi profesi perpustakaan. Kata Kunci:  Pustakawan,  Tenaga Pengelola Perpustakaan, Sertifikasi, Lisensi, Perpustakaan Sekolah/Madrasah, Pendidikan Pustakawan Abstract           Certification and license of school librarian/ Madrasah librarian (Tenaga Pustakawan-Sekolah/Madrasah - TPSM) refers to a document admitting that an individual has a right to execute a task assuming the responsibility to manage a library at an educational institution (school or Madrasah) professionally. The certification and the license are issued to individuals who have met some qualification as required so as to describe a mastery in a standardized competencies owned by school librarians as enacted by Permendiknas No.25/2008 (an Act of the Ministry of Education and Culture). The mastery of the aforementioned competencies serves as basics and principles in operationally running education and training for librarians and professional librarian education prior to the issuances of competency certification and license for assistant librarians and librarians. Less than adequate proportion of the existence of librarians remains a big task to be done by all parties including the Government  (directorates, Kemendikbud (Ministry of Education and Culture), and Ministry of Religion), Perpusnas (National Library of Indonesia), universities running the programs of library schools, and profession associations. It brings with it some concerns with services libraries and their librarians have to provide. According to the Permendiknas, by June 2013 (five years after the issuance of the Act) schools and Madrasah have to equipped themselves with libraries managed by librarians. Problems arise once concerns on providing library services have to be working: (1) Are all school/Madrasah librarians on duty professional in category?, (2) What qualifications and competencies should the librarians have to be professional?, (3) What could be the proof that the librarians have every right to work as professionals?, (4) What kind of education and training do the librarians need to undergo to have a good command of managing library collections professionally?, (5) How prepared are higher education institutions in training librarians to have adequate competencies in managing libraries? Answers to the queries need to be explored both theoretically and empirically through a study. To initiate a discussion, questions (1) and (2) will be entertained through explanation in Part B; questions (3) and (4) will be entertained through explanation in Part C while questions (5) will be entertained through explanation in Part D with an illustration of Library and Information Studies-Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology-Faculty of Education-UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia-Indonesia University of Education). Certification and license for school librarians will work the excellent way to produce professionals in librarianship if the  elements involved in the program are promising enough in terms of qualifications. Those to be involved include universities running the programs of library studies, institutions with the power of managing libraries nationwide including Perpusnas, institutions which concern in establishing libraries (Kemendikbud), and profession associations in librarianship.Key words: librarian, library managers, certification, license, school/Madrasah libraries, training for librarians.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Sifiso L. Zwane ◽  
Matome M. Malale

Background: The kingdom of Swaziland is a signatory to policies on universal education that ensure high quality basic education for all. Education for All is a commitment to provide equal opportunities for all children and the youth as provided for in the country’s constitution of 2005. The tone for the introduction of inclusive education in Swaziland was inevitably set by the new constitution of 2005. Since then several policies have been produced by the government, all aimed at providing equal education opportunities to all children in the country. These policies include the Swaziland National Children’s Policy (2009), Poverty Reduction Strategy and Action Plan (2006) and Draft Inclusive Education Policy (2008). The Education for All Policy (2010) is the policy that upon implementation became a stimulus for the introduction of inclusive education into mainstream schools; as a result, all teachers in the country’s schools were expected to be competent enough to teach learners with a wide range of educational needs. However, in-service teachers received inadequate staff development and training ahead of the implementation of inclusive education and a majority of teachers were not professionally developed for inclusive education, as pre-service students at tertiary training level.Objectives: This study investigated barriers in the implementation of inclusive education at high schools in the Gege branch, Swaziland, with a view to finding lasting solutions to inform research and government policy.Method: This research is a qualitative interpretive case study based on selected schools in the Gege branch of schools. Data was obtained through semi-structured research interviews and document analysis. It was processed and analysed through data coding, unitising, categorising and emergence of themes, which became the findings of the study.Results: Lack of facilities in the governments’ schools and teachers’ incompetence in identifying learners facing learning challenges in their classrooms are some barriers to inclusivity.Conclusion: The study concludes that there is a need for the Ministry of Education and Training to craft an inclusive curriculum in line with the inclusive policy in order to cater for the diverse educational needs of all learners in mainstream schools. It is thought that instituting a vibrant in-service and pre-service teacher training programme by the Ministry of Education and Training will increase teachers’ capacity to a level where teaching in inclusive classrooms does not negatively affect their competence.

Pham Thi Thanh Hai ◽  
Nguyen Duc Nguyen

Informatiom Communication Technology (ICT) has an important place in the educational innovation program. New policies on educational innovation are built on the premises and prospects of effective ICT application in teaching and learning (Richards, 2004). Studies on ICT application in teaching and Electronic Book or Digital Hydbrid Text in Education and Training have been researched and developed by serveral countries in the US and Europe. This article analyzes some policies for ICT application in teaching and educational innovation in Vietnam. These policies are analyzed according to the approaches to the Government of Vietnam Orientation on the application of information technology in education; The Ministry of Education and Training's policies on the Vietnamese education renovation requirements, ICT equipment infrastructure, the capacity of teachers to apply ICT in teaching. The research results show that the government has tried to give directions for ICT to be widely applied from management to teaching activities. The Ministry of Education and Training has also issued circulars and specific instructions to promptly implement orientations from the government. However, the approach to applying ICT in education has many multidimensional and too broad theoretical bases. The instructions on ICT are too sketchy and not yet specific for the application of ICT in teaching and learning.

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-106
Wiharyanto Wiharyanto

The study aims to analyze about the low graduation and certification exam training participants of the procurement of goods / services of the government and its contributing factors, and formulate a strategy of education and training and skills certification exams procurement of goods / services of the government. Collecting data using the method of study documentation, interviews, and questionnaires. Is the official source of information on the structural and functional Regional Employment Board, as well as the participants of the training and skills certification exams procurement of goods / services of the government in Magelang regency government environment. Analysis using 4 quadrant SWOT analysis, to determine the issue or strategic factors in improving the quality of education and training and skills certification exams procurement of government goods / services within the Government of Magelang regency. The results show organizer position is in quadrant I, which is supporting the growth strategy, with 3 alternative formulation strategies that improve the quality of education and training and skills certification exams procurement of government goods / services, and conducts certification examination of the procurement of government goods / services with computer assisted test system (CAT). Based on the research recommendations formulated advice to the organizing committee, namely: of prospective participants of the training and skills certification exams procurement of goods / services the government should consider the motivation of civil servants, is examinees who have attended training in the same period of the year, the need for simulation procurement of goods / services significantly, an additional allocation of training time, giving sanction to civil servants who have not passed the exam, the provision of adequate classroom space with the number of participants of each class are proportional, as well as explore the evaluation of education and training and skills certification exams procurement of goods / services for Government of participants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 276-287
The Vinh Tran ◽  
Tran Kim Thanh ◽  
Tran Manh Tuong ◽  
Vu Anh Linh Duy

In Vietnam, since 2015, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has decided to abolish university entrance exams and advocates the use of high school graduation exam results of candidates for admission to go to universities. The 2015 and 2016 exam questions for the Math exam are the essay questions. From 2017 up to now, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has applied the form of multiple-choice exams for Mathematics in the high school graduation exam. There are many mixed opinions about the impact of this form of examination and admission on the quality of university students. In particular, the switch from the form of essay examination to multiple-choice exams led the entire Vietnam Mathematical Association at that time to send recommendations on continuing to maintain the form of essay examination for mathematics. The purposes of this article are analysis and evaluation the effects of relevant factors on the academic performance of advanced math students of university students, and offer solutions to optimize university entrance exam. The data set was provided by Training Management Department and Training Quality Control and Testing Laboratory of the University of Finance – Marketing. This dataset includes information about math high school graduation test scores, learning process scores (scores assessed by direct instructors), and advanced math course end test scores of 2834 students in courses from 2015 to 2019. Linear and non-linear regression machine learning models were used to solve the tasks given in this article. An analysis of the data was conducted to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of the change in university enrollment of the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training. Tools from the Python libraries have been supported and used effectively in the process of solving problems. Through building and surveying the model, there are suggestions and solutions to problems in enrollment and input quality assurance. Specifically, in the preparation of entrance exams, the entrance exam questions should not exceed 61-66 % of multiple choice questions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 239
Muhammad Khozin ◽  
Gerry Katon Mahendra ◽  
Anike Febriyani Nugraha

Improvement and quality assurance of public services is very needed, therefore the Government through Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services and Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform Number 15 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for Service Standards requires that every public service provider be obliged to establish and apply Public Service Standards for each type of service that it provides. One of them is the Yogyakarta Education and Training Agency as a public service provider in the form of education, training, and competency development for the State Civil Apparatus. Public service standard documents that have been prepared by the Yogyakarta Education and Training Agency in 2017 need to be evaluated because they allegedly did not meet the method in the preparation process. The research conducted is a literature review with data mining techniques using observation techniques, interviews, mini focus group discussions and public hearings. Based on the research results it is known that the public service standard documents that have been owned by the Yogyakarta Education and Training Agency are still not comprehensive, but this solution is then obtained after an analysis and discussion with stakeholders at the Yogyakarta Education and Training Agency has also successfully identified various types of services that need to be it is prioritized to develop public service standards.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-30
Phan Thi Tra Khuc

Lifelong learning is the continuous acquisition of knowledge and skills which occurs throughout life with an emphasis on the full development of personality. Despite the increasing interest of Vietnamese policy makers in promoting lifelong learning, the implementation of lifelong learning at universities is still limited. This research delineated and critiqued the policies and the current practices of lifelong learning at the college level of the Ministry of Education and Training in Vietnam (MOET) under the perspective of critical theory. From the discussion of the policies and practices that the MOET was implementing, recommendations for the policy makers were made with the aim of helping Vietnamese students embrace their right to lifelong learning and fulfill the personal and democratic purpose of education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-252

Abstract : This study aims to determine the magnitude of the influence of Training, Infrastructure and Budget on the Performance of the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) at the Regional Inspectorate of Kapuas Regency . Data was collected using questionnaires and documentation Questionnaires are used to measure the variables of Education and Training, Infrastructure and Budget and employee performance. Data analysis technique used is U ji validity , test reliability , test correlation coefficients , t-test (Partial) , Test Multicollinearity , Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (Test Normality) , ANOVA (F test Simultaneous) and Test Multiple Linear Regression . The results showed that the budget has a positive and significant effect on employee performance . The results of the t test between X 3 (Budget) and Y (APIP Performance) show t count = 3.114. While the t table (α = 0.05 ; db residual = 17) is 1.740. Because t arithmetic > t table is 3.114 > 1.740 or sig t value (0.008) < = 0.05, the effect of X 3 (Budget) on Y (APIP Performance) is significant. This means that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted, so it can be concluded that APIP's performance can be significantly affected by the Budget .Based on the coefficient because it has the greatest beta coefficient value of 0.707 when compared to the regression coefficient of the education and training variable and infrastructure. this means that H 0 is rejected and h 3 is received, so that it can be concluded that the budget is the dominant variable affecting the performance of internal government regulatory authorities in Kapuas district inspectorate valued at 70.7% and the remaining 29 , 3 % is influenced by other variables not examined in this research. Keywords: Training, Infrastructure and Budget , Employee Performance.   Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh Diklat, Sarana Prasarana Dan Anggaran Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Aparat Pengawas Internal Pemerintah (APIP) pada Inspektorat Daerah Kabupaten Kapuas. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan koesioner dan dokumentasi. koesioner digunakan untuk mengukur variabel Diklat, Sarana prasarana dan Anggran serta kinerja pegawai. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Uji Validitas, Uji Reliabilitas, uji Koefisien Korelasi, Uji t (Parsial), Uji Multikolinearitas, Uji Kolmogorov Smirnov (Uji Normalitas), ANOVA (uji F Simultan) dan Uji Regresi Linear Berganda. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Anggran mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Hasil t test antara X3 (Anggaran) dengan Y (Kinerja APIP) menunjukkan t hitung = 3,114. Sedangkan t tabel (α = 0.05 ; db residual = 17) adalah sebesar 1,740. Karena t hitung > t tabel yaitu 3,114 > 1,740 atau nilai sig t (0,008) < α = 0.05 maka pengaruh X3(Anggaran) terhadap Y (Kinerja APIP) adalah signifikan. Hal ini berarti Ho ditolak dan H1 diterima, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja APIP dapat dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh Anggaran. Berdasarkan koefisien dikarenakan mempunyai nilai koefisiensi beta paling besar 0,707 jika Dibandingkan dengan koefisien regresi variabel Diklat dan sarana prasarana. hal ini berarti h0 ditolak dan h3 diterima, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa anggaran merupakan variabel yang dominan mempengaruhi kinerja aparat pengawas internal pemerintah pada inspektorat daerah kabupaten Kapuas senilai 70,7% dan sisanya 29,3% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Kata Kunci: Diklat, Sarana prasarana dan Anggaran, Kinerja Pegawai.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-85
Rahmadi Ali ◽  
Rofiqoh Hasan Harahap

This study aims to analyze and evaluate the context, input, process, and product of a substantive technical training program for preparing lesson plans for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teachers. The study used a qualitative approach with the CIPP evaluation model (context, input, process, and product). The results showed that; first, the context dimension states that the implementation of education and training is by the legal basis for working; second, the input dimension includes the availability of reliable resources, adequate facilities, and infrastructure and financing borne by the government, so that its implementation can be carried out properly; third, the dimension of the process which includes the implementation of programs that are by the predetermined plans and designs; fourth, the product dimension where the teacher already understands the specified competencies.

2017 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Donalson Silalahi

Donalson Silalah, Basically, the government and local governments have made the development of government officers through a program of education and training. Providing education and training is less efficient and effective manner due to the relative unavailability of assessment guidelines and evaluation of education and training. Therefore, this paper aims to build a model of assessment and evaluation of education and training. Models are constructed focused on education and training participant, lecturer, curriculum, organizers and the participants after they return to duty at their respective workplaces. Model assessment and evaluation of education and training builds upon the indicators of each aspect. Indicators that are used can be adjusted as needed. Based on the models constructed can be known what the obstacles to the implementation of education and training. Based on the constraints that are found to be a solution in the subsequent implementation of education and training.

2013 ◽  
Vol 694-697 ◽  
pp. 3671-3674
Chun Lin Wang

Chinese government increases emphasis on adult rural education and training in areas, but the way of education and training is traditional. The use of modern means of information technology in rural adult education and training can be an effective solution to solve drawback of the mobility of migrant rural adult work and long working hours. It can promote the exchange between teachers and students, adult rural learners each other. Its rich contents meet the needs of the rural adult learning. And multimedia learning resources will help rural adult learners to enhance the learning passion and motivation. Therefore, in the rural adult education and training the government should vigorously use modern information technology.

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