scholarly journals PENGARUH VALUE BASED PRICING TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN BERKUNJUNG DI TAMAN REKREASI KOTA BUNGA CIANJUR (Survei terhadap Wisatawan Nusantara Taman Rekreasi Kota Bunga Cianjur)

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Apriani Silalahi ◽  
Rini Andari

Kabupaten Cianjur is one of regencies in West java has tourism potential can be relied, and the one of destination is Taman Rekreasi Kota Bunga. Taman Rekreasi Kota Bunga is a recreation area that offers a variety of tourist attraction with the unique feel for the tourist. The number of tourist visits on Taman Rekreasi Kota Bunga has increase from 2008 to 2010. Value based pricing is one of marketing strategy that can be used to increase the number of visit. In connection with these to research studies conducted on the influence value based pricing toward visiting decision Taman Rekreasi Kota Bunga. The purpose of this research is to find value based pricing influence visiting decisions to Taman Rekreasi Kota Bunga. Value based pricing consists of discounting, penetration pricing, value pricing, market segmen pricing. Technique of sampling is systematic random sampling. The method in that used in this research is explanatory survey by using ordinal scale. Analyze from this research use Path Analysis with a computer software tools SPSS 19.0. The result of this research is value based pricing influence significantly 86,6% and the rest influence other factors. Based on the result of statistical test results were obtained, there were four variables of value based pricing which had an influence on visiting decisions of discounting, penetration pricing, market segmen pricing and there was one variables that had no effect on visiting decisions was value pricing. That it can be concluded that direct discounting, penetration pricing, market segmen pricing strong influence the visiting decision on Taman Rekreasi Kota Bunga.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Ayunda Purwanti Putri ◽  
Dewi Pancawati Novalita

Kabupaten Cianjur is one of regencies in West java has tourism potential can be relied, and the one of destination is Alam Imajinasi Taman Bunga Nusantara. Alam Imajinasi Taman Bunga Nusantara is a recreation area that offers a variety of tourist attraction with the unique feel for the tourist. The number of tourist visits on Alam Imajiansi Taman Bunga Nusantara has decreased from 2005 to 2009. The most drastic decrease of tourist visit happened in 2009 till 65%. Promotion mix is one of marketing strategy that can be used to increase the number of visit. In connection with these to research studies conducted on the influence promotion mix toward visitin decision Alam Imajinasi Taman Bunga Nusantara. The purpose of this research is to find promotion mix influence visiting decisions to Alam Imajinasi Taman Bunga Nusantara. Promotion mix consists of direct marketing, sales promotion, advertising, interactive/internet marketing, and public relations. Technique of sampling is systematic random sampling. The method in that used in this research is explanatory survey by using ordinal scale. Analyze from this research use Path Analysis with a computer software tools SPSS 18.0. The result of this research is promotion mix influence significantly 86,3% and the rest influence other factors. Based on the result of statistical test results were obtained, there were four variables of promotion mix which had an influence on visiting decisions of direct marketing, sales promotion, interactive/internet marketing, and public relations and there was one variables that had no effect on visiting decisions was advertising.That it can be concluded that direct marketing, sales promotion, interactive/internet marketing, and public relations strong influence the visiting decision on Alam Imajinasi Taman Bunga Nusantara.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Ranny Achni Novianti ◽  
Ridwan Purnama

Kabupaten Cirebon is one of regencies in West java has tourism potential can be relied, and the one of destination is Kawasan Objek Wisata Belanja Batik Trusmi. Kawasan Objek Wisata Belanja Batik Trusmi is a shopping tourism area that offers a variety oftypicalCirebonanbatikcollection. The number of tourist visits on Kawasan Objek Wisata Belanja Batik Trusmi has decreased from 2007 to 2010. The most drastic decrease of tourist visit happened in 2010. Shopping experience is one of marketing strategy that can be used to increase the number of visit. In connection with these to research studies conducted on the influence shopping experience toward brand image Kawasan Objek Wisata Belanja Batik Trusmi. The purpose of this research is to find shopping experience influence brand image to Kawasan Objek Wisata belanja Batik Trusmi. Promotion mix consists of price, characteristics ofdestinations, merchandising, authenticity, and staff service quality. Technique of sampling is simple random sampling.The method in that used in this research is explanatory survey by using ordinal scale.Analyze from this research use Path Analysis with a computer software tools SPSS 19.0. The result of this research is shopping experience influence significantly 71,48% and the rest influence other factors. Based on the result of statistical test results were obtained, there were three variables of shopping experience which had an influence on brand image of price, merchandising, and authenticity and there was two variables that had no effect on brand image was characteristics ofdestinations and staff service quality.That it can be concluded that price, merchandising, and authenticity strong influence brand image on Kawasan Objek Wisata Belanja Batik Trusmi.

2005 ◽  
Vol 6-8 ◽  
pp. 337-342
C.W. Tai ◽  
H.-C. Tsai ◽  
Sheng Chi Tsai

To promote the competitiveness of 3C industries in Taiwan, the cold forging progressive die technology is still being developed. The technology can rapidly and steadily produce high quality and complex shape products. Moreover, it can reduce manufacturing costs and time, too. The design for the cold forging progressive die process for the slim type spindle motor case consists of three main stages. First, we arrange a reasonable and appropriate process planing for the case. Second, we use computer software to simulate the main forming processes. Third, we perform a simple forming test to check up the results of the simulation. According to the test results, the main forming of the slim type spindle motor case is similar to the results of the simulation. Consequently, we demonstrate that the one-piece slim type spindle motor case can be manufactured with a progressive die. The forming processes include piercing, coining, upsetting, ironing, sizing, and blanking. The results from computer simulation and forming test result indicate that a reasonable effective manufacturing process for the one-piece slim type spindle motor case is possible. The final conclusions will be introduced in the article. In addition, we also discuss the possible problem involving the production of the slim type spindle motor case.

Agung Riyadi

The One of many way to connect to the database through the android application is using volleyball and RESTAPI. By using RestAPI, the android application does not directly connect to the database but there is an intermediary in the form of an API. In android development, Android-volley has the disadvantage of making requests from large and large data, so an evaluation is needed to test the capabilities of the Android volley. This research was conducted to test android-volley to retrieve data through RESTAPI presented in the form of an application to retrieve medicinal plant data. From the test results can be used by volley an error occurs when the back button is pressed, in this case another process is carried out if the previous volley has not been loaded. This error occurred on several android versions such as lollipops and marshmallows also on some brands of devices. So that in using android-volley developer need to check the request queue process that is carried out by the user, if the data retrieval process by volley has not been completed, it is necessary to stop the process to download data using volley so that there is no Android Not Responding (ANR) error.Keywords: Android, Volley, WP REST API, ANR Error

2021 ◽  
Jan Larres

<p>In order to evaluate software performance and find regressions, many developers use automated performance tests. However, the test results often contain a certain amount of noise that is not caused by actual performance changes in the programs. They are instead caused by external factors like operating system decisions or unexpected non-determinisms inside the programs. This makes interpreting the test results hard since results that differ from previous results cannot easily be attributed to either genuine changes or noise. In this thesis we use Mozilla Firefox as an example to try to find the causes for this performance variance, develop ways to reduce the noise and present a statistical technique that makes identifying genuine performance changes more reliable. Our results show that a significant amount of noise is caused by memory randomization and other external factors, that there is variance in Firefox internals that does not seem to be correlated with test result variance, and that our suggested statistical forecasting technique can give more reliable detection of genuine performance changes than the one currently in use by Mozilla.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-145
Lukmanul Hakim

Abstrak: Ketepatan umpan (passing) merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat penting dalam permainan sepak bola. Banyak metode ataupun cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk melatih dan mengasah kemampuan seseorang untuk meningkatkan kualitas passing pada pemain sepak bola. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan small side game terhadap keterampilan passing siswa SMP Plus Nurul Huda dalam ekstrakurikuler sepak bola tahun ajaran 2020. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain One-Group Pretest-posttest Design.Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa ekstrakurikuler sepak bola.Sampel yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling, dengan syarat bahwa subjek yang digunakan adalah siswa SMP Plus Nurul Huda kelas VII dan VIII yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 16 orang.Hasil penelitian menunjukan pada nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh ketika melakukan tes awal adalah 17,38 dengan simpangan baku 1,82. Sedangkan untuk nilai tes akhir adalah rata-rata 25,94 dengan simpangan baku 1,87. Hasil uji-t memperoleh nilai t-hitung > t-tabel(20,990 > 2,13), maka Ho di tolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh latihan small side game terhadap keterampilan passing siswa SMP Plus Nurul Huda dalam ekstrakurikuler sepak bola tahun ajaran 2020. Kata kunci :small side game, passing   Abstract: The accuracy of the pass (passing) is one of the most important things in soccer. There are many methods or ways that can be done to train and hone one's skills to improve the quality of passing on soccer players. This study aims to determine the effect of small side game training on the passing skills of SMP Plus Nurul Huda students in soccer extracurricular activities for the 2020 academic year.This research is an experimental study using the One-Group Pretest-posttest Design. The population in this study were soccer extracurricular students. The sample used was purposive sampling, with the condition that the subjects used were students of SMP Plus Nurul Huda class VII and VIII who participated in extracurricular activities. The number of samples in this study amounted to 16 people.The results showed that the average value obtained when conducting the initial test was 17.38 with a standard deviation of 1.82. As for the final test score is an average of 25.94 with a standard deviation of 1.87. The t-test results obtained the value of t-count> t-table (20.990> 2.13), then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. Thus it can be concluded that there is an effect of small side game training on the passing skills of SMP Plus Nurul Huda students in the football extracurricular activities for the 2020 academic year. Key words: small side game, passing

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (30) ◽  
pp. 116-131
Александр Харин ◽  

One of the universal and effective methods of business management is value-based management. This method of management, on the one hand, is able to widely use the achievements of the digital economy, and on the other hand, most accurately reflects its specifics. This article discusses models for managing a digital business based on its value. Our research reveals the principles of construction and key features of these models. The result of our work is the conclusion that the future of business process management, as well as the prospects for further socio-economic development of our country, are related to the digitalization of its economy

C. Xu ◽  
B. Y. Zhang ◽  
Z. H. Hou

<p>The application of high performance concrete has been increasingly concerned in the negative flexural region of steel‐concrete continuous composite girder because of its favorable tensile performance. However, the unclear cyclic and ultimate performance of a high performance concrete composite girder results to the problems which hinder the further application. In this case, a series of fatigue negative bending tests on HPC composite girders and fatigue push‐out tests on stud connectors in HPC were executed. The test results showed that the fatigue slip in the HPC composite girder was smaller than the normal concrete composite girder, and the fatigue life of stud in HPC was longer than the one in normal concrete. Meanwhile, according to the comparison between the stud fatigue live evaluations and test results, the AASHTO‐based evaluations were comparatively with larger safety redundancy, and JSCE was close to the test results but had smaller safety redundancy.</p>

2019 ◽  
pp. 9-21
Zaharia Marian ◽  
Rodica-Manuela Gogonea ◽  
Daniela Ruxandra Andrei

The process of tourism development has come to include, step by step, the expansion potential of areas where it could be practiced in less accessible natural spaces, which are more problematic from the point of view of tourist penetration and the organization of tourism activities. In this context, making tourism under the umbrella of this concept of expansion, has led, on the one hand, to the expansion of protected natural areas, to their advertising and implicitly to the increase of demand for this type of tourism, and, on the other hand, to the amplification of danger posed to the integrity of the ecosystems included in the tourism circuit. The paper, starting from the actual context of sustainable development, highlights the fact that the tourism potential of protected natural areas constitute an important factor for sustainable development only, if is doing in condition of responsibility and respect for environmental conservation and regeneration of environmental resources

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 28-42 ◽  
H. R. Chennamma ◽  
Lalitha Rangarajan

A digitally developed image is a viewable image (TIFF/JPG) produced by a camera’s sensor data (raw image) using computer software tools. Such images might use different colour space, demosaicing algorithms or by different post processing parameter settings which are not the one coded in the source camera. In this regard, the most reliable method of source camera identification is linking the given image with the sensor of camera. In this paper, the authors propose a novel approach for camera identification based on sensor’s readout noise. Readout noise is an important intrinsic characteristic of a digital imaging sensor (CCD or CMOS) and it cannot be removed. This paper quantitatively measures readout noise of the sensor from an image using the mean-standard deviation plot, while in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, the authors tested against the images captured at two different exposure levels. Results show datasets containing 1200 images acquired from six different cameras of three different brands. The success of proposed method is corroborated through experiments.

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