scholarly journals Aplikasi ayat-ayat bisnis dalam al-Qur’an pada pesantren enterpreneur: studi kasus di Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri Pasuruan

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Moh. Toriquddin

This research discusses the application of Quran verses of business in Sidogiri boarding school, Pasuruan.It is aimed at explaining how verses of business in the Holy Quran are applied in the business ofSidogiri boarding school, Pasuruan. Qualitative research is applied. Data are analyzed through thematicinterpretation. The study shows that the application of verses of business in the Quran is a form ofworship. Professionalism and ethic of business in BMT UGT Sidogiri has already been well practiced asa form of worship which employs legal contract in Islamic law; application of principle of honesty(shiddiq), communicativeness (tablig), trustworthiness (amanah), and professional (fatanah) in runningbusiness as the manifestation of worship in Allah. Professionalism in business can be known from theuse of justice principle; the absence of additional money from customer, the guarantee of keepingcustomer’s privacy, and the modern system of money management which uses e-banking system. Ethicof business is such particular soft rejection towards customers and good service.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-150
Kusnan Kusnan

Arabic is the language of Muslim’s holy book, and reading  it is obligatory for Muslims. In Islamic education, Arabic is the language that should be mastered as a means of understanding the original texts of the source of Islamic law. One of the important thing in learning Arabic is the method. Zam-Zam Muhammadiyyah Modern Islamic Boarding School implements a diffent model and method of learning Arabic compared to other Islamic boarding schools in the district of Cilongok. This is a qualitative research, through a case study using interview, observation and documentation techniques for collecting data and interactive analysis for analying data. The findings of this research are three models of Arabic learning in Pondok Pesantren. The first model is khiwar or muhadatsah, the second is mufrodat walls intended to make students familiar with Arabic vocabulary, and the third is Lughoh. The method and model of Arabic learning in the institution as described above is a combined method. There are at least three methods used, i.e. Communicative Problem-Based Learning Method, Audiolingual Method, and Grammar-Translation Method.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Esmaeil Rezaei

The validity of the surface structure of the Holy Qur'an is one of the most important Qur'anic debates, which also affects the issues of Islamic law. The meaning of surface structure of the Qur'an is that the surface structure of the Qur'an is understandable to every reader and listener, as well as any human text, and that which man understands the surface structure of the Qur'an by means of verbal and illogical indications. The current paper examines the validity of the surface structure of the Holy Quran, following expanding the conceptual subject of the research.  Given the thematic documents presented, this is a descriptive-analytical paper with library sources data collection tool. The findings indicate that: The most important reason for believing in the validity of the Holy Qur'an surface structure is that this holy scripture includes the plan of human happiness in the world and the Hereafter. Therefore, if the surface structure of the Holy Quran is not justified, how one can use its surface structure to answer difficult questions that limited human reason is incapable of answering. In addition, the Holy Qur'an, although revelation and has been revealed by God, but because it is revealed in the form of words, it is governed by the principles and rules governing all languages, among which are the validity of their surface structure for those familiar with the language. Keabsahan struktur permukaan Al-Qur'an adalah salah satu perdebatan Al-Qur'an yang paling penting karena  mempengaruhi masalah hukum Islam. Makna struktur permukaan Al-Qur'an adalah bahwa struktur permukaan Al-Qur'an dapat dipahami oleh setiap pembaca dan pendengar, serta teks manusia mana pun, dan apa yang dipahami manusia oleh struktur permukaan Al-Qur'an dengan cara indikasi verbal dan tidak logis. Penelitian ini  meneliti validitas struktur permukaan Al-Qur'an, dengan memperluas subjek konseptual penelitian. Mengingat dokumen tematik yang disajikan, pendekatan deskriptif-analitis dengan alat pengumpulan data sumber perpustakaan. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa: alasan paling penting untuk percaya pada validitas struktur permukaan Al-Qur'an adalah bahwa kitab suci ini mencakup rencana kebahagiaan manusia di dunia dan akhirat. Karena itu, jika struktur permukaan Al-Qur'an tidak benar, bagaimana seseorang dapat menggunakan struktur permukaannya untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan sulit yang membatasi akal manusia. Selain itu, Alquran, meskipun wahyu dari Allah,  tetapi karena diturunkan dalam bentuk kata-kata, diatur oleh prinsip dan aturan yang mengatur semua bahasa, di antaranya adalah validitas struktur permukaan untuk mereka yang terbiasa dengan bahasa.

Al-Duhaa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 103-118
Nisar Ahmad ◽  
Muhammad Anees

Islam is the religion of peace. Islamic law describe a complete and comprehensive law of punishment for the eradication of crimes and maintenance of peace. According to Islamic law, the punishments can be classified under three main categories: Al-Hudud (fixed punishments), Al-qisas (Retaliation), and Al-Taazir (discretionary). Hudud means the punishment which has been specified in the Holy Quran and Sunnah and no individual or group has the right to amend or abrogate it. The second is Qisas, which means the equal retaliation of an aggression committed against the body of a person. The third Kind of Islamic legal punishment is Taazir, it means, a crime for which The Holy Quran and Sunnah have not fixed any punishment, instead, have left it to the discretion of the judges. But in the recent era, many of the Muslim countries don’t leave the punishments of the penal crimes (Taaziraat) to the discretion of the Judges, each Muslim state restrict the rights of the Judge to give punishment at his own’s discretion, and legislating for the punishments of penal crimes (Taaziraat), and make the Judges abide by a particular measure of punishment for penal crimes (Taaziraat). In this articles, we will analyze the above mentioned issue in the light of Islamic principles, that what, it is lawful for any Muslim state to legislate for the punishment of penal crimes or not?

2020 ◽  
Vol 03 (01) ◽  
Naseem Akhtar ◽  
Husn Ara ◽  
Abdul Haleem Abid

Muslim Ummah agrees that correct and authentic Ahadith are building over all the Muslims. Several verses of the Holy Quran commands sincere obedience of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is obligatory and is a religious duty of a Muslim. The way of the obedience of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is to follow his footsteps and his teachings. His correct Ahadith should be referred in resolving all sort of religious problems and his authentic Ahadith are secondary source of Islamic law after the Holy Quran, because our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is a central figure of Islam. In this research paper, in the light of the views of experienced lexicographers, the lexical and intellectual meanings of the Sunnah has been explained; and importance of Hadith-o-Sunnah has been explained to live the life in Islamic manner.

rahatulquloob ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2(2)) ◽  
pp. 31-41
Dr. Hafiz Haris Saleem ◽  
Dr. Kifayatullah Hamdani

The Sunnah and Hadith of the Holy Prophet PBUH has been accepted as an important source of Islamic law, next in importance only to the Holy Quran. This status of the Sunnah has remained unchallenged and undisputed throughout the centuries. There have been many differences among Muslims in their juristic opinions, but the authority of the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet PBUH was never denied by any jurist. The Holy Prophet PBUH being the best teacher employed two different ways to enlighten his companions about Islam and particularly matters of worships. On few occasions, he inquired about their prior knowledge about the topic and then illuminated it, while on other occasion, he simply exposited the spirits and essence of rites and rituals.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-143
Sudarno Shobron ◽  
Syahrul Ramadhon

A lot of Muslims are increasingly distant from the Holy Quran with various reasons such as busy, can not read even not understand the content of the verse that was read. Muhammadiyah as an Islamic da'wah organization that hathe motto ar ruju 'ilal Quran wa Sunnah (back to the Holy Quran and Sunnah) always try to re-grow the love and pride of Muslims to the Quran, one of the efforts is shown by choosing a method that feels easy for all students from the elderly to the elderly to understand the content of the Holy Qur'an, and the method which chosen by Majlis Tabligh Muhammadiyah was the method of manhaji. The purpose of this research is to know the level of difference understanding of students between before and after following program tafhīm with manhaji method. Beside that, this research also aim to measure effectiveness of manhaji method as a method to understand the meanings contained in the Holy Quran. This research is field research that using mixed method approach. This research took a case study at Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) Muhammadiyah High School (SMA) Muhammadiyah Bantul (MUHIBA) and Muhammadiyah Branch Chief (PCM) Kretek. Data collection techniques in this research consisted of observation, interviews, questionnaire and documentation. The result of this research shows that the implementation of program of tafhīm al Quran with method of manhaji both of MBS MUHIBA and citizen of Muhammadiyah Kretek are done well, there is improvement of ability to understand Holy Quran at student of MBS MUHIBA and citizen of Muhammadiyah Kretek after following program of tafhīm al Quran with method of manhaji. It so happens, the result of effectiveness level of manhaji method in program of tafhīm al Quran at MBS MUHIBA is Very Effective, and at PCM Kretek is Effective.Banyak umat Islam semakin jauh dari al Quran dengan berbagai macam alasan seperti sibuk, tidak bisa membaca bahkan tidak faham dengan kandungan ayat yang dibaca. Muhammadiyah sebagai organisasi dakwah Islam yang memiliki semboyan ar ruju’ ilal Quran wa Sunnah (kembali kepada al Quran dan Sunnah) senantiasa berusaha untuk menumbuhkan kembali kecintaan dan kebanggaan umat Islam kepada al Quran. Salah satu usaha tersebut ialah dengan memilih metode yang dirasa tepat untuk memahami al Quran baik bagi para pelajar hingga orang yang berusia lanjut. Metode yang dipilih oleh Muhammadiyah melalui Majlis Tabligh adalah metode manhaji. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat perbedaan pemahaman santri antara sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti program tafhīm dengan metode manhaji. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat efektivitas metode manhaji sebagai metode untuk memahami makna-makna yang terkandung dalam al Quran. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan pendekatan mixed method atau metode campuran antara penelitian kualitatif dengan penelitian kuantitatif. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus di Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Muhammadiyah Bantul (MUHIBA) dan Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah (PCM) Kretek. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan metode manhaji dalam program tafhīm al Quran baik di MBS MUHIBA maupun PCM Kretek telah dilaksanakan dengan baik, terjadi peningkatan kemampuan dalam memahami al Quran pada santri MBS MUHIBA dan warga Muhammadiyah Kretek setelah mengikuti program tafhīm al Quran dengan metode manhaji. Adapun tingkat efektivitas metode manhaji dalam program tafhīm al Quran di MBS MUHIBA adalah Sangat Efektif, sedangkan tingkat efektivitas di PCM Kretek adalah Efektif.

Ammar Mahmoud S. Shwayat Ammar Mahmoud S. Shwayat

This research deals with the issue of coercion to destroy the money of others in Islamic sharia and Jordanian civil law and the importance of this research is evident by showing the picture of the truth of the jurisprudential issues based on this type of coercion. And the sharia ruling in these pictures. And the problem of the research revolved around the sayings of scholars about the reality of coercion. The main objective of the study is to make a comparison between sharia and Jordanian civil law in this matter. As for the key words included in the research. They Are: coercion money destruction of money. Immoral coercion. And unresolved coercion. As for relying in this study on three main approaches. Namely: 1. the inductive approach for all the scientific subject: by referring to what I have available to me from language and fundamentals books. Branches and jurisprudential rules. And books on jurisprudential and law. 2 the analytical method for this available research material by presenting the sayings of scholars in Islamic law and Jordanian civil law 3. The comparative approach by presenting the saying of the four schools of thought and the Jordanian civil law 4 the attribution of the Quran to their place in the noble Quran and the output of the hadiths based on the two sahib al – Bukhari. Then the four Sunnah again and attributing the effects contained in this study to their books and Sayers with achieve this topic. I divided my research into two coats. The first requirement: clarifies the definition of language and law. the pillars and conditions of coercion. types of coercion. recourse and non – recourse coercion. Moral coercion. And the evidence for the existence of coercion from the holy Quran and the Sunnah. As for the second requirement. It death with the effect of coercion on destroying the money of others in Islamic sharia and Jordanian civil law in coercion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
Nurhalimah Tamba ◽  
Anni Holila Pulungan ◽  
Amrin Saragih

This study deals with euphemism of surah Al-Baqarah in the Holy Qur’an. It was aimed to describe realization of euphemistic expressions in surah Al-Baqarah. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research. The data analyzed were verses of surah Al-Baqarah which contained euphemism. The source of the data was taken from Tafseer Ibn Kathir Vol 1-10 in the English language with Arabic verses. The researcher is the key instrument of the research. The findings show that there are four the ways of euphemism realized in surah Al-Baqarah, namely direct, indirect, implicit, and explicit. The dominant of ways realized euphemism in surah Al-Baqarah was direct. It means that the most of euphemism to describe truth from Allah is real and Allah delivered messangers directly about the laws of Allah so that they can know the truth.Keyword: Euphemism, Taboo, Surah Al-Baqarah

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Muhammad Cholil Nafis

The issue of halal and haram is regarded by Muslims as the basis concept. The word halal is derived from Arabic word, permissibility (in the sense of what is permitted in the Shariah). For Muslims, the basis of every action must be worship, which is worshipping to God Almighty. The eating activity is also a means of worship with rules and procedures according to the Sharia. The Holy Quran says eating is not just enough for halal but it should be thayyib. Therefore, the guarantee of halal products is important. The tremendous advances in science and technology in the fields of food, medicine and cosmetics are growing. This condition affects many things in the processing and use of basic ingredients. In order to keep Muslim’s food from haram contaminations, espicially from basic ingredients, the Indonesia Ulema Council (MUI) has been the pioneer in obtaining Halal certification. In Indonesia, the efforts to award Halal certificates have taken a quarter of a century. MUI has been granted a Halal certificate to ensure the nation's access to food, beverages and halal materials. MUI has also established the standards of halal according to Islamic law. The examination and study are then conducted to issue a fatwa and then a Halal certificate is issued. Halal certification process was not maximized in Indonesia because politics was not integrated and facilities and infrastructure were inadequate.

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